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burlisonbears Burlison Bears
Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 1,174

I'm feeling down and discouraged, and I can't understand what has happened. I used to sell every one of my bears. For one whole year I've had some not sell the first time around but then they would sell on the second try.

Well, my St. Pattie's set didn't sell first or second try. Now it's too close to St. Patrick's Day so I know I'll never be able to sell them.  bear_sad Poor little Paddy and Polly.
I originally priced them at $125 feeling that that was a good deal since my bears normally go for $65. Plus this is a set. You get 2 bears and a wagon and clover.
So they didn't sell. Then I relisted the whole set for $95, a whopping good deal in my opinion. They barely got any attention.  bear_cry Now the auction's over.

I think they're pretty cute and very well made but ebayers really didn't look at them very much.

This all started with my bear Hattie whom I had on auction a couple weeks ago. She didn't sell first or second time either.

Right now I have a little bear named Gertie in auction. She's the one with the hooded cloak. She will be ending in just 20 hours and so far no bids and not much attention from ebayers.

I just listed a black bear cub and I'm already worrying that I might not sell him either.

I list a new bear regularly every few it's not like I've been gone for a long time. So what has happened? Talk about a dry spell... Ugg.


Tammy Beckoning Bears
Nova Scotia
Posts: 3,739

Eliza, Ebay is just so unpredictable !! Drives us all crazy sometimes.  There is no easy answer, except that there is nothing wrong with your bears.  It all depends who is watching, what mood they are in at the time, what they ate for lunch, if they got enough sleep, if they are having a bad hair day  ..........I don't know , it baffles me.   I don't mean to make light of your situation, as I've been there and totally sympathize.  I just want you to know that there really isn't much you can do , but wait out the dry spell I guess.  There are so many bears to choose from on Ebay I don't know how anyone can pick .   :hug:

Just know that your work is beautiful and maybe give the Bid4Bears campaign a try in March ???

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

Eliza, I agree with Tammy. Ebay is a fickle thing! Don't give up on your bears! They are adorable!
You can keep trying or you could give Bid4Bears a try during the special campaign next month. (You could try now too, but we are expecting a lot of traffic during that campaign! bear_grin )

chris009av Real Deal Bears
Posts: 2,234

Eliza, don't be too discouraged, as Tami and Tammy  bear_grin  said Ebay is fickle. Ebay also has it's slow times, and I think this could be one of them.  What I love about your bears is that they are unique, keep up the wonderfull work you do and hang in there  bear_flower

sewing stars sewing stars
providence, rhode island
Posts: 219

i totally know how you feel. i put up my halloween bears last fall, and neither one sold, i was totally bummed, and didn't even attempt to list any holiday bears...i just did my usual other website stuff instead. but i love making the bears, and so now i am doing these bear shows in hopes that i can get back into the swing of things. i also have thought about trying out the bid 4 bears site. it seems awesome, but i haven't had time to...

Dilu Posts: 8,574

While I don't sell bears I live, here, with a bunch a bear makers and they


say the same thing-E-bay is a fickle mistress, and so is the economy.....

don't get discouraged...just pull back and reformat!  If a doll doesn't sell I yank her, put her on the shelf and when I have a free moment I make her new clothing and change her name.  Yup!  Change everything.

I even changed sex once.....shhhhh don't tell anyone that!  And put her/him back out on the market and everything was fine....

I think sometimes we have to wait for the right person to come along and have his or hear heart string tugged and realize that this is exactly the right bear or doll for them.

I know this is hard....boy do I, but don't give up and especially don't get discouraged....take the OPPORTUNITY to figure out if you need to alter or transform the little dickens and try something new.

best wishes, gollyhugs and best luck!


nimbleknot Cupcake Bears
Austin, Texas
Posts: 711

I had one that didn't sell. It had a Valentine theme. So I ditched the Valentine theme and added a little bear friend. I relisted it and it sold.

Maybe right now people might be thinking of their taxes? I DO know it has nothing to do with your bears because they are one of the cutest little things I have ever seen.

