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sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

but my all time favourites are 'Muriels Wedding' & 'The Full Monty'

Ahhh Wendy my all time favourite movie has to be 'The Full Monte'...I've seen it heaps of times and I still laugh all the way through!!!

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836
dusty attic wrote:

Shelli wrote "Besides, I admit, I have a girl crush on Meg Ryan in this movie in particular.  Could that girl BE any more adorable?"
:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: I`m glad i`m not the only one.

Ok, then i don't feel like such a geek now  :crackup:
I actually got a coat and bag that year because they looked "so French Kiss".  bear_rolleyes I still love the bag/back pack.

Oh jeez , and I named my dog Brinkley because of You've got mail. I loved the opening email with  "Brinkley is my dog...." I thought it was such a cool named for a dog.
I need help  :crackup:  :crackup:

Both are full of priceless quotes.


Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

chrissibrinkley wrote:

Both are full of priceless quotes.

Remember Kevin Kline in the train station in Paris? 

KK:  "And now, I am here, for you."

*poof* <ducks behind a luggage cart>

MR:  "Typical."

Man, don't get me started.  I'm gonna have to force the FOUR men in my household to watch it with me tonight.  They much prefer fare such as the immensely intellectual JACKASS, which they were allowed to see while with dad this last weekend.

Don't get me started on THAT, either.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Shelli and Chrissi,
'Requiem for a Dream' sounds scary and yet close to reality for this day and age but I haven't seen it. I have two high school age kids, 13 and 15 and although they are good kids that don't get into rough stuff, I hear story after story of 'good kids' dying from their first 'try' with drugs. What I'm getting at, is do you think this movie is suitable for their age to watch? I don't want to scare the pants off them by showing them horror stuff but if the lesson in the movie is appropriate, I'm all for it. bear_shocked
Interested to hear your opinions.
BTW..haven't seen French Kiss.....looks like it will be the Sat night flick in the Justice household this weekend. Poor Chris.. :dance:

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836
Shelli wrote:
chrissibrinkley wrote:

Both are full of priceless quotes.

Remember Kevin Kline in the train station in Paris? 

KK:  "And now, I am here, for you."

*poof* <ducks behind a luggage cart>

MR:  "Typical."

Man, don't get me started.  I'm gonna have to force the FOUR men in my household to watch it with me tonight.  They much prefer fare such as the immensely intellectual JACKASS, which they were allowed to see while with dad this last weekend.

Don't get me started on THAT, either.

One of my all time favorites is "fester fester fester rot rot rot" and being a non dairy eater I love the whole "lactoooosse intolerance" bit.

Oh boy, may have to watch this one tonight too!!  :crackup:

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

'The mucus!  The mucus!  Coating the intestinal walls!" 

"Stop the rocking!"

Too funny.

Anyway... Hayley, I would STRONGLY advise you to pre-screen Requiem for a Dream for kids under 17.  There are some very adult themes in the movie although the message of horror and loss of self to drug addiction is a potent one and sometimes, shock value counts in terms of lessons learned, if you're showing stuff like this to the right audience.  I found the most compelling part of the story to be the one surrounding Ellen Burstyn's character, who plays a very straight-up, normal, if lonely, woman who falls insidiously into drug use and is actually encouraged by unknowing friends into continuing it (she loses a lot of weight and has a lot of energy as a result of using diet pills, which are essentially speed.)

I would probably show it to my own sons when they are high school age -- in fact, that's my plan, as my personal anti-drug video -- but despite my endless preaching about huffing, drug use, cigarettes, etc. to my boys, I don't think they're ready to see it yet.  There are a few scenes that are just truly gut-wrenching to watch and my youngest son, who is so full of empathy, just isn't quite ready to watch that kind of suffering and loss yet.

And mind you, this coming from a family where the boys have sees their share of rated R movies, including some really questionable, gory, boob-plastered stuff (Shelli=cool/bad mommy when it comes to movie choices, depending on who you ask.)  My kids are 11 and 13, just barely (fall birthdays), just FYI.

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Ditto to what Shelli said.  Prescreen and then you decide if your kids are at the right age to see this one.  Like I said it really freaked me out. It's just real and raw. 
If I had kids who were old enough to go off to a friends house and watch some goofy movie like Hey Dude Where's My Car or some other movie that made drinking and drugs funny and cool...then I might counter it with this one.


Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oooh I have loads.  Mine would have to be Now Voyager - I'm a huge Bette Davis FREAK!  That lady just fascinates me, LOVE watching her, so apart from basically all Bette Davis movies, I love loads of old movies - especially anything with Cary Grant  bear_wub  bear_wub 

In modern movies, I don't have any standouts, but just loads that I love to watch, but I would definatly go for a classic over a modern any day!  Especially something that was made in the 40s!

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oh, I don't know if this is my very favorite movie of all time, but I'm really partial to "On Golden Pond" with Henry and Jane Fonda and Katherine Hepburn.  Stellar performances and the score - written by one of my favorites, Dave Grusin - was outstanding.  The musical theme from the movie still turns me inside out.

Just Us Bears Just Us Bears
Posts: 940

Thankyou both Chrissi and Shelli, I truly value your opinions here. I'll save it for a time when the kids aren't home and watch it least then I'll be prepared for any extra questions.

Favorite movies?  Mine are all kids ones!! Shrek 1 & 2, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Iceage, Finding Nemo, Spirit Stallion of the Cimmarron, The Black Stallion, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...and when I was growing up....The Wizard of COLOUR!!!! I still remember that first year when the coloured bits actually went coloured!!! Magical! I watched it every single year until I was about.....hmmm....38! :crackup:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Favoritest of all time: Finding Nemo - Hubby and I watch that together at least once a month and we are often speaking "Whale" to eachother. The dogs go nuts!!! I also like The Fox & The Hound.... I always cry!

I love just about anything with Meg Ryan.... she is indeed just way too cute! Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail are favs. I want her hair!!!

Then there are movies like:

Fried Green Tomatoes
Notting Hill
Sense & Sensibility
Meet Joe Black
Legends of the Fall
The Patriot
Man Without a Face
Untamed Heart

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Oh this is a fun topic....Movies

I love, love, love the following:

-Pride and Prejudice - the five hour mini series by BBC / A&E
-Ann of Green Gables
-Bus Stop - Marilyn Monroe (I think she deserved an academy award nomination for Cheri "Cherry")
-Some Like It Hot (another Marilyn Monroe movie)
-Air Force One - Harrison Ford
-Con Air - Nicholas Cage
-That Touch of Mink with Doris Day and Cary Grant....Hmmmmm that Carry...handsome devil
-Airport - Charlton Heston...
-As Good as it Gets- Jack Nichelson
-Back to the Future - Michale J. Fox
-Sabrina- Audrey Hepburn
-Gigi- Lelie Carron
-Chicago- Renee Zelwieger
-All the Die Hard movies
-All the Disney Movies but especially "101 Dalmatians"
-The Fugitive- Harrison Ford
-The Sound of Music
-My Fair Lady
-Grease--- love that one especially 
-If a Man Answers- Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin
-All the Lethal Weapon movies
-Mrs. Doubtfire- Robin Williams
-My Best Friends Wedding- Julia Roberts
-Four Weddings and a Funeral- Hugh Grant
-Pretty Woman- Julia Roberts
-My Cousin Vinny- Joe Pechi
-the Parent Trap - Haley Mills
-Maid In Manhattan - Jennifer Lopez
-Notting Hill- Hugh Grant
-Operation Petticoat- Carry Grant
-The Odd Couple- Jack Lemon
-Overboard- Goldie Hawn
-Peggy Sue Got Married - Nicholas Cage
-Guarding Tess- Shirly McClain
-There's Something About Mary

Movies that left me with a lump in my throat:

-The Green Mile
-One Flew Over the CooKoos nest
-Silence of the Lambs
-Life is Beautiful 
-A Time to Kill
-The English Patient
-Good Will Hunting
-Sleeping with the Enemy-Julia Roberts
-Three Faces of Eve - Joanne Woodward
-Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf- Elizabeth Taylor

Hmmmm, I may think of you can see, I love the movies so don't get me started on TV shows....


jenny Three O'clock Bears
warwickshire uk
Posts: 4,413

Danni I love 'Now Voyager' too.

I also love 'A tree grows in Brooklyn'...'Angels with Dirty Faces'  'Mr Deeds goes to Town'  'To Kill a Mockingbird' and the 'Grapes of Wrath'

Just about anything in black and white.

