For artists and collectors sponsored by Intercal...your mohair supplier and Johnna's Mohair Store
I've been thinking about adding a new challenge and think I've come up with some thing.
The challenge
(the film with David Bowie in)
There are so many unusual characters with in the walls of the Labyrinth and we only got to see a few in the film.
What I'd like to put forward to you all is to design your own character be it a monster, fairy, bug,elf..... what ever you think would live within the goblin kings realm let your imagination flow
A reminder of what the story and other inhabitance look like
1, dead line is July the 1st
2, you may use any Fabric you like
3, please do not enter critters you have already made
4,you may make any type of critter you like
5,do not make any direct copy's of the well know charactors
good luck everyone
huggles Vicky xxx
"Through Dangers Untold
and Hardships unnumbered
I have fought my way here to the Castle
Beyond the goblin City
To take back the Child you have Stolen
For my will is as strong as yours
And my Kingdom as Great........
Damn! I can Never Remember that line!
You Have No Power over Me "
Quote from Sarah
exelent :dance: :dance: yes yes yes :clap: :clap: that movie...i'll have to see what i can do
Ooh, I'm in too!!! This movie is one of my absolute favourites!! :dance:
Fantastic challenge Sarah! :clap:
I agree with Natasha! Yes, Yes, YES! Labryinth!!!!
Can we make similar Characters, Or are we to make out own, Interpretations of what would live there??
Oh, Also, Is it bear only or Cloth dolls included.
Don't just make life difficult lol!
hehe make a critter be it a bear a doll what every your mind comes up with to live in the Labyrinth you can make what ever you like as long as its not a direct copy of one of the guys already in the film just have fun. We have allot of talented artist here I'm looking forward to seeing what you all do
i wanna play
is there a deadline?
lovely film - in fact i would like to see it again !
cat xxx
Alright.... this is just WEIRD!! I just came from looking at The World of Froud website ( and clicked on this challenge!!
For anyone who doesn't know about the Frouds... from the website: "Wendy Froud worked as sculptor and puppet builder for Jim Henson for many years, primarily on the films THE DARK CRYSTAL, LABYRINTH and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. She sculpted "Jen" and "Kira" for THE DARK CRYSTAL and "Yoda" for THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK."
Very cool site. Check it out for inspiration!
Must be an omen that I must join in this challange.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Oh what fun!!! I love that movie!!! I have it on tape & Needle Felted OK?
Hugs &
yep Charlotte needle felting is fine ^.^ any fabric...material is fine
Huggles vicky
ah thanks for the deadline vicky - you didnt say you had edited that but i just saw it, and a bump for this fun challenge too !
its a good ideas making movie things following in daphnes footsteps ! (mimsy)
cat xxxx
I am also a big fan of Brian Froud Ann. I have several of his books.
I used the pages from the squashed fairy calender as shelf liners in the linen cupboard.
I'll be in it. I have something I have been working on and off for sometime. It will give me incentive to finish it.
I'll be in it. I have something I have been working on and off for sometime. It will give me incentive to finish it.
Wendy :thumbsup:
oh wendy you tease - what is it ?? hhhmpph
gosh its all your fault dragging me here lol
now i cant sleep for having exciting ideas !
cat xxxx
I used the pages from the squashed fairy calender as shelf liners in the linen cupboard. :lol:
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: that's great!!
I've got all sorts of ideas whirling around in my head! I'm glad there's plenty of time.
I am also a big fan of Brian Froud Ann. I have several of his books.
I used the pages from the squashed fairy calender as shelf liners in the linen cupboard.![]()
I'll be in it. I have something I have been working on and off for sometime. It will give me incentive to finish it.
Wendy :thumbsup:
I'm a big fan of Brian and Wendy Froud, Brian is my idol his drawing and painting is amazing wish I was as good as he is, he gets such great affects just with the paint O.o Wendy's puppets are so good there's a book out with some of her work in I'm thinking about getting it i already have allot of Brian Froud's books I love the Good Faeries Bad Faeries book each time I go though the book I find some thing new that I did not notice
also love my old Profs work his was amazing at drawing and painting to … images.htm
don't think that's his main site but having problems finding it
Hi everyone,
I would love to part of this challenge, but I am afraid to comment because things change so quickly and I sometimes can't get it done. But, I so want to do this one - :dance: :dance: it is right up my alley.
dido Wendy, I have talked - (emailed) Brian and Wendy Froud- they are the nicest people. They are really big in the doll world, as you all know.
So, July 1st ---hmmmmm ? can I get it done? I have one I have been waiting to have an excuse to make.
Did not think she would be one the collectors would go for. LOL
well, ...... ???
hugs kassie
I'd say just give it a try if this gets your imagination going go with it
Whats up with this challenge??? I see no place to put our pictures...mine has been done for some time...just waiting...and wandering thru the labyrinth...
Hugs &
What's it like in there Charlotte?
oh post your pic in here charlotte
me want to see !!!!
*bounce bounce !
cat xxx
:crackup: :crackup: it is!!! :crackup: :crackup: This little kritter is pretty silly, but was a lot of fun to make. It is 3 1/4 inches tall & 6 inches including hair. It's been great fun in the labryinth.
Hugs &
Oh Charlotte!! I LOVE him! I've got my sketches (in my head) of my critter... I'll be wandering in the labryinth in the next few days. Your feller is a great welcome-wagon to the madness!
oh dear ive stopped giggling long enough to reply.........
he is soo cool, even tho hes standing still, it looks as tho hes strutting his stuff.
does this new species have a name?
Truely bizarre Charlotte. !!! :dance: :dance: I better pull my finger out aye? and get somethingdone, MMmm???
Well, his name came to me in the dark hours before daylight...and then I couldn't see to write it down...and I just asked my Hubby...what is his name...he said "Pherd"...I think, considering how many times I have made him watch Labyrinth with me...that is a perfect name... he lives in David Bowies hair...cause that's the only place there is any room...surely not in those leggings..don't ya think?? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Hugs &
LOL LOL :crackup: living in bowies hair !!!!
he has great feet, and well done for being the first to get something done ...
cat xxx