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fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Over the years I have had a few, but two I will never forget.

The first was when I was on a plane flying to visit my son, I had bought the local "Hustler magazine"(Topless girlie magazine) which had just been launched in S. Africa. I was curious to see if it was anything like the International version. After being seated, the attendant came along handing out newspapers, and when he asked 4 young guys sitting in the middle row behind me, what they wanted to read, they replied a Hustler magazine. He promptly replied, that they did not have them on the plane, to which they answered, but oh yes you do !!just ask the lady if we can borrow hers. My copy that I thought was nicely tucked away was on full view for all to see.  :redface: 

The second, was on our way to the airport after having spent a holiday in Mauritius. We were being taken to the airport by one of my husband's contacts from Pepsi. Denis told me we had plenty of time, so we ordered something to drink. I had a large orange juice, then Denis said oh, here is the lift, lets go. I promptly ran to the toilet as I know I have to go every few minutes, and asked how long to the airport. Oh only about 40 minutes, so I thought ok, I can manage that. Well lots and lots of road works along the way, two hours later, and you can guess what next- I needed the loo- I started fidgeting, and looking out for a place with rest rooms,ha- none in sight. The minutes ticked by,till eventually I told Denis he would have to get the guy to stop. So on the main highway in Mauritius, with a sheer drop on the side, I could not even escape somewhere for privacy, behind the car door, I had to do the necessary.  :redface: 


patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

One of my Embarrassing times was when I was about 15. Going home on the last bus and this lady of the night came and sat next to me, she started to talk to me and asking questions of where I went to school.. I went to the Catholic School in the town ... and she asked if I was Catholic and of course I asked her if she was a prostitute instead of protestant ... did I feel uncomfortable :redface:  :redface:  :redface: Another time was when I lost me false eyelash ..when I was out on a date.....  :redface:  :redface:  :redface:

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

I can't think of any right now, although I know I've been embarressed more than once.

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

Oh... my most embarassing moments are fairly awful and I don't think i could even post them here!   :redface:

However... here is a funny and embarassing thing that happened to me just today....

My neighbors are from Lyon, France.  they moved here about 5 years ago and have two little children just the same age as my youngest two.  The parents are really VERY good English speakers... only occassionally do we have to run off to grab a dictionary.  And I speak a tiny bit of French from my school days... Though I really tend to remember just the nouns.... and I recall very little about sentence structure.  Still, i can folllow along fairly well when French is spoken... I just can't speak it back very well, unless I am just usuing one or two word answers.

Well, our neighbor's Mother in Law is in the USA for a visit... and she speaks almost NO English.  Just a couple of words here and there.  The kids were playing in the back yard today... and I walked across the yard to speak to the Mother In Law.  I told her I would be happy to keep watch on the kids as I was just in the kitchen making dinner.   So I did manage to get most of that out using quite a bit of pantomime in addition to my very few French words. 

She said that she was making Roast Beef.... and asked if I would like to have some with her.  Well.... being a vegetarian, I politely declined, but I certaily don't want her to be offended, so I say ...

"Je suis vegetable"
Puzzled look from the woman...
Okay... " Je suis haricots verts"... Je suis pomme de terre.... Je suis le fromage."

She bursts out in laughter.  I bring Llyona (my daughter's lovely Kindergarten playmate) over to translate... I speak these same words to the lovely Llyona... who giggles as well....

Mrs. Basta, you told grandmere...

I am a vegetable. 
I am a green bean.
I am a potato.
I am the cheese.

Sounds like some sort of bizarre poem, dosn't it!?  So, bilingual Llyona transalates to grandmere, and then grandmere understands.

I turned 6 shades of red...

"I am the cheese....."  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

I wanted to say... I love cheese, or I eat green beans... but no.... I AM a vegetable!  Yes... now that I think about it... I could have said J'aime..... or Je mange..... but at the time... no, none of those words would come to me....

Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

Dilu Posts: 8,574

At school in Hawaii, I had learned the Tongan words for belly button and prostitute....and then promptly mixed them up when i went to use them......The Tongan guys loved me after that......sheesh
In senior high school a neigbor got TP'd.  That means toilet paper  (clean!) was thrown up in their trees and allowed to flow down.  Whoever did it use about 20 rolls and the yard was totally covered.