I think sometimes people don't want to mess with ebay. They see something they really want and they want it NOW. They don't want to get in a bidding war and miss the chance to get it because they have their heart set on it. I have done that before. I know of another felter that has some beautiful things on ebay (auction) and other things on etsy so customers have the chance to buy her stuff at a set price. I have watched her items go from a few bids several years ago and now her items are incredibly expensive and sought after with 20 bids in the first day of her auction.

teddylinks Teddy Links
Posts: 48

Speaking with my internet marketing hat on:

You could always open an ebay store and list the unsold bears there. Then in any new auctions you link to the items in your store too so you get more than one bite at the cherry. ie if they don't buy the item they clicked into the auction for, they see more of your work and may buy one of the other pieces which is in the store.

You also need to look at time of day you list the auction. For example if you are targetting the US market you would list the auction so it would end at a time that is good for people there, say 7 or 8 pm as people will nearly all be home from work then and that is peak use time for the net. If it ends between 9 and 5 pm it is likely to miss out the audience who have full time jobs without net access.

You can also look at listing things with a buy it now price so if the first bidder really wants it, they can choose to pay the asking price as opposed to bidding for it. Remember to include website details in your ebay profile and a newsletter sign up form. That way if you get people signing up to your newsletter you can send them the link to any new auctions you have. Repeat customers are great. :)

Just a few tips. :)

Warmest wishes.


burlisonbears Burlison Bears
Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 1,174

Thanks everyone.
Your support and advice make me feel better about this.
I didn't think I could resell Paddy and Polly due to the Irish St. Pattie's theme. But after seeing that some of you have taken away your themes and resold them in a different way gives me more hope. I guess I will take all the shamrocks out of the wagon and off of Paddy's suspender. Maybe add something different to the wagon.

Perhaps I will give that Bid4Bears a whirl. And maybe for my bear Hattie also. I will do that if I can find out more information about how it works. For example, how do I arrange payment with a customer? It's very simple on ebay. I only accept Paypal. And ebay lets me know how much a calculated shipping is for that item's weight and destination. Does Bid4Bears do any of that? How does it work and is it a safe site like ebay? I went to look at the website but it doesn't answer any of my questions. Could someone please clue me in on how Bid4Bears works and any difficulties you've had with it?

Also, on a happier note I just looked at my bear Gertie's auction in its last hours. She finally has a bid! Thank goodness! Hope the same thing can happen for my black bear cub. I was starting to doubt my bear designs.


matilda Matilda Huggington-beare
Posts: 5,551

I actually found bid4bears easier than ebay. The fact that its smaller helps. I can never find the artist bears on ebay.
Wendy :dance:

Delartful Bears Delartful Bears
Posts: 3,518

Ahhh eBay!!!  It is SO quiet at the moment - so don't stress.  You're only new at this - you have to keep that in mind.  I've been selling on there for years and still have the odd bear that doesn't sell.

Just build up your collector base, a mailing list, try to have a webpage, and try other places like Bear Pile.  Your bears are so unique that I think you need to keep putting them forward so people know & recognise you.

Soon you'll have your own little fan base which helps A LOT! I can only put one bear on eBay, because the rest of the time, I'm filling orders. I can't even make any for my webpage because I'm too busy

But, it takes time.

Jodi Moisan Storytime Bears
Posts: 1,122

Eliza, Your bears are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! do not get discouraged, yes I know easier said than done.
I have  love/hate relationship with ebay, it is really slow right now,  (except for a certain person that is shilling and copying others and who will remain nameless),  even Michelle Lambs prices have come down, which, OK I will admit it, I am the president of the Michelle Lamb fan club, I believe her to be a Bear Making God. 

So many artists that I think are just outstanding are having a tough time right now on ebay. I really believe the hidden bidder system is running off collectors.  I really hope Bid4bears just takes off and we leave ebay behind.  I know I have refused to spend one dime buying anything from ebay until they remove the hidden stuff, so maybe collectors feel the same way.

But Eliza keep plugging away, you have so much talent and your work is so great I have no doubt, one day in the near future you will start selling again.

Bear Hugs :hug:
Jodi Moisan

Danni I love your little saying:

I have PMS and ESP - I'm a b**ch who knows everything!! :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:  :crackup:

sarahjane Brisbane
Posts: 2,951

..I have missed out completely on the bid4bears thing. I have to look through the archives and see what that is all about.

