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Dilu Posts: 8,574

Has any one out there had the Syn-Visc shots into their knee joints?  If so how did it work for you?

Also anyone had knee replacement surgery?

I'd like to know how that went too.......

The score is doc 1  dilu 0   knee having a gay old time driving me bonkers!


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128


I friend of mine who is very overweight had both of her knees replaced last year and claims it was the best thing she ever did.  She has a host of health problems but her knees where very painful and she could barely get around...not she's up and about and all over the place.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I don't have PERSONAL experience but can tell you that my grandmother had her knees replaced over 20 years ago, is now 91 and still going strong. She just began using a cane 2 years ago. She was very faithful with physical therapy and doing what the doctor said. He now uses her case as an example and study when teaching or lecturing on knee replacements. My grandfather also had his knee replaced. He didn't behave and had some trouble, though still got around much better after the replacement than before. Lastly, a dear friend just had her first knee replacement done and is going through physical therapy right now. It's only been 2 weeks since her surgery but she is very positive and encouraged that it was the right thing to do. She's in her early 60's.

Don't know if any of that helps.

I'm sorry your knee is giving you so much grief!  :hug:

Bonnie Mountain Dreamer Bears
wooly woods of Missouri, USA
Posts: 1,538

I don't have any personal experience either, but my Dad had a problem knee. He was one of those people you had to hogtie to drag him to a doctor. His knee deteriorated to the point that he could barely get around before he finally decided, reluctantly, to have it replaced. He was thrilled. His recovery was very fast, (he was in his 70's at the time) he had little pain during his recovery and in just a few days could get around better than he had in years. He said he wished he had done it years earlier.
Also, when I was working as a nurse, I came across many patients who had had knee surgery. I don't specifically recall any who complained about a bad experience. Most were very glad they'd had it done. Of course, a lot depends on the doctor doing the surgery and the facility where the operation is performed too. Wish I could be more help.
Good luck whatever you decide.
:hug: big hugs,

Dilu Posts: 8,574

awww THANKS eRIN AND EVERYONE ELSE....  I was hoping to find someone who actually used this stuff to find out how it worked.......

too bad for me.....not finding any one here.....but

Yippppeeeeee  Teddy Talkers seem to have good Knees!   :dance:


NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Dilu...I have known a 'whole lotta' friends who had the replacement and were thrilled they had it.  The recovery was very rapid (but you have to do your therapy excercises) and made a world of difference in their lives.
Why, it was as if they had new knees !!  :dance:   :doh:

I wish I could tell you about the shots.  Have you googled it to see what others have to say about the shots?
Actually, when I was a dental assistant, the Dr. I worked for got really upset if someone called it a shot...(we don't shoot people here, we give them an injection!!!)


I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

I also know people who have had it.  My aunt had her knee and hip replaced.  She is doing well.  But a month ago, she tripped and fell down stairs.  She fractured her arm and is using a cane until it gets better.  But I can't remember if the cane is for her hip or knee.  I know she did physical therapy after her knee.  I remember being in the hospital when she stood up (I think for the first time since surgery) because she was going to therapy.  Ouch!  I'm not going to lie, but it must have really hurt.  It was painful to hear her being in pain; I felt funny.  I'm also not particularly good in hospitals.  I passed out last year in the elevator after my mom had surgery.   

Keep us updated, Dilu.   :hug:

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