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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

This is a challenge for teddy bear artists, collectors, show promoters, suppliers, participating TT members, lurkers and guests. (Did I leave anyone out?)

We have been having discussions here on Teddy Talk about the Future of the Teddy Bear Industry. Those who have been involved in it long enough know that it’s on the decline. Now, as all collectibles and many forms of art, we’ll have our ups and down. There are MANY reasons for this, many beyond our control.

But we can take control of one thing: Promoting Artist Made Teddy Bears to the Public. We, as individuals, can build awareness. By leaving bear magazines at the doctor’s or dentist’s office, by doing a demonstration at your local school, library, garden club or quilt shop. By participating in craft shows and educating passers by. By cross promoting our art …. putting an ad in beading, doll or quilting magazines. Submit an editorial to your local newspaper. Host a signing or open house. Carry a bear with you, a photo album of your work, hand out business cards. As a collector, tell your friends about your collection, your latest adoption, invite a friend to attend a bear show with you. As a promoter focus on the quality, originality and collectability of bears in your marketing, perhaps seek out an untapped area to promote to… invite your local girl scout troop or police and fireman’s families offering free admission. Collectors with websites: swap links with bear artists. Bear artists: seek out non-bear artists to swap links with!

The point of this challenge is to bring new collectors to the artist teddy bear industry by each and every one of us going beyond just making bears or just buying them but rather spreading the word! Please don’t keep this wonderful art a secret! Share the love and joy a teddy brings with friends and strangers alike. Help us not just keep the bear industry alive but help it THRIVE once again! Buyers are out there… they just don’t know about our teddy bears yet and it’s our responsibility to do something about that! No one else is going to do it!

So, I challenge you to spend the next 6 months (through the end of July 2007) doing your part to bring new collectors to artist teddy bears. Perhaps this requires you to go outside your comfort zone, it may take a few extra moments of your time, but you will meet new people and share information about an art that just can’t be passed by! Even better, your efforts will help revive bear shows, internet sites offering bears, our beloved suppliers, bear magazine readership and those who are hoping to make a little extra money to help pay the bills and keep food on the table. It will also help you the artist to sell more bears to support your bear making habit and you the collector to keep those artists producing their wonderful creations!

It’s time for a Teddy Bear Revolution! Will you join me in putting your best efforts forth to seek out new collectors? Let’s go out into the world (and I think the members here cover just about all of it) and tell ‘em about teddy bears!

Please feel free to post your commitment here publicly. Share your ideas and experiences to help inspire others. Or simply make a silent commitment and know we’ll appreciate your private efforts!

For recent discussions and ideas on finding new collectors please check out one of these threads:

Please, join the Teddy Bear Revolution!!!!


Jodi Falk Bears by Jodi
Gahanna , Ohio USA
Posts: 3,463


Daphne !! I am ready Lets GOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! Come on every one jump in and lets build this back up to what is should be and could be !!!! It will take all of us !!! I think I will start leaving my business cards around with my web address on it , I do already carry a small photo album, so lets keep thinking !!!

lulubears Posts: 280

I know that the bear magazines, when issues are available, will send issues to show promoters to hand out at their shows.

As we have 3 shows quickly approaching, I'd be happy to hand out copies of the magazines at local libraries, doctor's offices, etc., before the show is actually here.  If the magazines would be willing to send issues (regardless of how old or new they are), to show promoters, then we could hopefully introduce the bear world to a lot of people that have never been reached before.  We could bundle up individual issues and include not only subscription information to the magazines, but also information regarding the shows.  Everyone would benefit - the magazines, the show promoters and the artists supporting the shows.

My doctor's office, as well as the place I get my hair cut and the hotel where we are hosting our show are receptive to the idea and we haven't even done it yet.

Any thoughts on this approach?


bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188
Daphne wrote:

Those who have been involved in it long enough know that it’s on the decline.

Daphne I love what you're doing ... issuing the challenge. But I hate this particular sentence ... because that's what it sounds like ... a sentence.

I would rather look at is as the calm before the storm. Teddies have been round for over 100 years and I don't think the love of bears will ever decline.

It's just  possible that the market has been saturated with bears, as every Tom, Dick and Harry has jumped on a successful bandwagon. But you just have to look around at the trends many of them are now moving to scrap booking and beads.

Those that hang in there and do the networking and the shows like they have always done will survive and the days of good teddy sales will come again.

