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doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

This was in our papers yesterday, what do you think?

                                               Hospital bans 'cooing' over babies

A hospital in Halifax, West Yorkshire (UK) has banned cooing over newborn babies as it breeches their human rights.
Duh!!! What!           I loved it when people admired my babies and would have felt so hurt if nobody had said nice things about them. Mind you I did have beautiful babies, but maybe I am a little biased. bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh bear_laugh


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Honestly this Human Rights thing over here is going a bit crazy. you better not sneeze in public or you will be breaching passerbys human rights before too long !!!

but then again, i've never had a baby to be a cooed at bear_grin

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

All I can do is shake my head!!:rolleyes:
We hear all sorts of strange things  coming from the UK.
They are starting to get stupid over here as well now.
'a bank robber on parole, robbed a bank & was given bail,while waiting for the court hearing' DUH!:rolleyes: go figure:rolleyes:Yet an inicent person can't defend their own property.
World gone mad.:(   matilda

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_grin:lol: How wonderfully dumb, Jane bear_grin:lol:


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Oh My !!

matilda wrote:

All I can do is shake my head!!:rolleyes:
We hear all sorts of strange things  coming from the UK.
They are starting to get stupid over here as well now.
'a bank robber on parole, robbed a bank & was given bail,while waiting for the court hearing' DUH!:rolleyes: go figure:rolleyes:Yet an inicent person can't defend their own property.
World gone mad.:(   matilda

Helena Bears-a-Bruin!
Macclesfield, UK
Posts: 1,291

Has anybody asked the babies if they mind being cooed at?!

Honestly, the world's gone mad.....:o

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Jane, I once read a satire written by an attorney...the story was aimed at, just what you are talking about...this world gone crazy.

Anyway, it was about little red riding hood.  We all know the wolf was the bad guy and the nasty things he did to Red Riding Hood and Grandma.

Well, as the satire unfolds...Wolf is taken to jail for his haines crimes and he hires an attorney.  It goes thru this long scenario about how Wolf has been wronged...he had a bad child hood, Red had enticed him, Grandma had entraped him and on and on, until Wolf appeared to be the victim, got off and Grandma and Red were arrested and standing trial.
It was so funny...but so sad because it seems to be right on target today.

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

LOL so true Helena! you could also say the Nurses handling the babies are breaching the baby's human rights by picking them up in the first place. Maybe the baby doesn't wanna be picked up :lol:

Helena wrote:

Has anybody asked the babies if they mind being cooed at?!

Honestly, the world's gone mad.....:o

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Well I guess I better stay on my side of the ocean for fear of being arrested for cooing at an infant...good grief!!!

That is just plain sad...

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Big SIGH!!  Just makes you wonder what the world will be like in 100 years!

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I want to respond, but I don't know what to say. People are starving, people just got their homes wiped out, and people are worrying about this?? HUH

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Jane I read this on the BBC website earlier - what will they think of next??

Here Here Heather!!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

I'm sorry, this is just bonkers.. crazy... Just seems like they have lost their minds!


Dilu Posts: 8,574


What human right did it violate?

The right to be alive, and by nature of being a littlekin and alive one is adorable?

What?  Shoud there be an edict that all babies now be deemed ugly and reprehensible?


Put the bears in charge!  Now!  before the world finishes circling the drain and implodes completely.

NONONONO!!!!!  NOT the GOLLIES!  They will just take the money and run off the nearest circus and play....put the bears in charge.


kerrenmorris K M Bears
Posts: 349

hi Jane,
i saw it on Calender news last night how silly!
they made out it was just the Prem babies, but they are in special care units any way.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Oh... this is just absolutely insane!  Aren't the premies the ones who stand to benefit the most from human contact and voice!  My girlfriend has a baby born quite early not too long ago, and she was ORDERED by the NICU nurses to hold that tiny little baby on her naked chest covered by a warm blanket, and softly sing..... Haven't "they" done studies that show that skin to skin contact and soothing sounds are practically necessary for the tiniest ones to  thrive!!!???

