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rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

No pressure, no pressure at all Dawn, just the expectations of hundreds of TTers as well as Peter and Molly  bear_laugh

Dawn J Hugs Unlimited
West Yorkshire
Posts: 310
rowarrior wrote:

No pressure, no pressure at all Dawn, just the expectations of hundreds of TTers as well as Peter and Molly  :D

Oh no, I can't bear it! I just have this awful vision of Pater and Molly turning up on Sunday and Ernie sitting on my table in Todmorden! No worries, I'm sure Chris could nip back to Yorkshire if necessary.

It will be OK - Ernie will be the first bear to get into the car.  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Time seemed to be crawling by for Molly.  “How many more nights do I have to sleep?” she asked.  “Three more nights” Dad said.  “Why does it take so long? Why can’t we go to the big city right now and meet Ernie?” she pleaded.  “Ernie is not yet there, honey”  Dad said wearily, “He is still in Dawn’s castle, far far away.”   Dad could tell Molly still wasn’t satisfied.  “I’ll tell you what: if you are a good girl, you can come with me to the show in London and you will get to meet Ernie there.”   “Woohoo” Molly exclaimed.   She was so excited.  She hadn’t been to such a big city and a big teddy bear show, but her mind was focused on one particular bear.

“I’m going to get ready now”, she shouted, “I will take a bath and I will wash my dress and everything!”.  Dad tried to stop her, but when a girl teddy gets something in her head, there is no stopping her.  So Molly jumped in the tub (well we think she did, because it wouldn’t be proper to watch a lady taking a bath and teddy bears are generally not very fond of water) and started washing her clothes.  “I will be the cutest and cleanest of them all” she shouted.  She even took out her bottle of Chanel No 5 which she keeps for very special occasions.

Molly_story_04.jpg Molly_story_05.jpg Molly_story_03.jpg

But then, disaster struck again.  Dad was working on his computer and because he was tired of working, he decided to take a look at some other bears that Dawn had made for the show.   He didn’t know that Molly was watching him and also saw some of Dawn’s new bears. “Who are they?” Molly exclaimed.  “These are some of the new teddies that Dawn made; they will be coming to the show looking for new families”.  “But that’s horrible”, Molly started sobbing, “Look at them:  Sandine and Nancy.  They are so beautiful and they have got beautiful hats and lace dresses and jewels and boots; and all I have is this simple petticoat and a bow in my hair !  How can I compete with that ?  Ernie won’t even look at me;  let alone wanting to come home with me.  This is awful !”  Molly kept on sobbing.  Dad tried to console her “Don’t worry dear, I am sure that Ernie will love you just as you are.  Those hats and dresses are only accessories; it’s the character of the bear that counts and you have the most wonderful character.”  He knew he wasn’t sounding very convincing, although he also knew deep down in his heart that Ernie would certainly love Molly and that they were meant for each other.   

As you know, Dad is a big softie and he felt sorry for Molly : “Why don’t you go and play with your friend Harry in the garden; that will take your mind of things and then later on we will read an exciting teddy bear story about Alfie and his friends and I will go out and buy a box of chocolates.  How does that sound? “ 

Molly_story_01.jpg Molly_story_02.jpg

Well, Dad knew that chocolates would do the trick and it seemed as though Molly had forgotten all about the fancy bears, but had she ?


lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Oh probably about a nice travelling outfit for Molly?  I think she deserves it to meet her new beau! bear_wub

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

I think Molly is beautiful and her outfit is more special than any finery and frippery the other bears may be showing off. You need to tell her that boy bears worth their salt look for girl bears who are beautiful within and reserve their charms only for them. bear_wub


rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Aww, the bears think Molly's outfit is far more practical for playing in the garden than Sandine and Nancy's, alas now Maisey, Lilac and Lulu want to know what Chanel #5 is...

Dawn J Hugs Unlimited
West Yorkshire
Posts: 310

Sandine and Nancy are beginning to feel very unloved - and I'm beginning to feel very nervous about taking them to Hugglets! It's like a furry version of the Jeremy Kyle show!  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

Woodbury Park Bears Woodbury Park Bears
Central Coast New South Wales
Posts: 1,033

love this story i can't wait to see how it ends  bear_tongue

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755
Dawn J wrote:

Sandine and Nancy are beginning to feel very unloved - and I'm beginning to feel very nervous about taking them to Hugglets!

Don't be silly Jane  bear_grin  : you and I know that they are gorgeous and they are going to be the talk of Teddies 2010 (and maybe even the talk of the town  bear_whistle ).
I just hope they will still be there, when I arrive, so I can admire them myself.  (and Molly will be preoccupied with other things  :crackup: ).

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

P.S. I have no idea what the Jeremy Kyle show is  bear_wacko

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Peter, oh Peter, you make me smile so much. Sweet little Molly is a lucky girl to have you as her dad.  I can't wait to meet Molly and her beau on Sunday.  bear_grin It's time to start writing Molly and Ernie's story as a childrens book me thinks.

Hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Sandine and Nancy should be very excited about their trip and the beautiful outfits you gave them for the trip.  That just makes them feel very special.  All Teddies, like all children, like to feel special... I am sure everyone will get along great and have a wonderful time...

