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doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Whoops! I really should be resting after getting out of hospital, but I thought just painting a few eyes would be ok. You'd think wouldn't you!
Just picture it  I had the eye held securely in my mini vice and started to paint the eyes. Everything was going ok until Chunky my beautiful Cavalier spaniel dog who unfortunately, bless his heart, has gone blind, came crashing into me causing me to spill gold paint all on his head.......................................I've heard of a Golden Retriever but never a Golden Spaniel!:)
I'm now waiting for the paint to dry so hopefully it will brush out.
Chunky has always done funny things. He loves to lay in the window on the windows sill and warm himself in the sun. He jumps up onto the chair by the window, goes over the top of it and climbs into his favourite spot. One day I had moved the chair forwards so that I could vacuum behind it. Chunks wandered in climbed into the chair and jumped over the back as always, not knowing the chair was further out than usual. Crash, bang and one huge yelp and Chunks plus my curtains,track an all were on the carpet. Poor baby was really shook up I had to cuddle him for ages afterwards. It cost me new curtains and I had to have a workman come in and fix new tracking as it has even pulled the plaster from the wall.
Holly one of my girl Cavaliers hates rain and will willingly cross he legs all day rather than venture out to go and do what nature calls for. One morning it has snowed hard and I thought that it was going to be impossible to get her anywhere near the garden. How wrong was I! As I opened the door she sniffed the air, ran out dragging her nose through the snow covered grass coming up with a small pile of snow on her nose. That was funny and as I watched all three of my dogs enjoying the snow Holly took a real hard look at the now frozen pond, which had snow lightly covering the ice. Whith out a thought the dopey dog took a huge leap and jumped right on into the pond in which the ice gave way instantly. Boy did I panic, she scrambled herself out shook herself and carried in playing in the snow. I had to get my son David to fetch her in so I could give her a nice warm bath and dry her off.

What crazy pet stories have any of you to share? I have another one that is amazing but that can wait for another posting.


Shari Nova Scotia,Canada
Posts: 1,712

Thanks for the "golden" laugh of the day Jane bear_laugh bear_grin bear_grin I hope your doggie "comes clean" for you bear_grin bear_grin

Don't forget to take it easy and rest.Hugs,Shari.

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

smsnickers.jpgi love dog stories!! we lost both of our dogs to age and one to cancer two years ago and this past fall took the leap and gave our hearts to a new puupy an englsih springer spaniel named "snickers" daddy says hes a little bit nuts a little bit sweet...holy cow had we fogotten what a new baby was like!  here in vermont we are a group of friends and bear artists ( makers?) that all have new puppys,,we have a pupy mom group and try and get together for play dates etc..its been great fun and we swap kid stories and woes all the time abd laugh at the nutso things they do! springers are water dogs and we have a choc lab in our group ,,they like to dump their water dishes and sit in the puddle! the rest are shitzu's two year old and two new babys in the 13 week range! mine has  a taste for kitchen sponges..the kind with scotch brite! hes swallowed two! and of course all the mohair scraps he can steal!  a dear family friend has king charles and she adores them!  deb

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Oh, what a cutie. Just look at those eyes. Was this his special gift or was he just helping? My dogs love Christmas and like all the family get gifts. They spend their time pulling open the gifts and then shredding the paper. On Christmas day they always go out for their walk wearing red Christmas bows and tinsel.


doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Just love the story Gina! No grossing out here. I too have an autistic son so I can relate to the peeing in the great outdoors.   My son saw a dog watering a tree and copied the dog, not easy standing on one leg trying to do the inevitable when your just four. bear_original bear_original bear_original bear_original bear_original  bear_original  bear_original  This was the one and only time he did it as he didn't enjoy the bath and change of clothes that had to follow his attempt.


Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

phoebe1.jpgollie4.jpgollie3.jpgI love all these animal stories.  I've got two crazy cats, Ollie just loves to watch animals on the tv, the moment a human comes along he is not interested... he thought Crufts (Dog show in the UK!) was just the best to watch and he really enjoys safari programmes with lions in them!  He goes right up close to the tv and watches, even sometimes going up on his back legs and waving his paws in the air - I still think he comes from a circus!!  He was actually dumped on the lane just outside the front of our house with his mum and the rest of the litter of kittens, when he was only about 3 weeks old!    I can still picture us with the neighbours in the middle of the night trying to catch them all, even with butterfly catching nets!!  I caught Ollie with a flying rugby tackle bear_grin  He was such a character, my Mum and I kept him to keep our other cat Phoebe company.  They both look so similar everyone thinks they are brother and sister (I actually reckon they may have the same Dad - (The Tom of the local neighbourhood!!).

Anyway, here's a photo of Ollie waving at a dog on the tv and then peeping out from under the curtain!!  Then I didn't want Phoebe to feel left out so here's a photo of her wanting her tummy tickled!


heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

snickers was just going around checking out all of the presents! he had dog bones and new toys for him but..... all that lovely crunchy paper!!! great pictures!!  i love to take animal pets and friends do they train a 4 mos old dog for autisim? same idea as therapy dogs? i have a friend with a new choc lab thats maybe 5 mos that's interested inspiration for bears comes from the strangest things..maybe the way two items look on a table..a comic strip i read,,my husband thinks that my train of thought is a little scary to follow sometimes!!:):):)  deb

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Oh this is another wonderful thread!  I must log off now... but I'll return soon!:D

Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh what a great photos everyone ! I don't have any pet now but I love cats and dogs bear_laugh Thank you for sharing.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Kittens-July-2005.jpgThese are the newest of my four kitties.  We took these two in from a local rescue agency -- they were semi-feral -- when my best friend kitty, Emme, died a few weeks ago.  Nobody wanted them because they were "too much work" so we got them for just the cost of a spay/neuter deposit.   It felt good to make something positive come out of Emme's death.

They've come a long way and my other two cats have been miraculously accepting of them.  Still skittish, but they no longer hiss -- every time!  And they are soooooooo soft and pretty!

heartsez Hearts Ease Bears
Posts: 660

thanks for the info on the service dogs i will pass on the link!  the kitties are beautiful! we have one cat named Nokia after the tires..she has 4 dbl paws ..a company here in vermont received a shipmennt from s  carolina..a mower trimmer that they wanted upgraded..when they opened the box they found also 5 newborne kittens!!  all alive and well ..and now nursed by a surogate mama kity from the shelter.. and have all been adopted already! they figure that the mower was kept in a barn in the crate ready to ship and a stray found the crate a convenient place! bear_original:):) deb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Pixie-and-Huxley.jpgHere is one of my favorite pics.  I was having a photo session with a just finished bunny and my Russian Blue, Pixie, jumped up with the bunny as if to say "You're not the ONLY photogenic furry thingy around here!!"

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Sue Ann, PIXIE is gorgeous!  I love Russian Blues.  Their fur is soooooo soft and shimmery.

Deb, Mandie, everyone... just love your stories of animal adoration.  I really do think there's a serious connection between bearmakers and animal lovers.  I've yet to meet a bearmaker who HATES animals (although some are allergic, etc., and can't OWN them)  Seems, in fact, to be just the opposite!

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

I'm just loving these storys and the pictures are so cute. Lani in his graduation cap had me smiling,bless him. As for the cat pictures, beautiful. I love the cat by the TV. My doll Holly runs full pelt at the TV when there are animals on the screen all except chimps, they must look too human for her. Keep the storys coming girls and guys...........Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm! We seem to be a bit shy on guys.............come on you guys where are you all!!!!!!!!!


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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb