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kimkc Australia
Posts: 66

Wondering how you all celebrate valentines day? Or are you like a heap of people who i refer to as stick in the muds cause you don't believe in it? bear_flower

Jennskains Posts: 2,203

Hubby & I go out to dinner.  We get eachother small gifts.

kathytaylor Ruby Mountain Bears
Northern Nevada, USA
Posts: 1,467

I go for the romance!!!!I prefer A quiet dinner with just the HUbs, then some candlelight and music at home.  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub Of course I never spit at any gifts that may come my way!!

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

Flowers and hugs, what more could I want?  bear_wub

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

I usually cook a nice dinner for the hubby. And he surprises
me with a delivery of flowers.  bear_wub

kimkc Australia
Posts: 66

I'm trying for the no mention of valentines day approach, to see if he'll twig without me mentioning it! I love valentines day, but hubby doesn't go for it, cept to please me!

pandamac 'EmBears
Northern New York State
Posts: 917

As with most holidays ( anniversary included) We don't do much. If we are both available we will go out to dinner.......unless he gets called out to fix the power or I have teddy bears to sell........... bear_wub  So....which is better, selling bears, or going to dinner?  bear_smile
:hug: Ellen

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Well, I know this probably sounds a little  bear_rolleyes ...well, strange.  I have been trying to get David to dance with me, here at home.
One night after dinner, I told David I wanted him to dance with me.  So I put some wonderful music on and we just....slow danced in the living room.  It was felt so good to be back in his arms like that...he thought it was strange at first but now we laugh and and he will say to me as he leaves for work, 'dance tonight'?

So I would imagine, we will have dinner on the floor in front of the fireplace (another of my favorites) and have a little party...dancing and romantic fun.  bear_thumb

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

OK, now don't throw anything at me (unless it's mohair  bear_grin ) but hubby brings me flowers almost every weekend.   (Married 8 1/2 years)

Hubby does NOT "do" Valentines day (or Sweetest Day) because they are - in his words: "made up holidays."  He does not like to be told when he "has" to do something nice LOL!   I don't mind at all because he DOES do so many things all throughout the year.   

Besides which... flowers go up 3-4x's in price just for Valentines Day and then come back down to regular price.

Edited to add:  I still like some pink and red decorations around!!  And I'm working on 2 "Valentie's Pandas" too... l also do a little something for my daughter.... bear_original  It was always fun as kids!

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Nothing for me... My fiancee doesn't even like to make present for Christmas or birthday... That's not a problem as I now know I can buy myself one artist bear from you friends each year  :dance:  :dance:  :dance: (mm... a wee scone next Christmas ? ^^).
I think I will buy myself a chocolate heart for Valentine day  bear_tongue  bear_tongue  bear_happy  bear_happy  bear_happy.

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

We don't do anything too exciting either. Sometimes we book a nice place to have dinner, or we'll cook dinner together, watch a sappy movie or something.
Even though he's getting better, I'm shocked if he has a gift for me.

This year, I have no idea what I want to do.

Any good ideas girls??

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160

Not much happening here as I have no "Hubs" or "HUBBY".Not that I am being a stick in the mud it's just kind of difficult to celebrate when you are on yer tod!!!!
I am happily divorced but at these times I can get slightly nostalgic,luckily in the U.K it isn't such a big deal.
Hopefully my daughter will get a card though.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

nettie said:

when you are on yer tod!!!!

Translation please....


gotobedbears Posts: 3,177

This is how it usually goes Kim..........

...........i wake up in the morning, poke El Tel in the ribs so that he wakes up, i smile sweetly at him and flutter me eyelashes, he promptly grunts and turns over nicking all the covers........i get up and get myself ready for the pressie and flowers......he gets up and feeds his face while reading the paper......i start to get a bit huffy but bite me tongue just in case he's pulling a fast one......i say "do you know what day it is?" he says "yeah of course i do" and i get all excited, give a girly laugh and flick my hair hair like they do in the haircare commercials............then he says "i bet you think i've forgotton don't you?" I say "well, yes" ........then he pulls out a crumpled bit of paper from his pocket, slaps it on the table and says "see, dentists appointment 2.45 this afternoon".......................

...............i throw something sharp at him, he runs off to work....................