Beary truly yours,
Kim basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Jane i saw this in the paper today and the paper have come up with a leaflet for mothers to be and i assume it was a joke in response to the cooing thing because it said babies should be blindfolded when they are being breast fed because exposure to the nipple can cause long term affects especially in males which could lead to them becoming sexual predators and they even had a pic of a baby being breast fed with a blind fold on !!  bear_grin

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115
Pipa wrote:

... joke in response to the cooing thing because it said babies should be blindfolded when they are being breast fed because exposure to the nipple can cause long term affects ..... :lol:

Oh... now that IS funny!  My boys are destined to be just horrible people when they grow up then.... I had a heck of a time weaning them!  They just wouldn't stop! :lol:

Beary truly your,
Kim basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Dilu Posts: 8,574

AhHah!  Now I know why my adult son insists on going out with girls!

Imagine that! :lol::lol::lol:


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

It was hysterical at first i thought it was serious but then i thought surely not seeing this pic of a teeny newborn with a little blind fold across his eyes oh my bear_grin

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115
doodlebears wrote:

This was in our papers yesterday, what do you think?

                                               Hospital bans 'cooing' over babies

You know, it's just so gosh darn insanely crazy... I wonder if it's not a case of a law (or a hospital policy) being written that was just worded improperly.....

We read the funniest case in law school... which happened to take place in my home state of Ohio.  :redface:  where someone was attempting to pass a law that would place really hefty fines and possible jail time as a punishment for those who would relieve themselves against a school yard fence or on school property in general.  Well, obviously, they were trying to deter situations where some drunk takes a pee up against a school building.... clearly something that should be deterred!  But the poor fools when they drew up the law, it essentially BANNED ALL urination as well as defecation within the school, as well as a within a 100 foot radius of the school! 

Can you imagine all those poor kids jumping up and down in the hall way with legs crossed, just dying to get home so they could empty their little bladders!?  Lets hope that it's a policy where something has been left out of context, and when put back in it becomes completely understandable.... Let's HOPE!

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

All babies are ugly little munchkins - wrinked, pink, look like Winston Churchill or Sammy Davis Jr - depending on their ethnic background - and poo a lot

I never coo at babies as they just scream at me anyway (:twisted:)

Mine were butt ugly until they reached 6 months old - in fact my eldest looked like Earnest Borgnine until he was a year old THEN he looked like Winston Churchill !
My youngest always had a runny nose and never slept for the first 18 months of his life and would head bang if left to his own devices - STRANGE bear_ermm

I love babbies but i could'nt eat a whole one

Penny bear_tongue

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Hi Mandie. No it wasn't true. it was the Paper's idea of sneering at the new law of not cooing at babies. i don't blame them !! they were also saying things about not calling your baby names like coochy coo and not dressing boys in pink and stuff (all in mock of the new law)

i agree with you tho Mandie about this country.  it's getting to be pathetic. too lenient in alot of areas and the law phht! murderes and rapists get what 4/7 years in jail tops. yet a burglar gets the same ?

look at that case of the illegal immigrant who ran over a boy in his car and killed this boy and he got TWO WEEKS!!!!!! that was in the paper not long ago./ not only should he not have been in this country he was banned from driving. where is the sense in this ?? i dont understand !!! Seems to me the innocent get punished and the wicked get all the help these days !

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873


I love babbies but i could'nt eat a whole one


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

So True Mandie ! Look at Ian Huntley only today did they decide if  his life sentence should mean LIFE ! well duh why call it LIFE if it only means 14 years and 7 with good behaviour. they should say 14 year not life. So anyways Ian Huntley got a minimum of 40 years . 20 years for each child he killed..

Yep the prison isn't as bad as they should be. that's why no one respects the law ..too soft.   Gone are the days you got a criminal record for not having a dog licence LOL!

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