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makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

I know I have been posting in the Snow in Colorado topic...but I figured New Mexico needs it's own are at near or over 4 feet of snow no since last night. and it's still coming down...the weather front has stalled right over us now it seems. They say it might stop by tomorrow morning now. Here are a couple of pictures.
Our barbeque grill yesterday & again today!!!

Hubby is out with the backhoe trying to cut a path in the road...there are 15 families snowed in out here & it's 3 miles to the county no snowplows come out here...all private property for the whole distance...
Hugs &

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Oooooh . . . that looks - well, cold!!!  We've had over three inches of rain in the last couple of days and it was very welcome . . . temperatures in the 60s.  Wow, you folks in CO and NM should have enough snow to last a lifetime!

TamiL Dolls N Dreams
Aurora, Colorado
Posts: 6,454

Glad you are getting some snow, the sun is out here today and I was so happy to see it!  :dance:

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

:crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: yea...some snow...glad you have some sun Tami...
and SueAnn...yes...enough snow for a lifetime...but they are predicting another storm for us for Monday...I have never seen this much snow all at one time in my life...and I used to live in upstate NY & a whole winter...maybe...this is getting rediculous!!!
Hugs &

Carolyn Green Draffin Bears
Auckland New Zealand
Posts: 5,354

Stay warm Charlotte -it does look so cold.


makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Thanks Carolyn...been keeping the wood stove going all day!!!
Hugs &

rkr4cds Creative Design Studio (RKR4CDS)
suburban Chicago
Posts: 2,044

It had to happen ~

"Colorado woman selling snow on eBay:
As if Colorado residents don't have enough snow to dig out from, one resident is offering more for a price on eBay. Starting bids were holding steady Friday at 99 cents for snow from "Blizzard I and Blizzard II" being offered by Mary Walker.
"She and husband, Jim, got the idea for selling snow after shoveling mounds from two storms a week apart that together dumped more than 4 feet along the Front Range.
The full article will be available on the Web for a limited time:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! No thanks. take care Charlotte.

Hugs Jane.  :hug:

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Wow that is a lot of snow, here is a very silly question possibly a little naive, does it normally snow there in New Mexico?

millie PottersHouse Bears
Posts: 2,173


You keep sending those storms my way.  The only problem is that when they get here, they are in the form of rain.  You have 4 feet of snow, we have mud like you wouldn't believe.  I wish the ground would freeze here.  This has got to be the craziest weather ever.

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Bobbie...that is a riot...
Karen...we do get snow here in Northern New Mexico...but the most we have ever seen right here is 7 years is 18 inches from 1 storm..
never this much!!
Millie...I keep trying to push the snow storms further east...we are gonna have the mud problem here when this stuff melts...and the weather really has been weird!!!!
Hugs &

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

Oh Charlotte: Yes the news is focused on CO. But NM is also getting its fair share of the snow. I can't tell you how many Minnesotans are grieving over the lack of snow here. We are getting a paltry 1-3 inches in the next 24 hrs. Barely enough for one to take notice.

Hope you are staying safe and warm.

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

That is what they told us we were going to get from this storm...a couple of inches...ohhh did they ever lie :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup: Even one of our neighbors who is a weatherman...didn't think we were gonna get dumped on like this!!!
Hugs &

Mark Mark's Bears
Albuquerque, NM
Posts: 35

Hi Charlotte,

I'm in Albuquerque, we got a good 16" in town.  I would have to say that's more than we've received the last 8 years combined.  My wife loves it.  It reminds her of the snow when she was little in central WI.

Happy bear trails,


makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Hi there Mark,
I imagine that much snow in Albuquerque is interesting!!! We are half way between Santa Fe & Las Vegas, and our snow total ended up being 40 inches. My hubby & I are both from back east, we grew up in upstate NY, so are sort of used to snow, but neither of us remember any one storm dumping this much snow...
We still have not been able to get our cars out of the snow. Maybe today....
Hugs &

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Wow, that's rather awe inspiring  bear_shocked   What I would have given as a child to have all that to play in  bear_whistle   Granted I would have needed a rope as I'm sure I would have gotten lost in it!  bear_laugh   

Hope your winter stores of food, water and wood are going strong  :hug:

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

lol Debbie,
There are times when I feel like I might need a rope...everyone out here is doing fairly will with food/water/wood so far. Some have run short on hay for horses, but others have some to share etc. Yesterday about noon, my hubby ran out of fuel for the backhoe, and some neighbors rode their horses out to the county road, where the local fire chief met them with 2 cans of fuel, so the backhoe is running again. Today the road should be open finally, but then there are many driveways to clear with the backhoe before folks can get their cars out. It sure is a long slow process...but we are getting there. Luckily, it's a holiday weekend so folks don't have to get out to go to work yet..many are off work until Wednesday.
The cooperation of the neighbors has, for the most part, been wonderful, but I end up being left to do a lot of stuff while my hubby is off on the backhoe. Yesterday I even had to get up on the porch roof & get the snow off, because it was too heavy, and I could see the rafters & metal roofing starting to bow...that was kind of scary...
I have to get bundled up now & feed the kritters...cause in the middle of all this, hubby has done something to his foot, and is gimping around..thankfully he can still operate the backhoe.
Will post another update later on as this snow saga continues!
Hugs &
Hugs &

Michelle Helen Chaska, Minnesota
Posts: 2,897

That is what they told us we were going to get from this storm...a couple of inches...ohhh did they ever lie crackup  crackup  crackup Even one of our neighbors who is a weatherman...didn't think we were gonna get dumped on like this!!!

Well Charlotte: they lied to us too. I have about 5 inches outside as we speak. So a little more than a measly 1-3 inches but enough to cover the ground and make it look pretty.

Mark Mark's Bears
Albuquerque, NM
Posts: 35

Hi again Charlotte,

It has been interesting here in Albuquerque.  People actually slowed down and drove the speed limit.  They didn't always stop at the stop sign on the corner but they did slow down.  I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't stop because the didn't want to get stuck in the icy intersection.  I've even seen several people wave at me as I was shovelling snow (not the one finger wave either  bear_laugh )  Getting out of town was a different matter.  I think the Interstates are finally open.  I sure would hate to be stranded in my car over the holidays.

I hope your hubby is okay.  It sounds like you have a lot of work to get back to normal operations being so remote.

Happy bear trails,


patsylakebears Patsy Lake Bears
Posts: 3,442

Charlotte I hope your staying warm ... I love to see snow I think it looks so pretty but I must say I am glad we don't get any here where we are.. further up the mountain they get it but it is very rare to have any here a bit of sleet some times..

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Its really nice to hear of your neighbors all chipping in and helping one another  bear_thumb   It was very much like that when I was growing up.  If someone ran out of food, for themselves or the critters, one of their neighbors lended a hand to help them out.  Pretty neat to hear of the neighbors riding out with their horses to fetch the fuel.  Brrrrr....not sure I'd wanted to make that cold ride!  bear_ermm

I do hope your hubby's foot gets to feeling better.  Easy to get hurt when you can't feel your limbs because they've gone numb!

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Thanks Patsy...we are staying snuggly warm inside at of the neighbors sent my hubby home with the backhoe bucket full of wood last night for the wood stove bear_grin
Anything that makes those Albuquerque drivers slow down & actually give you a good wave has to be a good thing...the traffic there can be so horrible!!!

Todays update:
One of the neighbors had been on the phone constantly trying to get FEMA & the Red Cross to do something out here...since the whole state has been declaired a disaster from this storm...they have said they will get plows out here tomorrow ...MAYBE... I say...a day late & a dollar short...I was pretty short tempered with this neighbor when she called me for the fourth time yesterday to give me yet another update about all her whining & phone calls...but that might have been partly because her first call to me yesterday she told me she was not going to be able to give my hubby anything toward all his hard work getting the road opened etc...and then she said she was making all those phone calls to get help for my hubby...I told her that he didn't need that kind of help...he needed folks to carry their fair share of the load...which included people shoveling their own vehicles out...which she has not done btw...guess she will have a huge phone bill...Goodness...sorry to vent about this neighbor...but hey...I have been doing all the work here getting vehicles shoveled free...clearing all that snow off our porch roof...getting firewood out of the snow...melting snow for water for the water filters...feeding kritters...cause my hubby was trying to get the road & driveways opened up...guess I don't have much patience for whiney people who cry to the beaurocrats...instead of helping themselves & the neighbors who have all gone above & beyond to help each other... of mid day today...the whole road is open...all but 2 of the driveways are done...and those will be done first thing tomorrow...and I am very thankful that we own an old backhoe, as are most of the good folks out here!!!
Hugs &

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Well, it all boils down to people being responsible for themselves, doesn't it?  Some folks would rather flap their gums and try to get other people to fork over money and resources rather than getting off their lazy bums and just getting a bit of work done!   bear_whistle

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Absolutely Debbie...exactly exactly exactly!!!!
Hugs &

DebbieD Posts: 3,540

Oooh, I did want to say, be very, very careful shifting that snow  bear_thumb I'm sure you will be, but yes, the roofs get exceedingly dangerous with all that weight on top. 

Yes, indeed, I know how irritating it can be with someone that won't pull their own weight  bear_angry   Makes you want to just leave them wallowing....  bear_whistle


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