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Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

I attended the sneak preview of "The Last Mimzy" last night and was pleasantly surprised!
It was better than I expected!

The movie was a combination of sci-fi, family and drama. The plot had a lot thrown into it... more than it should have I think as some scenes were not up to par. But the story line was good and the kids did a fantastic job. Emma (Rhiannon Wrynn) who finds Mimzy, was just adorable! There were some good one liners in it, a few surprises and a few oddities. A lot of it would surpass a child's understanding and was geared towards adults but the toys... the kids in the theater just loved the toys and could really identify with what the movie kids were going through at school as well.

It was interesting to see Mimzy on the big screen and watch as she 'aged' through the movie. They did not animate her as had been discussed but did make her 'talk' and she smiled once. Most of the movie scenes that involved Mimzy with people were all shot using the first bunny I sent them. The other 5 which they wanted for special effects, etc. were used for those scenes after the live shooting. The entire movie was shot in the greater Vancouver, Canada area. The scenes at the FBI head quarters were indeed shot at some sort of a military base... I've forgotten where exactly. Just thought I'd share a little insider info with you!

I definitely want to see it again!!! In the theater at that!

On a personal note.... my dear and proud mother brought the Mimzy that I made her to the movies with us and after the show many people just kept staring but one couple came right up, all excited. The man, who as it turns out is a children's book author, wanted his picture taken with Mimzy and me and asked lots of questions. I was so flattered and have to admit I enjoyed the attention. Likely because I was feeling bummed that I didn't get a credit line. I knew I wouldn't but as we sat there watching the credits and seeing some of the people who actually DID get credit (and privately hoping to see my name!), I decided there was absolutely no reason for them not to add one more line for me.... right above the Lead Metal Fabricator..... what the heck does he do??? If I ever have an opportunity like this again I'll be sure that a credit line is part of the contract! Live and learn!

There will be sneak previews of The Last Mimzy again on Sunday, March 18th in select threaters and then it will be released at all theaters on March 23rd. For US & Canada residents: I found this site to be very helpful in locating a theater and show time:

So, I give it  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

Mutz Mutz's Tootsz Bears & Buds
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Posts: 397

How exciting. I think I would have a sweat shirt made that said "I created Mimzy" & worn it to the preview, and for that matter to the mall, grocery store, & anywhere else I went for weeks & weeks.

I am sooooooo happy for you!

Marlys Waggle Bears
So Cal Desert
Posts: 4,089

Good for your mother! How cute that she took her Mimzy to the theater with you. I agree that you should have been given a credit line in the movie; after all, Mimzy was the star. Did you give your contact info to the main who writes children's books? Who knows? He could contact you about a collaboration on a children's book. Congratulations for sure!

Now all you have to do is make a Mimzy for everyone on this forum and we'll all promise to take her with us to see the movie and pass out your business cards. :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

PaintsNMinis Sidhe Bears
Vienna, NJ
Posts: 41

COOL!  You got to see Mimzy in action!!!  Now, what **I** would do   bear_innocent  is go to and go to FAQ, (or if they have the Trivia part open!) and add the fact that YOU Created MIMZY!   bear_original   And maybe add your website bear_original

Congratulations!  Glad you got **SOME** recognition bear_original

(I keep forgetting to come back here!  Been soooo busy lately, but I've been tracking Mimzy bear_original )

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Amy--- great idea--- if only I was so bold! Mom would wear one though!  :crackup:

Robyn---I'd love to post on that site but for 'authentication' they want my credit card number before they'll let me post. Says they won't charge it but it sounds a bit rediculous. I'll just have to hope someone else knows who I am posts about me!  bear_original

Tynnateddy sault ste marie
Posts: 78

Way to go Daphne !!!!!! This past Thursday night I was dead asleep on the couch as I having been fighting a severe cold and seeing as I have just moved fighting an unending mass of boxes and furniture !!!! ugh, when my hubby woke me up and startled the bejesus out of me and said there,s that going what rabbit he said you know the one the girl on TT made for that movie....I bolted straight up and was shocked to see the advertisement for it and even more shocked that my hubby all this time had listened to me about Mimzy !!!!!! LOL
Teddy Hugs or Bunny Hugs
Tynna :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Tynna - what a guy!  :hug:  Hope you are feeling better... boxes can wait!

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Oh I am so proud of you Daphne.  I wonder why they didn't put your name on the credits.  I mean, Mimzy is what the movie is based around. Odd.

You should be so proud as well - I bet your Mum is glowing at the moment.

