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Shelli Makes - Teddy bears & other cheerful things by Shelli Quinn
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Zagzagael Posts: 43
lovenshire wrote:

I think perhaps if you move the ears up just a tiny bit the head won't look square!

Thanks! Up forward or up backward?

Bearfriend Posts: 1

  I have cut the pattern for my new bear on soft-textured non-hair  fabric from old curtains.  I am about to start to sew and am debating between hand-sewing and my sewing machine.  I am going on a road trip and want something to do with my hands, but I also will be making this bear for a child so I am aware that there needs to be strength in the seams.  Does anyone have experience hand-sewing the entire bear, what is the stitch that will make it strong.  Any info is very much appreicaited

It's a great pattern and a fun forum and I am excited about this new project.  Full disclosure, this is my first bear as an adult, I completed one as a teen for a fundraiser and remember feeling very proud with the finished product (though no-one bought my bear at the bazaar, not that I am holding a grudge!  bear_innocent )

Thanks again and keep up the good work everyone!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hello, Bearfriend . . . welcome to Teddy Talk.  So pleased you're going to try our free pattern!  There are many of our members who sew the whole bear by hand, usually using small backstitches.  I prefer sewing by machine because it's so much faster for me.  Does the fabric you're using fray or ravel easily?  If so, or if it is stretchy, you will have better success by backing it with a non-stretchy material.  Enjoy making 'Goldie'!

wubbiebear Braille Teddies
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Posts: 671

I'm thinking about maybe trying this pattern, but I much prefer fuzzy faux fur to mohair, so that's what I use, and I also prefer just fiberfill rather than the hard stuff.  I'm all about texture.  Is this okay to do it this way?  Also, what kind of joints would you recommend for someone with no vision where I don't have to use a lot of tools?  Can you find all this stuff at fabric stores or craft stores?  I have trouble shopping online, especially for fabric because I like to feel it before I buy it.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hi, Jessie.  Yes, you may use any kind of fabric you like to make this pattern . . . same for the stuffing.  I would recommend using plastic joints - you need no tools for those.  You can get all of the items at fabric/craft stores plus they also have plastic eyes that work similarly to the plastic joints.  Have fun making your bear.

wubbiebear Braille Teddies
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Posts: 671

I like the plastic eyes.  Those puppies ain't coming off, no way no how.  (Bad grammar was used deliberately for humorous effect.)

Iria Posts: 2

Hello all,

I was searching for a pattern for a bear, simply because I was bored and looking for a use for a chunk of synthetic fur I've got. I found the pattern for "Goldie" and now she's got all her parts sewn, she just needs to be stuffed, put together, and given her face. I think this will probably be the trickiest part for me, as I've never made a three dimensional stuffed animal for me. I'm incredibly excited to put the joints in her. When she's done (if I don't wreck her) I'll ship her over to England as a gift to my best friend.

When I measured the fabric scrap I've got it came to 13.5 inches by 26.5 inches so I had to re-size the pattern down to 85%.With the thickness of the fur, and the incredibly small seams, I'd imagine she came out to be around the original size any way!

I sewed her by hand with 1/8 inch seams using snow white synthetic fur. The pile is very plushy and when the fabric is laid on a table, pile up, it's about half an inch high. She'll probably have simple (shiny) black button eyes and I wont be putting a joint in her neck. For her pads what I ended up doing was cutting them from the same fur, then shaving them bald with an electric hair trimmer my husband has. They came out with a nice, soft velvetine like feel, and look great against her long hair. Her mouth and nose will probably be black cotton stitching.

When she is done I'll post a picture up here, and a more formal 'thank you' to Sue Ann for sharing this pattern.



lovenshire Love and Cuddle Nursery
Posts: 945

Ira, she sounds beautiful!

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

She does sound lovely! (Just curious: I'm wondering how you'll attach the head to the body if you don't use a joint? The joint disk is also helpful when closing the head--otherwise you'd get sort of a pastry-bag look, I'd think...)

Do let us see her when she's done!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I was more than happy to share this pattern, Shel, and I'm looking forward to seeing your finished creation!

Iria Posts: 2


Thanks for the encouragement! Here is a picture of her when I finished sewing her parts last night. She obviously isn't stuffed or jointed, just held together by pins. Her eyes are pins at the moment too.

I'll be going out and getting her eyes today. Could anyone recommend a good eye placing tutorial for button eyes? The ones with little loops on the back for attaching? I'd prefer to have them pull the fabric around her eyes in a bit, to help shape the head.

Thanks and well wishes for all of your bears/animals!


dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

She looks great!

There are many methods to set the eyes, but here's a great tutorial from Paula Carter:


coco52 Posts: 2

Hi I am new and I would like the "Goldie" pattern. This will be my first bear, it is a Christmas gift for my granddaughter

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Hi coco, and welcome! You'll find the Goldie pattern in this same section--the fourth "sticky" in the list of topics.

Good luck with your first bear! (If your granddaughter is very young, just be aware that traditional teddies like the ones most of us here make are not considered child-safe. Plastic safety joints and eyes might be advisable.)


Susano Posts: 8

Thank you so much SueAnn for the Goldie pattern. This is my first attempt at bear making. I used 100% wool scraps given to me by a college after a visit to a mill. I think he looks like a English country bear. Loved tbe pattern and I am looking forward to doing it again in fur.

Thanks again XXX

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021
Susano wrote:

This is my first attempt at bear making.

Congratulations on your first bear! The wool fabric gives him a warm and homey look. bear_flower


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Fantastic wool bear, Susano, and you are very welcome for the pattern.  I look forward to seeing your next one in the fur.

Nina_W Worthe It
Posts: 11

Here's my take on Goldie. The cubs are the pattern altered - the child has slightly shorter arms, legs and body and a slightly larger head, the baby even more so.

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

I love the whole family, Nina! (Mama Bear is my favorite. I really like the shape of her nose and her whole expression.)  bear_original


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Congratulations on your bear family, Nina . . . you did a great job!!  I like the fact that you altered the pattern to accommodate the proportions of the child and baby!

Nina_W Worthe It
Posts: 11

Sue Ann, thank you very much for sharing the pattern. It's a lovely teddy, a pleasure to make also.

Becky, thank you for the kind words. She has a classic 'beariness' about her, I think part of the pattern, that I really adore myself.

jammer2 Posts: 1

can anyone tell me how to download the pattern pieces? i clicked where it said to download and it took me to something called Lumatch

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021
SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,883

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thank you, Becky, for responding to jammer2 . . . appreciate your help. bear_wub

wubbiebear Braille Teddies
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Posts: 671

I have a question about this bear.  I'm thinking about making him, but is it okay if I use plushie fur instead of mohair?

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