By the way I just received a request from a new collector tonight...he fell in love with the teddy I made for his Mum and pleaded with me to make one wearing a shirt made with the colours of the Italian flag. I don't usually do commissions, but I couldn't resist this one...he's only six years old!

Do you think there maybe a new generation of collectors bruin?

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

Daphne, I have to say that you are in the wrong business! You should be a motivational speaker! Really! You certainly got me ready to hop right on that bandwagon and ACTIVELY and ENTHUSTICALLY take on this challenge. You go girl! and I am going with you!

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Sandi, I agree with your post, and I'm encouraged by your six-year-old patron, too!  bear_original

I feel like I have been around the teddy bear industry for a looong time. I went to doll shows with my mom (she collected antique dolls) before teddy bears started creeping in and then having their own shows...and I collected antiques and then artist bears when the movement started in my area, so about the late '80s, early '90s. Then I started designing and making bears in 1996 and selling them. So I've seen the big conventions, the shows happening whenever you turned around, the fat issues of the magazines...and then the Internet and eBay. bear_wacko  But I believe in the enduring nature of teddy bears and that they will always be around.  bear_wub

Great ideas for promotion, all. I will be watching the revolution with anticipation. bear_thumb

Bear hugs, :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Sonya, thank you but I do better on a keyboard where I can hit delete over and over until it sounds right. Put me on the spot and I'm tongue tied! :crackup:

Jodi, you go girl!!! Luann, great ideas! Perhaps even include a coupon to the show in your bundles. Good way to track your efforts.

Deborah & Sandi: Jeesh you two, WHERE did I say the love for teddy bears was dying? Interest in ARTIST teddy bears is what I'm talking about here. Calm before the storm? The storm already came and went hon, about 10 years ago! We'll have another 'storm' one day but WE HAVE TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN! Right now shows are not well attended any more, many have ceased, sales as a whole are not as good as they were, many suppliers have closed or down-sized considerably. RIGHT NOW, if you take a look around you, things aren't booming like they were. That, in my interpretation would mean that things are not as good as they were. Save from quoting you the dictionary's definition of the word, I'd say that DECLINE is appropriate.

Deborah said:

Great ideas for promotion, all. I will be watching the revolution with anticipation.

I'm sorry you won't be participating! :hug:

The whole point of this challenge is to bring MORE collectors to the teddy bear industry. Regardless of how you may perceive it's current status. No, teddy bears aren't going any where. But how easy it is to walk into your local drug store, grocery store or gift shop and buy an inexpensive manufactured bear! We want to introduce the younger generation to artist bears, keep the artist bear industry (not just teddy bears as a whole) alive and well and if we don't, no one will!

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Oh, no, Daphne! I'll be participating...I just haven't decided how to yet!  :hug: I should have been more clear. That's my problem! bear_laugh Yes, teddy bears will always be around, but I do think that artist bears are SO special, and everyone needs to know they exist! And they'll want them, I know they will!! bear_smile  :thumbsup:

Edited yet again:
OK, I do have an idea that I've been wanting to do for quite a while now. I want to design and make a teddy bear purse and carry it with me everywhere...kind of like a backpack. I haven't designed it yet, but I plan to this year. I also want to make up flyers that will always be in the purse, as well as new business cards (part of my goal for rebranding and relaunching of New Avenue Crew this year). So, if anyone else wants to use that idea, feel free. I know there are cute teddy bear purses out there (Sharon Barron's purses come to mind), so it's not an entirely new idea, but I wanted to carry one of my own creations around with me. bear_smile

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Oh, goody!!!  :dance:
Edited to keep up with Debora's edits: The purse is a wonderful idea! I too have seen some great ones!

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Daphne thank you so much for giving us.... the Challenge for Everyone : A Teddy Bear Revolution!

I will make a start by getting some of my Bear magazines into the Doctors waiting room and places like that.
I have printed out the Teddy talk flyer and will make some copies,  as this is a great way to preach and show others of all the wonderful bears that are around and I need now, to get them out there.
I have often been reading a bear magazine travelling across on the ferry and people comment and want to know more about what it is I
am reading.

I am sure with us all doing things like this the Teddy Bear Industy will be once again, a thriving success!



SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,753

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hooray for you, Daphne . . . we need someone or something to put a burr in our collective saddles that will motivate all of us in this industry to promote what we do.  Thank you for publicly issuing this challenge and inviting us with new ideas to go out there and spread the word.   bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Thank you Daphne!!!   A deadline is what I need  bear_whistle   I hope to have my collecting website pretty much done including the downloadable PDF flier by the date you have set.... or before!!

