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rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

A new campaign is running - to make the State Park area of Lily's family and the other black bears in the study receive funds from the Coca-Cola® company to make improvements in the top 3 most voted upon parks in the States. The Home page says -
Vote as often as you like (there is no limit like - once a day) and the dollar amount to be divided will be 'up to' $175,000. Not sure why they phrase it that way but it's what they write.

So here is what Lynn & Co wrote on the Daily Update today. First, Frirday's post to explain the need for the votes. Then the phenom of Sat morning!!
And YES, it's a good thing he gave explicit directions on how to vote, because I spent an hour in 2 different accessings and just couldn't get the site to work. After following his instructions to the letter, I voted half a dozen times. And I'll continue to do it as often as I remember to, every time I'm at the computer.. .
Lily Power

Coca-cola is holding a new contest to name America’s favorite park.  Last year, Lily fans wanted to show support for the area where the radio-collared bears live.  You did heroic voting to boost tiny Bear Head Lake State Park into first place over Yellowstone and Great Smoky Mountain National Parks.  Unbelievable.
This year, another nearby state park is being used by 4 radio-collared bears.  Soudan Underground Mine State Park is partly the home of Jo and cub, Juliet, and Juliet’s radio-collared yearlings Sharon and Shirley.  It was in this state park that Jo squeezed in and out of a rock den last fall and scraped some fur off her back!

The Soudan Underground Mine is known as Minnesota's oldest, deepest, and richest iron mine. It has been designated a National Historic Landmark and is a popular local attraction. Some Lily fans who attended last year’s Lilypad Picnic toured the mine.

On March 17, a fire broke out in the mine shaft. No one was hurt but the mine shaft is now in need of repairs before the underground tours can resume. They probably could use our support as the state park most used by research bears this year.   Right now, undiscovered by Lily fans, Soudan Underground Mine State Park is languishing far down the list with 151 votes.  It would take a Lily fan miracle to catapult that park to number one by the time the contest ends in September, but such miracles have happened before. Lily fans never cease to amaze us!  To vote go to .

And now - Sat AM:

Amazing!  In 8 hours you pulled off the miracle we thought would be hard to do by September.  Lily fans started voting in earnest for Soudan Underground Mine State Park about 10:30 PM.  It was buried deep in the rankings with only 151 votes.  By 6:45 AM, you had the park in 1st place.  Now you have it pulling ahead with over 24,000 votes—more than double the votes for 2nd place Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Together, you are giant-killers.
What is super is that Lily fans are again helping the area where the radio-collared bears live.  We hope your work sends a message about the value of these bears to the area. From what DNR officials have told us, you can help the study bears best, and best show the value of the radio-collared bears to Minnesota, by putting your votes solely into Soudan Underground Mine State Park.

To vote, go to … eaderboard .  Click on the VOTE button.  A screen comes up saying “Search for a Park.  Start typing in Soudan, and it fills in the full name of Soudan Underground Mine State Park.  Click GO.  A screen comes up with an orange symbol showing the location of the park on the map.  Click on the Orange Symbol.  A screen comes up saying “Vote for this Park.  Click on those words.  A screen comes up with scrambled letters.  Type in the letters.  Click “Submit.  A screen comes up saying “Back to Map.  From there on it’s easy to vote over and over. Everything comes up quickly.  Clicking on “Back to Map takes you back to the “Vote for this Park.  Click on that.  Type in the scrambled letters. Click “submit.  Click “Back to Map, etc.

When I voted again tonight (Sunday PM, the votes were more than 50,000 for Soudan and the Great Smokies were in 2nd place at 11,000. I'm pretty sure that Lily's home area is going to stay in the running for Capital Improvements and much needed money for research dollars.
Hip Hip Hooray for the way that the world has banded together behind these wonderful bears. We are learning so much from this man's efforts and his dedication to allowing them to lead 'bear' lives in the wild, yet trust him and his team to continue to monitor them, sometimes even after years of separation.

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021

Phenomenal!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:


desertmountainbear desertmountainbear
Bloomsburg, PA
Posts: 5,399

I do hope that the DNR sees this and understands the importance and power that these bears hold for Minnesota.  Lily fans are a small army.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yeah - I've been voting like crazy!  Lily fans are a dedicated and determined bunch!

joibear Tickled Pink Bears
Durango, Colorado
Posts: 467

:dance:  :dance:  :dance: Voted!  bear_grin

peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755

When I logged on about an hour ago, there were 69.000 votes, now there are 71.000!  This is just awesome!  :dance:  :clap:

Here's a tip : if everyone puts a task in their Outlook calendar or whatever mail service you use, you won't forget to vote for the whole period until September 6th.
I am sure that we can win this for the bears.  bear_thumb

I have posted it on my FB page as well.

