For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi everyone. I’ve been thinking about using the Cricuit maker or air to make the labels and hang tags on bears and bunnies and I just wondered if anybody had been using that and how that worked out for them and what kind of products they use like paper, cardboard, leather, ribbon, and how that worked for them.
For a closer peek go to Thank you
Bethany is a 11' sparse mohair bear looking for her furever home. For a closer peek go to
I love your little bears, they are just adorable!
I like etsy, they do a lot to help you run your bussness. I agree with Joanne, customers will go where you are. You may get new ones by setting up there. They connect to facebook and Twitter so your new listing can be posted there right then. It takes time where ever you set up I believe.
Sterling is a new mohair bunny ready for adoption. He is at my website waiting for his furever home. For more information please contact me. Thanks for looking!
Also if your wanting to make a fox, the way I read your post, it might be fun to keep the legs a bit longer where the real foxes have it longer on the backs of the front legs and hind legs. Around the neck/chest area also. Just some ideas passing thru
Hi kirstie the key to trimming hair is to go with the dirrection of the hair to keep from leaving scissor/trimmer marks the gaurd is helpful. Practice on some scraps so you get familar with the look it leaves, with either tool. Hope this helps.
I like him! He's really cute!
Very cute!
Monica Spicer has a good tutorial on this
That is great!
Very sweet
Wow Great tutorial! that helps alot, Thank you Pink, I was thinking of chenelle wire, just fuzzy vision on toes. The Jennifer Laing book is going to have to join my library also. It looks great. Thank you again
Thank you. That does help. I will try to get that book, I've read a lot about her books
HI all. I am wanting to make a mouse, but I 've been trying to find information on how to make those tiny little feet/toes . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Really like the new look, but really like all the creations you make. He is great, love his face.
She's very cute, love her face.
It does. I'm sure it will get it's new home soon!:)
I think she is beautiful. Very soft looking. is that mc12/6090? if so I have worked with this and loved it. No wonder I liked your bear so much! She has great hair!