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K Pawz Guest

momandbabies3.jpgbabycalico.jpgbabies3.jpgbabies1.jpgbabyface.jpgmomandbabies.jpgA girl I work with in animal rescue took in a pregnant mommy cat yesterday, my friend was just getting ready to go away so we decided that mommy would come and stay with me until she got back...well, before she could even get mommy here she started to deliver, she had four babies at my friends house, one on the way here and a sixth once she arrived here. Mom and babies are all doing well...I hope you enjoy the pictures.


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Awww...lucky you to be so close to them.  My little stinkers will be two weeks tomorrow and I feel like I've barely gotten a chance to see them...let alone get such wonderful photos.  How fun for you?  When do you have to send mamma and babes back?

Keep sending pictures...I LOVE  THEM!!!


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I want one!!  bear_wub  In the last picture, the white one... on the right... love it's coloring. Is that what you'd call a calico? Are all calicos female? Seems like I heard that somewhere along the way!

Too bad I live on the other side of the country and am so very allergic to cats!  bear_cry


Megelles Megelles
Posts: 273

so cute!!  I hope you find homes for all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

K Pawz Guest

as for your cat having kittens Melanie Jayne, I wouldn't let her have kittens,but she is probably already spayed?, but if you wanted another kitten, she would probably be fine, all of ours were introduced about a year apart with the new ones and we only introduced them to kittens...and every one has been fine..although since your cat is a female, what we have found to work the best is only one female in the mix...we have one girl and 6 boys...and peace has been kept..Your little girl might enjoy the company of another, just make sure to spay her and neuter the other one if you get a boy...or else you will have your house full before you know it...

Momma cat is going to stay with me until the 26th while my rescue buddy is off enjoying a cruise...they will be going back to her house after that to be put up for adoption along with her babies....that is if I can let her go...and one of the babies gave me a scare so I have been getting kind of attatched to him as well...I keep her and the babies in the spare bedroom away from my cats since she is a stray...and all...and I am sure she wouldn't be too fond of my bunch checking out the little ones, but anyways when I checked on her this morning the baby that I am attatched to, who I also had to break his sac, and coax to eat after he was born, was on the floor...she was in a different container and he fell out the I am keeping a close eye on him...I know I am rambling is just so exciting.... I think since momma is so friendly though that she was someones cat that got ditched when she got pregnant...we see alot of she is used to human contact...that is why I can get so many pictures of them...I am going to try and get single pics of each later and will post them for you guys as well....

Sorry for rambling...I hope I answered everyone...


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

Rambling is see me do it all the time  bear_grin   Lucky mamma to have found such good folks to take her in during her "delicate" time.

I'd be attached already...well we know how I am, right. 

I'm so annoyed right now.  I was hand feeding Skippy and she was actually taking pieces of food from my hand...A FIRST...and the stupid UPS guy comes barreling into my driveway and off she ran...and he didn't have MOHAIR.  I could have wrung his cute little neck!!!

K Pawz Guest

How and for most for scaring skippy...and then for not having the nerve to bring mohair....

sorry Daphne, yes the little spotted white one is a calico...I have been calling her freckles...and yes 99% are female, because of genetics and all if they are male they aren't born alive...from what I understand anyways

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

AWWWWWWWW!  They are adorable!  The mom is beautiful, too!   bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

K Pawz Guest

I know...isn't she just gorgeous...she is such a good mom, and starving for attention, she runs to the door when we open it and she purrs to end all...and then stands on the side of the container showing us her babies...I think we have decided to name her Madison...because of all the mats she has all over her...some are the size of lemons....we are working on them though..

K Pawz Guest

I added some more pictures up top

Cleathero Creations Cleathero Creations
Ripley, Queensland
Posts: 1,925

With the Calico I was under the impression they would live but were infertile.  It was to do with the fact that the colour is carried on the female chromosomes and so that is why they are rare, but if you get a male that is why they are sterile as it means they have female tendencies!!

K Pawz Guest

that might work...when you say tom, do you mean getting one as a baby or finding an older one at a shelter? I would worry that an older Tom might pick on her...but the only thing that you could do is try, keep them seperate at first and closley supervised to see how it goes...

Hope this helps

toadbriar ToadBriar
western massachusetts
Posts: 532

she's a gorgeous mama cat, & looks so proud & pleased about
her babies. How lovely they are - & how kind of you to take in
these guests! It's not easy seeing all these gorgeous kittens - but
I am at my kitty limit (3) & mine are approaching stodgy age anyhow.

But KITTENS!!!  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

krystolla Fuzzbutt Bears
Columbus Ohio
Posts: 87

Calicos are 99.9% female, but there are a few odd things that will cause a male to be calico -- XXY genes (which are the infertile ones) or two embryos merging (which is generally fertile) are the basic ways. I think there are maybe a dozen male calicos worldwide -- on the Maine Coon mailing list I'm on someone just announced a new male calico kitten (in Germany, I think).

