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NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Dilu, I know that you will think that I have totally flipped out...but do you drink enough water?

Dehydration can be the culprit in many types of headaches.  you would not believe what all can be caused by dehydration.
My daughter found out the hard way with her 2nd child...she went into pre-mature labor brought on by dehydration.  Her doctor  went into a  VERY lenghtly discussion about the subject (after they got the labor stopped) and it causes muscle problems, migrane headaches, premature labor...the list goes on and on.

That is not to say you have to drink just water.  Juice is fine too....but no soda pop or iced tea.  Everyone drinks lots of iced tea at this time of year, but that actually aggrevates the situation, in that tea dehydrates your system as well.  So if you drink soda or tea, besure you drink lots of water too.
I had a very bad headache one day (had it for 2 days), and I was visiting a nutrionist (not for me, he was a personal friend of ours)...I mentioned I had to go because my head was just killing me.  He brought me 3 large glasses of water and made me drink them one right after the other.  Within a few minutes I started to get relief and within a half hour my head ache was gone.  He also took both hands an applied a great deal of pressure to my forehead and the back of my head.

I only mention this because it....WORKED!  You might want to watch yourself and make sure you drink plenty of hydrating fluids.  I do now !!!:D


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Nanc- it is so very kind of you to mention fluids....however you probably do not know that my tombstone has already been picked out and engraved...." she did too drink her water."  :lol::lol:

As a Registered Nurse I am all too aware of the importance of fluids, not to mention that it makes your skin look more dewey and younger, and at 53, I am also all to aware of that too ;)

However, and here is where we diverge, I advocate for 2 quarts of water besides any juices and teas etc you might drink.  And here is why:

Our kidneys and liver filter out the toxins in our system and just about everything has some toxins attatched to it.  By drinking juices and teas etc we are adding to the work of our kidneys and liver, I teach water first and everything else is gravy...well, ok not gravy, but extra.

Now I am glad you brought up this post because many of us here are over the age of 50.  And when you get older, (50+) you start to loose the signal that you need to drink more water.  Every year we hear of older folks dying durring a heat wave, and it is because their bodies didn 't kick in and help keep them cool through sweating and also didn't alert them to drink pleanty of fluids.  For some of our senior senior citizens it is very difficult to get them to drink enough water.

Also anything with caffine in it helps promote the dehydration process-the caffine acts as a diuretic-causing the body to excrete more fluid than would be desireable unless suplemented in another fashion- also too much sugar can do the same thing....ergo I strongly encourage WATER.

OK  so here it is

Nanc and I encourage everyone TO DRINK YOUR WATER!!!

Dilu Posts: 8,574


I most def. do not believe you have flipped out!  You silly girl....I thnk you are very smart bear_original

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Dilu you little sweetie you. I am so happy to have you back. You were very much missed my Dear.

Hugs Louise

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

from personal experience, instead of taking tylenol or advil, I first drink water and 99% out of 100 times it goes away... i am bad about not drinking enough, I know that!  I wish I could get into the habit of drinking more.... but my husband (who is an EMT) says that you can also "overdose" on drinking too much, your body can't handle it....

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Dilu and girls...I probably drink over 8 glasses of water a day, in fact I am sure of it..but have never really counted.  I always have a glass of water beside me and when I go anywhere in the car I take a huge glass of fresh water with me.
The reason is...once you start drinking water, you will actually CRAVE IT.  Well, I guess I should say, that I do!!
I love water and drink it when we go out to dinner too...another plus, since drinks are over a dollar.  You just get used to it.
I also know about the toxin thing too, Dilu.  It is a good way to wash it all out.  My sister-in-law does a fast once a month, but I cannot because of another problem...but she swears by it.
  I have never tried it because years and years ago, I was so engrossed in an oil painting that I was doing, I forgot to eat breakfast, lunch and it was about 9:00 at night when I started feeling bad and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.  I passed out and was taken to the emergency room and they entered me as a possible appendicitis...gave me an IV of sugar water (?) and I came around just great.  The next morning the Dr. came in and asked me if I ate anything yesterday.  WELL, NO...I was painting!! 

Drink up ladies!!!


psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I also agree that we should drink tonnes of water, but I swell very badly. NO idea why, but it's really gross. I look about 20 lbs heavier when I'm all swollen, and I happen to take a fluid pill ( which I don't too ofter, i hate pills) after that, if I drink water, I notice I dont pee and just start to swell again. So maybe lots of water isn't too good for everyone, although Nanc, I agree that you do start craving water, and nothing else will quench your thirst.

sockerplinga Sundsvall
Posts: 142

Dilu.. Water is good.. But I cant drink that. Dont like the taste...

