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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn

greatwon2 AlmostBears
Posts: 332

touching on the the issue of no show swaps would it work to have everyones bears sent to the organisers address and when each pair is ready be sent out from there?? if theres a no show then the artist would get their own bear back
i realise that there is a postage issue with this idea but it popped into my head and i thought id just put it out there

also with the skill level catorgory thing, if the individual artist were honest i think it could a new bear maker and while i would love to participate in a swap, theres no way i would yet as i am nowhere near the same level as ,well quite frankly..most everyone here and i also only use cheap materials as thats all i can afford.when i suggested skill levels in swaps i didnt mean really well defined,nitpicky levels based on how much the artists work is worth or how long u have been making bears but only really basic parameters,if your bears look about as good as mine maybe we can swap,sort of stuff(i wouldnt dare swap my bear(worth about $2 and looking even worse ha ha - with an experienced bear artist whose work sells for $$$$$.i know im not explaining this very well bear_grin (i know what i mean).

also maybe a clear outline and set of instructions wouldnt go astray either(especially for new members(and for people like me who still,even with all this going on around them cant quite wrap my fuzzy little brain around how to participate succsessfully in a swap,)
i did ask a few questions about rules and if i could still join in even tho im a begginer but either missed the answer or never got one - if there was a permanent post with some info about swaps people could see what was expected to join in(i wonder how many of the missing bears were from people who got into a swap not knowing what was expected and/or without the experiance in bear making to feel confident in their work when looking at everyone elses bears involved and just sorta chickened out)

now if im off base (and i wouldnt be surprised bear_grin )just disregard said above and never listen to me again(hmm maybe thats why noone talks to me anymore, i give them permission :crackup: )just kidding!

seriously tho maybe the best idea is the participate at your own risk that i read someone else say, and about the skill levels,maybe us beginers can just organise a come as they are swap whenever we feel the need

my two cents worth has turned into 2 dollers worth today - interest at work bear_grin

ps.i believe i heard someone write that swaps were fun,not hard work and heaps of typing!

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.


2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.


3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories? NO, AS I SAID ABOVE, IF I WANTED A BEAR JUST LIKE MINE, I WOULD MAKE MY OWN.

4.  If swaps are sub-organized into categories, do you think, for example, that mini makers should swap with mini makers?


Do you think each participant should be able to CHOOSE which category he/she wishes to trade with?  For example, should a mini maker be able to specify that he/she wants to trade for a "biggun" bear?  NO

4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
(b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?

7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves? WELL I WOULD LIKE TO THINK THAT THIER CONCIENCE WOULD HAUNT THEM, BUT THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE AGAIN

8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.AGREE 100% UNLESS IT IS A SWAP WHERE YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IS SENDING YOUR'S LIKE WE DID ON TH EORNAMENT SWAP. THEN THE COORDINATOR MIGHT HAVE TO STEP IN TO AT LEAST CONTACT THE PERSON TO SEE WHAT THE PROBLEM IS

Jane Perala Jane Perala Designs Ltd.
Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada
Posts: 819

I haven't participated in any swaps, and try to stay away from trades at shows, for the same reason as Paula (All Bear) gave - the need to make a living  - or at least to contribute to the household income.

tuppies teddies Tuppies Teddies
Lindenow, Central Gippsland
Posts: 1,969

Question 1.  Yes I have participated in random bear swaps (3).  Had lots of fun and enjoyed the experiance...

Question 2.  Agree to accept whoever I may be partnered with.

Question 3.  Disagree with sub-organise, 

Question 6.  A realistic deadline,  if for any reason swap partners have a hiccup with the deadline, communication with swap partner is vital.

Question 7.   Agree with your thoughts on this one.

Question 8.  Totally agree, swap partners to communicate with each other and come to a mutual agreement as to what they each are doing for the swap.

Swap organiser only responsible for pulling names out of hat and notifying who is paired with who..

