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Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

My grandma just passed away last week.  I wasn't sure exactly HOW I felt... she wasn't a "lovey dovey" type person, not your "typical" grandma type person.... I couldn't even think of any good memories... I'm sure there are some... just can't remember right now bear_sad

Our family (from different parts of the country) got together yesterday and had a very nice visit.  I had not seen most of them for 10+ years.  They were able to share some good memories with me and I was SO glad bear_original

She had moved into the assisted living in the Chicago area after she had some small strokes... and she started to show some signs of developing alzheimers (but it wasn't real bad at the time...)

BUT.... while she was in assisted living still near Chicago, I DID visit her before she moved to FL with  one of my aunts... and had the best visit I ever had with her bear_original   

After she was down there a while.. my aunt sent an email asking us to send a card or something to her.  I'm ashamed to admit that ALL of us got a little too busy with our own lives... and after she moved away we forgot to keep in touch.

But after that email I told my aunt I'd be sending a bear to her that I made myself ....

It took a LONG time.... I always have too many things on my plate... but I finally sent her!!!

I am SO glad I didn't wait any longer!   At our family get together my FL aunt told me how proud my grandma was to have received that bear.  She would walk around her community holding that bear... and the other women would come up to her and say "what a cute bear" and things like that... and Grandma would say... "My granddaughter MADE this bear from scratch!" and was so proud.    My aunt said that my bear made it to her just in time... while she still understood what was going on around her.

About a month later she had another stroke.  She recovered ~ but it made her Alzheimers just terrible.  She couldn't remember even my aunt who was with her every day bear_sad

So when my aunt told me the story about that bear... I had tears in my eyes... and now a happy memory of my Grandma...:)

Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Oh Laura,my heart goes out to you for this very sad and touching story.How wonderful that you were able to get a bear to her in time and to have some happy memories.thank you so much for sharing your touching and very personal story. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Laura, I have tears in my eyes too.  What a wonderful story, and I am so glad you shared it with us.  I am so glad for you that you have that memory as your last memory- I think it would have been very sad to have had the memory that you 'just didn't get around to it' 

And what a cautionary tale for the rest of us too.  Thank you Laura,  it is a good lesson for everyone.



Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Laura ~

Thanks so much for sharing from your heart!

It's better to regret something you did than to regret something you didn't do.
  ~ Unknown


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thank you, Laura, for your story . . . it IS so wonderful that you sent her the bear while she still understood things.  And I'm sorry for your loss.  Hang on to that last, joyful memory!!  And thank you, Deb, for the quote from "Unknown" . . . it's an important one.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

That's a really touching story; I'm glad you had the opportunity to hear it.  What a treasure that knowledge will be for you in years to come!

Thanks for sharing...

piegabaer Speyer/Germany
Posts: 68

When I read this I have some tears in my eyes too. 
Laura, I´m glad that your story have had a happy end!

Wisdom Bears Wisdom Bears
Ayrshire, Scotland.
Posts: 951

Hi Laura,
                 Just to add my condolences for your sad loss. At least you did make that bear ,and it did arrive to let Grandma enjoy it. Its a very moving story and it made me too shed a few tears. God bless

Hugs Rita xxx

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

It's amazing how comforting a teddy bear can be.
I still remember giving my Mom a small mohair bear on Nov 28, 2003. I'll never forget cause I'd given a 'Care Bear" to our neighbour who was sick and my Mom laughed and said "I'm could be sick too" so I went and got her one as well. That night she did get sick and I had to rush her to the hospital. It was a chest infection and the doctor said "there's something wrong with your blood - looks like leukemia". We both nervously laughed because my Dad was in same hospital suffering from an immune illness and chronic leukemia. The next day they confirmed that my Mom had acute leukemia - she passed away thirty days later! That little bear stayed in the hospital with her the whole time and is now back home with my Dad, who made a miraculous recovery! She was the biggest fan of my teddy bears as I was of her quilts.

I'm glad for your sake and that you learned how much joy your teddy brought your grandmother.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

THank you everyone for your kind thoughts!   I'll see ya all in a couple of days bear_original  Oh Marion!  How very sorry I am that you lost your mother... and oh my gosh so quickly too bear_sad

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Marion . . . my condolences for the loss of your mom . . . that is so hard.  I made my mom a bear for her birthday after she'd been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, but before she lost all touch with reality.  She regarded it as her friend until that day came when she no longer knew what was what; but, I'll always know that she cared for it for a little while.

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh what a touching story. I  am so pleased you now have fond memories of your Grandma!!!  I Have very memories of mine, however she died when I was young (around 5 I think) So I have known no grandparents!

Does anyone want to be my grandma??  :(

Anyhow, I am so pleased you shared your story, and now have something fond to think about your granny!

Thanks for sharing!

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Laura, Thanks for sharing your story.
I think I am crying too...
You did wonderful thing
for your grandma and she must be very proud of you  :)

Marion, I am so sorry to hear about your mother.
I know god must have reason for everything and
you mom is staying at peaceful place now but
loosing your close one, specially your mom must be
so painful.... I hope the pain will ease with time goes...

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

what sad stories, but happy because at least we can make a small difference.
Now I'm very glad that I have sculpted alot for my grandma, her favorite art form of mine. It makes her so very proud to show off an auction I may have on ebay, or when anyone comes to their house, they are forced to look all my work.
She also finds old stuffed animals, rips them apart and saves me the stuffing. I don't like to use it, but how can I tell her no??
So now, I'm really glad I do that for her. You just never know what is going to happen.
And Marion, to loose your mom soo fast!! Scary.

MerBear MerBear Originals
Brockville, Ontario
Posts: 1,540

It was and still is extremely hard to have lost my Mom so quickly. She was only 77 and if she was in a room you certainly knew it. During her illness she never once said "why me" but only how lucky she felt cause she had a chance to say goodbye to everyone, including her beloved cat.  She had 11 children, 20 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild and everyone of them got to the hospital although they are scattered across Canada. My daughter had to coordinate visits there were so many people lining up! She was a quilter and just loved to sew...and donated several quilts, wallhangings and XMAS nativity calenders to worthy causes each year. I was extremely fortunate to have been the last person sitting with her, holding her hand when she left us. Our whole family is fortunate in the memories we have of her, especially during that last month.


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