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SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

If you have any questions regarding "Goldie" pattern, please post here.

mam54 Posts: 8

Hi SueAnn,
   First off, thank you for sharing your Goldie pattern. I have the bear cut out and I'm getting ready to start sewing and I wondered if it is best to trim some fur from the seam allowance? I'm using the 370 S/C mohair.
                                                                                 Thank you,
                                                                        Marcia M.

Jare Hares & Bears Jare Hares & Bears
Polo, IL
Posts: 983

Trimming your seam allowances is always a good idea. On some of the sparser fabrics you don't need to, but it helps.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thanks, Jared, for replying . . . I'm still recovering from the long drive home from Schaumburg and have just discovered your question, Marcia.  It was my pleasure to provide the pattern and I'm having lots of fun seeing the results of other interpretations of it.  Jared is correct.  If you don't trim the fur, you'll end up having to 'pick' it out
of the sewn seam - which can take up a bit of time.  Hope you enjoy making the bear.

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Hi Sue Ann where are you? I want to thank you again for giving us the wonderful patter a joy to work with and to tell you..I made another one!! The Mohair I used is shorter, in a golden shade and her ears I set more to the back. I gave her eyelashes. I have her picture on the gallery. Let me know what do you think. I have almost done ANOTHER ! In that one I reduce the pattern and is in a very tight and short curly Mohair...Looks like a boy to me and I will put him on the gallery when I am done.
Thank you so very much for your generosity!
Bear hugs and Golly smiles
Gladys bear_flower

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Gladys, how nice of you to give feedback on the pattern!  I'm so glad it's working out well for you.  I'm going right now to look at the gallery.  How cute she is . . . very well done!  Will be looking forward to your next one.   :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

CONGRATULATIONS :clap:  :clap: !
I just got my Teddy bear International magazine and what a wonderful article about you and your bears!! Beautiful pictures ! I was reading and feeling soo proud that I have "talk" to you!!You deserve all the praising SuAnn!
BIG bear hugs and Golly smiles.
Gladys bear_flower

Bearalive Bearalive
Posts: 791

Hi SueAnn
Here is the one I told you I was making. I reduced your pattern and  I set the ears differently. I think that he ( Danny ) has a boy look and I gave him a shirt. The Mohair I used is like a .....silvery grey?? In the pictures looks sometimes green but, it is not green.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Bear hugs .
Glady bear_flower 000_1048.jpg

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

He is pretty and on my screen the mohair does look green, not that it takes anything away from him.  He looks great.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Bearalive wrote:

CONGRATULATIONS :clap:  :clap: !
I just got my Teddy bear International magazine and what a wonderful article about you and your bears!! Beautiful pictures ! I was reading and feeling soo proud that I have "talk" to you!!You deserve all the praising SuAnn!
BIG bear hugs and Golly smiles.
Gladys :rose:

You're so very thoughtful, Gladys . . . thank you!  Danny is adorable - green or gray - you did a great job!

tarnuf Hamilton New Zealand
Posts: 62

Hi Sue Ann

Thank you so much for letting us use your pattern  :hug:  bear_flower . I really enjoyed making the bear. I made the bear in synthetic a cream bear with cream paw pads. The material was just so soft and nice to work with. I also found the pattern really great to work with. I put safety joints, eyes and nose on her. I wish I could post a picture but someone stole my camera right from under my nose  bear_angry  Hope to get another one soon.

Kind Regards

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

You are most welcome, Tania . . . I'm so glad you enjoyed making your bear.  She sounds beautiful and I'll look forward to seeing her photo when you get another camera.  Thanks much for posting.

antoinetterh Seabrook Texas
Posts: 18

Hi SueAnn, I had a couple of questions regarding the Goldie pattern. I was looking on BearyCheap and wondering if the lock nut joint set includes the hardboard disks? And what size disks would i need? Antoher question is what kind of tools would i need to put my bear together?? I also wanted to ask if I should go for Mohair my very first time trying to make a bear or practice first on cheaper material. I'm nervous about ruing expersive Mohair bear_cry Any other tips on this pattern, i would really appreciate! Thanks for the free pattern and for the help! Antoinette

