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Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

My son just got his new K-Zone magazine and he loves to read the "Amazing Facts" page.
To my of the facts he read out was :
"Teddy Bears kill more people each year than Grizzly Bears"!
Shock horror!
I would assume this is due to children swallowing parts etc...who knows...but it sure helps to make one see the siginificance of those little notes we all add to our collectable bears about not being safe for small children huh?
What else could it be? Do they come alive at night, hit the vodka and go on murderous campaigns??:/

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,864

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Did the mag elaborate on that "fact"???  EEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Yes, Hayley, please read that article and tell us what they meant! Then we'll all have a protest!!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

I think you could be right about the small parts.  I rather think your idea of bears hitting the grog to be.. welll.. funny.... I know I shouldn't find it funny, perhaps scary, but the image of a drunk teddy bear is too much LOL  bear_rolleyes bear_grin


doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Rolling around on the floor laughing here.......drunken teddy bears........coming alive at night hitting the vodka and going on murderous campaigns.............................YIKES!!!!!!!!
Boy does that conjure up some thoughts.........maybe thats just the naughty bears that we see in the know, the ones doing nasty things... THE BAD TASTE BEARS.
Now there's no way our little darlings would do anything to hurt a child ...thats if the collectors that we sell them to listen to what we all tell them
                            'Not suitable for Children'


Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Sorry Daphne...what I wrote was all it it's left to our overactive imaginations! It was just in a section for amazing but useless 'Americans use enough toilet paper every day to go around the world 9 times"bear_grin:lol::lol:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Golly, gosh ,gee whizz the mind is having all sorts of images going through it, but Oh boy I'm not going to comment on that one Hayley!................. tee hee!


Dilu Posts: 8,574

Well, why can't the bears come awake at night- the gollys do, you know that Jane- and they are always into mischief....and I am sure the talk the bears into all sorts of things.

Funny story

When we lived in Germany chocolate was awfully easy to get- especially since we lived 10 minutes from the Ritter Sport factory and could buy seconds for nothing.;  (the good ol' days when the dollar was strong)

Anyway I got up one morning and found a bar of the rittersport that had been opened and half eaten and then taped and taped and taped and taped.

"Matt-how come you ate half the chocolate?"

"I didn't." says he.

"well who taped it back closed again?"

Well he had Vanilla bear and chocolate bear, he carried them around everywhere.

He looks at chocolate bear and said "bad chocolate bear- you should have just finished the chocolate."

(He was 2.  It did get more interesting from there-precossiousness is only adorable in other peoples kids.  bear_tongue

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Hayley....... Americans & TP....... what a riot!!
I suppose the Britts and Aussies don't use as much TP!? Do y'all ................ oh, never mind!!!

Ya know, they actually make extensions for your TP holder so the humongus 'tripple' rolls will fit... all so we don't have to change the roll so often!! (I SAW a commerial on TV... I don't actually HAVE one!!!) Talk about lazy!!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I've never even heard of a triple roll of toilet paper.  Or a holder to fit it.  I'm still waiting for America to adopt the concept of the bidet, myself.

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Okay, I'm biting.. What is a bidet?

Dilu Posts: 8,574


As an American in Paris, Rome, Stuttgart, Waldorf am Haslach, Montreaux, Geneva....( you get the point)

I laughed so hard at your   "-when I went to France, a friend (supposed friend) tried to convince me that the bidet in my hotel room was a miniature drinking fountain.    I told her...I'm blond, not stupid!!!"

Thank you dear heart!  Thank you Thank you Thank you.....

RE: Bidets
It isn't just France, my dears, it is all of western civilized Europe.(Actually I don't know about Emgland, and they are in many ways more civilized....

In Rome the one in our apartment was marble- la-di-da.  Of course that was the cheapest material they had available-but for a little California girl it seemed quite nice.

Our floors were marble too---necessary, as the heat was very similar to California and it was wonderful to lie around reading on cold marble floors.

The bidet helped to make up for the scratchy TP we had in boarding school. :rolleyes::mad::rolleyes:

While in college in Hawaii in the 70's there was a dock strike.  Now, understand that everything came in on ships from the mainland.  The first thing to dissappear from the shelves was TP.

One of my 3 roomates worked at the Royal Hawiann Hotel and they had TP flown in- so she would go around to all the bathrooms and take the nearly used up rolls.

Am I proud of this?  No- basically she was stealing from the hotel.  And I was endulging in stolen riches.  However, at the time, I was completely amoral when it came to TP.

I hope to make up for the wicked wicked child I was by doing good in my old age.....Any of you gals overseas want TP?

Ever since then I keep it by the case ( thank you Costco) and my honey finds this absolutely hysterical- until Mr. There-Is-No-Such-Thing-As-A-Handtowel discovered he could do the same with paper towels.

I kind of lost how we went from murderous Teds to TP and Bidets.....but when in Rome.....


When on the net?.....

Lisa, just read your post to the same MR. from above and he laughed.  Mr. Understatement who barely cracks a smile laughed.

Congratulations....You def. win the best-laugh-of -the -week award

thank you

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Very interesting as you say ... killer teddy bears ( how very sad), to toilet paper and then bidets.
What will be the next?
Good to have some time to talk about these very important issues.
Toilet paper is an item that we can not do without. One of the wealthiest Families in NZ
is a toilet paper baron. We are in the wrong profession I reckon.

