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samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

I just wanted to share with you that I received a letter today telling me that my two entries in the British Bear Artist Awards have both been nominated. bear_original   I'm really excited, and my hubby and I will now have a weekend away in December to take my entries to Hove for the final judging.  I've added pictures to my blog if anyone would like to take a look. :photo:
I have to admit that I think it is a shame that some people found out almost a month ago as I assumed my bears hadn't been selected - it would have been nice if we all could have found out at the same time so that I could have joined in the enjoyment of it all a few weeks ago with everyone else.
However, I am certainly not complaining as I am delighted to be through to the final judging. :dance:

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

What cuties, that is wonderful congrats to you!!!! :clap:

Lynn Wisconsin
Posts: 834

Samatha, I checked out your blog and you entries are adorable.  I can see why they were selected.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  :clap:  :clap:


Yvonne Bebbin Bears
Posts: 1,109

Outstanding entries so deserve these nominations .. bear_flower

.....your work is amazing !!!!!! Congratulations!!!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  and enjoy your weekend in Hove!!

Hugs Yvonne  bear_flower

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Congratulations Samantha ~ your creations are amazing and you so deserve the nominations.


Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

Samantha, HUGE HUGE congratulations for your nominations - amazing it took so long for them to tell you compared to the rest of us - but as the saying goes - better late than never  bear_grin   Have a wonderful trip to Hove.


puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Hi Samantha
I can't understand WHY you weren't told at the same time as the rest of us - in the absence of you joining in the celebrations, I just assumed that you hadn't entered the comp.........
Last year, my friend Sabine Eschbach entered the comp - heard nothing, and it was only when I saw the TBCI e-mag that we realised that she had been nominated.....and only just in time to send her bear off to England!
Anyway - mega congrats to you too!!!! :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

pma2003 Seamore Collectibles
Posts: 451

Gee, I wonder how many other Artists have not been notified???

Is there anyone to contact???

Gail Bear With Me Enterprises
Posts: 1,319

Congratulations Samantha, the bears are just adorable and hope you win the top awards in Dec. As an aside you and I share the same wedding date as in the 19th of August. I have been married for 46 years though and you are just starting out
Gail bear_thumb  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

duff Deedle Bears
Posts: 226

Just amazing little bears Samantha.  Congratulations, you certainly have earned it!     


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Your sweeties are adorable, Samantha . . . big congratulations!

LisaAP Arcas designs
Posts: 941

Gorgeous entries the both of them!  bear_wub  Good luck for the final judging.



jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Fantastic pieces , both of them, congratulations!

I have to say though that the BBAAs are not the best organised competitions in the world. I am not at all surprised you didn't get your letter till now! Last time I entered I duly took my bears to Hove and delivered them to the venue. We weren't showing that day so we had a quick whiz round the fair and went off shopping having been told by the organiser that the awards ceremony was starting at 3pm. So we wandered around Brighton, went for lunch and came back at 2.30 ready for the ceremony but as I walked up the stairs people were coming down with certificates and I spoke to someone and she said because the show was so quiet they'd brought the ceremony forward to 2.00pm. As it happened I didn't win anything but I was livid that I'd missed it..and I wasn't the only one either.

So from that day to this I have never entered perhaps the fact that it took a month for you to get your letter means they still haven't got their act together!!! Samantha you don't need the BBAAS to prove that your work is superb ...the little Sleigh Ride, especially, is just wonderful... :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Gantaeno Je Suis Lugly!
Posts: 1,065

I haven't heard about my entry either Samantha, but I'm not expecting a letter as I e-mailed to check and got no reply... my photo's were awful in fairness bear_tongue Well done you! Good luck!

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Thank you everyone for your kind words  :redface: - I really appreciate them. :hug:

Aww Chloe - I love the bear you entered!!!!!  I can't believe that he would not be selected.  Just wait and see - you never know, you might get a letter!!!

Jenny - I also entered that year (2005).  I didn't have a stall either and we also went out for lunch.  We were very lucky that we happened to go back into the fair just in time to hear them announcing that they were doing the awards early.  I didn't win anything either, but when you've made all that effort to go there, you want to actually see the awards being presented!!!  Because of this, and also the fact that the organiser couldn't get my name right, and kept sending things to my parents address (because my parents have exhibited at some of her dollshouse shows in the past) when I had never given that address to her, I didn't enter last year.
I thought I'd give it another go this year, as I fancy a trip to Hove and Brighton, and we'll visit some of my husband's family - it gives us the excuse to make the effort to go there!!  In all honesty I don't think I'll enter again as I just find it all a bit frustrating when they can't let us all know within the same week at least!!

I'll stop moaning now though bear_happy , as I am happy to be a finalist, and I'm looking forward to our weekend away.

Yvonne Bebbin Bears
Posts: 1,109

The same thing happened to me in 2005....up until then I enjoyed entering the BBAA's, luckly unlike Jenny, I got back early and didn't miss the awards, but what a shambles it was... as you say Samantha when you have travelled a long way as many people was a huge disappointment to have missed the presentations. For that reason I have not entered since hoping that maybe things would improve...I hope you have a better experience this time.....

Anyway...well done, and good luck...although I don't think you will need it, your entries
are wonderful  :clap:  :clap: 

Hugs Yvonne  bear_flower

pma2003 Seamore Collectibles
Posts: 451

Congratulations to you Samantha..

After reading some of your Artists experiences. I'm a little disheartened..

This is my first year of actually entering into competions..  First the Ace awards.. that was cancelled, The Ursa awards that I became a finialist..Yipee and now I have entered into the BBAA which sounds  bear_sad
I entered into the Teddy World wide for 2008 and never heard back from them to ask if they received my entry as I used Euro's from here in the US.

Obviously it's all trial and error I guess, but it makes me sad.

Maybe we need some more new competitions here in the US.

KiddoBears KiddoBears
Posts: 851

Congradulation Samantha well deserved  bear_flower  bear_flower  bear_smile  :hug: bear_thumb  :hug:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Well they say better late than never. Congratulations Samantha, your bears are beautiful. Good luck!

Hugs, Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_flower  bear_thumb

Lisa q.D.paToOtieS
Near Fredericksburg, VA
Posts: 1,349

I'm so excited for you Samantha.  After meeting one of your little bears in the fur, I can see why!


bearsofbath Bears Of Bath
Bath, UK
Posts: 2,223

CONGRATULATIONS Samantha  :clap:  :clap:  :clap: , you must be really excited.  I too received my letter on Saturday, I was convinced as so many had already heard, that I hadn't been successful, this is my first competition entry and had no idea what to expect, but now I'm really excited.  Look forward to seeing you and your lovely bears in December.  Good luck to everyone.  bear_original can't wait for December!

tinybear-dk TinyBear
Posts: 1,427

Congratulations Samantha
So well deserved - your bears are amazing

starlite Starlite Bears
Posts: 1,676

Hi Samantha - HUGE congratulations to you - love your bears and a well deserved nomination for both entries -  :clap:  :clap:

bearsbyTracey BearsbyTracey
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 299

HI Samantha
Great news about the bbaa.  :dance: you must be so trilled. :clap:
I have just visited your blog and wow your new bears are fantastic. bear_original

I love the sleigh scene.  It most have taken hours to produce.
You have had a fantastic year!! look forward to seeing more of your bears.
I am hoping to get a blog up and running, now I have a wesite.


Pumpkin & Pickle Bears Pumpkin & Pickle Bears
East Sussex
Posts: 2,047

Congratulations Samantha!!!  :dance:  :dance:  :clap:  :clap: . I just LOVE your bears on the sled!

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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