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shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I've come to the conclusion that Skippy is a TRAMP!!!   She left her babies for about 30 minutes earlier to well....follow Surrender into the wood pile.    She left them yesterday for at least an hour...but I was busy and they were sleeping.  So...I took my opportunity today for some cuddle time  bear_grin   bear_wub   bear_wub



And I gave up trying to get kittens to cooperate for a "photo shoot."  Perhaps next week when they are bit older.


Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Oh, they are so adorable!! Please package up the peach colored one and mail to ..........   bear_grin   bear_tongue   I wish!!!  bear_wub   bear_wub   bear_wub

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

That last picture is priceless!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

OOOh Shantell, if they were all cream, I think you would have a mob of people wanting them.  They are all incrredibly cute, but the cream one has special appeal.  I showed your pictures to my niece and she also loved the cream one.  Skippy may be a tramp, but at least you are getting to cuddle them LOL!



Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Hi Shantell,  bear_flower
Thank you for keeping us in kitten pictures!!  I love them!  They grow out of kitten stage so's fun to get an update on how they're doing.  They're just adorable.   bear_wub

Warmest hugs,  :hug:

K Pawz Guest

OMG they are priceless I am going up to Maddy as we speak with camera in hand...


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

You are very welcome.  It's so hard to get very good photos of them while they are crying and crawling all over each other and looking so pathetically scared.  I love holding them all at once.  After the first two pictures were taken they all fell asleep...I just wanted to hold them for the rest of the day...but I didn't want mamma (the trashy little thing) to get upset. 

She gone again right now and it's been over an hour...she's in SOOOOOOO much trouble with me right now.  She needs a good verbal spanking.

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Here's some more I took this you can see it's not easy to get kittens to pose!!    bear_grin






thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Shantell, it's so cute to watch them - they may be a little nervous, but you can just see the curiosity in their little faces ie. "where the heck am I" LOL!  Keep the pictures coming, pleeease!



Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

:dance: MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE  bear_wub

These kitties are so precious . . . in no time at all they'll stop randomly stumbling over one another and start acting in unison. If kitten 1 looks left, all of them do!

Then you can get some superduper piccies!


fribblesltd fribbles, ltd.
Kalispell, Montana
Posts: 679

Ooooooooooh, Shantell, absolutely beautiful babies!!!    I want kittens soooo much now!!


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I think they are pretty darn stinkin' cute myself.  Skippy was injured yesterday in all her naughtiness.  One of her eyes is all weepy and I think Surrender must have scratched it when he was trying to provide her with more children.  Men....  I'm also scheming her spaying that should be fun.   bear_rolleyes

I promise to take more pictures...but for now I'm going to spend my time with them just cuddling them.  Can't way for the playful stage to start.  Here I am wishing for them to grow up when all I really want is for them to stay kittens.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Shantell, it could be conjuntivitis, caused by the feline herpes virus - my older cat has always been susceptible to it and it seems to be more prevalent when the seasons change in spring and fall.  I have to watch my cat like a hawk, as it's very itchy and he is always trying to wash his fact to stop the itching and he once developed a corneal ulcer, which are horrendous to cure.  It cost us thousands, visiting an opthamologist and having surgery, so now when I see him all weepy, I put drops (gentamicin, same as for humans)  in immediately for several days, for safely.  It's always just one eye, never both.  The older he gets, the worse he's getting.  I've started giving him an immune booster and Lysine, which I mix with his food.  Lysine is available from a health food store or maybe even Walmart.  It's not too expensive (maybe $10.00) and it comes in gelcaps.  I open the capsule and mix about 1/3 the powder in with soft food.  Apparently Lysine helps stop the herpes virus from replicating.  If  the eye doesn't clear up quickly and drops aren't an option, I'd be tempted to give her some Lysine.  Ask the vet if it would be harmful to the babies first, but I don't think there will be a problem.

From what I understand, the feline herpes virus is a real problem.  99% of all kittens are born with the latent virus and in some cats it becomes active when they have a stressful event ie injury or maybe giving birth to kittens?  Obviously, with Skippy being feral and with her bad paw and no tail, she has met with some other really stressful events as well. So keep an eye on her,  because if that's what is causing the eye problem, you need to get it under control as soon as you can.  Keep me posted, please!



shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I knew that about the HIV virus.  I lost my baby, Murphy to it about 4 years ago...and he had been vaccinated regularly.  It was absolutely horrid.  If we can ever catch Surrender we plan to have him tested and then decide what to do from there.  I absolutely refuse to go through what I went through with my Murph.  My ex-husband loved this cat and didn't want him to be put down...I should have gone with my gut feeling and ignored him at the time.

I'm pretty sure this is an injury.  She was fine yesterday and then about an hour later when she returned from her "adventures" she was squinting and acting like it was hurting, etc.  It's weepy this morning but does look a little better than it did late last night.

The things we do for the love of animals.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

Hi Shantel,  I do hope it's just a little scratch.  I'm sorry you lost you kitty to the HIV virus.  The herpes virus isn't so threatening - definitely manageable - just annoying!



shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Me too.  Definitely keeping a close eye on her.   I'm hoping it's nothing serious because once I catch her those babies will be coming inside for good.   bear_grin   bear_grin   bear_grin  If I end up taking her to the vet it will be a one time shot I'm sure.  I don't think she'll fall for the trapping thing twice.  Smart little cookie she is.

As far as Murphy....I cried for days.  It was terrible.  He went from 23 pounds of pain in the butt to 8 lbs in about two weeks.  My vet is a personal friend (her son and my son are buddies) and she knew before she even tested him what was wrong.  She was crying on the phone when she called me to give me the test results.

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Okay.  So I'm a little PMS.  Your story about Murphy has turned me into the biggest ball of tears.   bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry

I think more kitten pictures would help a lot. 

Tear streaked hugs,  :hug:

BearBottoms 'Bear' Bottoms Originals
Ft. Bragg, NC
Posts: 2,465

Oooo, shantell!! Those pics are SO CUTE!  I want the little white one, or whatever color it is!  Look at that, you've already gotten two of them adopted out! LOL ;)

They'd look perfect next to my little fuzzy hopper mice in the other post! :)

Kimberly W.

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Okay you girls!  Quit slobbering all over my little Annie!  Only Shantell can slobber on her......and that's just because I don't know where she lives yet!

Warmest hugs,  :hug:

P.S  I told you I was PMS.  bear_tongue

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

So the little creme puff name Annie?  Because if that's what you've decided than I shall work on getting her to know her name.   bear_grin   bear_grin

As far as Murphy....that was a short readers digest version.  He was my boy.  I had him since birth.  I had his mamma and she gave birth to him on my foot.  SERIOUSLY...right on his punkin head.  Now talk about cats bringing you gifts  bear_original

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