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Thank you so much to all my wonderful friends here on TT - it's your friendship and Love that encourages me to do my bears and dragons and of course it's the bearworld and dragon-world that made my dragon win this award - thank you so much to all of you - thank you for all your wonderful words!!!!!!

Hope to meet some of you at Münster in April!!!!!! Oh I'm really very excited!!!!!


TED2012-1erPlatzGilGalad.jpgOMG - I'm sooooooooooo happy - I can't tell you how happy I am. My dragon GilGalad - I'm sure some of you will remember the pics I posted some time ago from this huge Dreli-dragon, well this dragon was able to get the first price in the contest TED worldwide 2012 and I've got my wonderful award - oh happy happy happy.

I will post a pic here, I have to take better pics, but at the moment, there is no time to do that - I'm really busy

Please be happy with me!!!!!!


Ohhhhhhh Maria - I've got them too!!!! It was soooooooo nice to talk to you at Wiesbaden and I'm looking forward to meet you at Wiesbaden!!!!

@ Peter - I hope I will meet you in Person at Münster, you have to come to my table - although I don't know which no I will have

Ohhhhhhhh so excited - hugs to all of you


Martina this would be really great - and having sucess you will certainly come to my show in Salzburg - voraussichtlich at 18th of November!!!!!!!!!! horray horray horray

Have to go back to my bears and dragons, busy times now here in my bear-studio as we only have less than 2 weeks left for the show in Wiesbaden!!!!

Good work and be creative!!!!!  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb


OMG - you can't imagine, I just came home from a wonder-wonder-wonderful day - I've met the ex-organizer of the Show in Austria and she gave me all help to be the new organizer and she said I can ask any support from her.

Ohhhhhh this makes me really soooooooo happy, I will soon post out some new about the show and  you will also find some news at my new website especially for the show at Linz!!!!!

I would love to welcome some of you wonderful friends there!!!

so have a good night, well I'm sure, also this night will be full of thoughts and making new ideas and no sleeping - hihihihi


OMG - I knew that I have a lot of wonderful friends and first of all here at TT, but I didn't know, that I have soooooooooooooo many wonderful friends - thank you thank you thank you so much, I will try to do my best and with all your wonderful words you keep giving me power for my dreams!!!

@ Thondra - I will let you know everything in time, please give me your address by PM and you will get all Informations, this would be great to welcome you as a bear-artist at my shows. And remember, everbody once started small - as no-name, how you would call it - I'm still small, but I hope to be on my way to get known in the bear-world. So get back!!!  bear_flower   :dance:

@ Francy - it would be wonderful to welcome you, yes Switzerland is not so far away, and I guess we would not have any problem with the language - hahahahaha !!!!  bear_thumb   :clap:

Thank you again for all your support - beary hugs to all of you - will keep you informed


Ohhhhhhhh great - will have to bookmark this one and would love to participate there!!!!  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb


Dear bear-friends,

Do you remember how sad I've been some month ago, because life wasn't that nice with me .... well with the beginning of 2012 so much things changed and everything changed into a wonderful way.

I've got a Job, some of my bears and dragons found a new home, I've got a wonderful fantastic new "old Bernina" via Ebay - and finally I was asked to be the new organizer for a show.

At Linz in Austria there will be a show in Autumn, on the 7th of October. And yessssssss I will be the organizer, ohhhhhh how happy happy happy!!!!

I just started to create a Mini-Website for this show, nothing fantastic, just to let people know, where the show will be and who will be there and such things, so if you would like to have a look there just go to my site and click on the banner where there is written "Bären- und Puppenbörse Linz" and you will find a new site opening.

I would love to have some of you wonderful international bear-makers at my show, well it is far away from where you are living, anyway, I will dream to have some of those great names at MY SHOW!!!!

And finally I thought to do a show also at Salzburg, my hometown some weeks before Christmas. I have to think over again .... so please keep your fingers crossed for me.

So much to do, and I've got so much energy for all those things. World is so wonderful - and it became more wonderful since I created my bears.