ArtHeart Kran-Beary's
Thunder Bay ON Canada
Posts: 318

Dear Oracle Shelli.
I'm copying my post from another thread here as it seems more appropriate here.
I've never participated in a swap other than a live in person one at a show, so I'm afraid I don't have any opinions regarding the questions.

Here's my previous post:

Ok...Ok... stomp on me if you want for this suggestion. I'm not trying to advertise.


Did you know that you can post your bear on Bid 4 Bears and accept SWAP offers?  That means someone tells you or shows you what they got (in an organized swap it would be an item that is also listed on B4B. )  Then you decide if you want to swap. 

If both parties agree, the swap is accepted and the listing ends.    If you had an organized swap, with everyone listing at the same time...well,  everyone could pretty much pick and choose.  The downside, is that some bears might not get chosen,  and that might cause hard feelings BUT... the creator would still have a bear to either gift or sell, and no one would take home an item they didn't want. Also... no one would get stiffed  and not receive a bear after sending one out.

just a thought.. it seems to have worked ok for ATC's... so why not bears?.

nancy tillberg

Dilu Posts: 8,574

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.


2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.

Absolutely agree

3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories?

I think that should be the decision of the organizer, and perhaps what is being swapped. Artist bears vs ATCs for instance.

4.  If swaps are sub-organized into categories, do you think, for example, that mini makers should swap with mini makers?

there are minis and then THERE ARE MINIS-there are some truly amazing artists in the mini field-ladies i would die and go to heaven to swao with!  But what if a Bigun Artist wants a mini?  Or a minimaker is all by herself and wanted to participate?  I think this should be decided by the organizer.  Whoever the organizer is should be the final word....Therefore the responsibility lies with him or her


Do you think each participant should be able to CHOOSE which category he/she wishes to trade with?  For example, should a mini maker be able to specify that he/she wants to trade for a "biggun" bear?

I don't think the participamts should make the rules.  That's like putting the fox in charge of the hen house or the patients incharge of the assylum:


4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
(b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

I still think this should be up to the coordinator

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?

I know that many people get their noses bent out of shape when they are "stuck" trading with a beginner.  But that's the price you pay.  I heard alot about this with our first swap.  And decided then I would never do another big swap- cards, sure, maybe ornaments, but not the big serious stuff.

There are 2 ways to look at this: If I had swapped with Mary Poppins  before she became a big name and won a ton of awards I would be sitting pretty!

And would be happy.

But suppose I was stuck with Pablo Picasso and didn't like his work....and was unhappy.....but i hung on to the bear and 20 years later Pablo finally made it big with the three eyed bear and I sold for thousands..... ?
I think if you agree to participate you have to be a good sport and just take your chances.  I have had some private swaps that were wonderful.  My only regret with one sweetheart, is that she has finally come into her own and I can't afford her now!  But boy are her bears cute!

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear?

Whatever the agreed upon time frame is.....I think that allowances can be made, but the bear artist has to be responsible and talk to the organizer and/or partner and explain the circumstances.  Perhaps we could all pretend to be grown-ups here ?

7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?

Is hanging too good?  OK, ok.... but perhaps they should not be allowed onto any other swaps?   Saying this there needs to be allowances for the post.  I had a bear take 3 months to get to Paris last year.  I felt terrible and had already sent a replacement; so my friend ended up with two-This year I had a ballerina sit in customs in NZ for 2 months!

8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.

In an IDEAL world yes, but even TeddyTalk is not toally IDEAL.  i suspect that an unscrupulous Talker could and might take advantage of the situation.  When you agree to bne the organizer i think you take on responsibility from those of us who are only pretending to be grown-ups on our free time.

respectfully submitted


tarnuf Hamilton New Zealand
Posts: 62

I totally agree with what has been said here. A swap should be fun. I agree also with chosing what country you can send it to. It can be expensive sending a parcel to the other side of the world.

