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bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

I here you Dilu! I have so many hot flashes that I am going to start charging admission or sauna fees. bear_grin

My Mom used to call them sparkles! Huh!!! Lately I think they are more like atomic bursts! I hate The M word and feel that I am far to young to be experiencing this trauma in my life! Hate it Hate it Hate it.

I can not get levels to straighten out so I though out the estrace and am trying it on my own. I have gained a terrible amount of weight and fell like the good year blimp!

Hate It!!! I hope that you get your headaches under control. We sure did miss you and we are so glad you are back.

What did we ever do to deserve this torture!!!:lol: Oh Yah.....that damn apple!!! :mad:

Hugs Louise

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

bear_grin Louise you are so funny.

Sauna fees?  what a riot!

Occasionally, I still get a flash or two...usually brought on by stress or really hot weather, both seem to aggrevate it.

I was working as a floral designer when my 'personal summers'...were really bad and I would just go into the floral cooler for about 5 mins and wooolaaaaa, it was gone!!!
I was in the cooler A LOT!!!
Those coolers run at 38 degrees, so you can see it took quite a while to 'cool me down'.

Glad they are over for the most part.  I hated it too, Louise.

Keep the fans running....
Bless your heart!


Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh Louise!  I'm so sorry!!!  NOT something to look forward to....:rolleyes:

Dilu Posts: 8,574

"Oh yeah, that damn apple"  Thank you honey I needed the laugh. 

I have nothing left inside- of the female persuasion- so it is really hard to get things regulated.  This has been a rough weekend.  But I won't give up....where there is life there is hope!  Right? :/

Just when we think we have it it mutates!  Not fair......but there is not sense having a pity party cuz I'd be the only one there.....and even the gollies would desert me....

Hang in there Louise-  winter is coming-----why yu won't have to spend anything on heating fuel----just stand in the middle of the room and sparkle! :lol::lol::lol:


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Hang in there Louise-  winter is coming-----why yu won't have to spend anything on heating fuel----just stand in the middle of the room and sparkle!

bear_grin Dilu, you are so funny, Girl!! My BigM is almost over, but I thought it would never, ever, end. Summers are torture, and all winter the kids are complaining about the cold house! Too bad, I tell them, put another layer on, because I can't take off my skin . . .

I was on HRT for a few years, until my Dr. took me off, and it got much worse again.  All you can do is hang in, keep cool, and remember that it doesn't last forever, it just seems to.

And at least you can wear your summer wardrobe all winter, right? :D


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Nanc, I'm having a grand time imagining you in a flower cooler.

I'm on the young end of the big M but it's creeping up on me steadily as I forge steadily closer and closer to 40.  I'm starting to feel just... weird, sometimes.  The doctor has mentioned it in passing.  When I went for a recent checkup I had some big ol' bruise and she asked, "Where did that come from?"  And I answered, "Actually, I noticed that myself yesterday.  I have no idea."

And she had the balls-out audacity to say to me, "Yeah, well that happens to us as we get older."


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873


Does that mean that we fall over things more, or don't heal as fast, or . . .
I'd demand an explanation, Shelli.

I move at such high speed most days that I'm always finding little cuts and big bruises that I can't remember inflicting on myself. Memory loss maybe, but I think it's more a matter of being too busy to notice! When I'm trying to let the dogs inside while letting a cat inside without letting AmputeeOscar outside, I'm often a little worse for wear after the necessary struggle but, as Lear says just before he loses all his marbles, "when the mind's free, the body's delicate".

No, I think busy people, esp mothers of boys, esp mothers who raise their boys themselves, are always going to show a bit of mysterious battle damage. Sheesh!


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sheesh and Amen and I thank you for your support.

FYI... I think the doctor was referring to the ease with which "older" flesh can bruise.  Unlike in our youth, when we humans are supposededly more springy in that area, and less likely to rupture important underlying anatomy, like the entire vascular structure that feeds us.

Frankly, I figured my huge ol' bruise of unknown origin was from exactly the kind of thing you wrote.  e.g., My two big dogs, who come in at night to slumber, and are total maniacs by morning.  I've never yet gotten them both out the door without being practically knocked over by the brute force of 130-some-odd-pounds of canine need, both of them just dying to go pee, first thing.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Exactly, Shelli :D

Your morning routine sounds a lot like mine. I stumble into the kitchen to find 2 dogs, 3-5 cats and at least one rabbit waiting for their morning services. The only difference is that nobody beats yrs truly to the bathroom!

I think that when it's time for me to shuffle off this mortal coil, I'll finish this life by tripping over some blinkin' animal or other!


MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

Yeah, we no sooner get rid of our kids and then start collecting animals. I never let my kids in bed with me. Now I wake up to three Boston Terrorists sleeping under the covers snuggled up to me and usually a cat on top. My husband also insists in sleeping in the same bed! Then it's downstairs to let everyone out and the tiel is screeching good morning, the downstairs cat is trying to trip me and usually fighting with the upstairs cat and the dogs are just generally all over. Luckily I'm over the big M tho. Accordingly to my husband I was mean and nasty for a couple of months during it but he was smart enuf to not say anything and I let him live. My nurse practioner recommended supplements to help me over the worse - Vit E, Valerian and I think St. John's Wort.


