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NewelleyBears Newelley.Bears
Harrow, Ontario
Posts: 284

Hey Guys & Gals,

I know that I haven't been on here in awhile, but I am doing the Relay For Life walk (in support of the Canadian Cancer Society) this Friday and I am still a little short of my fundraising goal of $300.  The walk takes place from 7:00 pm Friday to 7:00 am Saturday and is a walk to support cancer research and to help those affected by cancer.  I will be walking in Kingsville, ON with my team Dade's Kitchen - Baking For A Cure at The Heritage Village & Transportation Museum and was hoping that, if you're able to, you might be able to sponsor me, even if it is a small amount, anything will help and it is VERY good cause.  I think that cancer has touched everyone in some way or form, whether you have battled the disease yourself, or have a loved one you have lost because of the horrible disease.  With your help we can hopefully get closer to finding a cure.  Let's Eradicate Cancer!

If You Are Able To, Please Visit My Relay Webpage at :

Right Under The Profile Pic, You Will See A Button That Reads, "Support Jeremy!".  If You Would Like To Donate, Just Click That Button & Follow The Directions.

Any Help Would Be Hugely Appreciated!
Big Bear Hugs,
Jeremy Newell

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