For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi all, I've FINALLY built and published my website. It's certianly not as pretty or nice as many of the websites I've seen, though! My mediocre skills at site building has caused me to spend hours upon hours just to get what you'll see on my site.... BUT, it's up and running finally!!!
Kimberly W.
Yay for Kimberly and Bear Bottom Originals!! I think you'll find lots of people will find your site, and you'll get more business from it! Congratulations, a website is a big thing to conceive and build!
congratulations Kimberley! I know how much work that is! I loved it! Very personal and cute! to the point and friendly! it is a bit like giving birth isnt it? deb
I loved it :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thanks, you gals, sooo much! I know I reeeaaaally need to work on it and get it more.... involved... but I just really wanted to FINALLY get it going as I've had the domain name for over a year now!! :doh:
Amelia, I KNOW! I had all these big dreams for an awesome website, then when I started actually DOING it, I was like, "Ummmm, what do I type???? And WHERE????" lol
Deb, FUNNY and accurate analogy! lol it IS!! All the way up to it being over and finished and you thinking, "Whew, that was worth the hard work...." Although I do still maintain that all my hard work just doesn't seem to have been reflected in how much my site actually HOLDS. lol
Thank you Christine!!! :)
Kimberly W.
Congrats on your website, good for you!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
You did a great job!!! It looks wonderful!!
Well done Kimberly, you've done a great job. A very nice website and super creations too!
Hugs Jane. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
it looks nice, Kimberly. :clap:
Off topic, I sent you a friend request on myspace but you haven't accepted me. It's for my store, Sunny Bears.
It's a very nice site! Congrats!
Very very nice Kimberly! Easy to navigate and very pleasing to view!
Hugs Louise
A very lovely website Kimberly and your bears are just so adorable.