Sending you a lot of beary hugs from my Austrian bear-studio - Love to you


Ohhhhhhhh thank you so much dear friends!!! I'm really very happy that you like my draagons, creating them is so much Joy for me!!!!


Thank you dear friends for your wonderful words, well Gabriele - there are 2 more babies on the way to be born and certainly I would love to bring one of my darlings to your sweet home one day!!!

Just have a look at my website from time to time!!


Kyoshi-07.jpgHello dear friends, at the moment here in my bear- and dragon-studio times are very busy - only three weeks to go for the next show in Germany, the big fair in Wiesbaden.

So I would like to show you my little dragon-baby, who is ready to look out for a new mom, hope you like it. there are 2 more babies to be finished and I'm back to my work - busy busy busy


... the best ever is the Bernina 910, who is waiting at my mom's home and as often I ask her to give me this machine, as often she tells me, that I will get the maschine, when she isn't there anymore ....... why have I to wait for her pass away to get this maschine, she isn't able to do a single stich there anymore, she has Alzheimer and won't give it to me

I'm really very sad, I will have to buy a new maschine for my own ..... mine is a no-name-maschine and don't works anymore ..... what can I do to convince her to give me this treasure????

bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry


Shinichi-02.jpgShinichi-09.jpgHello dear TT-friends,

a wonderful new year full of new wonderful experiences and a wonderful new job ..... so I decided to do a wonderful new design and I created this little baby-dragon, so I want you to have a look at him and I hope you will like him

Have so many wonderful beary hugs from Austria -  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


happy happy happy - ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Susanna - thank you so much - I just received my Christmas-Ornament - I'm really sooooooooooooooo happy - oh what a little cutieeeeeeeeeeeee - thank you thank you thank you sooooooooooooo much
bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I love your bear-angels!!!!!!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


My X-mas-ornament left my home today for a very long journey to a wonderful artist - I hope she will love it, I gave the little parcel a "push" and said hurry up - so it have to be there just in time for a wonderful x-mas season.

I'm really so happy to be a part in this wonderful swap - have so many beary hugs to all of you and a wonderful time!!! bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


Snowflake-01a.jpgHello dear friends, I would love to introduce to you my lovely unicorn "Snowflake" - she is now looking for a new home  :dance: for Christmas to celebrate with her future mom and dad  :hug: - If you would like to have some more information, please be so kind to contact me!!  bear_wub

She is now available at bearpile:

thank you for stopping at my Dreli-darlings - have a wonderful weekend - hugs to all of you


I've got mine finished too - and I also know, where it will have to go, but dear Karon - still have no address to send - so please let me know where I have to mail it

thank you so much my dear friend - have so many beary hugs from Austria


.... Thank you so much Pink - and yes you are right - it's "GilGalad" you saw in the Bär-Report, he is now waiting and hoping for a good place at the TED worldwide - you can find some pics here on TT and even on my website - thank you for your votes

beary and dragonly hugs from Austria


Elf-Bernard_01.jpgI would like to invite you to have a look at my bear "Elf Bernard" who is the preview for the online-show "Christmas treasures" where I will be a part for the first time. I hope you will have a look there and find more Dreli-bears & Dreli-critters

Thank you so much - have so many beary hugs from Austria - I'm back to sewing


I would like to feel christmas too, but with those high temperatures outside, there is more spring than christmas - hahahaha

anyway - as soon as you know your swap-partner give it a gooooooooo!!!!

Curious who will be mine ....  bear_whistle  bear_wub


Looking forward to the swap - thank you for your work dear Karon!!!!
have so many beary hugs from Austria


What a lovely show - so many wonderful bears!!!!!!  bear_wub  bear_thumb


oh sorry Karon, I thought you will have my address from the other time, just sent to you a PM
hugs from Austria  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub


Hello from Austria - as here you are talking about dragons, I just wanted you to remember to have a look also at my website and my FB-site, where you can find dragons and I also created a unicorn and there will come some more to life.

So please feel free to have a little walk there: and even there … cd2cd6337c

hope to hear from you - have so many dragon-hugs from Austria


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