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chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

I did a library search and didn't see one out there for this.  It may be a silly kind of question, but here goes anyway. 

With just getting my web site rolling and getting back into ebay I'm creating some "policies" and wording out my new eBay template tonight.  I've scanned over a few sites and auctions and found different examples for return policies. 
Originally when I sold on ebay I thought the auction environment with sales being final sounded right, but I don't want to shut off new buyers who may like the idea of a safety net/return policy with a newer artist's work.  The 7 day return in original condition, with original packaging and insurance sounds right for that scenario.  I inspect the bear and if it's in original condition a refund is done minus shipping costs. 

What has worked for you? Done either of these with good or bad results?  Have you ever gotten a bear back and something was wrong with it...where it wasn't in original condition? Or have you had buyer remorse scenarios where you knew it wasn't really the bear at all? 
If you're a collector do you like to see a return policy on ebay to feel confident about bidding or is positive feedback enough for you?


Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Hi, Chrissi,

I hope that I'm not turning off perspective buyers, but my auctions ( I really haven't done all that many) read that the sale is final. I do think that if you offer a seven day return policy, customers may feel more secure, but I would worry about buyer's remorse which has nothing to do with the quality of your bears. I will be interested to see what others who have done more ebay selling have to share about this...

As for bears I've purchased ( or anything else)  I rely on feedback profiles. I also don't buy a lot of bears so if I'm bidding on one I REALLY want it so I don't usually check to see if there's a return policy.

Patty Posts: 36

As a collector, I will usually read the feedback and research the artist before buying a bear from them. If I see a bear I like, but am just not 100% certain about bidding on it (especially a large amount), I will look at closed auctions for that artist's work and Google the artist to find websites, shops that sell their work, and perhaps online discussions concerning the artist's work. I will look at the auction over and over and think about it. Usually one of the main deciding factors for me is whether or not I can get THAT bear out of my mind.

As far as buyer's remorse and new collectors go, when I first started buying bears I bought manufactured ones that were not expensive. In my opinion, by the time you are willing to pay several hundred dollars for a bear, you are more sure about what you are looking for and your taste has become more sophisticated. I still see some cute manufactured bears, but they just don't do it enough for me to spend my money on.

I have seen some collectibles sellers state that the buyer must contact them in 48 or 72 hours with the intent to return. I don't know if this really has any more benefits than a 7 day return policy, but I think it would give them less time after deciding they didn't want it to let their baby slobber on it, or their dog use it as a bed buddy before returning it.

edie Bears by Edie
Southern Alberta
Posts: 2,068

I've never put a return policy on my ebay auctions, Chrissi, but neither have I said that all sales are final and if anyone ever did buy one of my bears and then emailed to say they weren't happy with it for any reason then I would give them a refund as I wouldn't want anyone to regret buying my bear. I feel my bears are quality work so I am willing to stand behind that. In the 4 years I have been selling on ebay I have never had anyone say they were not happy with my bears so it has not been an issue - now there is no way of knowing if I did have a return policy if anyone would have asked to return a bear but I think even without the return policy if anyone had gotten a bear that they felt didn't live up to the photos, description, and their expectations they would likely have contacted me.

As a buyer I don't really think a return policy means that much to me - if I like what I see I bid on it and if I get the item and feel it has been misrepresented then I contact the seller and tell them how I feel, whether or not they have a return policy, and depending on their reaction to my comments I decide whether or not I would ever buy from that person again.

SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

on my website, I offer a 100% refund minus shipping if the bear is not satisfactory to the buyer if they contact me within seven days. I have never had anyone ever ask to send a bear back.  I feel like the buyer would like to know that you stand behind your work. I do state on ebay sells that buyers remorse is not a valid reason for a refund. It is not cheap to list on ebay and buy the time all of the fees are paid and paypal or merchant card fees as well, it doesn't make sense to have a refund policy on ebay. If buyers remorse was a valid reason for a refund on ebay, that is sort of like retracting your bid when someone else may well have won the auction.  I do want my collectors to be 100 % happy with the bearand offer to correct anything for them.