Kind Regards

BootButtonBears BootButtonBears
Posts: 2,837

Hi everyone,
I have participated in two swaps in the past on a different bear forum (Australian based), and have organised one of them.  My whole personal philosophy on swaps is that it is totally about friendship and sharing.  It is about wanting to make something for someone else, perhaps someone in another country, purely as an act of friendship and giving.  We have had no criteria in our swaps on our forum, apart from a flexible time guide line, and perhaps an optional theme.

I believe that if you want to make sure that you receive a bear of a particular "standard" or "size", then a privately arranged swap, straight between two people is the way to go.  If you participate in a large, public, volunteer organised swap, then you need to go into it with the spirit in which it is organised, - for joy, fun, excitement and friendship.  Let's say I have someone to swap with who is a little more, or a little less experienced than me - that is fine.  I need to appreciate that bear for the time and effort that person has put in at the level that they are at.  I know that my first ever bear took me weeks of blood, sweat and tears, far longer than a bear today.

My personal opinion is, if people are going to look at swaps from the point of view of only what am I going to get, then the whole exercise is pointless.  I believe that most people do enter into swaps with enthusiasm and the realisation that their bear that they receive will be a total surprise,  in materials, size, level of experience, etc.  Perhaps if people have expectations far above this criteria, they should refrain from entering swaps, or restrict themselves to personal swaps where they know they will have more control on what they will get.

These are all my own personal views, and are from the point of view of someone who has organised a swap.  It would be an awful shame if the organisation of a swap became so complicated and "tight" with guidelines, that firstly, no one would want to organise it because it would be too much of a headache, and no one would want to participate due to fear of disappointing their partner.  By the way, I do waffle on a lot!

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Christine wrote:

My whole personal philosophy on swaps is that it is totally about friendship and sharing.  It is about wanting to make something for someone else, perhaps someone in another country, purely as an act of friendship and giving.

Right on sister!!!!!   bear_thumb

Seriously..... and what ever happened to the flat out joy of giving!  It's a little present to someone else, whom you might really enjoy getting to know!  I mean, when you buy a present for someone don't you all really just enjoy selecting it, wrapping it to make it pretty and then sending it on it's way, knowing that you've taken the time to brighten someone's day!?  I know I do! bear_wub  bear_smile  bear_wub   Nice to receive... sometimes FABULOUS to receive... but always a ton more joyous, to me at least, to give!

I know that's a completely PollyAnna point of view, but oh well.  If someone wanted to organize a highly detailed swap... that would be fine with me.... I wouldn't want to do it... that's for sure.  I would bet that there would be a whole lot of us that would just say, I'll take anything!

True... things do go wrong sometimes, and it's just downright RUDE not to send something without an understandable excuse.... LIFE happens sometimes and there's nothing you can do about it, but other than that.... if you are participating in a swap for some other reason besides the joy of giving, and getting to know someone a bit better.... you probably should hold yourself back when the word swap comes up!   bear_wub

bear_wub  :hug:

Kim Basta

greatwon2 AlmostBears
Posts: 332

By the way, I do waffle on a lot!

not nearly as much as me today(honestly somtimes i cant even believe myself)by the way whoever wrote that we need a butt kicking smilie was extreamly wise and very much right ,anyone know where i can locate one ?

Pumpkin & Pickle Bears Pumpkin & Pickle Bears
East Sussex
Posts: 2,047

I completely agree that a swap bear is about friendship. I have 4 swap bears (ok, one is a dog!) and have number 5 and 6 on the way (through private swaps)! I love the excitement when the box finally arrives on your doorstep!

I think it's difficult to put everyone into categories and quite frankly unnecessary. Like has been previously said - if you want a certain type of bear then organise a private swap....although I'm the sort of person who doesn't like to ask incase the other artist thinks my bears are rubbish!

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Wow! I guess I missed some drama too. I very much enjoyed the one teddy swap I have done ( the ornament swap I organized) as well a few doll swaps in my cloth doll club.

I also will borrow Christine's well spoken words as they describe my swap philosophy as well.

My whole personal philosophy on swaps is that it is totally about friendship and sharing.  It is about wanting to make something for someone else, perhaps someone in another country, purely as an act of friendship and giving.