Ellen I'm sure you haven't missed out completely...there is still time...I have posted the link here for you to look at, If you are interested just email Nancy.... … 45#p200745

Eliza...Ebay is notoriously unreliable...don't take it personally your bears are wonderful, they were selling and they will sell again, I'm sure that it's just a factor of people not having as much money in their pockets at the moment.  :hug:

puca bears puca bears
Posts: 1,934

I can't really comment on e-bay as I've never used it, but you'll be happy to know that Milo, who just arrived yesterday (as you knoow!) had a trip out yesterday evening to our local "barenfreund club" where he was MUCh admired - everyone agreed that he has that "special something"
big huggies
Maria bear_flower

WildThyme Wild Thyme Originals
Hudson, Ohio
Posts: 3,115

I know that I usually see either a big drop (or sometimes a big rise) in my auction prices at this time of the year..... many of us (in the USA) are either getting ready to write out a nice fat check to the government, or better yet receiving a nice big fat from the government.  April 15 is tax day.  I never know what to expect this time of year.  bear_wacko

I'd certainly consider giving Bid4Bears a whirl in a couple of weeks.  I'll have some available there as well.

Kim Basta

Jellybelly Bears Jellybelly Bears
Posts: 4,066

Eliza, sorry you are discouraged  :hug:  I don't sell on ebay, but, I'll repeat whats already been said, a website and most importantly a mailing list.  That way people who have bought your bears will know when you auction another.  The only other thing I think is important is to not panic and reduce your prices too want to keep your price standard up.
I'm doing the B4B campaign in April and signed up and it really looks much more user friendly than ebay, plus prettier  bear_happy   Hope it works out for you if you give it a try  bear_thumb

Ellen, so glad you will be in on the B4B fun...It's sorta got a show on the web sort of feel...I think anyway bear_rolleyes

Jane D. Teddies to Treasure
Midland, Ontario
Posts: 201

Eliza don't be discouraged.I really feel that more and more people not using e Bay.I have heard too many stories of hijacking sites,scams,fraud etc. and I think people are nervous.Your bears are wonderful!Hopefully you can find another venue.Chin up! Sincerely Jane D.

Tami E Tami Eveslage Original Teddy Bears
Milford Ohio
Posts: 2,367

It's sorta got a show on the web sort of feel...I think anyway

Sarah I thought it felt kind of like an on the web show too! Since I can't do a show anytime soon, I've been thinking of this as my show!

KJ Lyons KJ Lyons Design
Seattle, WA
Posts: 1,413

I've been watching some of my favorite artists on ebay and before they stopped listing bidders, I watched who bid just to see the patterns. I was really surprised! There wasn't actually a pattern. Each artist at the end of their auction had, maybe, 3-4 bidders vying for their piece. And the biggest surprise was that each of these artists had a different 3-4 bidders! I had always assumed that collectors would spread their bids for the best chance of winning. I now know that's pretty naive. Collectors follow certain artists. The problem with this is that if several of these collectors stop buying and you are not able to catch the eye of new collectors I imagine you would see a quick drop in sales, at least that is what would happen in my case  bear_ermm  I'm going on that assumption. As what has been said here,  it's a good idea to try different ways of reaching new collectors.
Good Luck! to us all....
KJ Lyons Design

K Pawz Guest

OH Eliza it is not your wonderful bears!!! It is eBay!!! My Sheepdog puppy ends today and I am kicking myself for not putting a reserve on him, but that is the way the cookie crumbles with eBay! Don't take it to heart! I see some pretty amazing things happen daily, and not the good kind, more the kind, how on earth did that go for that, but then I have to remember that everyone sees things differently and for some reason "THAT" is the thing that does it for collectors...keep going, and don't put your prices down too low, once people see what you want for them and aren't willing to budge they will pay it, it may take time but you will get there!

As for Bid4Bears, it is a very safe and secure auction site, run by a police officer and bear artist Nancy Tillberg here in Canada, she has anti sniping in place and since it is just an bear and friends site it is much easier to keep track of shilling and scamming....You can set your payment information up the same way, directly to Pay Pal, but I am unsure about a shipping calculator just yet, but it may be in the works....I haven't signed up for the campaign but I do plan to show my support durning the time and list a few and of course inform my mailing list!