They said i had done it and called the police.

my mom let the police into my bedroom to look at me, I was in bed and sick I had mumps....and my face was about 15 feet wide and swollen up as big as my bottom.  I just wanted to die.....I opened my eyes and peeked out and saw uniforms, but I went back into dream world I didn't find out until later that it was the police leering at me.  I could have simply up and died.

The neighbors sent me flowers by way of an apology!

I think we can tell by personalities that some of us have an unending supply of these life enriching incidents.....Penny? Shelli?  WildLadyfromOregon?

I am being told that it is time to go......will love reading th8s post tomarrow....

nighty night!


fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

sitting here having a good giggle

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

Where oh where to begin!

Renae, you Amazing Oregorians and your shirts full of sugargliders have taken embarrassment to a whole new level!

My earliest major embarrassment happened en route to the Senior Prom. I was the least of sophomores in the exalted company of the world's most popular and beautiful seniors. My date was the most popular and beautiful of the whole lot.

Somewhere between my front door and the inside of the car, I managed to impale my heavily teased and sprayed hairdo on the car antenna. They had to disassemble it to free me. About the rest of that enchanted evening, I don't remember a thing!


Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

I´d say, every one is very brave to tell us their embarrassing stories!
I love your story!
......or as you would say in french : Je suis ton histoire! ( or is it "ta histoire"?)  *giggle*

I know, french can be so much fun  bear_whistle , what we learn at school is far from what we can use afterwards in real life.
Unfortuately I cannot tell you anything embarrassing; not that I never did anything embarrassing, but I am so forgetful...guess, that´s the embarrassing thing about me. bear_cry

Gaby bear_flower

BrozZ BearZ BrozZ BearZ
Posts: 266

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh
You guys are so funny!

Dilu Posts: 8,574


I was in the hospital for a bad asthma attack.  Everyone knew I was an RN as it was my hospital.  .  Probably about 20 years ago

They gave me a sleeping pill  called



I woke up in the middle of the night,

totaly confused,

standing in the middle of the hall having ripped out the IVs,

but not having removed the cath so i had blood all around me, on me, and on the floor.

Two nurses were yelling at me.

And I hadn't a clue what was going on.

I burst into tears.  A grown woman crying out of confusion, shock and being yelled at.

I felt like a little kid in trouble


I remember the nurses being so disgusted,

"how could you do this?"

"what were you thinking?"

And of course the story went through the hospital staff.

And they teased me about not being able to follow the rules


Of course later it was discovered that Halcion had some bizarre side effects and that people could come to finding themselves in very uncomfortable circumstances.  I think it was even taken off the market but don't know for sure anymore.

When a nurse or doctor is a patient it becomes awkward for everyone;

you are a patient and will have all the same problems as a patient would

but you are frequently expected to behave in a manner that will cause less trouble for the staff

and to actually do a good deal of your own care for yourself.

it is an interesting line you can dance back and forth across.

I always find myself quickly evaluating where that line weaves in and out so that I don't cross it.

Wednesday I will be at a beautiful new hospital where I have never worked.


I was there 2 years ago and the staff were fantastic.

And they didn't know my past life and so it was OK to just get better and not worry.

I did strip the bed before I left though.....some habits die it at the doctor's office too.....


  I can hardly wait!  bear_wacko

fribblesltd fribbles, ltd.
Kalispell, Montana
Posts: 679's my embarassing story---

I was over in Great Falls, Montana, where there's an Air Force base and consequently a bigger variety of peoples than you normally see in the pretty much white bread redneck world of Montana---and I was helping my friend, a VERY good-looking black man [gorgeous body, totally ripped, fun fun fun!] plant some annuals in his front yard on the Air Force base. 

He was very interested in me, wanted to date, etc., but I really lived too far away [to my mind].  His Corvette and motorcycle were nice though.  Anyways!

We were digging holes in the soil and talking of this and that, got onto the plants and he was telling me his sad story about all the plants that he planted dying very quickly, etc.---me asking questions about what sort of plants he had managed to kill: turns out he had killed off some very hardy species, and I burst out with,"Well, you just have a BLACK thumb!"

:redface:  IMMEDIATE horror-sticken silence ensued where he looked at me and I realized WHAT I had said---total tripping over of tongue as I apologized hastily and numerously!!!