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.

YES, and it was big fun!

2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.


3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories? NO

4.  If swaps are sub-organized into categories, do you think, for example, that mini makers should swap with mini makers?


Do you think each participant should be able to CHOOSE which category he/she wishes to trade with?  For example, should a mini maker be able to specify that he/she wants to trade for a "biggun" bear?  NO

4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
(b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

No, if you want something very specific, arrange a private swap with that artist. Another thought on this would be that the "catagory" is simply the theme set out by the organizer. For example "this is a 10" bear swap", or a mini bear swap, or a bear ornament swap or whatever. I think of this like the "themes" Chrissi suggested

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?
I think that  this a perfect recipe for hurt feelings! If you want to swap specifically  with someone whose skill level you feel matches your own--arrange a private swap.

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear?  The deadine should be clearly stated when the organizer posts the swap. If a person runs into trouble completing it in time, we are all pretty understanding but communication is vital. Let your partner know.

7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?
I don't know what to do about this one...
8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.
Agree, sort of. I DID feel responsible for the participants of the ornament swap because as Sonya said, I arranged it so that everyone's swap partner was a surprise. When issues arose, I gave folks their partner's contact information so that they could work it out.

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.

Yes, I've been involved in almost a dozen!

2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.


3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories?


4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

I think it should be by theme and then the specifics should be discussed between the swappers - doing things too complicated takes the fun out of the swap 

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.) (b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?
no clue!

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear? 1 month

7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?

banned from TT LMAO

8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.


kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

As for me personally, I have participated in two swaps here successfully. I have really enjoyed them both, the bears, the people. I have been fortunate.
I think the idea of being aware of people who don't complete the swaps with no explanation etc. is a good one. I think there are circumstances where every one would agree that are sometimes unavoidable, but as soon as you know you can't complete the swap you should notify the swapee and the coordinator and explain the circumstances.
The idea of the swap is that you get what you get!! It is supposed to be a suprise, you don't get to say I want this or I want that, save that for private swaps. As long as you are aware that you may be getting a miniature or biggun'. As for categorizing bear makers by size and ability that doesn't quite seem fair,  and again who is the judge ???

I would definitely agree to do more swaps!!!

And I have had bad swaps in the past, I didn't complain when the swapper didn't come thru. I took it like a grown up, I sat back licked my hurt feelings kept my mouth shut and didn't do another swap til I got over it! That's what you have to do when you swap with others. It's about being a responsible adult!!
Okay that's my two cents!!!!

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188

Hi Shelli,
I have only ever done one swap on another forum and found it a great fun!

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.

Yes, by the swap coordinator.

2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.

Agree, that's half the fun of doing a swap, not knowing what you're getting.

3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories?

No...this can be discussed with the artist/bearmaker you're paired with. Just like to add a personal note: When I did my swap I didn't consider the level of skill at all. We both agreed on a size, then I just made my bear to the best of my ability and I expected my partner did the same...what more can one ask for?

4. & 5. N/A

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear?

I think six weeks is long enough. One shouldn't commit to the swap unless one can complete it on time.

7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?

I think the coordinator should keep a list of the pairs and pictures of the two swap bears from each pair should emailed to the coordinator, so she can post them together on a specified thread. This should be told to the participants prior to enlisting in the swap.

8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinater should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.

I think if someone is going to offer to coordinate a swap that is exactly what they should do coordinate. If participants agree to the all terms set out prior to participation, there should be no need for policing.

Well that's my ten cents for what it's worth. Well not quite...if I received a bear from an inexperienced bearmaker, I would treasure it all the same...who's to say, they could be famous one day and my little swap bear might be worth a lot more than I ever expected!!!  bear_laugh

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I don't / can't do swaps...even if I wanted to..for the same reason that others have said..I need to pay the bills.

That said, I would if I could! I do think it needs to be about honesty though and if always done in the spirit in which it was intended no-one should have grounds for complaint. I think the bear trading idea of Bid4bears is a good one..that way you know what you are getting into. The problems would start when someones bear didn't get any offers of a trade.....

