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kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Any idea where I can get Hang Tags and Tush Tags made?  Do any of you use Tush Tags?  I would really like to use them so that people can identify my work when/if the Hang Tag is no longer with the bear… Thanks!!! bear_laugh:D:D

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,997

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Kim, I make my hangtags . . . . print them from my computer.  The tush tag I use is a sewn in tag with my signature and the date (year) on it.  Perhaps others know a commercial maker of tags.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Good idea - I do want a tush tag but dont want to pay the big bucks (until I make profit from my bears - I just started, didnt try to sell any yet) to have them commercially printed... your idea is perfect!  Thank you!!!!

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

I just asked a shop  for commercialy printed tags (this afternoon:) ), it seems to cost something like 97 dollars for 200 tags. If you want more (500, for example), it will be less expensive. But it's only one shop in France, maybe it can cost less.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I think I will eventually do the professional tag thing but a homemade verison will do for now (:

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

For a hang tag, I use my business card. I designed my card so I can fold it and write on the inside. I bought 250 for less than $20. You can design them online and they send them to you in a week or so.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Thank you Kirsten, that is right in my price range!!!! bear_original

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I used go to my local office supply place and buy the business cards I can run through my printer. Then I designed them myself and printed them off. I too fold them. I also laminate them. I think we may have had that part of the discussion on here some where? (Too many bear message boards - too few brains to remember what we talk about where!) Kirsten's method of having a printer do them up is probably less time consuming and may even cost less. I did the business cards at home because in the first few months I began using them I kept changing the layout. (The inside of mine has a check list for material used, a place to write the bears name, my signature and the date.)


Patscrafts Originals Michigan
Posts: 15

Hi, For the sew in tush tags, I use a company called "Able Labels of Sarasota". They have lots of background and text colors, and even have the sparkly colors for text. They are all machine sewn lettering too. thats the link to the page for the narrow labels, takes about 3-4 weeks to get them. before Able Labels I used someone else (not mentioning names) who was rude, and they made allot of mistakes on mine, and no refunds/corrections without a huge argument. (nobody needs that)....

For Hangtags, I designed my own company logo, and have a local printer do them along with my business cards. Mine are folded too, with a check list inside, and small details, like "not meant for small children".

Be sure when choosing your tush tags, cards, and hangtags to keep the colors the same, it helps for a more professional overall look. Mine are light pink with burgundy text.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Also... I have a bear by an aritst who has been creating bears for over 15 years... and for her tush tag.. she uses a piece of ultrasuede that she has signed on both sides.

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

Does everyone use a tush tag or sign your bears??

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I use soft satin tush tags... I haven't a clue where I got them from... good thing I got 1000! They are custom ones with my logo on them, web address, etc. I can't write on them Wish I could, just to date them.

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

I have a psychological problem with adulterating my bear people.  I know it sounds dumb, but in my silly mind, a tush tag or signing the foot takes away from the illusion of life in the piece.  I used to put a tag in the back, but I never felt completely comfortable about it, so I quit doing it.  I keep pretty good photo records of my work, so I hope that will do.  If not, I hope I come up with some other recognition about a thumbnail photo attached to a laminated hanger?

Speaking of Illusions of life, I have sometimes fallen prey to the illusion myself.....Before I was a bear maker, I made cloth dolls.  A friend and I were packing my car for a trip out of town to a show.....I suddenly had the thought, "Oh no!! those piggy dolls won't be able to breathe, all packed together so tightly!!" bear_tongue:P:P:P:P What waz I thinkin'???

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

So many ideas!  My whole reason for the tush tags was so that if I ever become "famous", people can identify my work.... I have big dreams! I have been keeping a chart with info like when I started a bear, when I finished, the name of the bear, materials used, who I gave/sold it to and how much it was sold for.  I am a very very organized person so yall probably think I am nuts but I keep track of everything... (No, I am not a pack rat! my husband would probably disagree - but personally, I think I only keep things that are sentimental!)  Ok, now I am babbling! bear_rolleyes

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

Oh Kim. Now, no one ever babbles around here , he, he,.

