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Teddy Bear Menagerie Teddy Bear Menagerie
Posts: 63


Recently, I have been inundated with donation requests. While I have tried to fulfill some of these that I see as legit, I cannot donate on a continuing basis. As you know, costs are high in creating, and like many of you, I am a one-creating businessperson. A friend suggested offering a discount in my store, a coupon, etc. - I'm considering this, but I charge just enough on my creations to pay myself and my costs with very little profit. So putting coupons and discounts out is actually taking from my labor costs, etc. For those of you with many years of experience, how do you handle the requests? Do you do one donation a year? How do you politely decline? Do you have a standard decline letter/paragraph you could share? It's very tough for me to say no, especially with the heart-wrenching stories. However, if I continue the donations, I'll be out of business in no time; and I've not been up for over a year yet.

Thanks in advance for any info

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Got say I am very careful about it. I had a request early this year that I was highly suspicious of. When I asked for verification of the event I got nothing back so I suspect it was someone simply after a free bear. I can only do so much and I would have to not earn a wage the week I made the charity bear essentially. I can't afford that.
All that said I do sometimes make charity bears for causes I feel I can relate to.
Then I choose which ones. For me the joy of giving has to be part if it. Not just someone making me feel guilty enough to hand over a bear.
I reckon I can afford to do something each year but once I have done that I have to stop.
You just say that you personally  choose which cause you support and that's how you do it. That usually stops masses of pleas for free bears. Also ask them to verify the charity if they are fake you won't hear any more.

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I often just don't respond if I am not interested.  If it is someone I know asking, I just politely decline.  I have donated a bear only once, and I will do it once again this year, these are charities that I choose because they are important to me.

I think that the people whose job it is to look for donations ask many people to donate, I doubt half the time they even know who has not responded.

It is just the same when I get requests for cash donations.  When they call asking, I never feel guilty for saying no.  I give to the charities that are important to me.

Teddy Bear Menagerie Teddy Bear Menagerie
Posts: 63

Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one in this boat. What a guilt ridden situation, I tend to feel terrible reading the sad stories, then worse for knowing I can't donate! I suppose it is the nature of the business, but I just can't afford to donate this much!! I suppose I will get use to it over time. Harden up my shell, if you may. Thanks for your help.

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I don't really know if people understand that they are asking such a large donation.  It may not seem like much maybe, after all the materials don't cost much, but the finished bears can cost a whole bunch.  The bears help pay my bills.  I can't afford to donate a whole paycheck very often. 
I never see United Way or any of the big charities asking anyone to donate a paycheck.

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I won't donate to charities asked of me by total strangers, but have been known to get involved with group projects where I know the organiser.  Also, in the past, I have run charity events, so sometimes it can be about giving up time, rather than a bear.  Overall, I think the best thing is to be straight ... I was asked for a bear today by someone I don't know, so I just said 'sorry I am unable to donate, but I wish you well with your event'. 

You should never feel pressured to give away your work for charity, but once in a while when the circumstances are right for you, it can be a nice way of giving something back.  bear_original

tcfolk TC Folk Originals
Tempe, AZ
Posts: 1,553

I donate one bear a year to the charity of my choice.  I also donate cash to 4 other charities of my choice.  I am under constant barrage of  requests for both bears and money.  I can only do so much and I choose who I will support.  Instead of feeling bad that I am not donating to all who ask with sad stories, I am happy that I can donate to those I do support.

Caroline D Posts: 150

I can understand your dilemma (not that anyone's asking me for bears yet!), but it's hard refusing a charity, even if it's one you believe in and support the cause of. I have a few that I give donations to regularly and I figure that that's enough for me. I reason that, I could, in theory, give away every penny that I earn and it would still be a drop in the ocean of all the suffering there is in the world. Make your own choices and work out a stock phrase that you are comfortable with for  the rest.

Teddy Bear Menagerie Teddy Bear Menagerie
Posts: 63

Thanks again for all your insight. I suppose it is all in how you look at it, but I believe desertmountainbear has hit it on the head - it is a lot to ask. Wow. Thanks again for your comments, I appreciate it.

BlackmoonBear Sacred Bear Studios
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Posts: 251

Dear TB Menagerie...

I sympathize....I'm hardly a teddy bear celebrity, but I regularly get requests from local charities for donated work, granted from well meaning and deserving charities, but there is only ONE of me to go around, and I'm not rich.
I make a policy of being very honest- first off, NEVER completely ignore a request email, that will invite those people saying unkind things about you. Always make the time for a polite message of refusal, with a well explained (and again, honest) reason of refusal.
Simply stating that you are only getting a fractional return on your time and investment, as well as having a full itinerary of show/commission deadlines should be the end of it, but I make my punctuation at this point by setting the firm policy that I will  currently ONLY do pro-bono work for a (real)bear related charity...I've been involved with several charity investment groups who are trying to buy land for the Florida Wildlife Corridor, and that has been as much as I can handle for the forseable future.

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

I would just add, there isn't ever a need to justify why you can't donate, just a polite refusal should be enough.  bear_original

Teddy Bear Menagerie Teddy Bear Menagerie
Posts: 63

You guys have some great points! Thank you

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Got to say I agree 100% with need to offer explanations. It's actually not anyone's business why...I am very nice when say no...but I don't feel I owe anyone a reason why I can't do it. the nicest possible way...people looking for charity donations are pushy and really they don't care what they long as they get something for free. I don't like donating when it's that way...

Teddy Bear Menagerie Teddy Bear Menagerie
Posts: 63

You know I've thought quite a bit about it, and you're right. I don't have to provide a reason. I think a simple no will do it.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I agree with Paula as well and her phrasing is perfect!   There is no need to feel bad about it.

Earlier this year a scam was revealed on the news here in Lexington, KY.  A man was in a wheel chair who appeared to have be mentally impaired.  Turns out he was faking it. He He told the reporter "You caught me....I actually make $65,000 & more  year by begging"  I actually had kicked him out of the grocery store I was managing a week before the story aired!

I just wanted to share that so that you don't feel so bad by saying no.  Not everyone is a scammer of course....but many with the heart wrenching stories are.

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