I do love newer movies too I loved 'Shakespeare in Love' and 'The Lord of the Rings' , 'Man on Fire' and 'The Green Mile'...amongst others

Now I have to go shopping!!!!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

"Let's not ask for the moon when we have the stars"  Ooooooooooh  bear_cry  bear_cry  bear_cry  (From Now Voyager)

Kat Brierley Bears
Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Posts: 387

My favourite films are:

Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, anything by Tim Burton (e.g. Nightmare before Christmas etc.), Interview with the Vampire, Bram Stokers Dracula, Ice Age.

Too many to mention really  bear_tongue .

Pumpkin & Pickle Bears Pumpkin & Pickle Bears
East Sussex
Posts: 2,047

Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal

Ooh yes, these are 2 of my favourites too.....they're sitting here in my dvd collection!

And I've just remembered....Watership Down - one of my all time favourites...makes me cry  bear_cry

beary_clairey Luton
Posts: 518

Oh God - I think you guys have covered alot of very good films. Some favourites that may not have been mentioned:

Gosford Park
2 weeks notice
sleepy hollow
sweet home alabama
legally blonde

Fav cartoon : Emperors new groove which is hilarious and has lots of adult overtones.

And one you may not have heard of Cold Comfort Farm:

When the old lady says:
" I saw something nasty in the wood shed" and the American guy says " Yeah baby, but did it see you !!!!"


Lots of fab films though !!!



dusty attic dusty attic bears
Posts: 968

I`m gonna have to write some of these down, I`ll have enough new movies to watch untill christmas. bear_grin

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Claire Wrote she likes: Sweet Home Alabama and Legally Blond

I love those two movies too...And I forgot another one--Steal Magnolias....


shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

There are a lot of really great movies mentioned long time favorite is Mary Poppins.  I just love if for no obvious reason...just makes me happy.

Oh, I also really enjoyed Nanny McPhee with Emma Thompson...not particularly original or any surprising twists...but I just thought it was fun.

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Oh Brother
All Harry Potters
All Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Fried Green Tomatoes
Legends of the Fall
Practical Magic
Witches of Eastwick
The 10th Kingdom
Whale Rider
The Wizard of Oz
Big Fish
The Dark Crystal
Myst of Avalon
What Women Want
and not necessarily in that order
and probably many more...
The Patriot
The Postman
Mad Max all of them
Dances with Wolves
Night of the Wolf
Crocadile Dundee
Day After Tomorrow
Star Wars
Milagro Beanfield Wars
The Outfitters with Dana Delaney & Danny Nucci (especially because my best friend worked on it)
lol...rather diverse choices...I know...but TV in general is soooo bad...we watch a lot of videos & dvds and we have most of the above in our collection....and more!!!

Hugs &

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

SOME LIKE IT HOT... my only favoritest movie  bear_grin  Billy Wilder mad so many fabulous movies but this one tops it all...but I prefer the black and white version!
And mentioning quotes earlier: anybody remember Jack Lemmon in the last scene of Some Like It Hot?
Pulling off his wigg he said: " I cannot marry you- I´m a man"
Osgood:" Nobody´s perfect!"

and no, I don´t hate men  bear_tongue

Wanna read some more?
Osgood: You know, I've always been *fascinated* by show business.
Daphne: Is that so?
Osgood: Yes. As a matter of fact it's cost my family quite a bit of money.
Daphne: Oh, you invest in shows?
Osgood: Showgirls. I've been married seven or eight times.
Daphne: You're not sure?
Osgood: Mama is keeping score.

I found these quotes in the net...

Sugar: Oh Josephine! The most wonderful thing happened!
Joe: What?
Sugar: Guess.
Joe: They repealed prohibition?
Jerry: Oh come now, you can do better than that.
Sugar: I met one of them.
Joe: One of whom?
Sugar: Shell Oil Junior. He's got millions, he's got glasses, he's got a yacht!
Joe: You don't say.
Jerry: He's not only got a yacht, he's got a bicycle!

And Marilyn Monroe, being THE blond was gorgeous...

Sugar: [admiring a large fish trophy] What is it?
Junior: It's a member of the herring family.
Sugar: A herring? Isn't it amazing how they get those big fish into those little glass jars?
Junior: They shrink when they're marinated.

I just loooove it! :crackup:

Gotta dig up this video tomorrow!

Gaby bear_flower

Stellajella Wien
Posts: 1,399

Chloe, you gotta visit Savannah!
It´s not only about the spanish moss- it is just beautiful and romantic and lovely there  bear_wub

Gaby bear_flower

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