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chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

They say that creative people tend to surround themselves with other creative people, even if it's not intentional artistic folks are drawn (no pun intended bear_original ) to each other.  Do you have creative family members or friends that amaze you with their work?  We hope to show others what we do as teddy bear artists,  how about we show each other what those around us are doing?  Show us your woodworkers, sculptors, painters, quilters, mixed media, etc!!  Post pics or links and give a little background for each!!

Here are mine:

This is my sister Helene's work.  She's an art teacher.  I really really want for her to illustrate a children's book that I'm constantly going back to. <...someday....>

My brother in law Dagan is an animator & married to Helene. He's probably worked on cartoons your kids are watching right now! bear_original  He's been featured in books on animation. Web site is under construction but still houses a few portfolio items.  BUT his doodles and work are always out on his blog.

My youngest sister, Cheryl, is just starting to student teach (art) & was a photography major.  Her site was designed along with her BFA Thesis (they had to create a site prior to graduating).

And just one more...this is a good friend of mine. Another art teacher! I've always wanted to take a jewlery course at the local community college.  One more thing to add to my list of "I want to try!!". Her stuff is really cool

I hope you'll share some of your pics and links for those artistic and crafty folks in your life!!


StarHawk2003 VallierBears
Posts: 270

Great topic Chrissi!

Well my partner is in a band. It's very hardcore/Electro. Very original and I am amazed watching them sitting at a computer and how quick they come up with a song and it sounds brilliant!

My second is a Jewelry artist. She is my brothers girlfriend and my bestfriend. She has had her work Featured in a gallery in london. On show in multiple other places and even made Jewelry for a footballer's (Soccer's) fiance. Also a skilled drawer.

My third would have to be other of my best friends. She is a fashion designer (Like myself) making wonderful clothes and very inspirational. She can pick up a piece of old tattered granns curtains and come out with the most amazing dress or pair of pants you've ever seen!

Chrissi, Your family seem to be very creative. I have a brother who is a fashion designer, But isn't much inspiration all the way in Canada lol The rest of my family couldn't draw a stick man lol

Very interesting topic...


Chowlea Bears Chowlea Bears
Posts: 602

Chrissi this artwork is beautiful.  :clap:

I'm always very envious of this type of talent - drawing a straight line with a ruler challenges me.  My Grandfather was a brilliant artist - watercolour, pencil and ink - I used to sit beside him for hours  and watch.  Thanks for the memory...................... bear_wub

samanthapotter Mary Myrtle Miniatures
Cheltenham, UK
Posts: 800

Great topic!
I am very lucky to be surrounded by very creative people.
My Mum has always made dolls, which are 1/12th scale (suitable for dollshouses), and I first helped her with her stall at fairs when I was about 6.  I have grown up helping her, and was able to start selling my bears on her stall when I was about 15.
My Dad has also recently joined in the hobby, and has been making some beautiful dollshouse furniture.
My aunt is also very creative, and aswell as some beautiful needlework projects, she is very talented at knitting.  She has knitted clothes for my Mum's dolls for many years, and has recently started knitting for my bears.
Here are a few pics of my Mum's dolls:



This pregnant lady is wearing a cardigan knitted by my aunt.

This lady is on my Mum's stall at a fair, and is playing a piano made by my Dad.

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862

I'm so envious of you guys. I don't know any artists or even crafters besides my online friends. Sure, many of my friends know how to knit or crochet, but they rarely do it nowadays and never at the level I am pursuing. My mother makes a bear or doll now and then, but she started after she retired and now has very bad eyesight. She is my greatest fan, but she doesn't understand my desire to learn more and challenge myself all the time. My father is handy with wood and electrical things, but not artistic. Same for my hubby. The closest is a male colleague, who is very handy and also does some nice things with wood, like pieces of branches to which he attaches a small glass as a candle holder.
At the natural history museum where I work there are a few illustrators, who do amazing water colors of animals and plants. That's as close as I get to other artists and that's why I love the online communities. You are all my friends and I admire all your skills.  bear_wub

sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

Wow there are some lovely creations here.

I do not have very many artists or crafters around me mum when she was alive was a wonderful knotter and sewer though and my children are all turning out to be very creative.

My son (15) paints tiny models and sells some of them....this one is 1 1/2 inches high (iI don't know how he see's them to paint!!)


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Richy ~ Jewelry and've got to post some pictures!! I'd love to be able to design fashionable items!  My mom has a very close friend who's daughter is a well known designer over here.  I only met her maybe once or twice as young kids but I still think it's so cool to see her stuff in magazines.

Sandra ~ That's a wonderful memory  bear_wub 

Samantha ~ WOW! I've seen the photos of show tables, but haven't had the chance to see your mom's dolls up close, they're gorgeous and so detailed! The piano is fantastic.  What a talented family and how great you're all able to work together!

