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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Hello everyone,

As I discussed some months ago, I am planning an artist-only fair here in the UK.

Well, after months and months of research and planning, things are really beginning to come together.  I have strated a website, which I thought some of you may be interested in:

I am not ready to start taking exhibitors yet, but hopefully this will happen soon!!!  In the meantime, please feel free to browse the website, to learn more about the event, and what I am trying to achieve.

The event is going to be self-funding, non-profit making and will be raising money for the British Heart Foundation.

There are still lots of things I need to sort out before I can begin publicising, but I thought I would share a sneak-preview with some of you, by letting you know the website address.

Any comments, ideas, fedback, etc is always welcome!!

Thanks for looking. :hug:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

You have certainly given a lot of thought and consideration to this show! You've built a great foundation for it, coming up with the challenge theme, your mission and goals, a charity. Keeping the show a non-profit speaks volumes to artists as they'll know the fees will never sky-rocket just so a promoter can pocket the money. The site looks great! You've made it clear you are serious about making this a success, covering all the bases and putting on a very professional show! Bravo!!! I look forward to hearing more as plans continue and will be cheering you on as June 2008 approaches!
:clap:  :clap:  :clap:

:hug:  Daphne

Cheshire Cat Wilmslow Cheshire
Posts: 758

Hi Samantha,
It looks really good,you have already put a lot of hard work into everything.I shall keep checking back to find out about exhibiting,



tinybear-dk TinyBear
Posts: 1,427

Hi Samantha
You have done a really great job  :clap:
It´s all looking so good - I hope it will be a great succes  bear_thumb

dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

Ohhh you have been really busy, Everything looks really great, and really well thought out. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
look forward to hearing more. :clap:  :hug:

LisaAP Arcas designs
Posts: 941

Wonderful! I have made a note of the date in my diary.  bear_laugh

Best regards


Yvonne Bebbin Bears
Posts: 1,109

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap: Samantha you're are a star!!!! The website is fabulous, what a huge amount of

hard work you have put in. I'm sure it's going to be a great success.........can't wait to hear more!

Hugs Yvonne  bear_flower

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Your website looks good, and it's easy to navigate.   bear_thumb

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Thank you ladies for your comments and feedback - they are greatly appreciated!! bear_thumb

Daphne - thanks for your comments from the perspective of a show organiser!!!  :hug:

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Let me know if you want me to put anything on I Love Teddies about it.  I can list you as a show promoter, put your show on the events list, etc.

ABraggAboutBear BraggAbout Bears
Posts: 60

Well done! We shall keep checking back to find out about exhibiting...

kerrenmorris K M Bears
Posts: 349

It looks very impressive Samantha. I hope all your hard work pays off.

beary hugs Kerren

StarHawk2003 VallierBears
Posts: 270

Great work Samantha!

Hopfully by next year I will have bear that are good enough quality too sell and since it's not far from me, May join bear_original

At this show will there just be Artist tables or will there be Supply tables also? Like Mohair,eye, joints etc etc.

Richy bear_original

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Oh Samantha..I can't wait!!! I hope I get an invite as it's just up the road for me!!! I know it will be a huge success and I wish you all the best of luck. I think the challenge idea is a great could open it up to non-exhibitors too to bring in more money?

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Looks like it will be a great show and you have created a neat website.
Much luck.


valewoodbears Valewood Bears
Posts: 6,537

Looks brilliant Samantha, great website and great ideas and what a beautiful place to have a fair. Will watch out for more details and I wish you much success with this venture.


samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800
StarHawk2003 wrote:

At this show will there just be Artist tables or will there be Supply tables also? Like Mohair,eye, joints etc etc.

Hi Richy,

At the moment I am concentrating on it being an artist-only event.  However, the venue does have a small foyer area, out of the main hall which could contain 2 or 3 stands.  I would never put the artists themselves on these stalls, but I am considering the possibility of a supplies stand out in the foyer.  I know that artists themselves often use a show as an opportunity to restock on a few supplies.  However, there is no final decision made about this yet, so the short answer is - I'm not sure yet!!!

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800
jenny wrote:

I think the challenge idea is a great could open it up to non-exhibitors too to bring in more money?

Thanks Jenny!
I have considered opening up the challenge to everyone, but I am worried that there is very limited space to display all the entries, so I would hate to have loads and loads of bears, with no where to display them.  However, at the same time I would hate for there to only be a few entries, when lots of non-exhibitors would have liked to enter.  Its very difficult to gauge interest for the first show.  When I begin inviting people to attend, I will try and gauge people's interest in entering, and at that stage I could open it up for everyone, if not many exhibitors are interested.

Thank you everyone for your comments and feedback.  Its great to hear others' thoughts, as it gets me thinking in a slightly different direction, which can only be a good thing!! :hug:

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Well I'll definitely have a go at the challenge !!!

Yes..I think that's the way to play it Samantha...get exhibitors to indicate if they'll be entering beforehand and then, depending on interest, open it up to others...It could bring footfall through the door as many collectors also make bears...I bet they'd be up for a challenge...

Keep up the good work..I am behind you all the way on this!!!! :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

kim "a bear by kim"
Posts: 2,401

i would definatly be interested.. iv never done any bear events but im itching to!
the website is fantastic and you have obiously put alot of thought and hard work into it.... dont know where you find the giving you a round of aplause :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
and even if there wasnt room for little old me id still pay a visit xxx

Strike A Paw Posts: 535

Hello Samantha,

I hope it becomes a BIG success for you - good work!!



Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

What a wonderful thing you are doing it looks GREAT!
:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

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