Laurie Laurie Lou Bears
Posts: 3,246

I have just started to put on my e bay bears that I will accept returns if you are not happy with the quality of my bears although you have to pay the return postage and I think that a return will be unlikely as I take great pride in making quality bears.I thought that I would put this as when people buy something they don't know what the quality is like because you can't pick up something and see for yourself it gives them a bit more reassurance that you are selling quality goods so they can feel more secure when parting with their money.
Laurie :hug:

kbonsall Kim-Bee Bears
Posts: 5,645

I don't accept returns, I don't want the hassle of that.  If there is a problem, I would expect the buyer to contact me and we could work something out  bear_original   I have only ever had one "return" issue but it was a repair and not a return, she returned it and I repaired and sent it back with no problems and she was very satisfied (and she bought more after it)... My collectors know me and most would say if there is a problem (I would think LMAO)  But I always look at feedback, never a return policy... just have to read all the fine print and check out past transactions (I've never had a problem buying *knock on wood* or selling *knock on wood*... I think if you are an honest person, you won't have any problems).....

Ok, done rambling LOL  :crackup:  :crackup:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I do the 7 day 100% refund minus shipping if bear is returned in original condition, packaging, etc. policy. I have yet to have a return after selling hundreds of bears. But I don't ever want my customers to feel they are stuck with a bear once they get it, if they are unhappy with it in ANY way. That bear would then sit on a shelf as a reminder to the collector of the 'bear I don't like and artist who doesn't care about her customers' and I don't want that. Worse, it will get put away or re-sold. And what will the collector give as a reason for re-selling it????? I wouldn't ever want to put myself or bears in a position to receive any negative feedback. Buying over the internet is tough when it comes to spending hundreds of dollars on in item you can't touch and feel, and one that is an emotional purchase in most cases. I wouldn't want anyone unhappy. It's easier to graciously take the bear back and refund the money.

As a collector, I have bought a number of artist bears over the internet. Most by artists I know through online groups like TT. I did win one bear on eBay by a very well-known artist who often gets hundreds and hundreds for her work. Well, I was not happy with the bear when it arrived and couldn't figure out why this artist got so much for her bears. I was just very disappointed all the way around, joints were not all tightened the same, one leg was so loose that the bear kept falling forward. The stuffing was so sparse (and it wasn't the kind of bear that looked like it would be barely stuffed) I could feel all the jointing materials. It's outfit, upon close inspection, was thrown together... seams unsightly, etc. These are all things that you don't SEE in photographs. Because this artist kindly took the bear back and sent my refund promptly, I continue to watch her auctions and will certainly buy another bear from her someday... give her work another chance.

I must admit I haven't paid much attention to the return policy artists of other mediums have... I'll have to post that question to the members of the artisan league I belong to. It will be interesting to see what the majority do.

I suppose in the end it all comes down to the individual artist's preference. Like offering layaway or bartering or whether or not to accept credit cards...... the artist must do what they feel is right for them.

After spending 15+ years in the retail industry it got drilled into my head that 'the customer is always right' and that the end result of ensuring customer satisfaction is a happy, repeat customer... no matter what it takes. I suppose this philosphy is great for large chain stores.... should it apply to artists and their collectors as well?

OK, I've reached my quota on words posted to TT today!  :crackup:

bearlyart Canna Bear Paint
Posts: 749

We have a standard return policy for bears, and even made sure it was spelled out when we overhauled our web site recently.  It's actually more for my own peace of mind than anything else... nobody has yet to use it to actually return a bear.  It just consoles me if I send a bear off to it's new home and we never hear anything from the new owner... instead of worrying that they may not like it, I can now tell myself "she must have liked it, or she would have sent it back!".  LOL!  I worry too much.


aerianna aerBears
Sacramento, CA
Posts: 1,109

I also offer 7 days for returns. I am a reasonably new artist so I want to assure people that my bears are quality so I offer a return policy. I have never had one returned yet though.  bear_original

I also offer free repairs for life. Even if a dog or ex-husband or whatever gets ahold of the bear I will repair it for free (minus shipping and handling). I really love my bears so I can't stand the thought of any of them getting injured and going into the trash! I would rather spend some time repairing it for free. Darn my sentimental self!  bear_happy


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