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Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Anyone remember my big Mastiff, Golly?  Here's a pic of him with my oldest son that I've had on before:


Just over 5 weeks ago, he had his first grand-mal seizure.  It was horrible! bear_cry Imagine if you can, a 220 pound dog having a grand-mal seizure for a full two wasn't pretty. bear_sad And the worst part was there wasn't anything I could do for him but be there for him when he woke up. 

I took him to the vet the next day, and blood tests were run to look for any physical causes, especially liver function tests due to the Rimadyl he was on for pain (he has arthritis in his back legs and hips).  Rimadyl can cause seizures if blood levels become toxic.  Well, his blood tests all came back normal, but we took him off the meds as the vet thought it still could have caused his seizure.  Unfortunately, Sunday Golly had another grand-mal......and we also think he's had some small episodes in between, but it's hard to know sometimes (often the small seizures look like the dog is dreaming).  So, back to the vet Monday and now Golly is on phenobarbitol to hopefully control his seizures.  The vet is calling it epilepsy now as we've pretty much ruled out anything else it could be.  I am heart sick over this. bear_cry   The large breed dogs don't usually manage well with epilepsy for various reasons.  One being that each seizure causes further brain damage and another that there is always a possibility of the dog becoming aggressive (more so the more seizures a dog has had) when waking up from a seizure.....not on purpose, but they are very confused at that time and don't know what they are doing.  I am praying now that the phenobarbitol will control his seizures......and at the same time not destroy his liver.  We also have to have blood tests done every 6 months to guard against that. bear_sad

Please add your prayers to mine for Golly.  We can use all the help we can get with this.  I'm so afraid I will lose him way too soon bear_cry ..............

bear_wub &  :hug:

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I remember him...because I love mastiffs.  My sister-in-law has one named Max who thinks he's a lap dog...especially MY lap.  I'm so sorry to hear he's developed epilepsy.   Big hugs to ALL of you...  :hug:   :hug:   :hug:   :hug:   :hug:    My friend's beagle developed epilepsy as a puppy and has been on medication for jeez...almost 10 years now I would say and does fine.  So....although the size difference is HUGE...hopefully Golly will do well too.


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Aw, Tracy, I'm sorry about Golly's seizures. Phenobarbitol is great treatment for so many things. I hope this helps.

This may sound like a crazy question but do you have your lawn professionally treated for weeds, bugs, etc? I only ask because our Cocker Spaniel deveoped seizures when he was about 5 or 6 years old. We'd moved about 6 months before they started and had started having "Chem-Lawn" come to keep our lawn looking as good as the Joneses.  bear_rolleyes  After having bloodtests, etc. done on Brandy and everything coming up normal the vet concluded that it could very well be chemicals the lawn company was using. A couple of months after they stopped coming the seizuers lessened though they never went away.

Just sharing my experience with seizures. I'd imagine there are many, many causes for them. It's awful to have to sit hopelessly by while an animal has one, only being able to be sure he doesn't fall off the furniture, down the stairs or hit his head on something. Brandy always needed a ton of consoling afterwards as he'd be very confussed and he'd usually be very slseepy the rest of the day. That's how we knew if he'd had one while we weren't home.

Tracy, you and Golly are in my prayers!
:hug:  :hug:  :hug:

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Oh what a gentle giant!!!!
Sending hugs and prayers your way.
I hope everything goes well.   :hug:

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Aw Tracy, that's horrible.  Sometimes dogs just have them and then they go away.  Most times vets won't/can't really do anything for them until they present a pattern of some sort, especially if all testing is showing regular levels.
I feel so sorry for you 'cause I know how horrible they are to watch.  My mom's dog had a few when she was much much younger, we had a medication for her for a while too, but she's 15 now and really hasn't had one in such a long time. Hoping that will be the case for your big boy, he's a real cutie. Don't worry about him becoming aggressive...just be sure to keep your kids and your hands away from him until he's got himself together. Just talk him through it.
Like I've said before I have St Francis on speed dial, so I'll shoot some prayers over for you and Golly boy. bear_wub

lemmonbears Lemmon Bears
Oregon Coast
Posts: 303

My prayers for Golly. :hug: I hope his medication helps.  He is beautiful, I love big dogs!  bear_wub   We love our dogs, they are a big part of our family and I worry when one gets sick. 


Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

Oh, Tracy.   bear_sad  bear_cry  bear_cry   I'm sorry to hear your lovely Golly is having a tough go of it.  My heart just breaks over animals and children.  I hope the phenobarbitol does the trick.  Golly gosh darn it anyway.   bear_sad

Sending big bear hugs,  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

I was so sad to read of Golly's seizures Tracy. I am really sorry for you and how
heartbreaking it must be for you all.
I hope that the medication will stop the seizures.
Sending my love and prayers that Golly will be well again.

:hug:  bear_flower  :hug:

Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Thanks ladies for all the well wishes and prayers. :hug:  :hug:   We do keep St. Fransis busy here, huh? bear_sad 

I am watching Golly very closely, keeping a log on his behavior and any seizure or suspected seizure activity.  We may have to adjust his dosage of the med........I hope not as he is a bit dopey on it now, although that may improve after a week or two.  Also set up a baby monitor in the sunroom where he sleeps so I can hear him if something happens during the night.  I don't know what else to do but wait and pray. bear_cry Did I say already that he's only 4 years old?  He should still have several years with me......praying hard that the seizures stop. :pray:

Daphne--Nope, no lawn treatment chemicals.  Actually nothing like that around that he would get into.  I wish something like that would pop up to give us a reason for this.......something fixable of course! :pray:  Golly is very confused afterwards too.....and needs tons of comfort.  Then he's sleepy for a couple of days after.   

Chrissi--Is your mom's dog still on the medication at all?  I read that if there are no seizures for a year, the dog can be taken off the meds.  Just wondering!  Oh, I'm not too worried about Golly getting aggressive with least not now.   He is bonded very close to his mom, the big sweetheart. bear_wub  After his seizures, he has responded very well to me talking to him......and then attaches himself to me for the rest of the day.  I am worried about if he would have a seizure when alone with my 5 year old though.  I have tried to make sure Zach knows to come get me if anything 'weird' happens with Golly.  And try not to make him afraid of Golly at the same time. bear_wacko

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

I am so very sorry to hear about "Golly's" problems...the one very special blessing is that he has wonderful 2 leggers looking out & trying to help...and loving him unconditionally!!!My blessing to you all!!!
Hang in there Golly...remember all the love surrounding you ... both near & far!!!

Hugs &

krystolla Fuzzbutt Bears
Columbus Ohio
Posts: 87

Poor Golly. What a rough thing to be going through! Best wishes and prayers for all of you!

I don't know if it would help or not, but one of my favorite rescue groups (harlequin haven great dane rescue at has some danes with seizures. Not the same breed but they are also large dogs, maybe the folks there would be able to answer questions (the non-vet kind) if you have any.

Also, you might want to consider getting involved in the mastiff epilepsy DNA study. Canine genecists are trying to identify the gene that causes epilepsy in mastiffs and are looking for samples from dogs with the disease. The research might provide a test that will help identify epilepsy more easily in future dogs, or even allow the gene to be removed by assuring that breeding dogs don't carry the gene.

Good luck with your furry kid,

Fuzzbutt Bears

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Tracy first of all have a HUGE hug  :hug:   This is simply *awful*!!!  Especially for your lovely Golly dog.  bear_cry

It is conceivable that the remodel was enough 'non routine' to tip the balance for him.   Another possibility is the Rimadyl in combo with it.  And if you can peg it down to a specific incident, it might make you feel even better....something that may trigger a huge emotion in him, like running off a 'perceived' bad intruder, or equally something joyous.  Epilepsy knows no bounds, and when it comes to triggers happy and sad are the same powerful emotions on opposite sides of the same coin.  He may become ultimately over excited over a new toy, say, and end up seizuring.  I had one poor dog that would seizure in my grooming shop.  Not from being afraid, other end of the spectrum, he was ecstatic to have a car ride, and to see such lovely people, and they're pampering and fussing over him!  Poor boy, it was simply too much.... and he'd seizure each time.