Melanie Jayne: If you have a timid adult cat the best option is to get two kittens. The kittens will tear around with each other rather than just one kitten harrassing a tired adult for playtime. Littermates are a great bet because they will already have a relationship -- both breeders and rescues will generally charge a lower rate for two adoptions at once.

If you're really committed to only one kitten pick a laid back individual or breed (ragdoll or persian not siamese or abbysinian) and make sure you've got lots of interactive toys on hand to wear out the newcomer.

Krista: Looks like you have a tortiseshell kitten too -- the black one with the red smudge will probably show more red as she grows up. Since Mom is a brown tabby, you know that Dad was red or cream so any girl kittens in this litter should have red or cream on them -- at least in theory. bear_original Assuming there was only one dad.

If one of those blue kittens develops cream splotches I'm going to be extrodinarily jealous -- dilute torties are breathtaking.

-- Erika
Fuzzbutt Bears

(I'll stop prattling about cat stuff now. I promise. But if you have any questions just ask.)

K Pawz Guest

thank you guys for all the great info, I just myself, from my husband none the less learned that most calico's are female, I was astounded that he knew something about cats that I didn't, but then again he never ceases to amaze me....
You are right Erika, the little tortie has a bright orange spot on her head...she is so cute.

We have 3 boys and 3 girls...the calico, the tortie and the one of the blue and whites are female...the two black and whites and the solid blue grey one(my special boy might I add) are all boys....

I don't know if it makes much difference but I think Maddy might be a calico, she has some big orange spots on her back just hard to see in pictures....
I know they will all find great homes.....I wouldn't have it any other way....and I have a feeling I might be able to get the little grey one in the third picture to live with me...some convincing required I am sure...but when you have 7 whats one more????

I agree as well Melanie Jayne that you should go with a kitten, over an older is much easier to integrate a kitten into a single cat household than it is to introduce an older cat...


I Love Teddies South Florida
Posts: 1,684

They're so cute!   bear_wub   It's a kitten frenzy here!

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I love kids have two.  Maya is mostly dark colored with orange splotches and has a deformed tail.  When we adopted her I thought her tail had been broken because it looks like a big Z...but after taking her to the vet and having it x-rayed and such it was determined that she's a manx only with a weird shaped tail....hard to explain.  Maya is a HUGE lovebug who thinks that YOUR lap is hers to lay on.

Moe is mostly orange with dark splotches and incredibly soft...her fur is like silk.  She has a bad attitude...she can be a real poop.  She doesn't particularly liked to be petted...held is fine just don't stroke her too much or she'll give you a little nip.

I know I have photos of them but I can't find any digitals ones...I'll keep looking.  Both Maya and Moe are my opinion anyway.


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Krista, they are all beautiful, including mommy, but if I had my pick, I'd go for your blue/grey one.   We had a blue/grey kitten in one of our litters, and they are amazingly gorgeous.   You said it's a male too, which is also my favourite.  I would be getting absolutely nothing done!  How can someone just dump a cat like that - it's heartbreaking.  I'm so glad she is in a warm, safe place, with caring people to take care of her.  More, more, more pictures, pleeeeeeaase!



K Pawz Guest

I know what you mean Brenda, My poor bear has been on my desk all day...oh well there's always tomorrow...

Shantell..we also have a cat with a z tail...I will post a picture of him in a to check on momma

Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

Awwww they are so lovely...
I want the tortie one with the smudge on his head and id call IT smudge.
And running up down down your curtains...  bear_wacko
Into everything ...  bear_original
So much fun...  bear_original
Mass feeding times and cuddles... bear_wub

All Bear All Bear by Paula
Posts: 5,162

So beautiful!  They've made me go all gooey and broody!! The little tortie reminds me of my old Sally when first had her.  Sadly, she's since passed on.  I used to have a five cats, all harem scarem about the place, but now I just have two naughty boy cats and I'd love another little girl baby!  Mum cat is such a pretty cat - I'm very envious of your new cat family!!

K Pawz Guest

oh I know...each day I fall more in love,  I really don't want her to go Maddy is such a gorgeous girl and a love bug to boot....but I know they will all find good homes.


Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Krista.....lucky, lucky you to have this kitty family in your home!! bear_wub  bear_wub  I love kittens, and we don't get any out in the barn anymore as all the females have been spayed. bear_sad 


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I love kittens too...and puppies....well just pretty much anything in the infant category.  bear_original 

I just took a peek at my little brood and PEEEEEEE...EWWWWWWWW!!!  I guessing Surrender decided to spray the entire cat bed area.  He's the only "sprayer" around and he was snooping there yesterday.  He and I are going to be having a little conversation when I see his molting butt  today.  How rude to do that to your poor babes!!!

But...the babes are starting to try and get around a cute...and one of them is definitely a little a wee one with a 'tude.   bear_wub   bear_wub

Keep the pictures coming Krista!!!

Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

More kitties!!!!  They're just a delight to see.  Thank you so much for posting pictures.  I love baby pictures!

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

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