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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Hi eveyone.  I just thought I would let all you know what just happened so those of you who sell on ebay are aware of this type of fraud.

I just received an email from the second highest bidder for my tiger.  She wanted to make sure it was true.  She received a second chance offer for Sebastian, only she said the email address was not mine so she wanted to make sure it was legitimate before she paid.  GOOD THING SHE I never sent any second chance offer.  The tiger is sold already.  Someone was being opportunisitic and VERY dishonest!

I asked her to forward the fraudulent email to me so I may report them to ebay and to give them a piece of my mind.

Just beware that there are people out there out to make  buck however they can no matter who they hurt. :twisted:  bear_angry  bear_angry  bear_angry  bear_angry

Laniebears Arctophilia
Shropshire UK
Posts: 1,429

Oh That is awful Judi... I cant believe these things go on...
Lanie x

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

BIG <SIGH>!!!  I will never, ever sell on ebay!  I'm convinced it's more trouble than it's worth!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

I know how you feel Sue Ann.  You know...there are some people who have no conscience.

I know you sell on Ebay Lanie...just keep your eyes open.

One thing I try to always do is to remove my photos from the internet hosting site. I believe this will also remove them from ebay.  It may help a little anyway.

  Of course it figures that I have not yet removed Sebastian's (my newest tiger)photos.

Dilu Posts: 8,574


you are so good at keeping us apprised of ebay problems.  I am grateful that your wanna be customer was not hoodwinked.  I suspect that she will become a real customer in the near future because she will have such good feelings about you as a seller looking out for the integrity of your items as well as you the artist.

let us know when she does buy.  i bet it wont take long.



thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Judi,
    Thanks for the warning - I just wanted to ask, was it a formal "second chance offer" or just an email.  They would have had to have access to your account if they wanted to send a formal one, wouldn't they?



edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

I think ebay should just do away with second chance offers - they seem to do more harm than good! And now most people are so afraid of them they won't buy even if it is a legitimate second chance offer!

Sue Ann, in spite of all the things you hear there are way more good things on ebay than negative - it is just the negative that gets the most attention. I don't know if you have a lot of shops and shows near where you are, but for those of us who don't, ebay is just a godsend! I know I would not be making bears still if it weren't for ebay as I really would not have had any place to sell them for the last 5 years. And even for buying on ebay it has literally opened up a whole world! I have bought a few things that I wouldn't have if I had seen them in person first - or wouldn't have paid as much - but they are offset by some of the incredible deals I have gotten. Similarily the few jerks I have dealt with are more than offset by all the wonderful people and friends I have met through ebay. Honestly I would be just lost without it!!!!
Bear hugs, Edie

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Good question Brenda.  I don't know the answer.  I am hoping this lady will forward to email to me so I can find out.  Scarey thought to think someone has access to an ebay account that isn't thiers.  These people are leeches. bear_shocked

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Judi,  I agree that there are some dispicable people out there, praying on innocent customers.  I think I would really want to know about that - I hope the customer forwards you the email, so you can see for yourself.  I would certainly think about changing my password, just in case.  I'll be interested to hear what happens with this.  Thank you so much for keeping all of us informed - it is really appreciated. 



thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Edie, I agree with your sentiments about ebay - its perfect for me, dispite some of the pitfalls.  I have never had a bad experience with either buyers OR sellers (I'm touching wood as I type this!).  Recently, I bid on an item and was in such a hurry, forgot the decimal place.  I won, of course, but it was over $300.00, instead of the $30.00 odd dollars I had meant to bid.  I immediately emailed the seller about the mistake, but was prepared to pay, to avoid a negative.  This seller was incredible - he not only believed me and contacted the next bidder with a second chance offer, but he left me positive feedback.  I was over the moon, as you can imagine.  I think there are at least 10 wonderful people on ebay for every scoundrel. 



SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

Judi, I would think that it would be a spoof email that they used to send the second chance. These people are experts at making a template that looks to the unknowing eye as an original from ebay. They don't need your password to send these emails. As a matter of fact, they don't WANT your password. They want the person they are sending it to, to respond to THEM, not you. They would prefer you didn't know at all. Good for her for sending it to you. I certainly would offer her a discount if she ever wants one of your bears!

chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

Thanks for the warning Judi.  bear_thumb
I haven't sold on ebay for awhile but plan to start again once I get back from my little trip away.
I have had no trouble selling on ebay so far but have had some experience with a couple of dodgy sellers. I really go over their feedback with a fine comb before bidding now. The thing that worries me is that this sort of thing would put the customer off buying on ebay.

Meri Bears (UK) West Sussex, England
Posts: 598

Thank for the warning Judi :clap:

I'm so pleased your lady had the sense to contact you. It could have led to lots of awkwardness.


Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Sonya, you got it right!  They used a template that looks JUST LIKE the second chance offer from ebay.  They even used a return email secondchanceoffer@ebay...BUT  at the bottom of the email it reads the seller's email as :

The second highest bidder forwarded me the email and I have reported it to ebay...PLUS I sent a brief email to this botzia person stateing that they are being reported and how dare they try to profit illegally on ebay.  Scum bag!  I did not call them that,but I wanted to.

