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In 33 years of life I've learned,
1. Always check the TP before you sit in any bathroom!
2. People either kike you or they don't. Don't waste time wondering whitch.
3. Not every kind of pain is bad. just ask someone who has gone through childbirth
Now here is the chalenge, write down what you have learned. The game is on!
I've learned
Life is what you make of it. The only control over life we have is how we feel and react.
Fun Jenn!
interesting! i have learned:
1. if it can go wrong it probably will!
2. that love can be real AND wrong
3. love isnt always enough despite the songs!
4. never say never!!
5. women in a car talking and laughing on a trip invariably get lost!
6. and they dont care!
fun topic! :):) come on who else? deb
1. The only person you can trust to get things done right is yourself! LOL!
2. NOTHING materialistic is can't take it with you into your 'next life' so stop and appreciate the things in your life that really matter - Your loved ones!
4. Don't stress over what you haven't accomplished in life BUT rejoice over what you have.
3. People aren't always what they seem to be so BEWARE as someone who seems to be too good to be true, usually IS!
Awesome Jenn.
Ive learned..
Don't sweat the small stuff
There is always tommorrow
You have to love yourself for others to love you the way you deserve to be loved
You never know what tommorrow will bring
Trust your gut
Live and learn
Love those around you as you never know
Hugs Louise
1. If a woman hasn't been called a B*tch at least once, she isn't doing her job .
2. Check your shoes for toilet paper after using the bathroom in a public place.
3. It's easier to cut gum out of your hair, then to use peanut butter.
4. Nothing good comes after "I hope this doesn't make you mad......."
5. Men get mad when you do this, the next time when he's driving and is wanting to pull out in traffic and asks you," if it is OK your way", say "yeah it's OK " then when he starts to go add in "if you hurry" Man they hate that. LOL LOL LOL
6. One size fits all, is not true.
7. marking a package as "No fat" does not mean it's OK to eat the whole bag of gummies
8. Buying things at the after christmas sales are not what your husband meant when he said you need to try to save some money.
9. MM's do melt in your hands if you hold them long enough or if you give them to a kid
10. You would give anything to have the body you had in high school when you thought you were "sooooo fat"
11. Your teenage kids hearing gets better when you threaten to take away their cell phone.
12. Watching sports are mens way of getting revenge on us for getting PMS
13. If we could build an army of women on PMS we would win every war.
14. It will crush you the first time the guy behind the counter at McDonalds calls you "Ma'am"
15. Then it will crush you again when you are given the senior discount without asking for it.
You have to love yourself for others to love you the way you deserve to be loved
okay that one ought to be engraved on our forheads at birth! male and female!! the older you get the truer you realize that is!!
I have learned that most things that people think are important really aren't.
I have learned the older I get the more out spoken I am .
I have learned if you don't ask... you don't get !
I have learned the longer I am alive the more I love my kids !
I have learned that husbands can really get in the way ! Sorry just being honest !
I have learned if you have only one really good friend you are rich !! If you have more how lucky you are !!
I have learned GOD will never let me down . He may say no , but He never lets me down ! He knows what is best.
What I have learned:
1) Always continue to learn new things
2) I make my own happiness
3) be kind to people and you will find the reward is given back tenfold.
4) Having a pet in your life is the best medicine
Good ones!
Never make fun of your father in-law, your husband gets more like him every day....
Use every talent you have to the fullest.
Laughter really is contagious.
What comes around...Goes around...
My Mom always said "Balls balls said the queen. If I had two I'd be a King"!! :crackup:
My Mom always said "Balls balls said the queen. If I had two I'd be a King"!!
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Man this is funny!
I have learned............
Enjoy life everyday, life is very short
Think before you speak
Be polite
Never tell a lie, one lie leads to another
Love & be kind to all of Gods creatures
Always remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something
Always take time to read a GOOD book!
People may not remember what you said, but they will remember the way you make them feel.
If you don't like your life, change it or change your perseption of it.
Being an optimist doesn't stop you having challenges, but does make the challenges easier to conquer. For you and for those around you.
Trust your instincts.
Don't be afraid to be wrong.
Be slow to anger and quick to say sorry, when in the wrong.
Tell your family and friends you love them, often.
Hug a lot.
Smile, even when down. Smile first, the happy feeling will follow.
Listen, not just to what is said, but to what isn't said.
Don't compare yourself to others.
Don't live to work, work to live, and stop long enough to smell the flowers/grass, feel the breeze in your hair, sand between your toes.
Keep a journal.
Make goals.
Realise you have not failed, until you quit completely. Dust yourself down and try again.
You eat an elephant one mouthful at a time! (When something seem to big to cope with, break it down, into managable steps)
Treat others, how you would like to be treated, no matter, how they are treating you. Be kind.
Forgive. (especially yourself, constantly beating yourself up, over mistakes, doesn't do anyone any good)
Remember when wondering about being in shape, that round is a shape.
That your butt getting bigger, is just proof that gravity works! (same with saggy boobs) This makes you a successful experiment.
Be the sort of person, you would like to know and be friends with.
Keep learning and trying new things, that frighten you.
Always Challenge yourself and those around you.
Laugh, hard, loud and frequently.
Do not take life seriously.
Let your friends and family know that you love, appreciate and respect them.
Death ends a life not a relationship.
and wake up excited about the promise of the new day!!! and LIVE your LIFE :dance:
- Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
- When we don’t let go of resentment we only end up hurting ourselves the most.
- You did not fail you just found one way that doesn’t work.
- You’re only as old as you feel (my mum taught me that)
- God heals all wounds!
These are all wonderful. The two I remember most are from my parents.
My mum always told me "no matter how old we get, we are all Peter Pan inside", and my dad always told me "life isn't about how much money you make, it's about living every day to the fullest - if I die with more than $10.00 in my pocket, I haven't done a very good job".
It's interesting, because of all the lessons my parents taught us, I never forget these two phrases. Let's keep it going.
Who ever said you can't buy love never brought home a puppy.
If you don't have something nice to say, Then shut up!
the saying that what doesnt kill you makes us stronger.... anyone who's ever had their heart broken will agree with that!
and.....never think of changing the past because lifes too short and you wouldnt be who you are today xxxxxxxxxx
Better to try and fail than fail to try.....
Make your words soft and never know when you'll have to eat them!!!
The biggest thing I have learned is that the older I get the more important my family becomes.
Take time to really listen to kids and always sit eye to eye.
Think of creative ways to say I love you.
Thank you all for sharing these, they have been so great to read. I don't have any to add as the ones I thought of have already been said, but having to deal with something tragic in my life for the last 2 years I am taking a lot of these sayings on board and feel they will enable me to "move on a little"
Warm wishes