Sabine ~ Your hub's got my beat with at least being handy bear_grin Mine doesn't do well with anything "creative", but is great with computers and numbers..he's a walking calculator which is great for me ''cause I stink with numbers. I admire your work very much bear_wub  Esp your avatar bear with hat and scarf bear_wub

Sarahjane ~ How does he get so detailed on such a tiny scale?!  He's gone lots of shading and shadowing going on there.  Lots of patience and attention to detail for such a young person.  Really cool stuff!

Keep the posts coming..the pictures and little stories are great!!


melissa Honeythorpe Bears
Wellington, New Zealand
Posts: 1,789

How interesting to see what people are surrounded with!

My sister is an illustrator and art teacher and lives in London  - half a world away from me, so these pieces below I haven't even seen yet.    All of this work is available for sale via her Etsy store and some of her prints are only $3 - I have to go shopping there myself!!

As I have no skill with a pencil or brush - I am so in awe of anyone who can draw or paint.

Little Jim is one of her pirate creations...well in this case a wannabe pirate.  The bear is her pop art take on a photo of one of my bears and as for the kitchen mousie - it's my favourite piece of all of hers. 


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Melissa I love your sisters work!  The mouse with all of the goodies is fantastic! My sis was (is) an illustrator before getting her Masters in teaching. I really envy (in a good way) all of that talent. I really have to work at drawing and painting and it's never close to this stuff..not even close! bear_grin


SunnieOne Sunnie Bears
Ridgecrest, CA
Posts: 1,167

I don't know anyone else who has artistic talent except for my older brother who passed away at the young age of 38. He was a BRILLIANT artist. He could draw/paint (oils, charcoal/ink/pastels, etc) almost anything. Had he lived, his art, I believe,  would have been recognized as some of the BEST of modern day artists. Luckily he did leave a few cherished pieces with family.
It is a shame to lose such a talent at such an early age from what is now a preventable disease. He died of aids 17 years ago.


bearlykidzbears Bearly Kidz Bears
Lodi, Ca.
Posts: 166

I could never draw anything, how ever my older sister could when she was young. I learned to sew from my aunt as my mom never learned bear_laugh . My daughter can't sew with a machine but makes and hand sews her  own patterns of manga charaters. She also draws and trades her manga people.

Acipenser Bine-Teddies
Posts: 862
chrissibrinkley wrote:

Sabine ~ Your hub's got my beat with at least being handy bear_grin Mine doesn't do well with anything "creative", but is great with computers and numbers..he's a walking calculator which is great for me ''cause I stink with numbers. I admire your work very much bear_wub  Esp your avatar bear with hat and scarf bear_wub

Oh Chrissie, thank you so much  :redface: That bear is Sammy, who now lives with Wendy in Oz, from the first TT swap.

My hubs is a walking calculator too, which I depend on very much  bear_tongue

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

What a nice thread  bear_original  My mum started the craft bug in our family...she began sewing at some crazy age and by the time she was 9 was making her mum dresses for the army dances.  No kidding!  she tells me that she remembers watching an aunt crotchet and wished she knew how.  she picked up books and learnt everything herself as no one wanted to teach her and her mum knew nothing about craft.
and we all followed her, my sisters and me...we have tried just about everything.  its in our blood...i don't think we could stop creating if we tried.  right now our professions are bear artist (me) photographer (big sis) and dancer (lil sis)  mum is still sewing costumes for her lol.

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

Sonya- Share pics of your brothers work if you are able.  It's such a sad thing to have lost such a young and talented man.  I'm sure you're right in that his work would have been recognized. :hug:

Sarah -Isn't it nice having a photographer around?! I would have been in serious trouble without my sister's brain to pick!  bear_grin  Share pics or links if you can.  (am I sounding like a broken record?? Sorry I LOVE pictures!!!  bear_grin  :crackup: )


Aleta - The Silly Bear The Silly Bear
Portland, Oregon
Posts: 3,119

What a positive and uplifting thread!!  Yay for you Chrissi!!  bear_original  bear_original

My mom is extremely talented, though she doesn't see it....or believe it.  She gave me the sewing bug.  She used to sew our clothes, bedroom ensembles, etc.  She doesn't sew much now....but....she certainly has an eye for fashion.  At 64 years of age she is "the" fashion plate of the family.  She can put together an outfit like you wouldn't believe.  She always looks like a million'd think she had a million bucks!!  I should be so lucky at her age.

My sister manages an art gallery.  She is a fantastic artist and seamstress and quilter.  However, financial constraints and children have put her artistic endeavors on the back burner.  I can relate.  It wasn't until my daughter was in high school that I felt I could spread my wings and really fly. 

My husband is a builder.  I have the vision and he has he talent for building and making my ideas become reality.  Together we make lovely homes together.  It's a sideline both of us enjoy immensely.   When we retire, remodeling homes will become our full time occupation.  That sounds weird, I know, but we like to be busy.  He'll go to the grave with a tape measure in his hand and I'll go with paint samples!