Hey everyone....if you want this person too, then they may get the hint that they are being 'watched'  gggrrrrrr

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Well guess what! has struck again!!! He/she has contatced another of the bidders on my tiger to offer them a second chance offer!  EGADS!  I am again forwarding the email to ebay.  :twisted:  bear_angry  bear_angry  bear_angry  What is wrong with this idiot.

Nancy D Dog Patch Critters
Titusville, FL
Posts: 512

I've been selling on ebay for about 5 years. I sell everything I think will sell from toys to tools. I also sell my bears. My overall experience has been great bear_thumb I think I have only had one or two bad things happen - one from a buyer and one from a seller. I regularly get spoof emails identifying themselves as from ebay or paypal. I forward them on but those folks are very slippery and I doubt they ever catch any of them. I heard about someone who had the pics of their bear taken from their listing and used to falsely list it under another name. It's really sad that there are people out there who are messing up a good thing for the rest of us. bear_sad
Nancy D

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

AND....the list goes on.... now a third person has recieved a second chance offer.  This idiot is going rigth down the list.  I think I will be switching to private auctions from now on.  GEEESH!

I agree Nancy, that for the most part ebay has been very good to me.  I have been selling on ebay for 6 years.  Ebay responded that second chance offer scams are running rampant on ebay right now. 

I really think the best way to protect yourself is to list private auctions then no one can see who is bidding.

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

I have noticed more and more sellers putting notices on their auction listings that warn their buyers that they will never send second chance offers so if they get one it is bogus. Maybe this is something you might want to think about starting. Of course that doesn't prevent someone from stealing the photos and doing a listing but if it doesn't have you as the seller then most people would be wary about I think.  I wish there was some way to get rid of these people and make the internet a safer place!
Bear hugs, Edie

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Good grief !  Why can't these people use their time and talent for something more productive.   They just keep finding new ways to prey on others !

sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

Hi Judy

It's terrible what's been happening to you on ebay
My husband and I have used ebay to buy and sell for quite a while now without many (touch wood) problems at all, thank goodness.

I would email the bidders from your tiger and warn them they may get a spoof second chance offer...that is if they haven't already all got one!!!

There is some html you can add to your auction listing that will stop people right clicking on your pictures in order to save them...I can't find it at the moment but when my hubby (much more computer literate than me!!) is around next I will get him to find it and I will post it here. Then anyone who wants to can copy and paste it into their auction page.

It's not foolproof but it will make it a little harder for people to steal your pictures.

PaintsNMinis Sidhe Bears
Vienna, NJ
Posts: 41

Wow!  Cannot believe the lengths people will go to to scam others! 

Is there a way to add to your listing after it has sold?  Maybe put something on there about how you are aware that people are receiving 2nd chance offers on this item, and they are NOT being sent from you?  OMG, if someone doesn't contact you and tries to buy it...what happens then?  *yikes*

Hope eBay can put a stop to this person.

I guess this is why a lot of bear sellers sell their bears as private auctions, so others don't have access to who has bid?


thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Judi, that's just criminal!  I don't know how people have the nerve to do things like that.  Do you know what his "ebay name" is?  I'm sure we would all love to know! 

Here's one thing to consider - if we all email him from our own private emails, telling him to back off, there is nothing he can do.  I know from experience that Ebay won't do anything if the emails are not sent through Ebay's system.  Maybe we should innundate this jerk with emails, saying we are watching him etc. - nothing nasty, just "we watch our for each other so please stop"!.   It's worth a shot.



Marie_ Kiprie Bears
Yokohama, Japan
Posts: 2,735

Oh scary !! :cry:
I'm glad that she contacted you before she paid...
Thanks so much for the warning.

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Thanks for all you support.  I think it s very good idea to let each other know when things like this happen so we can all be aware.

I will take you great advice ladies and start adding to my lsitings that I do not send second chance offers.

Here is this dirt bags emails again:   ....just so you know. bear_thumb

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115
edie wrote:

I have noticed more and more sellers putting notices on their auction listings that warn their buyers that they will never send second chance offers so if they get one it is bogus. Maybe this is something you might want to think about starting. Of course that doesn't prevent someone from stealing the photos and doing a listing but if it doesn't have you as the seller then most people would be wary about I think.  I wish there was some way to get rid of these people and make the internet a safer place!
Bear hugs, Edie

I've been doing that for some time now.... here's the exactwording I use at the bottom of ALL of my listings.... I've checked it with the folks at eBay and they said that it doesn't violate any of their policies....  If anyone wishes to use it word for word... please do feel free!  I've had a couple of sellers ask me off the board if they can use a variation of my wording.  Of course you can!!!!!    :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  None of my underbidders (at least not the ones I speak with on a regular basis) have had any bogus second chance offers since I've started using it.....  bear_smile  bear_smile  bear_smile


Flore is being offered only on eBay, and only directly through me... and will not be available via a "second chance" offer.  If you are an underbidder and receive a "second chance offer," or see little Flore available in a concurrent (and usually foreign) auction, please forward the information to the good folks at  I love buying and selling on ebay... let's all do our part to make this a safe and friendly environment in which to trade! I have seen a couple of valid resale auctions of some of my older teddies... if you ever have a question as to whether a teddy is mine, just ask me! I keep careful records of where all my teds have found homes. Otherwise, you can always be sure that you are purchasing the "real deal" if the eBay seller ID is :


Beary truly yours,
Kim Basta
Wild Thyme Originals

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