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Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn
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Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Good GRIEF Jane!! I am 38!! That makes me three years older than your oldest child....and I thought from your picture you looked about the same age as me! You certainly hold your age well!:P

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,998

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hmm . . . well thanks anyway, Hayley.  Sherry is in Madison, WI, so guess their paths will never cross. bear_sad bear_sad

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Hayley... Sue Ann looks that great in person too!  bear_laugh

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,998

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Why, thank you so much, Laura!!

Zhuvycia Meskis Bears
Lithuania, Elektrenai
Posts: 122

I'm probably totally out of topic here, but I've found – the TOBY rulles for 2010. You know that already, I'm sure, but maybe soebody will find it usefull. As me, I would like to entry at on of the contests, but I'm not sure, if I'm good enough. As it sais in TOBY rulles, you should be an professional artist, and I'm not sure, if I could describe me as one. How you deside, if you are an professional teddy maker or still not? Well, I've sold few bears (about 10), but is it enought to call me a professional artist? Or maybe there is another contest for beginners, but I would prefere also digital contest, so I'm not able to attend the contest personaly or even to send the bears would be dificult to me.
Any suggestions will be very very helpful, thank you in advance  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_flower

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,998

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

My understanding of 'professional bear artist', Dovile, is that your creations be made from your own original designs and available for purchase.  Someone might have a better definition, however.  Sounds like you do meet the requirements as a professional.

Zhuvycia Meskis Bears
Lithuania, Elektrenai
Posts: 122

Thank you SueAnn  bear_flower I think, I'll try to entry, we have time till 14 December  bear_whistle

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