Dilu Posts: 8,574

3 Boston Terrorists-  how funny marion.

The cats are only dangerous between the hours of 10 am and 12 noon.  !2 noon is when they each get their teaspoon of Fancy Feast as  a treat.....however being the mental giants that they are they believe 12 noon starts at 10 m.

The dobey- who fortunately will never get as big as your Shelli, ( thank goodness) is the same way steering you the way he wants you to go.

Now the worst culprit?  The parrot!!!

She climbs on your hand and balances- then depending on which way she moves her weight it indicates where she expects to go!  and a 3 lb. parrot with claws clinging to your skin is far more lethal than the dog, the cats, and anyone else in the house. 

Usually she wants to go to the cupboard where chocolate sometimes gets hidden......

Oh Eileen- rabbits-  I will have to get someones artist rabbit.  I am so deathly allergic to real live ones and they are so darn cute and soft and heart just melts into butter when I see them.

From a great distance.

Why do we always want what we can not have?


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Thanks, Marion :D

I haven't tried any of those supplements, but if this summer heatwave lasts any longer I will.

My sisters & I all agreed that once the kids were gone, we'd fill the empty space with beasts. Problem is, I've got both. Two of my three adult kids are at home whilst studying, and we've added a son-in-law to the pile.

I used to be their hero for allowing all these animals ('You want a warthog? Sure, why not?), but now they've come to the conclusion that I've always been a bit dotty. They're right.

Quoting my ultra-messy Caroline, before she'd had her morning coffee, upon seeing a leftover fragment of Toby-the-rabbit's pre-dawn lettuce on the kitchen floor: "Mom, is there a reason this lettuce is on the floor?" :lol:


MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

Your parrot sounds like the mitred conure I had. This previously abused parrot took over the house. Hated everyone in the house except for me and he showed his love for me thru 'love bites' that left lovely bruises. He terrorized the dogs, including my Newf, and the my cats left the room if he was free. Some of my kids were home then too and boy, did he ever hate them and my husband - to the point of flying swoops with claws extended. If he was in his very large cage he would shriek if my son was trying to watch tv. We had him for 6 yrs and then 3 yrs ago I found him a great home in Ottawa with people who were experienced with parrots. The jig was up and now he's perfectly behaved.
My kids still miss him tho - they were looking forward to that very special Thanksgiving meal with him as the main course.


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I have a little 5lb pomeranian. He's no trouble really, but when he has to wake me to pee in the morning, he sneezes. Drives me crazy. ANd when there is only 10 mins untill I have to get up, I get mad. Poor thing. The cat is smart, he son't wake up at 4:30 when I have to, so a clear path downstairs is for me.
Also have a rabbit, she lives free in the basement. Lucky bunny. If only I could create a pattern from my dog and bunny. That would be amazing.
Also, Marion forgot to tell you about her bunnies LOL ( sorry Marion had to )
My life would feel so empty without pets.
As for MP, I'm only 26 but already i get some hot flashes. I can only take this to mean my menopause is going to be real nasty when the time comes

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

OK, Ok... so we have bunnies as well. About 20 or so. They are not pets....need I say more.  And then there are the 6 pigs, 30 chickens and 6 cows. We've cut down somewhat; we usually have some lambs, ducks and turkeys as well. It was funny the other day, the pigs got out of their yard somehow and I snicked as I watched them happily follow my husband back into the yard cause he was carrying the food pail. Pigs are really ruled by their stomach. As my husband says...we feed them for 6 mths and they feed us for 6 mths so it's a great arrangement either way.


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I love animals...they are the best companions.  My golden retriever and beagle went to live with my parents after my divorce...they are in doggy heaven.  I would never move home but if I should die I would want to come back as one of my parents dogs.  Sad isn't it...

I tried to move my beloved cat Oz to my temporary condo...but condo life did not suit him after being a country bumpkin.  He ran off the first night...I trapsed around the neighbors with photos of him and never found him.  But that very next day, the manager came over with another neighbor very late with a cat they thought was my Oz...the woman had a death grip on him...he was starving, hissing, spitting, clawing, growling, fur flying...and it actually looked like my Oz...until she tossed him into the condo I quickly shut the door and turned around and said...well crap...that's not Oz.  Oz had long hair and fluffly tail like skunk...this one had short hair but same coloring.  I still have the stray cat...who is a lovebug in himself...although he has a nasty habit of trying to walk between your legs at the same time you are walking.  We now live in the country and he thinks he should  share his food with everyone...raccoons, squirrels, mice, name it.  Right now we are being harassed by a skunk who hasn't figured out that we don't have food for him and he isn't a pet.  Put water out last night for the flowers...set the timer for 30 minutes...2 hours later I still couldn't turn the water off because Pepe Le Pew was meandering around the deck...cute but way stinky...even without spraying. living...

