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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

Deb Upstate New York
Posts: 1,650

Whatcha doin' today?

I'm going to finish this  bear_smile if it kills me.  Drink a few pots of coffee.  Look out the back door at the deck that didn't get stained. bear_ermm Do a teddy photo shoot.  :pray: Work on polar bear pattern.  Watch an old movie or two.

Have a good day!

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

elliottkissymarmalade1web.jpgparrotscloseupfeedingweb.jpgoneparrotonchairweb.jpgThis is what I did today -Saturday.
My back yard is only 6 x 7 metres. These parrots have trained me so well that they call to let me know they are arriving so I will fill their dish for them. (Cheeky beggars)These parrots dont squawk. They have a pretty bell like trillAnd I cant resist one more pic of my baby with his special bear. bear_innocent

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Matlilda, I don't understand. Are those your birds? Do they get to fly free?? Very cool either way.

What am I doing today? I'm working. 6am - 5 pm. But it's slow at work on Saturdays, ( I work at a help desk ) So I brought in a few movies, and I have to sew ears on my 1st panda bear. Also have some felting to do.
So that's my day. Sounds not too bad, but I would be much happier if I could've slept in this morning  :doh:


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I don't even know what I'm doing in the next 5 minutes let alone the whole day...


Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Ohh Well I've walked the dog. done the vacuuming. Washed the dishes. re-done a bears footpad with pulled toes about 7 times before it would go right  bear_grin now i'm doing the other foot ! praying it will match the other  bear_happy

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

I went to work in the salon today at 7.15 am...did a full list of clients....had a huge crisis which was dreadful..and, suffice it to say, I ended up sacking someone which has made me feel ill. I loath and detest confrontation but in this case it had to be done.

So now I am home and I am going to sew up some teddy legs and then my daughter is coming round with our grand-daughter Elizabeth who is the apple of my eye...she's four months old!!

Pretty stressful day.....


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ooh . . . Jenny - you do need a picker upper!  Your daughter/granddaughter's visit should do just that!  :dance:  Sounds like everybody has been super busy.  I've been a slug . . . slept in, had a leisurely breakfast, read the newspaper, had to chase down our new pup Tobey . . . he had slipped through the cat door and gone to investigate the neighbor's back yard . . . and now I've spent more than an hour on Teddy Talk!!  Where has my morning gone??  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  Hope to spend the afternoon (or at least some of it) on bears!!  bear_smile  bear_smile  bear_smile

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Oh no, sounds like a crappy day, Hope the rest of the weekend gets better !! The only way is up !  :D

jenny wrote:

I went to work in the salon today at 7.15 am...did a full list of clients....had a huge crisis which was dreadful..and, suffice it to say, I ended up sacking someone which has made me feel ill. I loath and detest confrontation but in this case it had to be done.

So now I am home and I am going to sew up some teddy legs and then my daughter is coming round with our grand-daughter Elizabeth who is the apple of my eye...she's four months old!!

Pretty stressful day.....


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

shantell wrote:

I don't even know what I'm doing in the next 5 minutes let alone the whole day...


HAHAHA  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I'm going to have a hard day today too, for personal reasons -- a really hard day, actually -- but I am determined to find happy, optimistic, positive places to land:  to look out at the shining sun, finish up some bears for one of my delightful retailers, this one in France, and start work on a funky little handful of bear pattern that I designed just last week, as a departure.  Visit with my virtual friends -- you all -- who are "real" friends in all the ways that count.  Maybe go to the pound and contemplate bringing yet another in-need pet into my home.  I'm such a sucker for that.  Listen to good music.  Breathe.

Jenny, I hope your visit with daughter and wee grandbaby brings you that same cheer.  I think direct confrontation is something worth getting strong around and good at because sometimes, one needs to be confrontative in this world.  But I agree; I loathe and detest it, and would rather we just all get along and do our part, so it could be avoided entirely.  Alas, I don't think that will ever happen.  Sounds like "you done good", getting through what needed to be gotten through.  That's worth smiling about!


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Shelli . . . I wish you well in dealing with your day.  Huge, virtual hugs for you, Dear One!  bear_wub  bear_wub

I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

Sorry you had a bad morning, but it sounds like the rest of the day will be great with your granddaughter. 


Today I'll watch college football and go through paper stuff.  Most of the day is dedicated to football because I love watching it (I also watch pro football but that's for tomorrow).   bear_original

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

Virtual Hugs for you Shelli. i saw this wonderful email the other day that was a great picker upper i wish i still had it. it was really simple but made you think positive like

be thankful for your dirty clothes, because it means you have clothes on your back

and things like that it was really good  bear_original

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Thanks everyone...I really feel like I need a stiff drink...but since the cause of my having to dismiss someone today was that they turned up at work rolling seems like not the best thing to do.

Since I got home another member of staff came to my house and told me that a girl who also works there had cooked up an agreement with a client that she would only pay a token amount for her hair and the girl would get the rest as a large 'tip'. So it looks like another problem looming on the horizon. I have always been fair with people and just can't believe the deceit. She waited till I'd left for the day to cook up this plan, which adds insult to injury.

Now where's that gin bottle....................