Fingers crossed they'll make a second movie, then you can double the fee this time!!!!
They have the rights for Mimzy right? You can't go and make 100 Mimzy's can you? 

thumperantiques Newcastle, Ontario
Posts: 5,644

Hi Daphne,
     I'm so glad you got a chance to see the movie and it lived up to your expectations.  I would love to have seen your mom with her Mimzy - did you get a picture.  I'm sure we'd all like to see that!  I agree - you should have got screen credit for making Mimzy.  It's probably the only thing in the move that was actually "hand-made"!  It's actually in a theatre near me - now if I can rid of my strep throat, sinus infection and eye infection, I might even get out to see it!  Maybe I should trade our little "germball" grandson in for another cat LOL!



denisepurrington Out Of The Forest Bears
Posts: 1,395

How exciting Daphne.  Your Mom sounds so cute.
I agree with Robyn. Try this site. I just love it & they do have a forum tab.
I also agree that it would be really fun to see the picture of you with your Mom's Mimzy. Did the author talk to you about a possible future book?
Have fun.
Big Hugs,
Denise  bear_grin

doodlebears Doodlebears
Posts: 7,414

doodlebears Celebration Ambassador

Hi Daphne, how great to see your beautiful bunny up there on the big screen, fantastic. Well done your Mum too! Last night the ad for the film aired here in the UK on TV. I made all my family watch, they thought I was cuckoo when I shouted out at the ad.

Hugs Jane.  bear_thumb  bear_thumb   Congratulations  bear_thumb  bear_thumb

rufnut Rufnut Teddy's
Victoria Australia
Posts: 2,725

Proud of you Daphne.  :hug:

lapousmor Sophie Z'Ours
Sarthe, France
Posts: 2,770

Daphne, you're a Star!

By the way, i am frantically waiting for The Last Mimzy to arrive in France ( well i hope it will).
When it arrives, i will do my best to have people know that YOU made Mimzy...  bear_cool that i am glad to know you, eventhough it is still through internet and not yet in person (someday we will, i am sure about it).

Way to go, Daphne...
This rabbit drove you nut, but that was not for nothing.

Beary hugs,

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Melanie - The best part was that my Dad has lived to see the movie.... a miracle in itself. He was in so much pain when we went to see it, he could barely sit through it but he insisted upon seeing it WITH his daughter AT the theater BEFORE everyone else! I was so worried about him I had a hard time paying attention to the movie at times! being Daddy's Girl is bittersweet sometimes! But it would have been awful w/o him!

Jane - seems you are in good company - the TTers get so excited to see the preview and their families just roll their eyes, not understanding!  bear_wacko i'm thrilled to hear it's in the UK!!!!

Sophie - It'll get to France, I just know it! :dance:

Danni - I am NOT NOT NOT making 100 of those silly bunnies, even if I could. And you are right, they hold the copyright so I can't. Thank God for THAT! :doh:

Denise - I will check out that website. Thanks. bear_flower

Marly - I did indeed exchange business cards with the children's writer. Perhaps I'll hear from him some day! :pray:

Sorry, no picture of Mom and Mimzy. But I'll take one next time I see them! :photo:

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

I went to see the movie on the 10th too and LOVED it!!!!!!

Hubby and 18 year old daughter went with... and we ALL loved it!  And let me tell ya... hubby is hard to impress with movies!

While in line to get inside.... I embarrassed my hubby by telling everyone around me that I know the person who actually MADE the Mimzy for the movie!  I passed out my card too... with Daphne's web address on the back.. to a couple of people who may want to order the Tonner Mimzy bunny from her.  MINE is already on order!!!   bear_grin

One of those people I talked to in line was a 10 year old boy.  His mom told me that he collects bunnies (and thought he was a little old for that now).  But I bent down to him and told him that I know some grown men who still collect teddy bears and bunnies.  Boy you should have seen the big smile on HIS face when I told him that... and when he said "SEE Mom!!"

There were a couple of parts of the movie where I got a little lost.. but only for a short time... and I got it bear_original 

Daphne is right... the girl who played Emma was adorable and incredible!!  I don't  think the movie would have been the same without her.  I wanted to take EMMA home with me bear_original   

I'll be in line to see the movie again on the 23rd (and guys... I don't usually GO to the movies... I always wait till it comes to DVD to play it on my 50" plasma screen with surround sound!)  And naturally I'll be buying the DVD the DAY it comes out!

KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

The reason you didn't get credit in the movie and probably why your name is not even mentioned along with the movie is because they are being very careful so as not to be sued for royalties. They are going to make a fortune off the spin-off toys and products. I worked for many years as a freelance designer for toy companies and they are always asking designers to sign away any rights to their designs. I don't necessarily think this is bad, I just would like artists to realize what they're signing away and have them receive fair compensation for their work. That doesn't always happen with artists who are new to the freelance design field. I would always quote, in writing, the cost of a prototype with an hourly fee for any changes. Most of the time I made more from the changes then I did from the original prototype. In large companies many people want to say they had a hand in the design and get some credit, hence, many changes. Most of the changes were dropped by the end of the design process but I got my fair payment for my time. And I guess I did alright, I still get calls all the time from large toy companies with design jobs. The work can pay well but you have to have nerves of steel and the patience of a Saint  bear_wacko
DAPHNE, you must have both  bear_flower

SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 21,754

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

Well, pooh, I couldn't make it to the preview, but I'm surely gonna see it when it hits all the theaters.  Hooray for Daphne and Mimzy - gotta love it!

Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Oh so very cool Daphne.  Now I am really pumped to see the movie.  I bet I'll be more focused on the bunny than the actual story itself  bear_tongue   Gotta love your mum for taking her Mimzy, that is so sweet.  I'm sure your parents are incredibly proud.  How wonderful that your dad got to be there with you too.   Fingers crossed that something will come of the author contact too.   bear_thumb

MKinsey/TBF Teddy Bear and Friends
Lancaster PA
Posts: 390

MKinsey/TBF Editor of Teddy Bear and Friends

Daphne -- All the kids around here are eager to see the movie, and I've told every one of 'em that I know the artist who made Mimzy -- so the under 14 crowd in Lancaster PA is well aware of your accomplishment, even if the general public isn't!  bear_grin


Kathleen Pa
Posts: 626

I can't wait to see the movie too, even my hubby wants to go.  He is very impressed.  I'm telling all my friends I know the Mimzy maker too! lol


Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

:hug:  :hug:  :hug: Who needs a credit line when I have you guys!!!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

The 'general public' wouldn't have any appreciation for what went into making Mimzy anyway!

Karen, I did sign my life away and I'm OK with that as I had NOTHING to do with the design process. The only reason I'd like to have gotten a credit line is because it might be fun (am I kidding!?!?!) to do this again some day but no one in the movie business looking for an artist like me is going to know I exist if my name isn't attached to my 'work' somehow. Ya know?? That's all I really care about. But then, on the flip side, as we all know, I've hated the look of this bunny and don't want people to think this is typical of my work. So perhaps it's better NOT having my name attached? bear_wacko

The people that matter most know and I'm happy about that.

And Teddy Bear & Friends has mentioned the movie and my connection in their e-newsletter that went out last week (Thanks again, Mindy!!!), the local newspaper is printing an editorial about me, I'm doing a meet and greet and selling the Tonner bunnies at my show in April and Bear Artists Online will be including my work for Mimzy in an upcoming profile.
So what the heck am I complaining about!  :crackup:

makafelts Charlotte Des Roches Designs
Adkins, Texas
Posts: 1,543

Ohhh I can't wait to see the movie!!! Now I am even seeing Mimzy sponsered stuff on the web...Mimzy is gonna be BIG!!!!

Hugs &

Daphne Back Road Bears
Laconia, NH USA
Posts: 6,568

Below is the latest addition to the Tonner Doll series.
The Mimzy on the left, made of plush felt, is the one I made for Tonner as a prototype. The one on the right is made of chenille, the third in their line of Mimzy dolls and will be sold for approx. $25US. The other Mimzy doll they are making will be made of Mohair... this is the one I'm selling on my website. The chenille Mimzy will soon be available on my website too. I haven't seen a Mohair version yet. It will be interesting to see. I'd wanted to make Mimzy of mohair but the production staff for the movie didn't like that idea!


What do you think of the chenille bunny?

Lastly (for the moment)... if any of you lives near NYC and wants to meet the stars from the movie, Robert Tonner and see the unveiling of the Mimzy bunnies and Emma doll check this out:
Wish I lived closer!! I'd LOVE to meet Emma... to heck with the dolls.

But now look at all the attention Robert Tonner gets yet who is the one who designed Mimzy in 3D so there could BE a movie and GAVE Tonner the prototype, pattern and guidance on her production????? bear_angry

shantell Apple Dumpling Designs
Willamette Valley Oregon
Posts: 3,128

I'm not crazy about the chenille Mimzy.  I personally prefer the one YOU made but perhaps I'm just being biased.   bear_grin   I didn't know they would be making a mohair Mimzy.

Laura Lynn Teddy Bear Academy
Nicholasville, KY
Posts: 3,653

Laura Lynn Banner Sponsor

Nope... don't like the chenille one either.... and grrrrrrrrr..... I think I'll be emailing a friend of mine who happens to frequent doll boards... and collects Tonner.... to let her know (and ask her to POST) about the fact that YOU created & drafted the pattern for the 3-D Mimzy bunny from the drawing... and that you GAVE Tonner this pattern so that he could have the bunny manufactured for him.

Hmmmm... think I'll be emailing the Tonner company to ask if they will also have the person who made the original Mimzy and the pattern at the signing......  :twisted:

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