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

Finally Sunday the 12th of September was there.  Both Molly and Dad hadn’t slept much that night.  Dad was nervous about travelling to London with such a small teddy and, although he was quite sure there would be a spark between Ernie and Molly, you can never be certain.   Molly was still worried about the gorgeous ladies, Sandine and Nancy : wouldn’t they steal Ernie’s heart ?

It was going to be a long trip: first by car to Antwerp, then by train to Brussels, then another train to London and then the Underground to Kensington.   When they both started out on their journey the weather was gray and dull and it was raining cats and dogs. “Oho, this is a bad omen.”, Molly thought and was very quiet at first.  “Won’t it be exciting when the train drives under the Channel?”, Dad tried to cheer up Molly.  “Oh, will we be able to see the fishes in the sea?” Molly wondered.  “No honey, the tunnel is completely dark.”  “Oh, that’s a shame”, Molly said sadly.  “Why don’t I get us a nice sandwich for lunch from the bar?”  This time Molly really cheered up : “Wow is there a bar in this train?  This I have got to see”.   So they both went off to the bar and ordered a sandwich and a glass of wine.  “Ooh, can I have some wine too?”, Molly pleaded.   Dad couldn’t refuse and let her have a bit of wine and she became very talkative.   

Molly01TT.jpg  Molly02TT.jpg

When the train got out of the Tunnel the sun suddenly came out and shone through the windows of the train.  “I’m going to sit in the sun and then I will can get a nice tan and I will look as  handsome as those French ladies”.   
Finally they arrived in London and an hour later (Dad is a bit muddle-headed sometimes and he got off at the wrong station), they were finally standing before the big entrance of Kensington town hall.   Dad took a deep breath and turned to Molly : “Are you ready my dear?”   “Come on, let’s go in”, Molly hurried him on.  Dad wanted to say Hi to some people first, but Molly would have none of it.  “Where is Ernie ?”, she pleaded. “In the big hall on the ground floor”, Dad said.  “Well what are waiting for?”  As they came into the grand hall, Dad immediately spotted Chris, Dawn’s husband and he also spotted the beautiful ladies, Sandine and Nancy and all the other gorgeous bears.  But there was no sign of Ernie.   Dad could see the sad look on Molly’s face, so before Chris had any chance to say anything, he asked “So where is Ernie ?”  “Don’t worry,” Chris said, “he is right here at the back.  He hasn’t looked at any of the other bears, not even the ladies with the beautiful dresses.”


And then he made his appearance : Ernie looked a little shy at first, but when he saw the big big smile on Molly’s face, he forgot all about his shyness and they gave each other the biggest hug you can imagine for two small teddies.  By this time Dawn had joined Dad and Chris and two other friends, Ali and Karon, came by and everyone was looking at Molly and Ernie, but they didn’t even notice.  They only had eyes for each other.   Dad still had a lot of people to talk to, so he asked Molly if she would be alright staying with Ernie until the end of the show.  He barely got a response, but he didn’t mind; he knew nothing could spoil this day.
On the ride home, Dad didn’t hear a peep out of Molly and Ernie. 


When they got to their new home in Belgium, they were both so tired they immediately went to bed and both dreamt of all the fun they were going to have together.

Ernie__Molly01TT.jpg  Ernie__Molly05TT.jpg

The end

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

This is, by far, the most romantic teddy bear story I've ever read!  bear_wub  (To be honest, it's also the first romantic teddy bear story I've ever read.)

Thank you, Peter, for giving all of us such a treat.  :hug:


Lovethosebears Yorkshire
Posts: 1,899

Oh what a lovely ending Peter   :clap:  It was lovely to meet you, Dawn and of course the two sweethearts of this story in the fur (although as you said they didn't even know we were even there!  bear_grin ).  But the question is ......... is this REALLY the end  bear_whistle  bear_grin

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

THANK GOODNESS!!  It doesn't get any better than that.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

Fallenrose near Cologne
Posts: 478

Awwww! great Happy End!
:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:   bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Aww, but leaping into bed together on a first date?  Really!  bear_laugh

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

Hooray for a happy ending bear_thumb  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub
I can see more stories of these two and their adventures bear_original
Laurie :hug:

New Avenue Crew New Avenue Crew by Debora Hoffmann
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 1,959

Hooray for a happy ending!  bear_wub

sylvia bjb blue jean bears
Posts: 1,137

Super story. Peter!! What a happy ending as well!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub I think we'll be hearing more from Molly and Ernie in the future bear_tongue

Glad you had a great time at Hugglets  :hug:  :hug:

Sylvia x

Woodbury Park Bears Woodbury Park Bears
Central Coast New South Wales
Posts: 1,033

i love Happy endings too bear_wub  bear_wub  :clap:  :clap:  Thanks Peter. :hug:

lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Oh I do enjoy happy endings...Yeah for Molly and Ernie!

Lovethosebears Yorkshire
Posts: 1,899

Katy you are so funny  :crackup:

Miss Petula Pie Miss Petula Pie
Posts: 230

Wonderful story!!!  bear_original
Thank you so much, Peter  :hug:

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