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Can anyone Identify my ted with a tail Please Its the first time I have ever had an old ted with a tail Thanks
He looks adorable. Do you have a shot from the front so that we can get a look at the face, paw pads, and so on?
And if you could describe how he's stuffed, that might be helpful, too.
Aww, in answer to your question on the other thread, I think he's a boy, don't know what make he is though, sorry!
He looks a little bit like a Chad Valley teddy bear. But as Becky says, we need to see a front photo of him. He looks sweet though.
Oh, and all the teddy bears I own are male, for some reason.
-- Thomas Adam
Hi Most of my Teds are male Not sure why here are some more pic of Ted He is very cute and his tail is adorable I have looked through all my Teddy books but so far no luck
He looks a little bit like a Chad Valley teddy bear. But as Becky says, we need to see a front photo of him.
He looks sweet though.
Oh, and all the teddy bears I own are male, for some reason.
-- Thomas Adam
Thanks for replying I have added a few more pics
Aww, in answer to your question on the other thread, I think he's a boy, don't know what make he is though, sorry!
I think your right He has started looking at me in that bloke sort of a way Grrrrrrrr
He looks adorable. Do you have a shot from the front so that we can get a look at the face, paw pads, and so on?
And if you could describe how he's stuffed, that might be helpful, too.
Hi I have added some pics He is stuffed with straw and his paws are made from clipped mohair Don't know if this helps Just cant get over his tail
A mysterious bear indeed! The fact that he's fully excelsior stuffed makes me lean toward a German or French maker. The short mohair paw pads are really interesting, and Hermann, Dean's, Steiff, and probably others use those today on some of their limited edition teds. But this guy is clearly older - 1950s or earlier. The tail is cute and quirky, and makes me think he's not from one of the large manufacturers.
Have you given him a name yet?
Hi After a lot of thought I have decided on BUTTON Because of his tail It looks like a big button. I think he is quite mysterious. I will keep on looking. Its always nice to find out a Teds origin.
He's a cutie! Aww. I hope you'll cuddle him for me. :)
He's not a Chad Valley teddy bear, now that I can see all of him, although he does have a lot of characteristics of one, except for the following:
* Most, if not all, Chad Valley teddies had amber and black eyes.
* No Chad Valley had a tail
* Chad Valley teddies used rexine on hands/feet
Not to mention I can see no markings for the label of a Chad Valley on his feet. Apart from that, his shape, the way he sits, the length of his arms and legs... all point to being a Chad Valley. Hmm.
Can you take more detailed photos of his face and arms and legs for me?
-- Thomas Adam
Hi There on there way
He has Glass eyes I have had a closer look at his tail and it looks like it has been stitched on has an after thought Perhaps he will always be a mystery who knows
Your bear is most likely from the 50's and made by an Austrian company - Berg. I have been colecting and researching these bears for years. They have many common charcteristics - one of the main being the unique upside down U shape in the muzzle. They are very "chunky" looking bears. Some have the cropped mohair pads and muzzles and some have the cropped muzzles and felt (frequently orange!) pads. Many of the larger ones have growlers and I have smaller ones with squeakers. Some are all excelsior stuffed and some have excelsior stuffed head and soft stuffed body and limbs. I have some later ones that are made of synthetic - some still have the cropped mohair muzzles.
After years I came across a couple of similar but later bears that had the Berg tag on them so I am sure that is who made these earlier bears since they have so many things in common. I will add a couple of pics for you.
Hi I think you maybe right. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to help identify Button
Wow - well-done, Edie! I think you may well have it.
I have a 1950s Hermann (I think he's a Hermann) that looks somewhat similar, but these Bergs look like a closer match.
That's really interesting, Edie. I've not heard of these bears before -- what can you tell us about them?
-- Thomas Adam
Here's an interesting tidbit about Berg's history:
Here is another web site on Berg bears:
I should explain that not all Berg bears are like the ones I described and pictured (and none of them are show on this web site!) - but I have about a dozen bears with some of these common links (and have come across at least another 20 -30) that made me think they were all made by the same company. I called them my "mystery" bears until I came across the pictures of the two with these same traits and the Berg tags. That convinced me that mine are also Bergs. I have another 5 small bears that are also Bergs - most with tags - and they are quite different from my larger "mystery" bears. I should also say that none of my Berg bears have tails - but it is entirely possible that some were made with tails.
Another common feature in my bears is that a lot of them are made from a very similar mohair - long and silky and pale gold and all the bears are a very high quality. I don't think any two of them are exactly alike but they have these interlinking traits that so intrigued me - which is why I got carried away buying so many of them!