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188
Daphne wrote:

Deborah & Sandi: Jeesh you two, WHERE did I say the love for teddy bears was dying? Interest in ARTIST teddy bears is what I'm talking about here. Calm before the storm? The storm already came and went hon, about 10 years ago! We'll have another 'storm' one day but WE HAVE TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN! Right now shows are not well attended any more, many have ceased, sales as a whole are not as good as they were, many suppliers have closed or down-sized considerably. RIGHT NOW, if you take a look around you, things aren't booming like they were. That, in my interpretation would mean that things are not as good as they were. Save from quoting you the dictionary's definition of the word, I'd say that DECLINE is appropriate.

Dear Daphne,

All I said was I hated that sentence...
(Daphne wrote:
Those who have been involved in it long enough know that it’s on the decline.)
...everything else was positive.

I didn't say I was adverse to your ideas of promotion...because I've always promoted my art in ways that you have suggested.

I know we had a "storm" ten years ago (I was there too...just not in the USA) and what I meant by my comment, is storms come and go and I know there will be another on the horizon.

However, I have always spoken positively about bear artistry and I will continue to do so and I refuse to tell anyone it's on the decline whether it is or not...because if you say it's on decline often enough, people will begin to believe it!

I appologise if I offended you in anyway.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

However, I have always spoken positively about bear artistry and I will continue to do so and I refuse to tell anyone it's on the decline whether it is or not...because if you say it's on decline often enough, people will begin to believe it!

Ah, denial? Is that what you are referring to? Yup, I handled the problems in my first marriage that way, even when the rest of my family and friends could see the reality. I finally woke up one day, realized if I didn't face the TRUTH and DO SOMETHING about it, no one else was going to!

There is nothing wrong with accepting and recognizing the truth of a situation. Reality and truth must be faced before something can be done about it. It would be wonderful to keep my rose colored glasses on and pretend the bear artist industry is going great while in reality I'm just waiting for the next 'storm' to come..... which, let's face it, is something that will only happen with effort. So, if I'm sitting back waiting that means everyone else is doing the effort and I'll benefit!? Nope, I'd rather be proactive, be a part of making great things happen within the art that I love.

And it looks like I'm not alone!

Thank you to all of those who have posted here and sent me PMs and emails! We CAN make a difference! Whether it turns out to be a big difference (my hope, of course!) or just a small difference, it ALL MATTERS!

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188
bearlysane wrote:

I didn't say I was adverse to your ideas of promotion...because I've always promoted my art in ways that you have suggested.

However, I have always spoken positively about bear artistry and I will continue to do so and I refuse to tell anyone it's on the decline whether it is or not...because if you say it's on decline often enough, people will begin to believe it!

It's not in denial nor am I bury my head in the sand...nor am I waiting for anyone else to do my work for what I wrote above!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

It's not in denial nor am I bury my head in the sand...nor am I waiting for anyone else to do my work for me...

I'm glad you are promoting your work, regardless of what you think of the status of the industry. That is the whole point of this challenge, as I've said.

I do think it's important to see the big picture.... some may be doing well, the majority obviously are not and that's why we need to put more effort forth in promoting teddy bears! Thank you for sharing how you view things. I find it very helpful. It's always good to be open to other view points and approaches to situations. :hug:

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Daphne, you are a real motivator in terms of getting us to think in a new light and get us out there to spark interest.  I will do what I can to help in this cause.  A lot of it will be outside my comfort zone, but I'll really try to push myself as I believe in the cause ! I won't sit back and wait for someone else.   I think I'll start with getting magazines out there.

A few weeks ago  I was working on a bear at our local sports complex(while waiting for my daughter to finish dance class).  At least 3 people stopped to ask what I was making and were very interested. One woman's husband is a news reporter and she took my business card.  She said maybe sometime he would be interested in doing a report on my business.  So maybe, I'll follow up on that and get something aired on TV!  NOW that is WAY outside my warm , fuzzy ,comfy zone  bear_cry

bearlysane Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,188
chrissibrinkley wrote:

Like I said in my other post on the other thread about all of this positive thinking out loud.... I personally don't want a storm like that of the 1980s or 90s.  Storms are what happen to beanie babies, tickle me elmos and playstations; they come and go with the wind.  I want constant consistent longevity doing something positive that makes me personally happy.

Chrissi, this would be a bear artists heaven if we could have consistancy.