Bear hugs

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Hrmmm come on.. someone explain it to me.................... I think I must be an innocent LOL


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,864

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

HA!!  What a cute, cute photo, Lisa!!  While I never put the camera on them when my kids were doing the same thing, it's a wonderfully realistic kid-like behavior.  Talk about having your camera at the right time and right place!!

Dilu Posts: 8,574

And Lisa tries to TOP herself with yet another hysterical post.  Darling child.....(I think.....finger up nose funny)

   "Perhaps they're not getting enough fiber in their diets..."

Now I have to ask-single ply or double?

Anyone remember toilet paper from the 50's and 60's?  Remember how there were different colors? 

Whatever happened to the colored stuff?

a confused wonks

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Ha!  Great picture!

I don't remember colored toilet paper, but I do know that when travelling through Europe, especially on trains, what they offer could hardly be CALLED toilet paper.  More like butt sandpaper.

Danni, a bidet is basically a drinking fountain that you sit on and activate to clean your patootie.  It's used instead of/in addition to, toilet paper, for that squeaky-clean, shower-fresh feeling.

How's that for an explanation? ;):P:lol:

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Thankyou!  Someone finally answered my question! LOL  That was a fantastic explaination....  Apparently loos with water sprays are all the rage in Japan...


Dilu Posts: 8,574

I made a rather large bear about 6 months ago and the whole time I made him he was going to be Benjamin Bearfranklin-  I know where to order the tricorn hat, and have his shirt and vest cut out just not sewn yet.  Today I came across a knitted romber and sweater I made many years ago.  So I said to Ben, "maybe you are really a girl and I could get you into this"

I am here to tell you that there can too be killer teddy bears!  He was most unhappy with me.....and I think I had better finish up that sewing.  He was most emphatic that he was NOT going through an unnecessary sex change operation.!

I guess I have my work cut out for me......:(

dilu bear_tongue

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Yes...butt (oh sorry, I couldn't resist!!!!) does one DRY ones "patootie" after wash dear Shell??? Do you get a blow dry....ewwwww!!!
Hey Dilu..I see that Lisa has one of them cage can turn them upside down to make a baby prison y'know...Dilu told us that!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Look, woman, I didn't INVENT the dang bidet.  I just know how it's supposed to be used!   How about some of you European, or better-travelled, lassies out there share with us exactly how one dries the ol' patootie post-bidet-use?  I suppose one could always resort to the cursed drip-dry we all know much too well from personal experience, when that blasted toilet paper we seem to so LOVE talking about today is somehow... not... there...  bear_shocked

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Yeah  all that trouble of building a super duper Bidet with no drying facility, whats going on there!!!!!!   hehehe. bear_grin   Someone obviously didn't think about the drying process. bear_grin

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Great photo Lisa of your dear little one. That will be a great photo to pin on the board at the
21st birthday celebrations!
Thanks for sharing.

Bear hugs
Carolyn :)

Kirsten So. Cal.
Posts: 302

Okay ,this thread I could not resist!!

In Venice, my friend and I had to go potty, so the owner of the pizza place takes us back through the kitchen to the bathroom. We get to the door and its not locked so we push it open to find the cook zipping himself up.. bear_shocked We appologize and blush (we're 18) then enter the bathroom expecting stalls. NOPE. Just 2 holes in the ground. So we take turns guarding the non-locking door and peeing into the hole! I think I remember toilet paper in that bathroom....

Okay another country, (I think, maybe still Italy but Rome) we had to pay to use the rest room. When you paid, you received your 2-3 squares. That was it. Hope you didn't have to REALLY go... bear_laugh

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I somehow feel it's time to extricate myself from this topic, but find I can't resist the magnetically strong pull this thread somehow has, encouraging me to push the envelope even farther.  It's like sour cream and onion potato chips; you KNOW they're bad for you, but you can't eat just one.

Anyhoos... :P

My ex-hubby, who is something of an ex-boy-scout, outdoorsy, survival living kind of guy, once shared with me the "emergency-only, one square of toilet paper" in-a-crisis method of... personal cleansing.

He said that when it's time for a SERIOUS visit in the great outdoors, but there is nary a roll of TP in site, there IS a graceful way out of the situation.  Using only ONE SQUARE of toilet paper.  It goes like this:

1.  Fold the toilet paper square in half, and then in half again.
2.  Tear a very small, dime-sized bit from the center, where the folds come together.  When you unfold and repoen the TP, you should have a dime-sized, circular hole in the center of your paper square.  KEEP THE TINY BIT for later.
3.  Insert your index finger (right, if you're right handed) into the hole and work the square down to the bottom knuckle of your index finger.
4.  Use your BARE FINGER to... um... clean up your bidness.
5.  Wrap your other (left) hand TIGHTLY around your (right) index finger BELOW the toilet paper square (also know as, "BELOW the disgusting mess on your finger.)
6.  Keeping a very firm grip, and using the toilet paper square to wipe, slide your (left) hand upward along your hideously poopy index finger, to the tip.  This is supposed to clean your finger off.  With just the one swipe, and just the one square of toilet paper.  :/
7.  Find the tiny bit you tore off at the beginning of this experiment in terror, and use it to clean the underside of your fingernail.

Aren't you glad i shared?

If ANYONE knows ANYONE who has ever actually DONE this, I will send you a roll of toilet paper myself.  GADS!! bear_laugh

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