For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
Hi Everyone
Please meet Chester a 6 inch mohair bear now up on BearPile. I thought that I would experiment a bit with a new pattern and tried to work differently by creating the head first and then seeing what came next
I have just put him up on BearPile.
Hope you like him and thanks as always for stopping by to have a look :hug:
Oh how cute is Chester I like this pattern very much - he looks so inquisitive
Fantastic bent-arm design, and you've given him a perfect little nose! :clap:
Awww Chester is a reeeeeal sweetheart!!!!
Thank you all SO much for such kind comments :hug: it means so much.... I get so nervous showing a new design
What an intelligent looking fellow
I like so much his face! Beautiful and sweet
:hug: Thank you Patti and Katy :hug: