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I tried to pull up something today and a window popped up that said "Rasterize generic PDF Format" That is greek to me! I hope someone can help. I was afraid to click yes for fear Rasterize might me delete, destroy or worse yet...mix it all up.
Hey Nancy,
I dont know much about this kind of stuff, but I did find this in the dictionary for you. Maybe it will help:
Definition: "Rasterize" to convert an image into points on a grid, to convert an image into bitmap format
:doh: Roxanne...honestly, I didn't think it would be in the dictionary, otherwise I would have looked. I just decided it was one of those NEW words
thanks so much, but you know...even reading the explanation doesn't mean a whole lot to me. I still don't know what to do. I guess just click OK and see what happens.
I get my poor computer into more trouble, clicking OK and DOWNLOAD NOW.
thanks Roxanne...appreciate the help.
If I am ever in doubt, I always click no or exit or cancel. Unfortunately, I have lost some good information that way too, but at least I haven't been given any awful virus or anything - touch wood!
Jane P.
- touch wood!
Jane P.
HA!!! Now if you all had a wood burned ACEO then you could always have wood nearby to touch!!! :crackup: :crackup:
Nancy, I have never heard of that word either and I am with Jane...if in doubt...delete!
Roxanne, you are so resourceful! :clap: :clap:
Thanks gals...I usually do what you do Jane, but in this case...I will tell you why this phrase was generated.
I am taking Linda Sattgast's classes for Elements 3 and when I tried to download this months 'brushes' put them in a PDF file as usual, but when I went to my Elements software to incorporate the brushes to a file there...I got this window about Rasterizing this generic PDF file. I wasn't afraid of a virus but I was afraid of messing the file up.
I am notorious for downloading stuff...but my son in law always come to my rescue. The only one that really gave me a serious problem was when I downloaded MSN's Spy Sweepr and it disabled my anti-virus program. HP had to do a total destructive recovery for that one. So I am more causious now...but thanks Jane for the tip.
Judi, I saw your beautiful ATC in wood. Where in the world do you find the time. Do you ever sleep?
I will google the phrase tonight Erin...thank you for the that too.
I am off to the gardens with grandchildren right now, tho....I need a little 'fun time'.
It is safe to rasterize the file. In fact, you probably cannot use the brushes in pdf format. The program is asking if it is ok to change the images from a pdf which is a document type to bmp (bitmap) which is an image type.
.............. I tried to download this months 'brushes' put them in a PDF file as usual, but when I went to my Elements software to incorporate the brushes to a file there...I got this window about Rasterizing this generic PDF file.
I wasn't afraid of a virus but I was afraid of messing the file up.
GOOD GRIEF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doh: :doh: :doh:
Rasterize - I believe its good with french fries and mange tout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Nanc - too complicated for me - now - switching on/off I can do.
Sandra :redface:
Sonja's right (I've just been learning this stuff)
To 'rasterize' a file is to change it to pixels, rather than whatever it's currently in. I don't know what PDF files consist of, but chances are, unless this file is 'rasterized', you can't use the brushes, which probably work in terms of pixels . . . adding color, taking away color, changing color pixel by pixel.
I think . . .
When in doubt SAVE AS using a different file name. That way you keep the original and can do whatever the heck you WANT to, with the second/new, renamed version.
Thanks for the info and that's good advice, Shelli. I've started a file and download all the questions and answers like this.
Loooove your new avatars, Shelli and Eileen!
Ooohhh. Good point, Shelli.
I 'save as' under another name all the time, and just thought I was being lazy!
Eileen put them in a PDF file as usual,
If we can back up a bit --- this may be 'the usual' for lots of you but for the life of me I cannot wade through Adobe's instructions for Create A PDF.
I've had the free download, then the El Cheapo version and then paid for the expensive one. Still no go. I've had to pay someone to convert my patterns/instructions for online classes, but would love to be able to do it myself.
Is there an E Z Way that I'm missing or am I just too dense??? Can someone walk me through the process? I'll pay!!!