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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn


110818_112101.jpgThis is  couple bears  bear_wub  I created for my customer... I hope you enjoy this pic♪ bear_flower

lovenshire wrote:

Oh's one for me!  How about finishing a bear you started long ago and left undone...

Hi ,Lenora !!  bear_flower
You made me laugh!!  bear_laugh  I do have some un-finished bear at home..... :crackup:
1.panda bear(un-finished)
1.Christmas bear(not finished) bear (not finished)

I'm making wedding bears now.  bear_wub
I love to join the new challenge too!! so please please extend a dead line !!


So Sweet.  bear_wub  All pics are so beautiful.  bear_thumb


Aleta thanks for "Oh happy day" tip !  bear_laugh 
I'll go get my garden gloves !!!  bear_grin


:crackup:  LALALALALA ♪
              THANK YOU SUE-ANN! bear_laugh


Hi Jane, sorry for late reply.
I am huge fan of your pics-work and
I know how hard to make those fabulous pics !!!! bear_wub


WOW, that is " Higan bana" in Japanese !!! bear_flower


Oh Aleta, thanks for sharing such wonderful news !!!
I am so happy for you !!!!!  bear_flower


Hi Millie ! 
They are so fantastic !!!!  bear_wub  They made my face big SMILE !  bear_grin


Awwwwwwww they are so adorable !!!  bear_wub 
Congratulations for your grandparents golden wedding!!!  :bday:  :clap:


I agree with Jan too !!!! She is so beautiful !!!!!  bear_wub   bear_wub  bear_wub


Wow !!! beautiful bear !!!  bear_wub  I love Wendy's work !!!
Lucky you Tami !!!  bear_flower


Hi Melissa !   
I like to saw my bears by hand now (since I make less than 1 bears in month and my bears is 4" to 15" only) .
But I have used machine before. It took me 2-3 days to practice on sewing machine and it worked ok.   
I have a simple plane "Brother" machine wich was around $120.00(in Japan) and my sis bought me a simple " Singer" machine ,
she said it was $99.00 at Target(in USA). I use both and both work great for me.  I like to cut all mohair-hair in seems before
I start sewing and I use double stichs.  bear_original


Judi, big congrats for your wins ! !    bear_flower   :hug:   
I saw your fantastic works on Japanese magazine too !!! It is very exiting to see your works on Magazine !!!!  :dance:     
Your work is beyond the superb !  bear_thumb   
I think you do deserve the OFF TIME from competition ! everyone needs time off.  :hug:  :hug:


:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:


Oh ! what a handsome son !!! and You look great & YOUNG !!!!!!  bear_wub


Hi Jenny,
I may not be the best person to answer
your question since I'm still working on my
first signature bears  :doh: but I do understand your  desire.... :hug:

As for your fan,(me! bear_wub )
I would love to meet your new design
and I believe you can do it !!
Even if the new road is scary one,
you have a chance to find the
new brilliant road at the near corner...... :hug:


BABYSWAN.JPGI found this photo on web.
Aren't they cute ?? bear_wub

(baby of humpy swan)


Thanks Samantha  !!!
      what a wonderful show !!!!!!!!! Your table is fantastic !!!  bear_wub


Hi Lynette !
Thank you for your explanation.  :hug: I was very confuse too.  bear_tongue   
So there is 1) TBS olympic bear challenge
                2)TT olympic bear challenge
                3)Taiwan olympic bear challenge ?
totaly 3challenges are going on same time ?? bear_wacko

Sophie , I'll send you PM.  bear_smile


Congratulations Penney !!  :hug:
Your bear is so lovely !! and they look perfect !!  bear_wub


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