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Hi Chrissi Sleepy still lol
so how has this party been? I'm still catching up....anyone spike the eggnog lol
morning jellybelly its 0 degrees here bbbrrrrrr and 23.44pm
Ok girls - I'm off to bed! It's 11:43pm here and my bed is calling....I guarantee I won't get much sleep tonight though.... :doh:
Have fun! :bday:
..okay, I found a yummy one I get dibs on..Colin Ferguson:
..anyone a sci-fi fan of Eureka?
Hi, Wendi---love your little Toggle Teddies, don't think I've met you before!
nite nite gemma, hope the little one gets better soon,
night night Gemma.
so who do we have here...two sarahs, wendi and Chrissi??
Hi , I'm sort of back. Supper is done, I saved some of those cookies for everyone. Sorry about the sick kiddos, that's so typical of Christmas isn't it.
Does anyone have any fun, quick little project ideas to share.? I am trying one right now. If it works, I'll share it ina few minutes.
As for the "online " showing, I NEVER noticed that before. How long has that been there
I'm here but I'm off now. Don't have too much fun without me! :bday:
Goodnight Gemma I hope you get some sleep!!
Jodi, you inspired me, I just vacuumed my living room. Next, Aleta reminded me, I need to switch over the laundry then stir my spaghetti sauce.
I know this will sound wierd, but has anyone ever seen Christopher Walken dance? He's quite a good dancer. I saw a video of him dancing in a movie. Can't remember what movie.
See ya Chrissie!!
Too bad we couldn't get a chat room going for this. I'm having a hard time keeping up.
Tammy, it's always been there!
I'm going to go make Janes PB & Oatmeal cookies in just a bit! Yumm!!
Hi Sarah!
Wendi - love your avatar... that bear is cute!
Quick projects??? There is such a thing?
hi fribbles, thanks i don't get on very often, nice to meet you
OK Tammy. I could use a quick project. Something to actually finishe in between all the unfinished projects.
Patty - there was talk of Quy creating a chat room for us but he's busy and can't do EVERYTHING!!! I'm sure that's no quick and easy task!
Just keep hitting refresh!
Well I'll be back to go and shower and get dressed...I have 3 extra children arriving soon so I'd better be semi organised!!
byee chrissi, nice chatting to you
I'm on hubby's computer which is a little slower than mine. That's the problem I think. Hubby retired in May after working at the same place 35 years. He started a new job yesterday consulting 3 days a week. I was just getting used to him being home every day.
More peoples have arrived :dance: Hi Daphne, Tammy, Patty...night Chrissie ....Yes a chat room would be so cool. What would be really cool is to talk to each other...can you imagine how long we would be here for lol
Quick project...well....i still have a bear to make for my nephew and cousin for chrissie :doh: I've started felting to get them done quicker lol. Felted bears. haven't done that in a yr or more
My friend's husband recently retired, she couldn't stand being home with him all the time so SHE got a part time job! :crackup:
Tammy, I'm lovin' your teddy bear ornament Christmas tree. Thanks for doing that.
thanks daphne
hubbie made it, he does all the technical bits as i don't have a clue its a pic of a togglitt, they live in attics but are a bit wild :crackup:
Sarah, didn't know you did any felting! I wanna see pictures!