Trading like for like is also difficult...for my part I'd want to trade for a bear unlike my bears..because I think it's effort that counts more than size and if it's obvious to me that effort has been put in to the swap bear I'd made I'd  be delighted if it was reciprocated. It's only when the scales are not evenly balanced with regard to the motivation for the swap that things can go awry and the disappointment can happen. I do think it's the swap pairs responsiblity to engage in a fair and honest way and any issues should be ironed out between the two private as much as possible. I think if guidelines are followed there shouldn't be issues other than if one swap partner doesn't come up with a swap  within 6 weeks of the deadline they should return the bear they received.

It's a whole can of worms..!!!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

I've never participated in a swap, for the same reasons as Paula, Jenny and Shelli - my money goes into the pot for bills and since hubby will be retiring in 4 years,  we are really trying to put as much away as we can.  When I was doing a lot of U.S. shows several years ago, I was lucky enough to do some trading, when my show had gone really well. 

I hope there can be some real guidelines put into place for those who are able to participate.  It's disheartening see the bad feelings that can come about.  Good luck!



tinybear-dk TinyBear
Posts: 1,427

Hi Orackle Shelli.
Thank you so much for bringing this up. bear_thumb

I´m not that good to write long writing in English, but I hope you can understand it anyway  bear_ermm

I was going to participate in Gina´s swap and are very surprice and sorry over all this discussion, as I thought it
would have been fun. And I wouldn´t had had any problem with a swap with anybody. That´s the fun part as we all love bears. And isn´t it  just for fun ? 
I to agree in what Chrstine wrote:

My whole personal philosophy on swaps is that it is totally about friendship and sharing.  It is about wanting to make something for someone else, perhaps someone in another country, purely as an act of friendship and giving.

As for your question, I totally agree in your answers.
(can´t write long answers, but I have read it carefully  bear_grin )

I think swaps are great and I do hope all this will clear it up.

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Interesting......sounds like there are many opinions and this is a great dialog to have.

I personally have only done 1 swap. It was a private one at that. Call me selfish I suppose, but it really takes me a long time to make a bear. I need every bear I can get to sell and try and keep my name out there a bit.
Plus, if I could afford to swap a bear, I would probably just give it to my grandma who loves them soo much.

I would also be disappointed if my swap partner ended up being someone I didn't know and who didn't post often, I guess I'm a little paranoid.

For me, private swaps are the way to go.

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.

2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.

3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories?

4.  If swaps are sub-organized into categories, do you think, for example, that mini makers should swap with mini makers?


Do you think each participant should be able to CHOOSE which category he/she wishes to trade with?  For example, should a mini maker be able to specify that he/she wants to trade for a "biggun" bear?

4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
(b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear?

7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?

8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.

Okey-dokey, here's my two penneth worth Shelli.

1.  YES


3.  YES

4.  (a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
     (b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
     (d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

5.  not applicable

6.  8 weeks from a specific date set for the swap to begin

7.  Shot at dawn or failing that - PUBLIC EXPOSURE here on TT (providing there were no extenuating circumstances for failure to complete swap)


Penny  bear_tongue

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

Here I am cruising TT not having a clue that there is drama brewing around me. My goodness I must be really blinkered.  bear_grin  After reading these posts It finally dawned on me what other topics in the forum were about. :doh:  :doh: wakey wakey Wendy bear_grin