My best friend is a DIY'er and a quilter.  She's also tall, skinny, and beautiful.  Most women hate her because of it.  I think she's one of the coolest chicks on the planet and one of the most talented.

Then there are my children.  My daughter just started knitting...she's already past scarves and is making little teddy bear sweaters and is experimenting with felting.  My son draws incredible nudes.  Yes, I did say nudes.  He's incredibly gifted with pencil and paper.

That's my closest circle.  One that's been with me since birth, sisterhood, the third grade and almost 26 years of marriage.  I'm the only one with a website.

Warmest bear hugs,  :hug:

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

My house is full of crafty people...I mean that in the nicest way.  bear_grin  bear_grin  bear_grin
Well you all now I make bears but I also like to draw,paint, knit, crochet, embroidery of all kinds and as you know I dabble with pictures in Photoshop. I have done many crafts in my lifetime. My daughter Eve is a wiz at woodwork, she does all the household maintainance, she also knits and sews. My daughter Sarah is a published author, writing poetry and stories, which she is very good at, she paints pictures of bears on T-Shirts which I sell at shows she can also make a gourmet meal out of next to nothing. My youngest son is a great artist and animator. He won an award for one of his animations in which I was drawn as a fairy godmother. (one big fairy!) My husband made lots of our furniture and my special boy is a wiz at snooker.

Hugs Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_flower  bear_thumb

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Well, my immediate family is totally talented in the arts, but not in the sense of working with the hands.  My husband is a much published poet and has two books of his work on sale to the public.  Both of my daughters are accomplished musicians/dancers and one is a free-lance music director for community theaters all over the Dallas area.  The other is in the process of getting a doctorate in early music.  My grandmother was an impeccable seamstress for a large department store - making drapes and curtains.  Our good friends - one is a composer who has written musicals for the college where he teaches and his ex-wife is a very talented painter (who also teaches art at the same college).  I'm extremely proud of all of them.  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub  bear_wub

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

This is a great thread Chrissi! My mother's side of the family is full of artists of all kinds, illustrators, cake decorators, painter, photographers, stained glass artists, musicians etc. And many of them married artistic people as well. (Not me--my hubby says he can't draw a straight line with a ruler!! But he is a Master in the martial art Tae Kwon Do!) My mother used to paint in oils and draw when we were kids. Now she enjoys digital design. My younger brother, Aaron, is an oil painter. I do have some pictures of his work.



SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

WOW - totally awesome, Tami!

Chico, California
Posts: 9,939

Shelli Retired Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I'm loving "meeting" all these talented relatives and seeing their accomplished works!

My Mom used to sew my clothes and painted rocks and did decoupage and all kinds of crafty things in my youth but sadly she's abandoned that now.  She was knitting up a storm for a while but arthritis really stopped her in her tracks.  If not for that cursed condition I'm sure she'd still be putting out beautiful trinkets of all kinds.

My dad, Gary Goth, is a talented whittler and painter, and he's done all kinds of home improvements over the years to my childhood residence.  He took up painting in his retirement and improves with every canvas he finishes!  I made an entire website in tribute to him for his Christmas present this year and it contains a large gallery of his work, but it's private for family members only so I'll just post a few of his paintings here.  Many of his works are autobiographical and depict scenes from his youth or illustrate dreams and adventures he holds dear.  The last one's a self portrait.  My dad has a sense of humor; it's entitled TIRED TOURIST!  Enjoy!


My sons are also both amazing artists and can draw the most amazing things.  Toby is kinda a Geiger-type, bio-mechanical, mechanical drawing wonder, and Noah tends more toward anime and adventure/comic style drawing.  If I posted any of their work they'd disown me so you'll just have to take my word for it!

chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

These are all FANTASTIC!! 

Aleta- a builder and a designer!! When I win the powerball (which will happen soon!!) will you fly out to PA and create the cottage of my dreams? bear_wub  It could be your east coast showcase home  bear_original   
Your mom sounds lovely.

Jane - You've got an entire household of creative souls!! I've just started to dabble in woodwork, nothing at all fantastic, but I do like the functionality of it all. 

SueAnn- You should be proud you've got some amazingly talented people in your life!  I envy (in the best way) anyone who can master music and as well. 

Tami- Aaron's work is awesome, just awesome. I love his style. (my hubs not the creative type either...but like I said earlier my human calculator bear_grin )

Shelli- Your Dad's a very very talented man. What a gift! And how cool that you created an online site/gallery to showcase his work!

These are all just wonderful...I'm so glad that you all shared!!  I'm sure there are more posts to come!


Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Shelli, I love your Dad's paintings! Wish your boys would let you show us their work!
Chrissi, thanks again for starting this cool topic. It's fun to say "Hey, check this out!" and "Yeah, the artist is my brother."

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,868

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Yes, Shelli, your dad's work is wonderful . . . and he is a very handsome guy!  I believe you resemble him a lot.  This is a great thread!

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Past Time Bears - Artist bears designed and handcrafted by Sue Ann Holcomb