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Antoinette . . . so glad you're going to try the Goldie pattern.  Don't know if you noticed, but Intercal gives you an option to "make your own kit" to use with the pattern.  Click on the 'Goldie Pattern' and scroll down to where the photos that show using several different types of mohair.  You can click on "Make Your Own Kit" and it will tell what all is included.  Joint sets ARE there.  Also, click on … l#hardware and scroll to Fiberboard Joints, Mix and Match.  You have the option of choosing joint sets, which includes the disks and the hardware for them.  The pattern directions give you the size joints you will need.  If you use the screw/nut jointing system, you will need 2 nut drivers to put them in . . . one for the nut, and one to hold the screw.  If you use cotter pins, you will need needle-nose pliers to bend the pins.  I made my first bears out of synthetic and was very afraid of "ruining expensive mohair", but after I finally made the switch to mohair, I found it was TONS easier to work with.  You might want to make a practice bear using any type fabric so that you can become familiar with how the pieces fit together and just get a feel for building a teddy.  Then go for the mohair when you're more comfortable with sewing the pattern.   Hope this helps and if you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  Good luck and enjoy the experience!

antoinetterh Seabrook Texas
Posts: 18

Thank you so much, for all the help SueAnn!! :hug:

antoinetterh Seabrook Texas
Posts: 18

Hi, Sueann. I am attempting to make my bear and I am stuck. I dont know if I messed up or if I'm  just not understanding directions. bear_wacko Its the part that says...Gather around the neck opening, pulling the edges togher and knot securely...Did i go wrong somewhere when it said to stictch all darts? Darts were the two v shaped cuts on both body pieces right? Can you help if you understand what i mean or what i did wrong?  :redface:

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, you did right to stitch the darts which are the v shaped cuts in the body parts.  After stitching the darts in each body piece, you stitch those two pieces together to make the full body.  Now, at the top, you should have a fairly large opening at the neck.  This is where you gather . . . around the top of that opening and pull it together tightly so that it no longer is an opening.  Does that make it clearer?  If not, maybe I can draw you some pictures that will help.

antoinetterh Seabrook Texas
Posts: 18

o.k. i understand the gather, what should i knot it with?

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

After you gather and tighten the thread, knot the thread itself to keep it from pulling through the fabric and undoing your gathering stitch.  Make sense?

antoinetterh Seabrook Texas
Posts: 18

bear_wacko I'm a little confused. Sorry bear_sad Should I have not ended the thread after I was  done stitching the two body pieced together? I think that's where I'm confused. Because I've sewn the darts and the body pices together, but now I'm lost. Sorry I'm such a pain, and a little(or alot) confused.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Should I have not ended the thread after I was  done stitching the two body pieced together?

Yes, you did it right.  Gathering the neck is done by hand separately from stitching the body together.  Are you using a machine to sew?  To gather the neck, just sew a long running stitch (basting stitch) by hand
around the top of the neck edge.  When you have gone all the way around, pull the stitches up tightly and the edges of the neck will come together to close the opening.  Knot the end of your thread at that point.  Don't worry about asking questions.  I hope I can answer them without confusing you.  Don't get discouraged . . . we all had to start on a first bear.

antoinetterh Seabrook Texas
Posts: 18

O.k., you see i was just confused with the part of what i was supposed to be knotting securely. bear_wacko But I guess I'm one of those that has to be told details to understand. Yes, I'm sewing by hand. Well thanks for all the help. And I'll try to be more patient with my bear. Normally I am very good at things like this but maybe I'm just anxious to see what it turns out like and I got frustrated because I got stuck :doh: . Thanks again!  bear_flower  :hug:

mnwhoot Pussywillow Bears
Posts: 2

What is a gusset?  Where do you get one?


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Martha, and welcome to Teddy Talk.  A gusset is the piece (on a three-piece bear head) that comes down the middle of the head, between the two side pieces.  If you look at Goldie's pattern pieces, you will see how it is shaped.  You can get one by just downloading the free Goldie pattern.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Chrissie . . . big welcome to Teddy Talk!  I'm so pleased that you tried out the Goldie pattern - your Kim is wonderful - and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work and getting to know you.  Thanks much for posting your photo of Kim.

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