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I just wondered if any of the rest of you keep projects swimming around in your head? I have so many in there I could never do them all and every day another one pushes it's way in....Even my husband is afraid to let me near Home Depot for fear I will come up with a projectr for him...Ha, I probably would!
Very definitely! I have had a bear vignette in my head for 10 years! I know exactly what I want it to look like, the bears' designs, their names, the accessories, and the caption for it. If there ever was a "Queen of Procrastination", I'm it. And there are many other projects keeping the vignette company up there in my brain. Trust me, you are not alone!
Oh yes, I often have stories going in there too!
I think we are all in the same boat here Thee are more ideas than there is time.
I definitely agree, I really should start writing ideas down, I always forget the good ones!
Oh yes count me in on this one - my poor head has gone into overload many times Now and then a few fall out but it never seems to be timed right, big sighs!
Projects Swimming in my mind? How about drowning in them? So many ideas--so little time. And then even more keep popping in.
Emma Wrote: I definitely agree, I really should start writing ideas down, I always forget the good ones!
I have all kinds of ideas too. I remember reading some where about a person starting an “idea board". She see's pictures or writes down ideas and tacks them up on the board. Well she saw a beautiful living room in on of the design magazines thinking she would love a living room like that. She tacked it up in a corner of the board. Over the years other things covered up her little picture. Several years later she decorated her living room forgetting her inspiration picture. When she was going through the board, she found she had decorated her room just like the picture she found years earlier. Now from somebody in my field (I'm in the Mental Health field), that is interesting. For the unconscious really does work for us to accomplish things we long forgot. So it may be work starting an "idea board". I have been thinking about starting one for years, but like Sue Ann I procrastinate....and procrastinate....and procrastinate....I can't help it...:rolleyes:
I know this feeling, too, I have so much ideas and every day there are more that come to my mind.. I tend to write or draw them down on any paper I can find, but will definately buy a book where I can pt them all together in one place
Oh my, me too! But I never write them down, they just dance around and around in there in hopes that one day they will make their way out! I try not to make them wait too long!
I have ideas often for bear designs. Not whole bodies just pieces, leg shapes, head shapes. I do now draw them quick on paper and stick them on a board in the workroom. It has helped me a lot when I go to draw patterns.
:crackup: I never thought of an idea book...I used to keep a small book by my bed because I would solve programming problems in my sleep and I'd wake in the night and say that's it but if I didn't write it down I would not remember in the morning. I solved many, many problems that way. Perhaps and idea book would work for me....
Some times I think my head will explode with ideas. Ideas seen to come from everywhere. I am a childminder and one of my mindees came the other day with cute pigtails I was studying her thinking you would make a lovely bear . Hannah
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
I am a childminder and one of my mindees came the other day with cute pigtails I was studying her thinking you would make a lovely bear
There's a guy at work I REALLY think looks like a teddy bear, round face, rather chubby, very soft and placid... and then I mentioned it to a co-worker who about died laughing. Oh well
Awww, how cute!! Teddy Bear People!!