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Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

I just thought I would let you all know that ebay is becoming more and more strict.  My most recent listing was ended early by ebay because I had this exact sentence in my listing:  "Visit my website for more available bears."    This is what they told me via email this afternoon.

I was informed that I cannot have this type of language in my listings, that would promote sales outside of ebay.  geeeeeeesh!    Now, I knew that ebay did not allow actual website address, but now you cannot even MENTION you have a website.  YIKES!

I have been doing this for a while...someone must have pointed this out to ebay and complained.  That is my guess.  Anyway, I have since relisted.

Be careful what you say about your websites on ebay!!!!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Thanks, Judi.  eBay is treading on dangerous ground, if you ask me.  They will soon scare away legitimate businesses who use eBay to boost sales.  They are trying to make themselves a monopoly, or single resource, for items from a particular seller.  Or, at least, that's how it's starting to appear.  I am grateful to eBay for allowing me to create a business that lets me stay home with my sons, but lately I find myself bothered all the same about their new policies, which -- despite the fact that they earn billions already on fees -- really kinda smack of GREED, for want of a better word.

I'll change my listing template wording right away!

Judi Luxembears
Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Posts: 7,379

You absolutely right Shelli.  Greed...on ebays part.  They are getting sooooo picky!

I have relisted my bear and removed the sentence they objected to and replaced it with : " My apologies for having to relist this bear.  Ebay has informed me the mentioning of websites is not permitted."

I wonder if they will allow me to say has the word 'website' in it.  We'll see.......

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Judi et al... just a quick reminder.  You ARE allowed to mention your other businesses, websites, and even URL's by name, on your eBay ABOUT ME page.

I have successfully used the wording:  Please see my eBay ABOUT ME page for more information about POTBELLY BEARS.

Then, on the ABOUT ME page, I refer to my website directly and plainly.  I've never had a problem since doing things this way.

For a direct look at my ABOUT ME page, which to date has never been faulted by eBay for using URL's, check: … bellybears

It will be my bad misfortune, now that I've shared this, that the next eBay policy will state that one must not refer to URL's in one's ABOUT ME page.  Laughing here... ;):D:)

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I used to put something to the effect of: "If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me at" Sneaky way of getting my website on there but I haven't technically stated a website address. Wonder if I'd get in trouble for that now. I honeslty think, as Judi said, that it takes someone calling the error to eBay's attention before most things like this are caught. Is someone reeeeeeally sitting there checking all new auction listings? There must be hundreds of new ones posted every hour.

Thanks for letting us know about this, Judi. I'm sorry they singled you out!

NancyAndFriends Posts: 1,153

Judi...I have a friend who made an adorable business card holder to sell on ebay and to illustrate it, she placed her own card in the holder.  Now, mind you, you could not see her web address on the card, but ebay shut the auction down anyway.  There was no way that anyone could have ever seen the tiny print on her card.
I know that many people are getting tired of the high cost of ebay.  My last yorkie that I sold cost me 42.00 in fees (listing and final) ...OUCH!!
Here is a site that a bunch of ebay power sellers got together to create.    It is an intersting site, if you have a chance or the time...check it out.
It is all about ebay and other sites to sell on.  Some very interesting articles about ebay and their policies that drove these power sellers away.
I have made purchases on IOffer and enjoy going to that auction site quite often.

Hmmm, I wonder why the link didn't turn blue?  Hope you can copy/paste it and it will take you to the site.

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Someone, or someoneS, is really out there, checking.  I once got an auction pulled because a graphic image -- a .jpeg, which couldn't possibly have been automatically detected or scanned because it had no scannable text! -- contained my web URL.  It had to be a case of direct reporting. 

I'd surely love to say something snarky like, "Geez, doesn't that spy have anything BETTER to do?"  But the truth is that I unknowingly broke eBay listing policy, and had to shoulder the responsibility for that screw up myself.  I used my website URL in that image; doing so violated listing policy.

In Judi's case, though, I'm stumped.  There's no URL being cited and thus, one could not have been found.  Like she said, it's getting tighter and tighter.  Not enough to put me off entirely -- and I do understand how eBay doesn't want competition springing up from within their own auction site; I understand that they don't want to unknowingly and unwittingly be providing FREE ADVERTISING for sellers -- but enough to give me a little pause, and to think about how dang much money these guys make off their listers, even MORE off their sellers.  I'd think they could overlook a person's OWN website.  Criminies.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Hi Everyone,

Christine Welsh from The Teddy Patch, started up an auction site purely because people are so sick of ebay. Unfortunately it hasn't been getting quite the support she had hoped for...but she is offering  free listings for it may be worth a try there and give her some support at the same time. I have posted her email from another list below.

For the entire month of August ALL site fees at The Teddy Patch have been

So ALL listings are FREE for August 2005!

Yes...that is correct! NO FEES whatsoever, NIX, NOTHING! FREE! No end of
auction fees NOTHING!!!

Do take advantage of this great offer and list your items NOW or sign up if
you haven't done so already....and yes even that is FREE!!

