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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb
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Plum Cottage Bears Plum Cottage Bears
Long Beach, CA
Posts: 2,151

Plum Cottage Bears Cute Animal Ambassador

Let's go traveling--virtually!  Let's exchange postcards of tourist sites and interesting scenery and such, from around where we live, respectively!  From now until May 1, 2010, let's sign up for postcard swapping!  Similar to the Holiday Card Swap and the Valentine Card Swap, participants' names go on a list, and each participant sends a postcard to each of the five people whose names appear below the participant's name on the list.  Sending postcards to everyone on the list is fine too, but there is no obligation to mail to the entire list.  If you're interested in participating in the Virtual Vacation Postcard Swap, please send your e-mail and snail mail addresses to me either by PM or at  Come travel without leaving home!

jillanne UX'BEARies
Posts: 81

Sounds like great fun!!!


rowarrior The Littlest Thistle
Posts: 6,212

Signed up  bear_original

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

I think it's a great idea, Gail; count me in.  bear_thumb

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

NewelleyBears Newelley.Bears
Harrow, Ontario
Posts: 284

Sounds like a fun idea!  Sign me up as well please...

Dreli-Bears Dreli-Bears
Posts: 720

What a wonderful idea - and I would love to be a part too - so please look out for my PM or Email
thank you so much!!!!

BFB-Lyn Brimbin Forest Bears
NSW, Australia
Posts: 3,970

bear_original Been there, seen it, done it! I signed up and sent an email to you Gail, hope you got it  bear_original

Sandra Heartbeat Bears New Zealand
Posts: 44

This is a great Idea. I have PM 'd you with details. Thank you

susiray Bear-Hands
Algarve, Portugal
Posts: 482

count me in to, i have sent you details

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,991

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

You have conjured up a really fun idea, Gail.  I'm sending my info.

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804
Lovethosebears Yorkshire
Posts: 1,899

Fab idea, I'm in, will pm you!

Hugs Ali

Posts: 1,586

bear_wub Luv IT Luv IT, Luv IT, count me in, I love to see other places.
I have sent my PM. 
Hugs Pat

Plum Cottage Bears Plum Cottage Bears
Long Beach, CA
Posts: 2,151

Plum Cottage Bears Cute Animal Ambassador

Time sure flies--and it's almost May 1, the final date to sign up for the Virtual Vacation Postcard Swap! 

Let's go traveling--virtually!  Let's exchange postcards of tourist sites and interesting scenery and such, from around where we live, respectively!  From now until May 1, 2010, let's sign up for postcard swapping!  Similar to the Holiday Card Swap and the Valentine Card Swap, participants' names go on a list, and each participant sends a postcard to each of the five people whose names appear below the participant's name on the list.  Sending postcards to everyone on the list is fine too, but there is no obligation to mail to the entire list.  If you're interested in participating in the Virtual Vacation Postcard Swap, please send your e-mail and snail mail addresses to me either by PM or at  Come travel without leaving home!

Bubble-Up Bears Bubble Up Bears!
Murrieta, California
Posts: 1,804

Just making sure you have me signed up as well!
looking forward to it! :clap:  :dance:

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