Now, I will say it, as it needs to be reiterated, Tracy the aggression CAN happen during and immediately afer the seizures and can be a *serious* danger!  I'm serious.  All the "but he KNOWS me!!!" in the world will not matter if he's not cognizant and does not recognize you.  Its the same with horses coming out from anesthesia.  Remember, the handlers hide behind a padded wall for just the same reason.  Please, be very careful with seizures. 

The only things that I can offer, is after a seizure, if he's interested, try to coax him to eat a banana.  (not enough to make him sick, and it can be for up to a day afterwards).  They are very high in potassium which is massively drained after a seizure session.  Secondly if you are remotely concerned about his liver or possible poisons, mix a little milk thistle (silymarin) and/or (preferably both) powedered plantain into some moist food for him to take.  The milk thistle will do wonders to repair his liver, and the plantain will remove poisons from his system.  Neither will interfer with the meds.  As for the arthritis, gradually increase the amount of Vit C he is getting.  Introduce this as tablets hidden within a bit of cheese, or liver pastes.  Try to give three gram servings three times a day.  Start with three grams and gradually increase, otherwise the dog may end up with loose stools.  Since Golly is so large, you can eventually get him up to 11 grams a day, broken up with no more than three grams at a time.  Look for Ester C tablets that are formulated for dogs, or 1 gram tablets that are buffered for humans.  The Vit C will help Golly against the arthritis, and will help to bolster any meds he's on for it.

The phen does work very well long term with dogs, it will just take a little 'tweaking' to get the right dose.

Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602

Tracy -I've hod two dogs in my life who have had seizures. One as a result of a bad batch of vaccine and the other due to low blood pressure. 

Golly is obviously not like the first one but I assume you've eliminated the blood pressure.  Since being prescribed the medication he's not had one single attack.(Touch wood and everything crossed)  He was fourteen years old last weekend.

Just thought I'd offer a little encouragement.

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Much good luck with the seizure med, Tracy.  Hope Golly responds well.

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Tracy I remember Golly well, such a beautiful boy, I do hope he does well on his medication. Be aware though of when he comes out of any seizure, just stand back for a little while so he can get himself together and you all stay safe. There will be plenty of time for comforting cuddles later.

Hugs Jane.  bear_flower

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836
Tracy wrote:

Chrissi--Is your mom's dog still on the medication at all?  I read that if there are no seizures for a year, the dog can be taken off the meds.  Just wondering!  Oh, I'm not too worried about Golly getting aggressive with least not now.   He is bonded very close to his mom, the big sweetheart. bear_wub  After his seizures, he has responded very well to me talking to him......and then attaches himself to me for the rest of the day.  I am worried about if he would have a seizure when alone with my 5 year old though.  I have tried to make sure Zach knows to come get me if anything 'weird' happens with Golly.  And try not to make him afraid of Golly at the same time. :wacko:

Hi Tracy,

My mom's dog will be 15 in Nov, she's not a big dog, just a little runt mutt we got for $50 .....she's a white shepherd mix...but looks exactly like an australian cattle dog. She had a few seisures back when she was a really really young dog...maybe 2 or 3 years old (??).  We thought she was choking the first time it happened because she was standing and threw her head down.  She had maybe a dozen episodes over a small amount of time varying in duration. We were given a medication, she took it for a little while (I'll have to ask my mom what it was and for how long) and then never needed it again.
She would get weird afterwards to, really clingy to my mom..I think that she also knew my mom was upset and the poor little dog was trying to make my mom feel better too.
I hope it works out the same for Golly, that he can just "out grow" these episodes and get back to his normal routine.   bear_wub


Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

Thanks again girls for all the well wishes and prayers. :hug:  :hug: It sure does help me feel better about this!
I know I shouldn't think of the worst case scenarios, but I can't help it, and most of the information I've found on epilepsy with giant breed dogs isn't very encouraging. bear_sad     

Erika--Thanks for the info. :hug:   I have saved the site and phone number if I need to use it.  Also, I had forgotten about the genetic research project......had read about it after Golly's first seizure, then was waiting to see if it was the Rimadyl that caused it.  I did send off for a test kit last night.  We will sure do our part to help.

