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jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

house-027.jpghouse-037.jpghouse-036.jpghouse-033.jpghouse-032.jpghouse-038.jpghouse-026.jpghouse-029.jpghouse-031.jpgWell we all have just about been at everyones home and they are all lovely and different, how  about stepping in the front  door and coming in side, come on in girls and have a look a my silly house bear_grin :lol bear_grin:dont forget its getting old .

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

LOVE all the beautiful dolls and bears!!!!!! What fun to be surrounded by them!

Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ohhhh nooooo . . . can't come inside my house until it gets cleaned up!  When that will be, I don't know - but probably not in my lifetime!!  bear_laugh   bear_laugh   bear_laugh

Especially since Fran's house is wonderful and neat as a pin!

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

What a lovely home! I noticed the dollhouse too. Love it! I have two dollhouses begging to be finished. I reallly ought too since I now have a daughter that would love it. As for my house...well, that would involve cleaning so...maybe next month. bear_grin My dad built an addition onto their house just for my mom's bears! They're doing some remodeling right now, but maybe sometime I'll take pics of her house! Hundreds and hundreds of bears.

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Picture-059.jpgPicture-060.jpgSandi this is my dolls house

Dilu Posts: 8,574

The only room I could show you without a wee bit (read heck of a lot) of picking up would be the sewing room.  Believe it or not- its the most organized.....tomarrow, when there is some light, I will proove it.....meanwhile the hubs is at work, the laundry is on the wraks by the woodstove, the backdrop drape is still clothespinned up,  and for some odd reason, totaly beyond my understanding, there is a living room full of bears and gollies and cats and birds and mini bear making stff, and papers from that golly class alll over the place.....It looks like Times Square after New Years Eve.

I did wash the kitchen floor today.....I could take a picture of that.....

And I made the bed.....but that was 14 hours ago and have since unmade it.....

dinner was a cinch----Lean Cuisine

oh dear......JazzyFran you have a housekeeper who comes on certain days and this was your good day?  Girl you are nuts.....maybe tomarrow


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Yeah, Fran... after seeing that clean house of yours it's highly unlikely the rest of us will be posting interior pictures of our homes!!  bear_laugh  bear_laugh Not me anyway!

jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

MY god all you lot are chickens  .Well it is a good reason to clean up so we can have a look.

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Oh, Fran, I love all your little houses. When I was a little girl my aunt had one but I wasn't aloud to touch. I always wanted one, but back then my parents couldn't afford it. I always told myself...someday. Now I have two unfinished.   bear_sad The sad part is I've had them for a longgggg time. If my daughter ever goes in the basement and sees what's down there, she might nag me enough to get them finished! I thought it would be neat (if I actually had the room for it) to have a little town of dollhouses! Maybe we can peek inside your little houses too sometime. :pray:

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

couch2.jpgcouch.jpgOkay, well, my house is too messy right now for pics. And it's kind of blah anyway, because we haven't lived here too long and I am slow too decorate. Okay, Okay, it's been 9 months.  bear_grin

But here are some pics off our new couch. We only had it for a couple months when these photos were taken. My dog is excellent at removing for hire??

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

aaahhhhooohhhh!!!!!!great intake of breathe........the little bugga, Sandi. :doh:

matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

hallway1.jpgworkroomatworkweb11.jpgdresserlandseare-painting.jpgworkroom-corner3.jpgworkroom1.jpgshellteacaddythumnail.jpgsofa-andsidetableweb.jpgmybedroom1web.jpghallway4.jpggothicmirrors1.jpgMY HOUSE   as you can see, my workroom can get pretty trashed when I'm creating.  :redface:

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Ooh Matilda,  your home is soooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!  :clap:

Fran - your house is like my dream home!!!  I am a huge doll lover, and think I would be in seventh heaven if I were to visit...Ooh can I come play dollies?


jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Picture-069.jpgPicture-063.jpgPicture-066.jpgPicture-062.jpgDanni you can come and play .this is inside my dolls house, and for you Sandi get that dolls house out and play what are you waiting for. Matilda what lovely colours you have in your lovely house.

Irene Irenours-bears
Posts: 508

Lovely houses of sure bear_tongue they are so neat. Fran, do you also collect clothdolls?

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

I just cannot find my words to tell what I feel. Whaouuuuuuuuuuu....  bear_thumb bear_thumb
I love your houses girls! bear_wub bear_wub bear_wub

Beary hugs,

Sandi.S. Posts: 1,277

Thank you so much Fran for the pics. They are wonderful. I love, love, love the lighthouse. I worked on some furniture a few months back. Made cute little blankets and pillows for the beds. I even painted a bedroom set. I just might sneak down to the basement today and find them. Oh, did I mention, I love the lighthouse!  :love:


doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Fran can I come and live with you please?

I just love the bears, dolls and doll houses.

If I get down on my knees and say pretty please can I come? Huh, huh, pretty please.

Jane.  bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

cabinwall.JPGOkay here is a few of my little house! I painted the living room wall with Cabin logs to go with our theme. We have a log burning wood stove and the other two walls are painted dark forest green with moose and tree border.
The kitchen is off white with red accents.

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Please, more pictures!!!

Beary hugs,

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Matilda, your home is gorgeous and Kathy, yours looks like a wonderful western theme - perfect for Nevada!

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Well, my turn:
Here are pictures from my living room:

First one: Malko (my sweatheart)'s desk etc:


Second one: my desk (facing Malko's):


Third one: next to my desk: the sofa:


4- Next to the sofa: the chimney:


5- Next: the shelves:

The boxes on the sheves are full of my teddy bear making materials (except fillings which are under the sofa)...

6, 7, 8- In the bedroom:




Now you understand when I say our flat is crowded with bears and clocks. There are four cloks in the small kitchen and four in the corridor... Plus one more on the piece of furniture you saw on the first picture. Plus a few others in the cupboard in the bedroom...

Tic tac tic tac sing the clocks all the time around me! Of course they don't ring all together: that would not be funny! I begged Malko to avoid most of them to ring so as not to get crazy; only one is still ringing: the one on the chimney which ringing mechanism cannot be blocked! But we can still ear the mechanism of the other clocks when it is time to ring! We can ear a more discret "toc toc toc x number of hours" instead of the ring. He was not very happy about my request as he likes so much listening to his clocks, but he has got so many! Actually I too like the ring of his chimney clocks (my favourite one is from the larger of the twoo chimney clocks on the first picture), but one is enough.

Beary hugs,

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,810

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

GREAT home, Sophie!  I can understand about all the clocks chiming at once - whoa - that would be nerve-racking at the very least!

Eileen Baird'sBears
Posts: 3,873

bear_sad After seeing all your beautifully decorated and cleaned houses . . . are you kidding?

Do you call that 'trashed', Matilda? Really?

I can relate to your sofa, Sandy, but that's about all I see in these lovely pix that looks remotely familiar.

I'll get back to you on this. Give me a month or so, hmmm?  :whistle:


jazzyrags Jazzy Rags
Posts: 1,494

Sandi ,the light house came from America Aztec imports in Medina.H.O.are you any where near there? it didn't cost much at all i got it in a flat pac and built and painted it myself.they have a web site you will die when you see there doll houses .Just about all the suff i go came from them allso mail order Fran        Sophie love all the clocks one thing for sure you will never be late bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin bear_grin

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