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Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi everyone.  I just wanted to share this little story with you to show how Teddy Talk has really connected me with the world.

Our Lynette (Fredbear) went to a bear show in Japan and posted some wonderful photos here on TT.  Well, one of the photos had some bears that I was very interested in adopting.  I asked Lynette for the artist's name or info, which she happily gave to me.

As it turned out, the artist, who was Japanese, did not speak English , nor I Japanese.  This posed a stumbling block...until our Marie (Kirpe Bears) stepped in an became our interpeture.  She went back and forth between Eiko Suzuki, the artist I wanted to adopt bear from,  and myself...and today I have two new babies straight from Japan!!! I am so very PLEASED with these two darling bears. ( I also cannot believe how FAST they got here...two days!).

I thanked Marie repeatedly for helping me as I appreciated her help and I felt I was a bit of a bother to her it turns out, now she has made a new friend in her own country who is now planning on visiting Marie at her next show.  YAY!  Everybody wins!!!


Does anyone else have a story of how TT has connected you with the world?

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

Well, I have found another bear artist in my own country (Jennie), who I didn't know about. See, I'm not the only one in Sweden (there is Jossan too, but i met her on E classroom).
And of course I had some nice chats with Matilda and Sophie with whom I swapped bears. Oh, and through TT I got a nice customer, who adopted one of my bears. Then of course I feel connected with lots of you, who I would never have 'met' without TT.

Those bears are really cute Judi!

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

bear_original Well I've found Bonnie's at least in the same state as me, and our very own Sassy Bear's mum lives in the town right up the road from me!  ..."Its a small world afterall" tune spins through my head  bear_whistle

Nothing as spectacular as your tale, or your two adorable teds Judi, but yes, I'm VERY thankful Teddy Talk has entered my life  :hug:   I've made some lovely international ~ and national~  friends :hug:

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Awww that's great Judi, LOVELY bears too!!  Who was the artist??   bear_original

I feel quite starstruck here sometimes......  it's like being a teenager, and famous pop stars or something.....   famous bear artists are here, but they actually acknowledge me and speak to me.......  LITTLE (Well I wish!!) old ME!!!!   Me!!!!!    ahhhh it's brill!!!   :dance:  :dance:

:hug:  :hug:

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

Clare - I know what you mean. I often feel the same (me a bear artist? bear_rolleyes ), but you should give yourself some credit. Your bears are wonderful, professional and you're as much a bear artist as any of us.  :hug:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Those bears are adorable!! I can see why you liked them! do you have a website for her?

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,869

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Judi, those bears are totally adorable - you did GOOD!  Boy, TT has definitely broadened my horizons by quite a lot!  Thanks to all of you lovely people, I know about Marmite, Vegemite, Budgie Smugglers, clever clogs, and lots of other stuff I thoroughly enjoyed learning about!  Seriously though, folks, I am . . . uh . . . what is the phrase?  Oh yes - 'over the moon' about getting to know so many talented, funny, wise, caring, intelligent people from all over the world.  All of you are the very best!   :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Lewiston, South Australia.
Posts: 59

Hello Sabine, I am too swedish and live in Australia, I am still in contact with my school friend and some family. Sitll speak the lingo. Jennie and I have talked via Beary Cheap forum and email. It is soo nice to see some of my own country women out and abuot.
Lena 19.gif

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Judi that is wonderful..... it really is a small world .....the bears are adorable

patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Ohhhhhh Lisa I think you have become addicted ........ thats it there is no turning back now ...  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh I agree bear making is a lonely business... I don't work at it full time like you... I have to get out and be with people every so often or I would go insane ...  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko  bear_wacko

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Judi thanks for sharing that story with us, glad you got your bears.

I enjoyed reading everyone elses posts about the TT members, all true.

What a great bunch we are.  :clap:

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Judi, oh no no you never bothered me !  bear_happy     :hug:
You just made me new friend in my own country, Thank you !!  bear_grin he he   
I'm glad to hear you got those bears so first.  bear_smile

Clare and Kim, the Artist name is Eiko Suzuki and she doesn't have a website right now,
She said she got too busy of making bears and
she decided to close her website for temporally.
I will make sure to let you all know when she re-opens her website.  :)

I am very happy to be a member of TT.   :hug:
Aren't we all so lucky ?   :P


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

I do love it when everyone wins. :hug:  bear_wub

Yes, please, Marie, do let us know when she opens up her website...we may need you for an interpture... bear_original   These little bears have been my travel companions. :hug:  bear_innocent  bear_smile  bear_wub  bear_original  bear_original  bear_original


Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

i SO EJNJOY the 'general conversations on life and what's happening' as that is what i have been missing for the longest time (women talk)!!!.....

Lisa, you've struck the proverbial nail on the proverbial noggin! My friends work fulltime. Their conversation is full of their 'real' jobs, and I always feel a bit out of it. Talking bears is out of the question, so I just listen. I can't stand the smirks.