I have been involved in two random swaps here on TT and I must say I ABSOLUTELY LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF THEM. I got to know two wonderful and talent ladies. I'm still in touch with both of them to this day. And I couldnt feel prouder when I show off their bears to my friends and/or anyone who is silly enough to pass my doorstep.  bear_grin  Since then I have participated in goodness knows how many private swaps. The same thing happens. I get to know and forge friendships with the most talented, friendly, giving, adorable people.
As I have read from others we all seem to feel exactly the same. Its about FUN and FRIENDSHIP.
If you are after anything else  then swap privately or just plain out buy the bear you are after.
TOTAL RANDOM SWAPS are the way to go. Anything else would be tooo much of a head ache.
THERE SHOULD be a time limit. A basic time set by the co-ordinator and then fine tuned between the swapees
I PERSONALLY dont like the idea of categories but I do understand that there are people that do not wish to swap outside their own country. But having said that there is always the option of them going private with  a swap.
THE SKILL LEVEL option makes me shudder. When I did my first swap if skill level was involved then my WEE Kangaroo WANDA would never have come about. PLUS I would never have known that a WANDA was in me at all. Now that would have been sad. bear_cry
I reckon 6 to 8 weeks is a good time frame. Again as I mentioned before it can be fine tuned between swapees.
Well if it wasnt for Marions swap partner taking off  then I wouldnt have got MELANIE and PEACE. YES Marion sent me two bears. A beautiful big bear and a wee mini  she made while waiting for me to make
:dance: )))))))))  MONTY (((((((( :dance: 
So her swap partners loss and my gain.Most definitely my gain bear_thumb   :dance:
To avoid being cheated a date should be set to post and a few days before hand check back with each other to see if all is still oK.  Then and only then post your bear.
Only if they have stolen your bear, hold them up for public ridicule.
Because it is THEFT. I'm sure we all agree that we want to know who the thieves are?
The swap coordinator will have to check with both swapees in order to verify that something amiss is actaully amiss. BUT a swapee should only go to the coordinator as a last resort.
A lot of heartache can be avoided. If a swapee is'nt talking to you during the swap then there just maybe something amiss.  Dont shrug it off check it out.!
Above all people)))))))))))))))))))))))) PLAY NICELY ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

To our ORACLE SHELLI, thankyou for giving us this opportunity bear_flower  bear_thumb

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

Well thought out questions's my 2 cents worth of input!

.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.


2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.

AGREE DEFINATELY.  I received a bear that was not my favorite, but after having it around a while, I fell in love with it and would not trade it for anything!

3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories?


4.  If swaps are sub-organized into categories, do you think, for example, that mini makers should swap with mini makers?


Do you think each participant should be able to CHOOSE which category he/she wishes to trade with?  For example, should a mini maker be able to specify that he/she wants to trade for a "biggun" bear?


4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
(b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear?


7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?


8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Great topic Shelli, your on the right track, I have participated in swaps before with other groups that have gone very well, and your are on the right track here. You have all the points covered, and setting categories of ability I think is important, setting a time limit is good  that way you get people to commit to finishing pieces and finishing the swap, if the rules are set out clearly at the start they normally run well and hopefully everything goes smoothly and is enjoyable for everyone.

cherylbruinwerks Bruinwerks
Posts: 784

1.  YES or NO:  Have you ever participated in a random teddy bear swap?  By random teddy bear swap, I mean a swap where your name is placed among a pool of names of participating artists, and then you are paired up with another bear artist randomly by the swap coordinator.[/color]

2.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  All participants in random swaps must agree that they will accept, without public or private complaint, any bear that comes their way, as a condition of participation.

3.  YES or NO:  Do you think swaps should be sub-organized into categories?
Could be but only if this is laid out in clear and concise terms by the organizer

4.  If swaps are sub-organized into categories, do you think, for example, that mini makers should swap with mini makers?
I think the organizer makes that decision and you choose to be involved based on what its right for you

Do you think each participant should be able to CHOOSE which category he/she wishes to trade with?  For example, should a mini maker be able to specify that he/she wants to trade for a "biggun" bear?

4.  If you answered YES to question (3.), which categories would you like to see used?  Mark all that apply:

(a)  Size (small, medium, large... or mini, medium, biggun.)
(b)  Style (contemporary, traditional, distressed, anime)
(c)  Skill level of bearmaker (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
(d)  Medium (needlefelted, mohair, synthetic)

5.  If you marked "skill level of bearmaker" as a possible category, in question (4.), do you have any suggestions about the criteria a swap coordinator might use to determine the skill level of each participating artist?  Years making bears?  Price per bear?  Awards and honors?  Is this even a realistic option?