Now to get a dog...since my parents won't let me have mine rude.  Oh well...they've spoiled them so rotten I'm not sure I would want them back.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I love threads like this.  All your pet stories and big M stories have me in stitches.  But Marion, you really take the cake with your tales and your wit.  I hope you'll be posting a LOT more over time!

I love you gals. bear_original

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I forgot...we were talking about hot flashes, hormones, etc.  Women in my family tend do go through that later in life....yippee...Auntie Flo for longer than most...anyway.  I can always tell when my mom is having hot flashes...even sometimes before she knows...her ears turn BRIGHT fire engine red.  It's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

Shantell :D

That's exactly how we got to keep our daughter's Jack Russell. We spoiled her to death. Now daughter Eleanor doesn't want her back!! We knew we'd won when she stopped offering to pay the vet bills. Did I say 'won' . . . ?


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

My dad saves a bite of his dinner and actually feeds them off his fork...and they give them icecream cones.  It's just sick...   They both sleep in bed with my mom...under the covers no less.  The funny thing is when I go visit...Chance the beagle totally ignores them and won't stay off my lap or leave me alone for 5 minutes.  I go to the bathroom...and he either whines at the door or insists on coming in with me. One time I got there and he starts carrying on like hounds do...I'm sure the neighbors thought he was being tortured.  My mom is all excited about her water lillies  blooming so she wants me to go look at them.  I get up out of the chair with Chance clinging to me like lint...and he gets all pissy with me and actually jumped up and nipped me in the butt.  Now mind you I'm almost 6 ft he really had to jump.   I love that darn dog...

Pets...I can't imagine a life without them.

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

goodness, I must have been lucky. I only got "warm flashes" and they only lasted a few months. I was also in my early 50's at the time. Quite glad to be done with all that nonsense although I still have those nightmares where I wake up thinking I'm pregnant, even tho I was fixed 25 years ago after having 4 kids. :o

All of you be forewarned however. If you let your kids have pets it's most likely when they move out they'll leave the pets behind. I presently have a dog and cat of my daughters - for some reason she didn't want to take them to Thailand. My son left his Dalmatian, who died last year of old age...and all of them left their darn turtles who grew to the size of dinner plates. Make them sign a contract that the pets leave with them! Then there'll be more room for your pets!


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Shelli, I love pet stories as well. My boyfriend and I could and do spend hours watching our dog, cat and bunny play together. I don't have kids ( yet maybe? ) but nothing has fufilled my life like my pets.

Oh, and if you think Marion is funny, ask her what the family would eat on Easter. Funniest thing I've ever heard!!!


MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540 what's wrong with Easter bunny for Easter! Actually, my bloodthirsty kids used to pick out the rabbit they wanted to invite for dinner and watch the whole procedure. I must admit as well that they would set Easter bunny traps in hopes of getting more candy. These were anything from a cardboard box with a stick and  string attached to a jar of my zuchinni preserves (in hopes of poisoning the bunny I think).

Hey, is it only my kids. Haven't any of you guys found threatening notes left for the tooth fairy?....Christmas wish lists left in obvious places....maybe our whole family needs therapy!!



Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well Kirah, the parrot thinks she's in charge but she isn't quite as terrirtorial as yours.  I am absolutely convinced that animals of different species can communicate with each other.  She and the male cat Kwatzu collude together to get the dog or the female cat in trouble.  Then, I swear, she, the parrot laughs.  :lol::lol:

Also she like to play her music box and expects us to sing along-we changed the words to include her I guess this is really our fault.  Kind of like giving your son a set of drums. :P

She loves to empty out the drawers in our bedroom.

She loves to sit on someones shoulder, any one, she not a discriminating miss, and try and eat whatever it is they are eating-most especially anything chocolate

I spent nearly a year teaching her to say WATER. 

When she finally did I felt like Annie Sullivan!  And she said it appropriately-when she came down to the pool with my honey.  she looked at al that water and out it came just as clear and true as, uh, water! :)

For a large parrot- blue and gold macaw- she is really a very very good bird-brain.

For a large parrot who eats unshelled brazil nuts for dinner and could take out an eye in a heart beat she's really very good.

But you never let your guard down.

Although I do have the eye patch- i tell my honey when she finally does it he will be set, but he needs to learn how to walk with a limp and say aaaarrrrrgggh

I can see him as a pirate.

She makes us laugh and we really do love her.  I just wish she and Kwatzu would not get the others in so much trouble...:/

Dilu :P

PS she is housebroken-she only does it on her stand or in her cage or in the garden....which is why we can have her out and walk around with her.

yeeew- green birdy ......ugh

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

Your macaw sounds lovely. Most people don't realize how smart and loving the larger parrots are. Unfortunately some people get them cause they look so beautiful and don't realize how much TIME they require, often more time than a cat or dog. If they don't have your socializing time they can become unmanageable, even insane, and since they live such long lives, tend to be passed from owner to owner. My Bentley loved to cuddle with me and just about purred when I scritched him. He'd lie on his back to get his belly rubbed and spred his wings for more scratching. He was firmly convinced that I was his mate for life and would stop anyone from approaching me. I know I don't have the required time for a larger bird now since my Boston's would strongly object to sharing any of their quality time.

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