DebbieD--That's a good point about the stress of the remodel.  I did not think of that, although I think I remember now reading something about stress being a trigger.  And the remodeling still isn't done, so it probably is getting to him.  I know it does me, and of course Golly picks up on my feelings too.  Don't worry, I'll be very careful with his seizures too.  I noticed the first time that for about 2 seconds he didn't know us.  It bothered me badly! bear_sad I stood back though and talked softly to him until I saw he did know me.  Now, the last seizure he knew us immediately.  He was confused, but not nearly as out of it this time. Thanks so much for the excellent advice also. :hug:   I will be sure to keep bananas on hand and will look for those supplements.  Yes, I am worried about his liver........that would just be the next thing to happen! bear_wacko

Sandra--Yep, blood pressure ruled out as a culprit.  Thanks for the encouraging words......I really appreciate it! :hug:  I have hopes that Golly will do as your dog did......

Ellen wrote:

Please do not think of loosing Golly yet, it will make you feel even worse. I just lost 2 dogs, so I know how severe that pain can be, but just try to be positive, your Golly might live for years to come still

As I said, I tend to worry over the worst case scenario......makes me crazy sometimes! bear_wacko I will definitely try to be more positive for Golly........all the support here has sure helped my frame of mind! :hug: Also, I am very sorry for the loss of your dogs. bear_sad Pets are part of our families and are loved ones that impact our lives so much.   It is so hard to lose them. bear_sad

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Sending lots of hugs for your doggie!

:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Beary hugs,

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I'm having pet troubles right now too (cat with failing kidneys <sigh>) so I really feel for you very deeply, Tracy, about your sick doggie.  I hope you find some resolution soon.

As an interesting aside, I myself took phenobarbitol as a young girl (until the age of 5) whenever I got sick because I had several febrile convulsions as a child (explains a lot, doesn't it? bear_happy)  I remember my mom crushing it and putting it in a spoonful of sugar, which ended up tasting like... icky crushed medicine, buried in sugar.  Bleech.

Anyway, you and Golly are in my thoughts...  bear_flower

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Oh sad....I hope it all works out...many prayers for your beloved Golly...

And for your kitty too Shelli...

Bear, doggie and Kitti hugs


Tracy ThimbleBeary Originals
Posts: 2,049

:hug:  :hug: Thanks Sophie, Shelli, and Michelle.........Golly thanks you too. bear_wub  bear_wub

Shelli--Oh, your poor kitty! bear_sad I hope he or she makes a turn around for you.  It is possible. :hug:  :hug:   My mom had a cat who's kidneys were supposed to be failing and was given just a few months to live........several times given this diagnosis in fact, but lived for many years after.  She was like the Energizer Bunny......just kept going and going and going.......and lived to a ripe old age of 19.  By that time she's also had a couple of small strokes and was the ugliest cat on the planet with her crooked, toothless, drooling face and skinny body.  Mom finally had to have her put to sleep as she wasn't able to keep food down anymore.   

I think the phenobarbital is least to decrease the severity of the seizures maybe?  Golly had another one yesterday morning......I'm pretty sure he did anyway as his behavior all afternoon yesterday and then today is just as he was after the other seizures.  I missed the actual incident. But........there was not the massive amounts of foam from his mouth.....just a tiny bit on his bed........and no puddle of pee (thank goodness.........for a mastiff, the puddle isn't small----more like a lake bear_wacko ).  I've logged his behavior in my Golly log so I can talk to the vet later on.  We might still have to increase his dosage, but it's probably not completely built up in his system yet.

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

:hug:  :hug:  :pray:  :pray:
I hope the medicine works for him.

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