I was to my doc, and got to see some people, to learn how to "use" stress. Learn how to deal with it, and try to stress less. I dont know if you stress much, but I know that alot of people stress without knowing that. Those tiny stuff that need to be done all day long and so..
Try to relax 10 min each day.. Listen to some calm music.. And just RELAX! Dont think of what you need to do, just sit and have a nice time off.

Im not that good in relaxing. So I did go, and I got acupuncture. (hope i spelled right) I was there abour 10-12 times, and it helped my headache!

Just an idea.. I hope your headache will go away! *hug*

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Kim, there have been incidents of people ODing- but it was from metabolic disturbances and/or drinking their days alotment all at once.  :/

I use quart sized bottles to keep track of where I am in the water cycle

I have actually had people tell me they were allergic to water.....hmmmm :rolleyes:

Heather- I am unsure how old you are ( which can have a bearing on the swelling) and also unsure if you have cardiac problems- or if you take medications like prednisone, but you my dear, should probably stick to whatever your doc says. :(

Jossen:  I probably have the least stressed life of any body on the board.  I have one of those angels come to earth husbands whose only complaint about me in life is that the music or tv is too loud.  He doesn't care if he has to fix dinner, or he can't see the floor, or if I want to go shopping at Intercal, etc. 

The only thing he cares about is that I don't drive when on my headache medication.  (that's easy-he drives)

I start the morning in the spa, end the day in the spa and in between pretty much do whatever I want.  Gosh I wish I had had this life about a million years ago.  But I probably would not have appreciated it as much as I do now  :lol:

Ahhh welll.....those of us who can will drink and those who can't be careful in the hot weather. :D

We don't want to loose anyone from the bad hot weather.

Once i had such laryngitis I couldn't even croak.;....and the doctor I worked for had also gotten a certified in accupuncture-  so he did it on me and it worked completely-no croaking, no hoarsness....I have seen it work on other problems as well.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

If you discover the miracle cure for your headaches..please do tell. My darling mum has headaches all day everyday and has tried everything under the sun, including every type of therapy. Sometimes it's not too bad...but it's always there, and she has the doctors shaking their heads over it. She had a massive stroke 7 years ago when she was only 53 and we almost lost her, but she has recovered well enough to enjoy life still....except for this dratted headache, which just showed up 8 months ago out of the blue.
And yes..she drinks heaps of water.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Hayley- has your mom had her hormonal balances checked, especially estrogen and progesterone

Also thyroid

A lot of women suffer these headaches during or after menopause

i have an aunt who just sleeps the afternoon away in a drug haze becuse of her headaches.

In the 1800's women used to drink their 'patent elixers' which were opium and alcohol.......those poor gals.....but it was all they had, and they didn't know any better.  And the doctor's thought it was safe.

Kinda makes me glad to be here in the 21st century.
Hayley  I am terribly sorry for your mom- it has to be hard- but I am really glad you still have here.....53 is awfully young

Here's my caveat of the day:

If you have a chronic probelm

research the internet

take notes and ask questions

remember medicine is really just educated guessing and some docs and nurses are more educated than others-  but you the patient have to be just as educated to be safe and have succsess

and remember not everything on the internet is true- I always look for several sources that substantiate what I already know and what makes sense  and then I take it to my doctor

Together we create a game plan

Also- the best time to go to your doctor is first appointment in the am or last appointment in pm they are more likely to have more time to spend with you

write down your questions-

A good Doc will appreciate your questions and not feel threatened.


have a great night-  i just got hand3ed an ice cream cone- gotta go.....


Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Thanks Dilu...and actually, it is possible that the hormonal thing is one avenue that hasn't been investigated yet. She has been going thru change of life and has had a bit of a rough trot. We'll get that checked out..thankyou!
She actually was on tablets for a long while which were helping with the headaches...but they removed them from the market because they 'can cause stroke" !!!
Yes, she was very young..and it couldn't have come at a worse time. She had been working on a parenting book for the previous two years and had just launched it 6 weeks before her stroke. She had six months booked in advance for seminars and promotional goings on, and it all fell in a heap. My dad stepped in and marketed it for her and it's now in it's third printing, so she is so pleased. She has since written another booklet called 'Tantrums in the Supermarket" that is also selling well. It is a real milestone for her because her speech is difficult to understand and she can't write or she has had to dictate to dad who has done all the computer stuff and got it published for her. She was a very popular marriage and relationship councellor before the stroke...and still manages to councell a few clients each week with dads help. She's a real people person, so it helps her a great deal to feel she can still help poeple. If the stroke isn't enough...she has always battled with deafness (genetic, and I also wear a hearing aid) and underwent surgery two years ago to have a cochlear implant inserted...she's a living breathing miracle my mum!
Thanks for your help Dilu...blowing kisses to you!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,879

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Hayley . . . your mom has a genetic hearing disability??  So do I!!!  I wear two hearing aids and still have a terrible time understanding a lot of conversation.  Did the cochlear implant help?  My problem is an auditory nerve thing and the implant supposedly doesn't help that.  Your mom does sound like a very successful, very courageous lady.  Good on her!!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I"ll try not to get too carried away on the medical thing here but as an addition to Dilu's ceveat:
Knowledge is power... read and learn...

Most doctors are too busy to look beyond the surface to get to the root of a problem.
They only treat symptoms, not the cause.

Many times the meds they perscribe cause side effects that the doctors then turn around and treat with...
yup... more meds. See a vicious cycle forming here??

Many patients are too trusting in their doctors to question what they are told but it's so important to do some research yourself!! With the technology and information available to us there is no excuse not to!!!

Medicine isn't always the answer either... water is a perfect example!! I don't buy into ALL homeopathic remedies but many are a simple, less harmful solution to what ails you!

My father has been sick for 5 1/2 years... had to retire at 54 (He's 60 now), on disability, has been to all the big hospitals in the USA (8 anyway) and suffers every day with pain, fatigue, IBS (irritable bowel syndrom), perpetual kidney stones, the inability to eat food other than eggs and rice cakes... the list is endless of the ailments that crop up. Anyway, the bottom line... NO DOCTOR KNOWS WHATS WRONG WITH HIM!!!! He's had every blood test, scan, x-ray, etc. They all come up normal! He's gone to Natropaths, holistic practitioners, 11 different medical specialists and then started all over. He keeps having tests hoping SOMETHING will show up. Any diagnosis would be easier to deal with than not knowing and wondering what the future brings. It's not looking too bright. His muscles are starting to degenerate, skin tone is getting grayer, ability to hold a train of thought for any extended period of time is impossible, memory isn't too sharp. He's got a great sense of dry humor though... when he has the energy. But, he's waaaay to young for this. Mom is such a trooper. She's diabetic and suffered a heart attack at 58 and has a 93 yr. old mother to care for too. She could really use a break from the medical profession when it comes to treating my dad.

Wish water was the answer for everything!:|

I'm sorry I rambled... I keep it in most of the time... don't face it at other times... then get mad... then feel sorry for dad...... then dump on you all!! Sorry! I just spent this past weekend with my folks and although we had some fun I could really see how much dad is suffering now... something you don't see over the telephone.

You are all like family to me and I know you'll listen and I appreciate that very much!! Thank you!

Bear Hugs,

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Your mom and dad sound like a very special couple! How lucky they are to have eachother! They've been and continue to go through a lot together. And they have you too!! I hope your mom can get the headaches under control once and for all. And Dilu too!!! It can be so disabling to have a long term headache.
My heart and prayers go out to you all!!

Hugs & Warm Fuzzies,

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Daphne, you're not dumping.  I feel honored to be your listener.  And am sorry I can't offer anything but empathy and friendship to help in any meaningful medical way.

I sincerely hope there's some relief for your dad, even if not a diagnosis or cure, sometime very, very soon.

Big hugs,

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Thank you, Shelli!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,879

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Daphne, of course we will listen when you or anybody needs to dump.  Life is rarely fair for everybody and we all need to vent occasionally.  Always know that you have supportive friends at Teddy Talk who - if nothing else - will lend an ear and heartfelt good wishes for better days.  Hope there is an answer for your dad's troubles in the near future.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

SueAnn wrote:

My problem is an auditory nerve thing and the implant supposedly doesn't help that.

Sue Ann, I've always been curious to know exactly what the cochlear implants DO help.  I don't know much about them as that level of deafness has not affected my family directly, although my dad, my husband, and my stepson all suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss (possibly genetic on all fronts; no one really knows.)