...............he comes home in the evening with a bunch of flowers which he obviously bought from the forecourt of the local garage and a card which has a crappy picture of red roses on the front and looks as though it was first printed in 1959................ i tell him to go shove the flowers and card where the sun don't shine and refuse to feed and water him (this always works as he is completely incapable at cooking anything).................

don't talk to him all evening and sigh loudly a lot so he can't enjoy watching the TV............... weekend he takes me out and and buys me something expensive and tasteful which i get to choose - ha ha ha ha ................

so i do eventually get a Valentines Day pressie but i have to work for it, but would give it all up.........................

if only i could have GEORGE CLOONEY  :pray:   :pray:   :pray:

Penny - not expecting much this year as usual but living in hope  bear_innocent   :pray:

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

LOL Penny!!!!

clare14 Country Bears
Posts: 3,066

Hi Dilu!!

On yer tod means 'on your own'.   

Valentines Day, mmmm................   Doesn't that romantic stuff just happen in the films????   bear_whistle  bear_laugh

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

OH penny, I copied your post and sent it to my boyfriend. I sure hope that gives him good insite as to what it's like for some of us.

TOO FUNNY!!! bear_grin  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh  bear_laugh

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160
Dilu wrote:

nettie said:

when you are on yer tod!!!!

Translation please....


Oops sorry slipped into broad Scots there.It just means by yourself or yersel as they say here.I sound a real ba humbug ,didn't mean to.
When I was a couple My daughters father used to sing up to me from the street five flights below and buy me flowers.
"Better to have loved and lost,than never to have loved at all"""
I am actually just as happy with my child and animals.I think I got the best deal.
I do laugh on Valentines day when I remember my brother.Every year for as long as I can remember I used to get a card with somewhat rude verese on it.I puzzled over them for years.They stopped the year my brother died .It was just so typical of his twisted sense of humour.I am laughing now thinking about it.

nettie scotland
Posts: 2,160
clare14 wrote:

Hi Dilu!!

On yer tod means 'on your own'.   

Valentines Day, mmmm................   Doesn't that romantic stuff just happen in the films????   bear_whistle  :D

Cheers Clare  for translating.
Diane xxx

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

My philosophy is that it should NOT take a special day for someone to show they love someone else.
And my hubby is great at showing me he loves me most every day.

But Valentine's Day usually brings a special card (I don't know how he finds them but they are the sweetest and most perfect cards!) which is left on his pillow in the morning as he leaves for work really early. He's creative at coming up with very special gifts so I always look forward to a delivery person coming with something neat..... gift basket, flowers... or his arrival after work with a neatly wrapped box. I usually cook him a nice meal (I hate to cook so this is a special treat for him.... misearble for me!). Some years we go away for the weekend to the Inn we stayed at on our honeymoon.

I love to send Valentines to special friends and family.... you know the little ones like we used to give our classmates.... and the front door always has something Valentiney hanging on it.

Oh, and homemade heart shaped sugar cookies are a must!

Marion Acid Attic Bears
Posts: 2,284

Oooh heart shaped cookies ! Chocolate cookies, I'll say  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_innocent  bear_innocent  bear_innocent.
Maybe I'll do some... Do you think we can send cookies by airmail ? bear_rolleyes
Hugs :hug:.

jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

We don't do husband always say's it's Valentines every day for us....LOL!!!!
In our salon all the girls get a bunch of flowers delivered on Valentines day by various chaps and I always grumble that I never get a bunch of last year what did I get ...a big bunch of bananas!!!

Now that's what I call romantic......not!!

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

bear_whistle  bear_whistle

jenny wrote:

In our salon all the girls get a bunch of flowers delivered on Valentines day by various chaps and I always grumble that I never get a bunch of last year what did I get ...a big bunch of bananas!!!

Now that's what I call romantic......not!!

Oh My Gosh Jenny!!  That is too hillarious.....

And if it makes anyone feel any better... I DO love my hubby, but he says the reason he's always buying me flowers is to "prepay" for his "mess-ups" LOL!  This guy IS a handful  bear_whistle   Even his mother says she's amazed I've stuck with him LOL!!!   (It's his sense of humor that attracted him to me to begin with  bear_original  )

kimkc Australia
Posts: 66

my hubby is not at all romantic. he has improved a little over the years, but not a lot. in the past i'd never get a card for anything, birthday, valentines day etc. now i do.
i just wish he'd be a tad more romanitc, some of you girls are so lucy, expecially the ones who have romantic hubbys year round! :clap:

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