K Pawz Guest

NO Ellen!!! We love your penguins and raccoons, so don't stop, but maybe you could possibly add a few bears like realistic Panda's and Polars???????? Panda's and Polars are hot sellers and I am sure you would add to your mailing list of new contacts as well!!! When I win the lottery I will be adding one of your critters, I see them on eBay and then go and check my visa limit :crackup:

AS for B4B's no you can't use your template, but Nancy has it set up with a few options, you could use your text and add background color and the picture format is really easy too, they look very proffessional, not like some of the ready to use eBay templates.


chrissibrinkley Posts: 1,836

I think the same thing about bid4bears Tami and's a specialized (showcase) selling place for collectible/artisan bears....not electronics, used shoes, antique blenders, or celebrity hair clippings!!  bear_grin 

I love my eBay buying. Selling has it's ups and downs...technically speaking for me.  But eBay, for me, has always been visualized as a big yard sale where some items (like the arts) are thrown in with everything else that's out on the lawn. Passers by and early risers are looking for a deal or a steal at a yard sale.  Yes, there are "collectors" out there who value the materials, work and artistry.  But foot traffic on eBay is mainly driven by good deals or grabbing the next "big thing collectible"..even if the big thing is a particular bear artist.  People today think everything is going to be the next beanie baby or x box300, where they in turn can re-sell an item for 3-4 times what they paid and take a vacation with the profit! 
Ebay's a good thing and a not so good thing all at the same time.  Artists price their items and if they don't sell they drop their prices right away to make a sale.  What retail shop does this?  What shop would put an item out on a self and if it didn't sell in 7 days discount it or put it to the clearance rack??  None, they'd go belly up within a year.  It stinks if a listed item doesn't sell right away, but maybe hold it back for a little while...list it on a website.  Send photos to magazines so collectors will see that item and then look for it on your site or at auction.  Having an eBay collector base is a great start bear_thumb , but branch out now to magazines, webzines, and other areas to keep that collector base fresh and growing. Bring new eyes to your lovely little ones!! bear_thumb

I hate to see and hear artists putting so much into ebay.  Instead invest emotionally in your work and promoting it to everyone and every outlet you can.  Use Ebay, but don't depend on it or invest your emotions into it to the point that you're questioning your work if items don't sell.  Every market in business has ups and downs.  Shows now are the hot topic for needing revival.  At some point those same discussions will be about eBay (it's inevitable)....something else will replace it and you/we/I will need to have some eggs in other baskets to sell successfully. 

Eliza, your bears are beyond adorable.  There are at least 3 shops in my 30 minute driving radius here at home that would carry them in a snap. That's just off the top of my head.

Look at the links for the bid4bears campaign! Even if you're not in the committed groups you can still list.  And keeping listings going after the campaign is key....the campaign is a building block for all of us to have a successful, safe, bear site....geared towards us and specifically what we sell and what our collectors want.  That's how I see it anyhow bear_grin     (I talk to much bear_grin )


burlisonbears Burlison Bears
Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 1,174

Wow. So much information here! You guys have convinced me...I need to find a new way to sell than just relying on ebay. I think I'm really going to give that Bid4Bears campaign a try...if it's not too late.

I think one of the problems I'm having with ebay is that I have a few loyal customers when it comes to my traditional style pattern...but basically no fan base when it comes to my new whimsical style pattern (whimsical style being what you see in my avatar....and black bear cub being my traditional style). I think my whimsical style is very cute and original...but so far not really seems strange to me cause I would think something more original than my traditional style would be more sought after. So I'm definitely going to have to go back to making more traditional style bears just to make an income and keep my few loyal fans happy. And I will have to find a way to promote my new whimsical style bears. Perhaps with Bid4Bears and sending photos to magazines.

I just got an email response from Kathy Martin of Teddy Bear Scene saying she would post pictures of my bears in the What's New section, but only if I email her high resolution photos. Um, I thought the photos I sent were very good and clear. Um, I actually don't know what "high resolution" means. Could someone clue me in? Sorry, I'm a dummy when it comes to technical jargon and computer technology! Please help.


SueAnn Past Time Bears
Double Oak, Texas
Posts: 22,024

SueAnn Help Advisor, Banner Sponsor

I usually send in photos that have a resolution of 300dpi and are about 4 X 6 inches in size, if that helps any.

tinybear-dk TinyBear
Posts: 1,427

Eliza, I agree with what the others had said.
And your bears are wonderfull - don´t give up. :hug:  :hug:

Try Bid4Bears. - I will give it a try  :dance:
I havent signed up becouse I don´t know if I can list that many bears
but I will list when the campain starts.

:hug:  :hug:

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