I suppose I could research it further on Google but since you already know this stuff I'd be curious to hear.

In any case, it must be very frustrating that such implants can help some hearing impaired folks, but not others... and that you fall on the "others" end of the spectrum.  Someday...

sockerplinga Sundsvall
Posts: 142

Dilu, I know this might sound crazy, but you know that you can be stressed by not doing anything...? But if you are that not-stressed as you say, I dont have any more ideas...

I really hope you will find out, and solve it! *hug*

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Jossan said

you can be stressed by not doing anything

Boy can I agree with that one! I feel stressed doing nothing. After the eight times that I have been in hospital lately I know all about stress through not being able to do anything. The last time (last week ) My daughter bought in the Harry Potter book and when I felt a little better I started to read the book for the second time (I love it!) and that really helped. I've just bought myself a personal disk player for next time then I can lay back and listen to Harry on CDs.

I drink only water and know it does me good. I used to drink diet coke a LOT but was told just how bad the Aspartame is for us so I stopped drinking it. Boy did I feel unwell for a couple of weeks I had withdrawal symptoms like you wouldn't believe. I shook and had stomach cramps. After a while I started feeling better than I had for years...NO MORE ASPARTAME for me!!!!!
It's quite hard to find a drink without this rubbish and as I don't drink tea or coffee I don't have a lot left that I can drink.


Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Well Daphne..I know where you're coming from and everyone  here cares, so don't feel you are 'dumping'. Unfortunately as we get older, medical ailments will become a large part of some of our lives..whether ourselves, our parents, whoever. My mum is a constant worry to me, and she looks to me for a lot of her extra care. I sometimes feel hard done by that I am the one living close by whilst my two brothers and sister live their lives carefree and away from the day to day reality of a sick parent. But then I feel guilty, because we came so close to losing her, and I would miss her so much if she weren't around. But sometimes it's a heavy burden.  I understand how frustrated and helpless you must feel that the doctors can't find out what is wrong with your dad..I do agree that the internet can be very helpful..but it's also a frustrating black hole of both helpful and useless information. Sometimes Igo net surfing, looking for answers, but more often than not, I just become overwhelmed and frustrated.It's so hard watching someone you love suffer. You are right, mum and dad are lucky to have each other, but dad really struggles at times with their changed relationship he has gone from being husband to husband/carer..and I know it get's him down sometimes. Mum's right arm is useless...and she is righthanded, and although she has learned to write lefthanded, she still struggles with the daily humdrum of trying to hold a potato still and chop it with her left hand all at once, and folding the washing single handedly.

Sue Ann...I am sorry that you suffer from hearing loss...but from a purely selfish point of view, it's nice to know another person who understands how frustrating life is for a deaf person.:/ It is in fact possible that you suffer from the same type of hearing loss as our genetic one. Mum had her Cochlear implant done by Professor Clark himself (the guy who invented the implant) and he has been taking an interest in our family loss for many years now. Our deafness is a nerve deafness too and he tells us that only 3% of deaf people suffer our type of loss. My mothers father was deaf, and all 5 of his brothers and sisters, and yet my mum was the only one of her siblings (4 of them) to end up deaf...and she passed it onto both my brothers and me....we all wear hearing aids and our losses are almost identical. It never starts to show until late teens...and I quite expect that by the time I am 55 or 60, I will need an implant too. I will have to play the waiting game before I'll know if my children will be affected...but we discussed it before we got pregnant with Adrianand decided our kids would rather be alive and deaf that never be born! My mum is the number one advocate for Cochlear implants...she reckons everyone should have one! She was told that some people have trouble getting used to them and need to relearn sounds, but with mum, she could hear instantly, and was thrilled. She was a bit of a guinea pig because they had never placed an implant in a stroke patient beofre and didn't know what her brain would do with it. I do know that you have to be considered profoundly deaf before you can get an implant (and you'd want to be too, because it replaces any residual hearing you have in that ear.)
If you have any questions..please ask. I won't be around tomorrow as I have to work, but will be back in thursday.

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Shazam...this has turned into quite an interesting thread!
I am going to go to the extreme here and tell my age.  I am {{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}} (shivering here, hyperventilating too)....60 years old.  I have no idea what I am doing, being 60 years old because I still think the way I did when I was, never'd have to ask my lovin man, David...for a true analysis on that subject.
BUT, I mention that only because, I have been in the hospital twice in my life...once because I had a hole in my lung (brought on by laughing too hard at a joke in study hall and I had a weak spot, which blew like a tire) and I am here to tell you that when air is escaping into you chest cavity...thats HURTS like the devil.
The flip side to that was, the ambulance drivers were just sooooo cute and one came to visit me during my hospital stay. (yes, they actually let you stay in the hospital back then)

The other time was a few years ago, for an endoscopy...which I take Prelosec for.