The Teddy Patch

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

First, I'd like to say that I am in no way defending some of Ebay's policies...I've also had a listing pulled for what I felt was a stupid policy.  And, the fact that they pull it...why not suspend it for so many hours and let you correct the problem so you can just "relist" it without going through the hassle of recreating the whole listing.  Anyway, there are also alot of not so very nice people out there in Ebayville (or the internet in general)...bidders who bid with no intention of paying, sellers who are deceitful in their advertising, the list goes on. Unfortunately, you can't tell these crooks from those that are innocently trying to sell their items or buyers looking for a good deal, so Ebay (or any auction forum) must have policies that protect everyone...they can't pick and choose who to apply them to.  Although feedback is's not always all that accurate...I for one have never left negative feedback....just doesn't seem worth it when there are so many out there who leave negative for a littlest things or as obvious retaliation.

I've not been thrilled myself with increasing fee costs...and to be honest I don't feel right adding those cost back as "handling" cost.  I know when I shop on Ebay for something, I'm looking for a good deal, quality item from a reputable seller, etc.  So as a seller I try to be to another buyer what I would expect...that whole "do unto others..."

Anyway, that's my 2 cents...I just think we have to remember there are rules in place for our own protection even when we don't always agree with them. 


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Hayley, Thanks for passing on the info about Teddy Patch... I'm on my way to check it out!!! Seeing as how my bear show for August has been cancelled I might as well put a couple of bears up for auction!!!

Shantell, you do have a point.

psichick78 Flying Fur Studios
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,073

I'm torn about my feeling of ebay. On the one hand, where else could I sell some of my stuff, or where else could i have found all those great deals. I get to look at other bears, research etc. It can be great. The fee's aren't too great, but i guess they can do what they want, and will continue to do so, as long as people still use it.
My only realy problem is about the feedback. I know it goes both ways but I don't like when I seller won't leave you feedback untill you have left it for them. I feel this is playing the system.
I've just had a transaction with a seller. He wasn't too great at all, and I would like to leave neutural feedback for him, but if I do I'm sure he will do the same for me. Even though, I paid him about 2 hrs after the auction ended. Just what a great buyer would do. I feel I have no recourse, and now I wonder if shoall his feedback uld be positive, or if people just don't want to be bothered.
On the other hand, I know some sellers have been burned with neg. Feedback that wasn't deserved, so now they state they will only leave feedback after the buyer does.
At least with all the money ebay is making, and concidering they have the time to monitor auctions for small things, you would think they would have more customer support. I'm going to email ebay and ask about my feedback situation. should be interesting to see what and if they get back to me.

Bumpkin Bears Bumpkin Bears
Antwerp, Belgium
Posts: 2,190

I too find the high costs for Ebay starting to put me off, I have recently listed two bears on the featured listing section of Ebay to try to get seen better in amongst all the hundreds of lovely bears, neither sold and I had to pay whopping amounts to list them.  I did however sell one to someone that had seen it on Ebay after the auction.  So it did work as good advertising, but it is hard to swollow the prices.  I think it would be great if lots of bear artists gave support to The Teddy Patch, surely if enough were there then the collectors would follow?  I'll certainly be taking another look.


bearsbybeesley bears by beesley TM
Tofield Alberta Canada
Posts: 6,818

I know guys. I am not a huge ebay fan either however I feel it is a good way to advertise even if the bear does not sell. I have not had a great deal of success with ebay sales however I have picked up several new customers who have contacted me after the auction and bought nmore than one bear from me. I tend to keep an ad going on ebay every one or two weeks. I guess I look at it as advertising.

I do recal having an ad pulled because I mention our Elder Abuse Charity that we donate to. it takes time to get to know their policies. Some of which are abit over the top.

I have not broken the skin of the ebay market and likely never will but will keep trying for the time being.

Hugs Louise

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

I have lost a lot of confidence in selling my non bear related stuff on ebay as well, simply because they have become very greedy with their fees, their policies as Judi has advised earlier,  and are not doing as many promotions on free listings, no fee gallery photos,  etc, has everyone else noticed that as well?

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Well, I also do not like the huge increase in fees... their incredibly strict and CONFUSING policies (I was once told that the policies may be interpreted differently from eBay employee to employee!!??)

BUT.... eBay is the place where most people go to shop.... myself included.

I love the idea of the Teddy Patch... but unfortunately... the buyers are still at eBay :( a business person... ya gotta go where the customers are....

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Yes, perhaps using a Buy It Now option would be a good idea to try it out and support something different?  That way, if it doesn't sell..oh well, and if it does,  you get the price you want.

Nothing ventured..nothing least that is what I'm telling myself.  I thnk I'll give it ago!


rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Just thought I would add my 2 cents worth, I am frustrated with them too. :(

I have voiced my concerns to Ebay on other issues previously, send them your suggestions on what you want changed, you never know they may take them into consideration, and make some changes to benefit everyone.

If there is enough people complaining/or voicing their opinion about the same things, they will do something about it.  At least if nothing is gained, it may make you feel as though you tried your best.  At least have your say. bear_happy

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