Pipa UK
Posts: 971

she turned up drunk, wow !! and now you have another one to deal with, sorry to hear that! what a nightmare !!!  :twisted:

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

Jenny, you are perhaps like me, anything for a quiet life and then you get that today. I am trying to be more 'hard'. Sometimes like Shelli says you need to get tough and I'm not really built that way. I had a friend die last Sunday. She was 57 and had known the tragedy of losing a son of 12. I am only 37 and have never lost someone who was a mate. We were not best friends but I used to see her every week.  bear_sad I suppose as you get older these things happen. I would put today down to experience and remember it was not your fault and in the end the other person bought it on themselves.

I spent a lovely day in Litchfield which has a cathedral. I visited my mother-in-law later and will be settling down soon with a glass of wine to watch 'the shawshank redemption', triumph over unfairness, good film to watch at the moment. Curry later, then bed. I've got to go a works meeting tomorrow, while my husband and daughter go to the funpark at Southport! I suppose thats what life is all about, that rollercoaster that goes up and down. Have a good weekend everyone! :dance:

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

Oh man, Jenny, that sounds rough!!! not easy to have to fire people, although I've never had to do it. It just hurts when you are good to people and they do this kinda thing behind your back. I can' imagine someone cutting my hair when they are drunk. Very scarey!!
Shelli, good luck with the day. Remember everything happens for a reason, and that reason is always a good one!!!
Everyone else, have a great Saturday/weekend. Happy bear making!

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

By the way, Shelli...whatever it is you are going through today... I hope that by the end of it you'll feel uplifted and positive. Teddies have the distinct knack of making the world a brighter place...and making them lifts me higher than practically anything else..

That's why we love 'em

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Jenny, I have to tell you that the idea of getting a drunken haircut sends chills right up my spine.  I have enough hair trauma moments, once out of the chair, even when I get exactly what I asked for!  I don't think anyone needs to add inebriation to the stylistic repertoire of salon offerings!  You poor dear; what a mess.

Keep your chin up... as in, tilted back, all the better to pour all that gin down the hatch.

(Why Gin?  ;))

Sue Ann -- You're such a love; thank you for the big, huge, ginormous hugs.  You know I need them today.

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Well, a drunken hairdo is one thing...but a drunken there is an interesting challenge....

Why Gin?? It's 'grand'mothers ruin in my case!!!!!


melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

reflections on my Saturday..... I was meant to clean the house, check my email, sort out some scrapbooking stuff, do the washing, and finish two little bears who've been sitting woefully by my side awaiting stuffing and ears.

What I did on my Saturday...woke up late having stayed up till 2am the night before trying to fix the computer (which is only a week old!), half heartedly sorted the recycling and tidied the bedroom.  Sat and looked at my bear's face for half an hour trying to decide if I liked him or not.  Jointed him together and stuffed his tummy.  Procrastinated about putting his ears on.  (I hate ears).  Finally after several hours of procrastination tried putting ears on and it all went pear shaped due to my bad mood.  Went to bed in frustration!

Daylight savings started here last night which meant I lost an hour of sleep.  Am currently eating breakfast and checking emails and I WILL finish that bear today!!!

Hope the rest of your days improve and you get through the blah bits.

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

OOOh, a bad day for a few of you, makes my 'panic I haven't TAXED MY CAR' seem a distant nightmare.......... :redface:   (My car is my pride and joy)

Anyway, I hope you all get things sorted, I seem to get more and more of these BAD DAYS, is it the way of the world do you think??  :rolleyes:

Jenny, although I run a different sort of business, I know how hard it is when you get 'duff' staff, we've had our fair share, and I know what a tough job it is to fire someone, but it has to be done - it's our hard earned money we're throwing down the drain all too often  bear_sad 

You all have a FANTASTIC Sunday - that's an ORDER!!!  bear_happy

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh Jenny, sounds like you are having trouble with your staff.  I'm very sorry for that!!   I know how hard it is to find a decent hairdresser for my own hair, let alone your situation, with having to find decent workers who are honest and hard working!

Shelli - Sorry to hear about your bad day!  Tell us about this pet that is in need, that you are thinking about adopting!


Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

It's Sunday here and a wet one at that. Day light saving has just started today so it always
is hard to get around the hour difference in time.

I was very sorry to read about your staff Jenny - who would have them?
Glad that you are able to have a visit with your daughter and grandbaby _ 4 months - how darling! I hope that the rest of the weekend turns out well for you.

Shelli  - sorry to hear about the hard times that you have been going through and I hope
that you can find happiness and here is a big hug..... to make your life a whole lot brighter!
We are looking forward to seeing your new funky little creations.
Good luck with getting through your day - Onwards and upwards!
Have a good weekend everyone.

I am going to do some ironing, boring but it needs to be done.


Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

Todays my hubby's birthday. He let me sleep in :dance: we had breakfast at Mc D's, I finished my charity bear (mostly :redface:) we checked email, went to see a movie (flightplan) went to bookstore and target (bought a new bra) now we're waiting for Chinese delivery!!  :D

I'm finding I do a lot less now that my belly's expanding. Its sure hard for me to sit for long times making bears... I think my charity bear will be completely done tomorrow.  bear_innocent I mean to work on it and fall asleep instead!!


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