Thanks for reminding us Bobbie!  bear_thumb

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

Natascha LeftyBears by Natascha Sabo
Posts: 314

I bookmarked the page and now I'm voting at least three times a day.
If everybody here could do this, we should be able to win this!

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,645

I just voted several times bear_original

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

Hi peeps.......something that has been stressed on the LTBB pages...... the voting is ONLY open the citizens of the USA! You may be still able to vote, but they DO screen results and I imagine your votes will just be discounted...........sorry, but them's the rules! bear_sad 
All of us non-Americans can do is cheer from the sidelines

Natascha LeftyBears by Natascha Sabo
Posts: 314

So that is the reason why the number of votes doesn't go up after I voted.... bear_whistle
I was already wondering!
So please, everybody from the US, could you do the voting for us? :hug:
Please, don't forget my three times a day!!!!!

dangerbears Dangerbears
Posts: 6,021
Natscha wrote:

So please, everybody from the US, could you do the voting for us? hug
Please, don't forget my three times a day!!!!!

I'll vote six times every day - for me and for you. bear_original


peterbear Boechout, Antwerp
Posts: 4,755
puca bears wrote:

the voting is ONLY open the citizens of the USA! You may be still able to vote, but they DO screen results and I imagine your votes will just be discounted...........sorry, but them's the rules! :(

That is just plain discrimation; I shall take it to the Human Rights Court!  bear_whistle   
I guess our American friends will have to put in an extra effort (which I am sure they will).  bear_thumb
Last time I checked about an hour ago we had over 92,000 votes (the runner up had 19,000 votes)!  :dance:

Thanks for noticing this Maria, I feel a little bit silly now pushing the vote button a dozen times, when it had absolutely no effect.  bear_tongue

Hugs,  :hug:

Peter & the bears

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Please, don't forget my three times a day!!!!!
That is just plain discrimation; I shall take it to the Human Rights Court!

I, too, shall do my duty!!


Natascha LeftyBears by Natascha Sabo
Posts: 314

Thank you everybody who is doing my votes for me.  :hug:
And Peter, you are not the only one who feels a little bit silly now.... :crackup:

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

Well, not quite just US citizens, as Brenda shows - - - it's for all North American citizens in Canada and the USA.

The count as of Thurs noon is showing 129,000 in first place and 29,000 for second place.
Do you suppose some of the bears are sneaking into town under cover of darkness and voting too?
A few of them had been quite close to the north side of the town of Soudan......

7PM Updated:

The big lead you have built up for Soudan Underground Mine State Park is a demonstration of how the radio-collared study bears benefit the area.  Your efforts are amazing.  You have put this park into such a strong lead (113,942 votes - this was yesterday's posting) that they have more votes than the next 9 parks put together. 
However, we are surprised to see how many votes Bear Head Lake State Park is getting (11,279), putting them in 5th place!  Last year, we were a little surprised to hear from DNR officials that there was no way to prove that their win was because of Lily fans.  They said that their campers mentioned voting, and that the win could just as well be attributed to them. Good.  We wanted them to win.  The strong voting for Bear Head this year supports the DNR claim that their win last year was largely due to their own voters, not Lily fans and not radio-collared bears.

This year, Lily fans are supporting Soudan Underground Mine State Park because radio-collared bears live there, because they need to make repairs after a fire, and because of the scientific values of their underground mine.  To vote, go to … eaderboard .  In this contest, we can vote over and over as many times as we can.


A second Soudan Park was entered on the Coke site and is causing some voting problems for fans. To make sure you are voting for the right park, you MUST use the search boxes above the map on the link and insert Soudan Underground Mine Park in the first box and in the city box, put "Soudan". 
Also, it is very important that you make sure the Soudan you are voting for has over 115,000 votes for the second one only has 4,000.  The team has contacted the coke contest representatives and are waiting to hear from them and asked could these two be combined since they are the same park.
Thank you for all you do!
—Lynn Rogers and Sue Mansfield, Biologists, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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