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kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

Just wondering but when you are selling something, do you find yourself continuously looking at how many people looked at your item?  Is this because I am new to E-bay selling?  I hope the 4 I have listed will bring me in some money *cross fingers*  I need to support my bear-making habit

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

Kim you are just the same as me! That's the only way I sell. I have not had anything on for awhile but, oh boy I'm there checking the hits, how may are watching etc. Don't read too much into it. Other bear makers could be watching ( guilty as charged me Lord ) or just people interested. The most hits I had were 250 for Bruno. He went to a lovely lady in Belgium for £56, so can't complain.
You should see me near the end of an auction, check, check and check again, its half the fun and half the nerves.
Hang in there it is a bad time to sell, but it will pick up in Sept/Oct. Good luck, Mandy. ( off for a few days to the seaside, well Southport  actually, less sea as side!):lol:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Like you and Amanda I too keep checking and checking and checking... I bookmark the auction so I can bring it up quick. In the beginning I watch like crazy, then I have to try to forget about it for a day or two in the middle... usually nothing happens til the very end. Then on the last 12 hours I am GLUED to my computer. The last auction I did went up  and up and up every time I clicked refresh in the last 3 minutes. It was nerve racking. I had 27 people watching, only 5 bidding. I know many were other artists here and family and friends so like Amanda said, don't read too much into that!
Don't drive yourself too crazy but know we all do the same thing!
Good luck!

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Kim...I don't really watch how many people look at my auctions as much as I check how many have placed a watch on it.  But this is even getting to where you get false readings.  It seems the higher the price, the more lookers and watchers I get, but it really doesn't mean anything, just nosey I guess.
Two things I have noticed tho...when I get a lot of emails telling me they really like whatever is on, the auction never goes off for what I expect it to.  It is like it 'curses' the auction...ahahahahaha!  When I get emails now, I think...OH NO !!
The other thing that I have noticed is that everytime I go somewhere and leave the house for a day, I come home and have bids.  I LOVE my little outings :D


Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Kim, I am just like you.  I swear, I check my auctions 400 times a day.  The last few hours I am glued to the computer.  If anyone interupts in the last few minutes  I get all frazzled bear_tongue .

I love selling on Ebay, but it can be exciting as well stressful I find anyway, but that's just me.   I can get so discouraged when there are no bids, but always try again. Sometimes I get emails after the auction ends from someone wanting to buy my bear.  Maybe they don't want to bid and drive the price up ......who knows.

Good luck with your auctions, I hope they do really well.

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Kim, I am just like you.  I swear, I check my auctions 400 times a day.  The last few hours I am glued to the computer.  If anyone interupts in the last few minutes  I get all frazzled bear_tongue .

I love selling on Ebay, but it can be exciting as well stressful I find anyway, but that's just me.   I can get so discouraged when there are no bids, but always try again. Sometimes I get emails after the auction ends from someone wanting to buy my bear.  Maybe they don't want to bid and drive the price up ......who knows.

Good luck with your auctions, I hope they do really well.

Dilu Posts: 8,574

You guys are cute and funny.  Amanda whereare you?  it will help me place Southport in my mind.

Nance-I pray all your outings continue to be blessed and profitable! bear_laugh

Amanda Pandy Potter Bears
Staffordshire, UK
Posts: 1,864

Dilu, hiya! Back from Southport. It is on the Northwest coast of England. A lovely old town that first came into its own for the Victorians that started to bathe there. You don't really get to see the sea as the tide goes so far out.
Most British seaside resorts started when the Victorians decided it was good for their health. The ladies hired horse drawn covered carts that would take them into the water, where fully clothed in their bathing outfits they would venture into the water.

Southport still has lovely Victorian buildings. We stayed in a hotel that was built about 100 years ago. It still had the old style lift with wood panelling and the cage style door you pull across. Candy floss, fish and chips and the piers are still firm British favourites. Britain, being an island of course, has lots of these type of places. Good fun and always a nice time.

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Amanda...that sounds like a wonderful place, I would love it I know....but I have to ask, CANDY FLOSS?
Gives flossing your teeth a whole new meaning !:D

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Candy floss is the English term for cotton candy.

Ebay can be a roller coaster.  I have seen bids jump from less than $100 to over $500 in the last two minutes.  But not lately, however.

The most I have had watching an item was 84, with over 1,600 hits.  The most I ever sold a bear for was $3,252.00....WWAAAAAYYYYY over retail.  Lately , ebay has been very VERY slow for me.  It seems to be unpredictable.  Just depends if that certain someone is looking at the time your  bear is listed.  I too, have sold several bears after the auction these past two months.  HHhhhmmmmmm.

Just keep trying...there is a home for every bear thast is made with love.

bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

I totally agree with you Judi! But... ebay...I don't know...I gues this is not a great ebay time! I am going to go have another glass of wine!:P

Hugs Louise

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

Pour one for me too Louise!

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