I do the same thing, I made myself a "Teddy Artist Log " where I keep track of all those teds just like you do. My bears all have their own registry # which is the day they were born/ finished. ....Winney

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I keep an accounting log (for sales), a photo log (for reference and reminder), AND a "recipe" log (tells me which pattern pieces I used for which bear.)  So if you're a nutty packrat, Kim, I've got you beat three times over!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

I do the same as the girls here, just so I don't make the same bear twice... LOL (Oh and I keep a record of what the bear cost me to make and what I sold it for)

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

I make all my own tags and paper work on my computer. I don't use tush tags as like Laure I don't  feel comfortable about it. My bears all go to their new home with signed adoption certificate with a picture of the bear. I have done this now for a few years and prefer it to the tush tags. I have a complete record of all bears made and sold and a record of all customers. When at shows I have a book in which people can sign and leave comments about my bears. I have collected some wonderful comment and treasure each and every one!


Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi, Like Shelli, I keep 3 different account logs. But I do my own Labels in different sizes on my computer,print them off on to photo quality paper ,its more like thin card really. I sign it on the front and write details on the back. Then I laminate it. I do use toosh tags on my bigger bears. There's no hard and fast rule I wouldn't think ,as everyone has there own methods .  From Sunny Scotland Rita xxx

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

I personally don't use tush tags 1) I can't remember to sew in a tail, let alone a tag each time 2) takes away the softness of the bear hug to have a tag.

I use a hang tag and keep records. Do you all sign your hang tags?

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I put the 'tush tag' in the back of a leg. After putting it in the back and having it stick out like a sore thumb and get in the way of those hugs I opted for the back of the leg so most of the time it's sat on and not visible. So I guess it's a 'thigh tag'?:lol: OK, bad!

I think that signing the hang tag is like a painter signing his painting. For me it's a pride thing. "I made this adorable bear and I get to put my name such a wonderful work of art!" Yes, there are those misfits I'd rather NOT sign!!!:/

Now you've all made me feel like such a disorganized person...... I TRY to keep logs but then I loose them, forget to write in them, etc. I used to be organized back when I was a district manager for a large retail chain. Then I became a housewife and bear maker and all the discipline and organizational skills went down the drain. Could I interest any of you and coming to New England and getting me organized? My accountant would love you!

There is a saying about a messy workspace and being an artist but I can't remember how it goes... anyone know the saying I'm talking about?

Daphne the Disorganized

Laure Fool's Gold Bears
San Luis Obispo, CA
Posts: 351

Daphne,  Me too.  I try to be organized, but don't  have the self-discipline to keep the records uniform or in the same place, so I have these bits of records everywhere, which rather than helping keep me organized, contributes to the clutter.  AARGH!! bear_shocked  But I don't worry much about it. bear_happy

Winney Winneybears and Friends
White City, Oregon
Posts: 1,103

One good idea I have I can share with you all who cannot seem to keep track of the bears, etc. you have made.

Every time I  make something I write in the birth date on a piece of paper, if its a protype or whatever and I safety pin it to the critter...this is only temporary.

If I sell it ,then of course I have to make out a sales reciept. On it is the date sold,  bear size , etc. and the Registry # that comes from the bears birth date ( paper slip pinned to the bear)... I write in info.on the sales slip  for me as much as I do for the customer because...its a detailed record for me.

What I want to do now is transfer all the info. according to date  to my Bear Registry Log and maybe I will also put some bear photos in there too....Winney

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I do one thing that sorta helps me....
I keep my pattern pieces in manilla file folders.
When I have finished a bear from a particular pattern I write on the inside of the folder the date, fabric used and name. But I never go back and compile this info onto one log. The next time I pull that pattern out I say "Oh yeah! I forgot I made him!"
I usually take digital photos with in a day or two after finishing the bear so I have the dated photos on my computer if I really get stuck for info.
But I've got to do something better!!!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Just a thought, ladies,

1000 years from now someone is going to stumble over a bear in an excavation pit somewhere.  And everyone will want to know its worth, and who made it.

Just who was the magnificent artist that created such a wonderful masterpiece.  (they won't have mohair or real fur in 1000 years)

It will be a big mystery if the little guy isn't labeled.

Course in 1000 years none of us will really care will we? :P

However let's say that Laure takes off and becomes the foremost bearmaker in the world.  And even in a thousand years the BBC is still doing Antiques Roadshow....and the guy thinks it's a Laure bear, which makes it worth a gazillion euros, or franks, or dollars or pounds, but it could also be a dilu bear, which would make it worth a perhaps a half pound or euro or dollar. 

Wouldn't it be sad if the person with Laure's bear lost out on the gazzillion dollars, and forever, mistakenly, sorrowfully, thought she was stuck with a dily instead of a Laure?

Just a thought

from someone who has not gotten labels, and has not gotten pictures of all the bears she has given away :(


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