6.  How long should swap participants be given to complete and ship their swap bear?
If it takes you longer than 60 days to get it in the don't have time to do a swap!
7.  What, if any, should the consequences be for those who commit to a swap, but never send a bear to their partner, even after receiving one themselves?
There should be a master list, held by one of the moderators (and not posted), and that person doesn't get to participate in any swap until their original swap obligation is met or the person who didn't receive grants them a pardon.
8.  AGREE or DISAGREE:  The swap coordinate should not have to police swap participants.  Any problems which arise are the responsibility of each swap pairing to resolve.
Agree to a degree. The coordinator should have access to the 'banned' list when organizing things but after that, you are on your own.

I don't have the time to do a lot of this kind of thing but I know it can be a lot of fun and a great way to add to your collection.  It can also lead to a lot of heartache when people don't play fair or someone can't keep their mouth shut!

If you are really really particular about what you do and don't like, maybe public swapping isn't for you.
Stick with private, there's nothing wrong with that!

Perhaps what we need is a CLEAN SLATE SWAP. Where everyone starts out on a level playing field and it goes from there.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Cheryl, could you elaborate?  What's a CLEAN SLATE SWAP?

Also, I want to clarify something once more because more than one of you have referred to "moderators" or "organizers" who should "hold onto" lists of no-gooders. 

To clarify:  Teddy Talk, Intercal, and the Advisors on this forum, cannot and will not get involved in the monitoring and policing of swaps in any way.  You MUST realize and assume that each swap is a distinct and separate "event" and that swaps will only occur here if individual members pro-actively bring them into being.  Therefore, there IS no group of "moderators" that can "hold onto" lists of no-gooders over time; who can ensure that for the NEXT swap, persons A, B, and C who never sent their bears are banned from participation.

Just wanted to clarify.

Also, wanted to offer this idea.  While TT and its Advisors and Admin can't and won't get involved directly in swaps, we have been discussing how useful it would be to our readers if we provided a chunk of "boilerplate" text for swap coordinators to use in posting their swaps.  In fact, we're thinking of making the use of this boilerplate a condition for posting swaps to this board.  The information you'd need to copy and paste would look like this (below).  I've filled it out fictitiously so that you can see what's envisioned.  Participants are listed by name; those who complete their swaps will have their names marked with an asterisk.  Those who don't will not.  There will not be a "Hall of Shame" but it will be clear and apparent to anyone reading the original swap post (below) when someone has not met their obligation, for whatever reason.  It will be the responsibility of the swap coordinator to keep completed swap info current because if it's not kept current people will "appear" to have dropped the ball even if they didn't.  This points, again, to the importance of being really committed and responsible if you want to propose/challenge/sponsor a swap!


Thanks for all your thoughtful input.  I'm seeing certain trends appear that I'm certain will help refine the swap process going forward. Your time and efforts are appreciated!


TITLE:  Valentine Minis
THEME:  Valentine's Day, mini bears (5 inches and under)
TYPE:  Random
OPENING DATE:  January 5, 2007
CLOSING DATE:  February 14, 2007, or as decided between swap pairs.  If your item isn't received by March 17, 2007, your swap will be marked "incomplete."
HOW TO JOIN:  Send email to above; include your full name, home address, and email address.
PARTICIPANTS:  Joe Blow, Madame Bovary, Jane Austin, Austin Powers, Dilu Gollywoods, Farrah Fawcett
PAIRINGS (completed swaps marked with *):

Joe Blow* -- Jane Austin*
Madame Bovary -- Dilu Gollywoods*
Farrah Fawcett -- Austin Powers

PARTICIPANTS:  By submitting your name and contact information for inclusion in this swap, you agree to the following statement:
I will create new work for this swap, and it will be work that represents my best efforts as an artist.  I promise to graciously accept, without public or private complaint of any kind, any item that I receive in this swap.


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