I still feel so badly about it, and I'm not a racist or bigoted, etc.  I was just treating him exactly like I would any other person, and luckily he understood---laughed a whole lot at my discomfiture, in fact  =P---but I still want to put both my feet in my mouth and just keep on swallowing when I think of that time, which I will NEVER EVER forget.


jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

When I was 14 and schoolgirls still carried satchels I hopped off the school bus one day and walked home hitching my satchel merrily over my shoulder...only when I got home did I know I'd also hitched up my skirt revealing stockings, suspenders and not very [INVALID] bottle green sports knickers to all and sundry for about half a mile along the road... ( I should add that in 1969 tights were as rare as hens teeth and very expensive..hence the stockings)

Never did get over that one........

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

I embarrass myself on a constant basis (I am the Clutz Queen bear_whistle ), so can't think of a single story to tell here!!  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin   

One instance does come to mind though.  My grandma did this to me.  She goes shopping with me every month on my big grocery/household expedition.  On this particular shopping trip, I had to take some Immodium before we left and asked her to remind me to buy more as I used the last tablets.  She reminded me all right.........from the next checkout aisle over in Walmar, hollering at me "Tracy...did you remember the Immodium?"  The store was supremely busy that day, so lots of people in line around us and they ALL stopped to stare. :redface:  :redface:
"Yes people, I have are you today?!" bear_whistle


fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

I always think that showing your knickers must be embarrassing, so Jenny yes, showing "not so [INVALID] bottle green knickers at 14" most have been so very NO NO.

I was taken to a Dinner/Dance with my boyfriend, and wore a dress that I had made from a woollen fabric. While dancing "The Ultra Violet Lights"(not sure what they are called) came on, which made all white things very  sparkly. I hear another woman say to her partner, just look at your suit, it is covered with all these white flecks. I then looked at Ed, and saw that all over him, he was also covered with these white flecks, and then realised that it was the wool from my dress that was rubbing off on everything that I touched. Well all could say was "Please take me home" Ed could not understand what was wrong- but took me home- I of course was so embarrassed, as all I could think of - was being asked to get off the dance floor as I was the culprit  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


p.s. Kim- Pleased to meet you Miss Vegetable.

Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin

fredbear Fred-i-Bear
Posts: 2,243

Tracy, my mom is 90, and speaks 3 black local languages, so to her, everyone who in South Africa is a black person must speak one of them, so she will  always speak to them in the first language, if they do not understand her, then she tries the 2nd, then the 3rd. Now we are getting more and more people coming into the country, name ly from neighboring states, and these people speak, French, Portuguese, and of cause we get lots of American and other Black visitors to the country. Of course my mom does not understand why they cannot understand her when she speaks to them in "their language" The more I try and tell her, "Mom they only speak French, whatever" the more she tells me, what utter rubbish" and loudly too. Yikes, do I want to hide. Luckily because of her age, most people are very understanding at these times.

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

This is my husband's embarassing moment, and I enjoyed every minute of it LOL!.  He loves to tease people and embarass them, so it was really fun to watch him squirm for once! 
About 30 years ago, we had just moved to a new small town and we had been invited out to a new friends house to play cards.  We were chatting about the town and what we "liked" and "didn't like".  The subject of the local dairy came up.  It was a wonderful place with a little restaurant area and it's still famous for it's fabulous ice cream.  My husband said, "the dairy is wonderful, if they could only stop that little old lady from working there.  She hovers over everyone and it's embarassing.  Why would they have someone still working there, that is obviously over 80 years old."  The couple we were visiting started to laugh and the fellow said, "you mean the little old lady in the picture on the wall behind you?"  Hubby is now turning pink as he slowly turns around to see her picture smiling at us from the wall!  The friend said "that's my grandmother and she OWNS the dairy!"

Hubby went from pink to the brightest shade of red/purple I have ever seen.  He was speechless for the first time in his life.  After everyone had a good laugh, the couple agreed that they had been trying very hard to "retire" her for ages, as he wasn't the first person to complain.  It let him off the hook a little bit, but he definitely still remembers it!

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

MIne was thanks to my eldest daughter she was about 3 at the time.
we had gone shopping and I had to go to the loo, so we went in to the loos and as I pulled down my panties Tiffany goes "Mummy why are you wearing a nappy?"
She was referring to my pad.  The toilets o course were full and man there was alot of laughter.
I didn't want to come out at all!

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Oh my gosh!  how aweful!  I have a couple that I will share after work.

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