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asthehind Posts: 19

I'm doing some experiments in pattern design still. (Thanks for your advice last time!) And I've decided to try and make some more traditional teddy bears like Steiff and Bing, ie long noses, humped back etc. After studying some pictures in books, I modelled a bear in plasticine and used that to create a pattern, a method I've used before with success. However this time the bear I'm making has turned out very different to the model and I'm confused! As you can see in the picture, the bear I've made has ended up with quite a stubby nose, and though he's cute he's not what I was aiming for! I've also uploaded pictures of the pattern pieces. Where have I gone wrong? The fabric isn't particularly stretchy (it's viscose I got at the last Hugglets fair in London).


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,001

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

It's possibly the seam allowance that's causing the problem.  As you were tracing your pattern pieces onto the viscose, did you allow for a 5/8 inch seam?  If not, the bear would be smaller than expected.  Or if you did have a seam allowance, just lengthen the nose portion of your pattern.  Does that make sense?

CrawlyCreepies Posts: 89

I've had that same problem. Try gathering the edge where the muzzle and face meet.

asthehind Posts: 19

I forgot to mention the seam allowance! I cut out the pieces allowing for the seam, then I sew along the line where I traced the pattern.

Tony Furleigh Bears.
Posts: 20

I wish my bears would turn out that cute.

desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I think I see where the pattern needs adjustment. The side pattern piece. The underside of the muzzle needs to be scooped in. Right now it’s rounded from the tip to the bottom. There is no definition of where the muzzle joins the face. I can see that definition in the clay. Because of that the muzzle is looking wider than you want it to be. I think if you add an arch, (narrow down the underside of the muzzle) to define the shape, you’ll get what you want. The darts are placed in a good position to push out the cheeks.

Please keep us updated, I’d like to know how you worked it all out.

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