Part of making international TeddyFriends online is to share experiences, diets ( bear_tongue ), griefs and joys--even embarrassing moments. It makes the world feel smaller and friendlier, just as (come to think of it) Teddies do! So everything is Teddy-related.

I feel totally starstruck most of the time--and delighted by the kindness and friendliness of our resident celebrities.

Sue Ann, I must have missed the budgie smugglers and clever clogs. I'm not at all clever in clogs--we tend to part company on stairs, and it's not always the clogs that reach the bottom first . . .

Thanks for starting this topic, Judi. It's an aspect of TT that needs recognition.



plushkinbear BEAR ME SHOOTKA
Vladivostok, RUSSIA
Posts: 2,139

Well, I have to say that our very own Marie, is the sweetest true friend.  :hug:
She is a big helper and she is helping me right now alot.

Marie you are an angel.  :pray:  :hug:
Thank you! Hope you'll meet my hubby this week and everything will be done in time.  bear_smile

Judi, what a cute bears! So good we have our Marie !  bear_flower  :hug:

Eileen, that is so true! Even though I started a full-time job, I don't talk too much about it..And still I don't talk much about my bears with my collegues - they are all guys.. bear_shocked (how my hubby alllowed me to work in such place, I wonder???)) bear_laugh  :twisted:

What I like about TT, that we share not only bear stuff but we share our lives. I know what's San Diego like, or what kind of cats Dilu has, or what milk farm looks like in US, and you know how to make Russian borsch!!And so on and on......I love this place! Thank you, Intercal for letting me travel all over the world and meet all of you, guys!!

From Russia with love!!!!
Julia :hug:

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

Being so new to Teddy Talk I don't have a story but just wanted to say how nice it is to have a place to "visit" when I get bored with sewing or just lonely (we live on an acreage out in the country and being a city girl my whole life it has been quite a change to adjust to!). I have met a few of the artists on here and "know" some others from the magazines and I am sure before long everyone will start to feel like friends since you all seem like such a loving, friendly, fun-loving bunch - just like teddy bears!
Bear hugs, Edie

Terrie Terries Bears
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,614

Teddy talk has connected me with the world as well. I also live on an acreage and when you don't work outside the house or have kids that are involved in school or sports it is very difficult to meet people, so it is  nice to be able to log on and chat with people who interests are the same as your own.
It has also made the world a much smaller place and really brings home the tragedy of hurricanes and other disasters when you hear first hand from people who actually live there. They are no longer just  news stories from somewhere far away.
Through teddy talk I also found out that there are  teddy bear artists that don't live too far away and I was so pleased to be able to meet with Louise!!

K Pawz Guest

I just love TT, although a rather new member, I feeled overjoyed to have met all the wonderful people i have so far... I work out of home, mostly on bears, but haven't actually tried to sell any yet...figured I would perfect my design first. So it is very lonley here for me with my 7 Cats, 1 dog and 1 bird, while my hubby is at work all day. The human interaction is great, because there are days when I answer the phone and I swear I meow or thank you Intercal and TT for putting me in touch with all these wonderful, amazing, talented people, and giving me outside human contact again :pray:


Stephanie Sassy Bears & Fabrics
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 196

TT fills me in a way I didn't know I needed. There aren't many other bear artists around here and I've been working all alone for years. No one to discuss bear stuff with. My friends and family think I'm a nut for doing what I do, can't talk to them about it. Also, working from home keeps me isolated too.
Some days, checking in with TT is the only time I get to interact with other 'grown-ups' !!!

Bear artists are spread thinly around the world. Thank goodness TT brings us all together!!!

Lewiston, South Australia.
Posts: 59

Stephanie Iknow how you feel. I was at a party some time ago. My daughters father inlaw's birthday I think it was. One of the rellies asked what I do. I told her that I make bears to sell. She just about patted me on the head and tole me how nice that I had a lovely hobby. I was too floored to answer her. So it is nice to be amongst likeminded people.

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

The human interaction is great, because there are days when I answer the phone and I swear I meow or woof...

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh Ditto here, Krista!  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh


K Pawz Guest is so true bear_grin

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379
Eileen wrote:

The human interaction is great, because there are days when I answer the phone and I swear I meow or woof...

bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh Ditto here, Krista!  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh


...or "Moooo....."

You guys are the best!  Thank you for being here. :hug:  :hug:  bear_wub  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Teddy Talk is wonderful!   bear_wub   Meeting everyone has been great.  I've only gotten to meet one TTer in person, but I hope to meet more one day.  Everyone is so nice and friendly.  I've added more furry friends to my hug from being here, and I hope to add many more.  It's great talking to people from all over the world that I would normally not get to talk to. 

I'm sure those around me thought TT would be great because I could get out all my talking about bears, but I still talk about them a lot!   bear_grin

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