Now I have had brunch and some more time to think about things. This is something that I have posted a couple of times previously on diffferent threads, but I wondered how many of you had actually done anything about it?

If we all wrote a story about artist bears and/or collecting and submitted it to our local papers (most Australian locals have "what's new" or "crafty" type columns, so I presume you all do too) and women's magazines or you could write something regarding "hobby to business" and submit it to business magazines. This is good exposure for you as individuals (advertising at no cost) as well as a boost to the "industry" in general.

I have done this myself and they sent a photographer to my home for a's worth a one's going to turn you into a green tree frog for trying!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Dear Daphne


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

This is about so much more than shows dying off. Teddy Bear mags used to be THICK! There used to be a lot of bear supply shops that have now closed their doors. We used to have a bear artist guild here with over 25 artists in it. There is no longer a guild. Yes, that's change alright.... and everyone has their interpretation of it!

As I've stated above, my intentions here are indeed to be PROACTIVE! Not all artists are business people so don't all think like business executives to always be one step ahead of things instead of reactive. But if you think the artist bear industry is going great then the challenge I've proposed is indeed proactive, isn't it?


Tammy.... TV.. that would be very exciting! I've often thought and think I'd said that one of us should try and get ourselves on one of the talk shows like Oprah or what's-his-name there... can't think of it! Or how about having Martha Stewart learn how to make a teddy bear on TV??? That would all totally be WAY out of my comfort zone but we've some great artists who could do a bang up job of it! I think a TV business report/interview on you would be great!!!

Here are some of my plans..... I'm going to try to use the whole Mimzy thing to the teddy bear artists advantage in my press releases. The local newspaper wants an article so thought I'd put the focus on bear making more than anything else! Hope they go for it!

There's the two shows I'm promoting this year. One is in an untapped market so I have a lot of fast and furious 'educating of folks' to do and need to focus on some really good marketing to get those who see my ads to actually COME with an idea of what they are coming to.. an ART show! Great attendance is wonderful but it's even better if those folks come with the right mindset to buy and not be scared off, having thought it was a kids show of manuf. bears! Shelli's post about marketing our work a bit differently really hit home and gave me lots to think about!

Craft shows... I'm going to get back to those and teaching too... I didn't do many classes last year. I'm itchiing to get back to those! Everyone in my family needs to stay well and no movie projects so I can do my bear stuff this year!

OK, now I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!  :crackup:

bearhug07 Strange Bears
Posts: 444

HI Daphne

You just beat me to it.........i was leading up to something like this with my "encouragin new collectors" thread....just thought I'd let a few people talks themsleves into action and seeing things in the light of a new year and resolutions. We who love an industry will ALWAYS promote it and push it along.....sometimes we just need a bit of kick to move along from whre we have been to see a new idea or a new consept or just a second wind to make that next hill.

I know I'm up for the challenge in 2007 and I know a lot of Aussie artists are to.

Sandi of Barely Sane has been one of my strongest supporters since I have taken my new job and has offered much of her time and knowledge through the mag to help new makers have many others.

But we will all look for more to grab those new people off the street...... :crackup:  :crackup:

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

I have mentioned this before and I will again and again and again. I am the international representative for Taiwan Teddy Bear Show and I have to get both ARTISTS and COLLECTORS  involved. Its a challenge for me but something I am prepared to take on.  I again say that this market is a developing market for both bear makers and collectors and its tru education and exposure that will help the market grow.

Often thou, so many people sit and "complain" as it is a easy thing to do, but how many actually go out and do something.
To those who are prepared to make a difference  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb


Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Good Daphne!! Another idea is start wearing a bear pin ( ring, bracelet..) and know people will ask!

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Great Challenge I am participating as we speak, I am a supporter.  bear_thumb

Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth  and share this with you  all -  attended a craft display today demonstrating to the public its amazing how many people off the street have a loved bear  and will out of the blue strike up a conversation and tell you about their collection as you display your craft to them, get out in the public everyone, it doesn't have to be a bear show, I am involved in a craft co-operative we do our displays everyone month, we all have different craft mediums that we demonstrate, people need to see what you do in person, you will be surprised they come back and chat and you will hopefully get them back again and again purchaser or not, its a different avenue of getting yourself out there in your communities to a wider audience.   Give it a go.

My next thought is to get to our youngsters this year and do some teaching, that way our future collectors will have an appreciation for this craft, teddys are here to stay  bear_thumb .

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Lynette, VERY well said! :clap:

Karen, Good for you! You go girl!!!! :dance:

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb