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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Hi Everyone,

Well, I know a few of you have had auctions pulled by eBay, but I hadn't realised how annoying it was until it happened to me!!

I couldn't believe it, when I saw my auction had been pulled because I stated in my auction:
"If you would like to visit my webpage to see more bears made by me, please click the about ME page to find my link."

I wouldn't have thought that this would have been against eBays rules, because they state you are allowed to put your webpage link into your ME page.

They say that the auction was pulled because "Users may not use systems or techniques to circumvent, or avoid, eBay fees"

What I can't understand is, by using the phrase that I used about my webpage, I would get around paying eBay fees?  Come on!!!!!!!! 

Can anyone figure this out for me?  I have contacted eBay regarding this situation, to try to get an explanation about it.

What I find really frustrating and very disappointing is that my auction wsa doing well.  The little bear had the highest amount of watchers, more than any other bear listed on eBay Australia - I think the bear could have done very well.  (IF you check out Pulse eBay, you can see which auctions have the most amount of watchers)  So, naturally, I'm disappointed, annoyed, and P***ED OFF!

I just wanted to vent, share my experiences, and I will keep you updated with what happens.

Danni    bear_angry   bear_angry  bear_angry
P.S -- I would be shattered if someone here "dobbed" me in!!!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I think probably because if you were sneaky you could...if someone contacted you via your website and offered to buy the bear that way instead... you could pull the auction yourself and that way avoid fees. I guess that might be what they mean?

I think it's normal eBay rules.....they don't want you diverting business elsewhere...fair enough I suppose...they're in it to make money.

Can't you just put it back on wthout the notice?


clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Awww Danni:(    What gets me is that other sellers, not just bear makers, seem to get away with it don't they??   I tried to put my web page on a listing once, before I knew it was forbidden, and they stopped me in my tracks - but at the time I looked at other sellers pages and there they were!!!   

I originally thought ebay would be good to get my site looked at, but no it was not to be.  (Mind you, good job, it really needs an update!!)

How annoying aswell when your bear was doing so good:mad:, but try not to get too down.   

What's pulse ebay?

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

I had a look round on eBay (australia) and couldn't find anything explicit in their help section about your particular problem....but on the site it says:

You may include links to your About Me page in your listings. However, you may not include language within those links that promotes items or other Web sites.

It seems a fine line to me, but strictly speaking ebay could say you were advertising off-ebay items if you are selling other bears on your website. I think you would be ok to say 'please visit my About Me page', without referencing your other bears.

What would worry me personally about this is, how did ebay find out? Do they police individual auctions? I doubt it! Perhaps they were doing spot checks, and you were just unlucky :(. Or......and please, please, please don't quote me on this......someone reported your auction? I'm sure it must happen.

Big, big hugs to you. If only ebay could be a little more 'gentle' in the treatment of their paying customers, and provide clearer explanations that show a little more feeling....but then they are a business, and a very profitable one at that. So what do they care?! bear_angry

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh no, Danni... I don't  know nothing about E-bay sell but as Helena said I think there were doing spot checks because if not
how they can find out your words on auction page...hmmmmmmmmmm.

I just want to give you big (((((((((   Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs ))))))

Thanks for sharing your case.

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

The only thing I can say if someone did dob you in they must be jealous as you are doing well and make nice bears. So give them a big bear_tongue and keep making and selling.

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Hi Danni
you know I had the exact same thing happen to me! bear_angry When I first began selling bears at the end of last year.  It is so annoying I know, coz you really don't realise you are doing anything wrong.  The main thing to stay out of hot water is not mention anything about any other bears or items available for sale anywhere else than ebay.  Leave all of that for the About me page.

You can list Wilbur again, and when it happened to me they refunded charges so I wasn't out of pocket at all....

Also, don't worry about watchers...I've found that it is an inaccurate way to see how many people are really interested...On Odette I had 2 watchers..and I had 2 bids...other times I've had 15 watchers and 2 bids bear_rolleyes ...see what I mean?

I'm sure no one from this group has dobbed you in Danni so I wouldn't worry about that bear_noexpression ...I've never seen anything but friendliness and support's a lovely group of people bear_cool ...I think ebay has it's prowlers who check out how ever many auctions a day and then do their dirty work...
I love the bear community for it's 'niceness' and genuine support..its lovely and I love being part of it, I've never had any hints of cattiness and that is what I think bear makers are all about...nice warm cozies bear_laugh It makes me feel good..but then I'm an old softie lol :P

Good luck in re-listing :)
hugs sarah

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Oh Danni, I'm sorry to hear about your dilema.  I can see why you are so upset.  Too bad Ebay couldn't give a bit of notice so you can change the unintentional error without pulling it off completely.  Don't give up , list it again and maybe put a gentle little note about it being cancelled so those bidders return without being angry at you.  It is frustration when you see other auctions that get away with things.     

I have to agree with Sarah that # of watchers doesn't always mean anything.  My highest selling bear had the least watchers.  One that had had 18 watchers got zero bids.   I think I liked it better before that feature was available. 

Keep your chin up ! Your bears are precious !

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Danni ~ What Helena said.  The objectionable part of your sentence is probably NOT check out my About Me, but rather IS for a link to my website.

Helena ~ I would have to guess that part of Ebay's security system includes some sort of search of auctions for key words that trigger further investigation.  (?)

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Oh no! ---- I hope no-one thinks I've implied that someone did report Danni's auction. I really didn't mean that! Especially not someone from here! It's just that I've been around on eBay for long enough to realise these things do happen occasionally, for whatever reason, and it isn't necessarily malicious.

I have no idea how eBay would find that kind of wording in an auction. You are probably right Deb - they may do searches for key phrases or something :rolleyes:.

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

That is too bad Danni, I received a warning from ebay not long ago because I had a line in my auction that read "be sure to check out my website at". It wasn't a direct link so I thought that it would be ok but apparently not. They said that if that reference wasn't removed immediatley my auctions would be cancelled. So now I have a direct link on the About Me page.
I m sure that any of the watchers that were really interested in buying will be looking for your auction again. I like the "watchers feature", I don't consider it to be an indication of bidders just an indicaton of people who are interested enough in that bear to have at least one more look. I think of it as a kind of feedback....if there are lots of watchers that bear must appeal to lots of people.

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Deb is right.... they probably have software set up specifically for checking KEYWORDS like "website" in auctions. It's all preprogrammed, not directed at anyone in particular, random screening of auction listings. It probably all happens automatically so nothing to take personal.

I have to say that until this past week I hadn't listed on eBay for a while but when I did in the past I often had a link right to my website in the listing... often stating "For more info on this item please CLICK HERE" and the click here link took you right to that bear on my website. Other times the description would say "As seen at" or I'd include my email address which has my website in it. I never got an auction yanked. I truly think it's a)random and b) that eBay is getting much more strict.

If folks are really interested in your bears they will go to your ME page and find out more about you and thus your website addy there, or will use the "ask this seller a question" feature to find out if you have other bears or a website. NOT putting a hint about having a website won't hurt your business, in my opinion.

I think we do have to list an item on eBay with this in mind: You are listing A PARTICULAR ITEM to sell on ebay. You are not selling your website or services, just this one item. If you've ever been to a live auction the auctioneer rambles about the facts of the item on the block, not someone's website or store or related items. JUST THE ITEM TO BE SOLD. EBay is not meant to be a place to ADVERTISE. It's a bonus if folks go to your ME page and on to your website. They are at least giving you a whole page to tell about you business and website.

Danni... I do sympathize with you whole-heartedly. Relist that little guy...he'll sell. Sarah is right... the number of watchers has little to do with the final bid. Often times I find it's my friends here who watch to provide support and see how I do.

Big hugs!

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066
Helena wrote:

Oh no! ---- I hope no-one thinks I've implied that someone did report Danni's auction. I really didn't mean that! Especially not someone from here!

Oh no Helena, I wasn't referring to your message, I was responding to Danni's message and trying to make her feel at ease...I didn't think your message suggested anything...don't worry bear_happy

Ebay is such a large company, its sure to have many workers keeping an eye on things...
Wish they would let us know before they pull our auctions tho... like I is usually done innocently...
hugs sarah

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Thanks Sarah :D. Phew - I don't want to upset anyone, and I know Danni must be feeling mad/awful about what's happened. I've found eBay OK so far, but some of their policies...well, it would be nice if they could tread more gently sometimes, because the mistakes are often innocent as you say. (Have you seen the help section? It would take all day to read it!).

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Ebay seems to be getting more strict all the time. I know they have been pulling fairy auctions, because of nudity that has been fine for years. Seems like alot of artist catagories are getting targeted. At least that I've heard of anyway. I can understand their policy, but people selling stolen items or fakes seem to be getting along fine. Just doesn't seem fair to me.
I agree with Sarah though, at least they could've given you warning to change to problem.
Oh well, I'm sure if you re-list, you'll sell the bear just fine. Good luck!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073
Gina wrote:

It's a shame that they don't realize they aren't 'top dogs' any more and give people some slack--lower the fees and we might not feel so much pressure and desire for off-ebay sales.


Thanks a great point Gina! After all, if the fees weren't so high, we could possibly save money on a website, and still have the security of ebay sales.
Now much we can do though, too bad really.


Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Hi Everyone,

I appreciate everyones comments and thoughts on the matter.   I received a message from eBay, and basically, you can put your webpage link in your ME page, but you can't say you link is available at your ME page.  I would have thought it would have been OK, but no it's not!  I have been very careful NOT to put my link into my auctions.. Oh well, live and learn!

When reading information about  pulling auctions, apparently they don't generally monitor auctions, however they often receive reports from eBay members and third parties.   So, makes me wonder what happened  - of course you wonder...MMMmm ;)

As for the ammount of watchers, it's funny  how people have varying experiences.  I have sold quite a few bears on eBay already, and for the most part (not always the way) but mostly, the number of watchers does give me some idea on how popular the bear is .. at least..   I got an email from someone who had to find me through bear pile, wondering what happened to Wilbur.. SHe thought she was going crazy LOL

Anyhow, thanks for everyone's comments.   I just thought I'd share my experiences with everyone... from now on, I won't even mention my webpage on my auction LOL

Thanks again!

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066
Helena wrote:

Thanks Sarah :D. Phew - I don't want to upset anyone,

Not to worry hon bear_original I'm on a lot of medication for my arthritis and often am on the computer when my pain meds are working lol...I often hope that what I write comes off okay lol so know what you mean't ;)

I know...ebay's help is confusing!  Think it is easier to be told off and learn that way lol

hugs sarah

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sorry for your unpleasant experience, Danni!  Sometimes I'm really glad I'm not selling on ebay . . . this is one of those times!  Wilbur WILL sell!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Hi Danni,

Yes, I understand how anhyoing this can be.  Happened to me too....

But I understand why.  Although many people are honest... there are also tons of people who try to rip anyone off.  EBay doesn't know who is who.... so they have to have rules.  They have to make new rules when the "bad guys" figure out a way around the old rules.

I think if you have wording like this in your auction.. I THINK you'd be fine:  "If you'd like to learn more about my bears, please see my about me page".

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Sorry to hear Danni bear_sad  This is one of the reasons that my auctions are generic... I was afraid to even put my link on my About Me page.... I hope your little one sells for a good price when you relist.

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