I guess, I am bringing this all up, because I belief whole heartedly in proper diet.
Jane one of the things that the Dr. who did the endoscopy told me, was that soda pop is one of the leading culprits to stomach problems and yet people drink it by the gallons.  So not only does the aspertame cause problems, the 'fizz' does a number on you too.  It is great you got off that junk.

When I was very young , growing up in an Italian/Jewish neighborhood (in Ohio) and not being either one, I had a unusual childhood.  Each of these peoples had a different way of life than I did and I learned a lot.  Most all of them were business owners and had large families. 

One very old Italian grandma who was a centurion, but did not look like it and always made me eat something whenever I went to their house because I was so skinny...put me on her heafty lap one day and told me to never eat things that were artificial and I would live as long as her....then promptly smashed my skinny little face into her VERY large boobs!!!
Well, I never forgot her words or her boobs...I was sure that if I ate what she ate, I would also be well endowed...NOT!  but her advice seems to be holding pretty true.

I try very hard to stay away from veggies from 3rd world countries.  I do my best at my own little garden.  I take very good care of my body and give it only the best!  altho, I have to admit, excercise is not number one on my hit parade! and with this heat and all the rain we have had this summer...I sit in my chair sewing yorkies and mice and do leg lifts. :lol::lol::lol:

I am not a fanatic by any means, I do love my 'cheesies', but I think that all the chemicals can really do a lot of harm, more than we realize.  I also try to stay away from too much sugar.  I can actually feel my body react when I over indulge in the sugar pantry.
I cut back on my sugar intake about 5 years ago and it was like coming off drugs.  After my body accepted it and altered itself to the change, I cannot tell you how much better I feel and  I get a very real reaction when I endulge in more than my body likes.

I don't do this in an attempt to lenghten my stay here on earth....I just want it to be the best ride possible.:lol:


Oh, and I am reading the book right now called "The Yeast Connection" by William Grook, MD...has anyone read it?

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

Hang in there Daph. We all will send our prayers to your Dad. You just remember to take care of yourself too!

Hugs Louise

Dilu Posts: 8,574

Daphne is so so so so right!  and remember every drug we put in our body has to be metabolized, broken down and excreted.

Daphne I am so sorry for your father- and yes you are not crazy- sometimes they can't find the answers.  I am betting that some of his side effects are secondary to his IBS and inability to eat real food.  Check his finger nails, if the are ridged like little lines grooved in them from nail bed to tip- its nutritional.

I can understand the level of frustration you and your fAMILY are experiencing watching some one you love failing health wise.  Is he able to drink any nutrition drinks, ensure, slim fast whatever?  The IBS might be irritated- sugar can cause it to act up, however if they have medicated him for the IBS irritation he might be able to handel it.....typically they use anticholinergics for IBS-  the names might be levsin, lebvid, elavil something along this line.  I have been reading that some gastroenterologists are having better results with muscle relaxants- flexeril-  it works on the smooth muscle tissue in the intestines and doesn't seem to have the severity or frequency of the problems that the anticholinergics do.  I feel so sorry- not just for your dad, who is truly suffering, but for the whole family.

Can I keep your family in my prayers- that somewhere someone will have the right way to go and he gets turned around and starts doing better.

Nanc is right, you know, about the soda drinks, carbonic acid is rough on your tumtum and aspartame has been known to cause headaches.

(no I don't drink soda-too hard on the tumtum-which I have very little of, and try to take very good care of-

Well- lets sum this up for the past few days-  prayers fo Daphnes dad, Haleys mom and Nance's tumtum-  but you gotta love prilosec!

Jossan you silly wollikins- I "do" all day long  I just get to do what I want- garden, fuss over my honey-golly making- internet research for people looking for help a problem-many of the folks in my area do not do computer.  i am sorry you don't like the taste of water....could it be the water?  Prior to owning this property where the water is great we had to put our water through A purifier- it made the water more palatable.

i am a staunch believer in women learning how to say NO!!!!!!!!

Too often we try to do for everyone else and do not take care of ladies, do for yourselves and pray for the loved ones who are suffering.....


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